2019-07-17 Budget WS_Strategic Planning Projects\1111age Cie*
JUL 17 2010
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Projects Receiving 5 Vohs
New Country Club construction/landscaping
Swimming pool improvements
Re -write code to be more business friendly but in compliance with the Master Plan. Expected
completion end of FY 2019.
P&R -Pool & Tennis Management needs attention. Tennis and pool review and determine best - -- -_• - -
structure and programs to maximize profitability and reduce costs.
R '
ewew/revisw update Residential Zoning Codes .1
Review/update Code provisions for docks and seawalls ""'a Z.4—
_ Pepperwood Circle storm water repair
Priority: Sum of all Council Members Develop a Stormwater Master Plan including: f
votes in the Priorltizatlon Workshop -Fees and improvements... 2—o 2 -
Ranking: the Rank of all Council Ranxing ■ Pri
Members In the Interviews and first
Finalization of boat and RV ordinance
planning workshop
Trainnovations", Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 16 1 25
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Projects Receiving 4 Votes
US 1 Bridge Replacement Plan
Develop citizen outreach program (North Palm Beach University) for citizens to engage with village
Environmental - Need more Green/Sustainable Initiatives. Policy and plan need to be developed.
Aggressively pursue Annexation.
Code Compliance - Identify Process Improvements to be more effective. Need to be more proactive -
instead of reactive
Develop a plan for the establishment ofa Country Club R&R fund
Country Club -Insure viability of country club and restaurant Develop Strategic Plan that includes
�:�-. it sia
marketing, management, fees.
Priority: Sum of all Council Members votes in the Prioritization Workshop
Ranking: the Rank of all Council Members In the Interviews and first
planning workshop
Trainnovations9, Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 1 17 1 25
sRanking ■Pri 2,0
I 13 13
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Projects Receiving 2 or 3 Votes
Lighthouse Drive Bridge Replacement
Increase LPR (license plate recognition) deployment.
Redevelop twin city mall area according to master plan
East alley wall replacement
Financial - Rebuild reserves (to 50%) in next few years. Need to manage upcoming difficult...
CommunityCenter remodel—identified in the master plan
Process refinement (Work Innovations Program) ®®
P&R -Need PR Master Plan to include programs and facilities
Prosperity Farms Road/bridge improvements
More efficient financial software
Country Club - need to figure out how we pay for construction overages
Make Monet Bridge repairs
Commercial Business initiatives: Development of a Plan
Environmental -Need an impervious area plan to control water quality and runoff Regulatory item. �■
Priority: Sum of all Council Membersvotes in the Prioritization Workshop ' - '
Ranking: the Rank of all Council Members in the Interviews and first
planning workshop !,
Trainnovations", Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 18 1 25
2_i. 1?, 2-
L. G�
Ranking ■ Pri
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Projects,Receiving 0 ori Vote
Undergrounding/SG technologies/Natural Gas -could be a profit center. Provides hardening. Staff to.
Develop library outreach pilot project (May include purchase of library vehicle)"
Complete Anchorage Park Phase II Marina South
Burying Overhead Power Unes
Build more sidewalks, pathways and bike lanes as defined within the master plan
Initiate Charter Review Process including discussing changes to Council terms
Update Sign Code r -
Lakeside Park Trail Project - -
Environmental - Take opportunities to purchase more land forgmen space/public use. iiiiiiiiiiw
Village Marketing and Branding Program --- -- -
DevelopaNeighborhoodPlan "-"`--
Safe cities (Deploy Village owned fiber) - -
Earman River/Boardwalk -
Require all Sanitation Staff to obtain CDL licenses
Implement new inventory/scanningsoftware Munis forPW-should be completed by end of FY -
Public Works Policy and Procedure Manual - -
Develop CIP for Golf Course - -
Public Works Department APWA accreditation
Village Wide Bicycle Network Plan.Recreation Trail Connection and Lighting (e.g. Country Club Drive) - -
Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Improvements -
Village Wide Beautification Program -- - -
Event -Based Water Taxi Service
NPB/Palm Reach Gardens Coordination for Congress Avenue Industrial District - -
DevelopPlanforAlleylmprovements -
Marina Drive Streetscape Improvements
Develop a plan to increase availability of reasonable -cost housing
Lighthouse Drive Traffic Calming
Communication - More community surveys and focus groups to gather more data
Work with FPL to implement new LED street and pedestrian lighting and turnover maintenance to FPL
Implement USI Study Action Plan (CIP) -
I I i
Priority: Sum of ail Council Members votes in the Prioritization Workshop
Ranking: the Rank of all Council Members in the Interviews and first
planning workshop
s 7 0 11 t3 Is
; Ranking ■ Pri
Train novations", Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 19 1 25
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Projects for Fiscal Year
2019 (Oct.2018 — Sept.2019) —Current
Country Club
New Country Club
Beautification and Quality
10 5
of Life
Country Club
Swimming pool improvements
Waterways and Recreation
9.5 5
Code Rewrites
Re -write code to be more
Strong Local Economy
9.75 5
business friendly but in
compliance with the Master
Plan. Expected completion end
of FY 2019.
Code Rewrites
Review/update Code provisions
Waterways and Recreation
9.75 5
for docks and seawalls
Storm Water
Pepperwood Circle storm water
All Neighborhoods as
8.2 5
Desirable Places to Live
Increase LPR (license plate
All Neighborhoods as
6.6 3
recognition) deployment.
Desirable Places to Live
Storm Water
Develop a Stormwater Master
Financial Sustainability
9.5 5
Plan including:
-Fees and improvements
-Enterprise fund creation_
Parks Projects
East alley wall replacement
Beautification and Quality
7.4 3
of Life
Code Rewrites
Finalization of boat and RV
Beautification and Quality
10 5
of Life
Roadway Projects
Make Monet Bridge repairs
7.2 2
Commercial Business initiatives:
Not Started
Strong Local Economy
8.75 2
Development of a Plan
TrainnovationsO, Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 20 1 25
% -
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pwrb rL. I %rd.
T. M.
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Code Rewrites
Initiate Charter Review Process
Not Started
Organizational Excellence
including discussing changes to
Council terms
Master Plan:
Village Marketing and Branding
Not Started
Community Outreach
Roadway Projects
Implement USI Study Action
Plan (CIP)
Country Club
Develop CIP for Golf Course
Not Started
Financial Sustainability
Implement new
Organizational Excellence
inventory/scanning software
Munis for PW —should be
completed by end of FY
Develop a Neighborhood Plan
Not Started
All Neighborhoods as
Desirable Places to Live
Work with FPL to implement new
Financial Sustainability
LED street and pedestrian
lighting and turnover
maintenance to FPL
Require all Sanitation Staffto
Organizational Excellence
obtain CDL licenses
Public Works Department APWA
Not Started
Organizational Excellence
Master Plan:
Village Wide Beautification
Not Started
Beautification and Quality
of Life
Train novationsO, Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 21 1 25
3 6 1
0 3.4 0
0 6 0
0 8 0
0 7 0
0 8.8 0
0 7 0
0 5.4 0
0 3 0
0 6 0
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019 1
Projects for Fiscal Year
2020 (Oct.2019 - Sept.2020)
Department Project Category Project Description % Strategic Goal Priority Rank # of
Progress Votes
Community Code Rewrites Review/revise/update Residential Not All Neighborhoods as Desirable Places to 11 8.4 5
Development Zoning Codes Started Live
Special Projects Roadway Projects US 1 Bridge Replacement Plan 5 50% Beautification and Quality of Life 10 8.4 4
Country Club Country Club Develop a plan for the Not Financial Sustainability 6 7.4 4
Projects establishment of a Country Club Started
R&R fund
Information Technology More efficient financial software Not Organizational Excellence 4 7.5 2
Technology Started
Parks and Parks Projects P&R -Need PR Master Plan to Not Waterways and Recreation 4 9 2
Recreation include programs and facilities Started
Special Projects Roadway Projects Prosperity Farms Road/bridge 525% Beautification and Quality of Life 4 6.25 3
Village Manager's Organizational Process refinement (Work Not Organizational Excellence 4 6.8 2
Office Excellence Innovations Program) Started
Library Community Develop library outreach pilot Not Beautification and Quality of Life 3 3.6 1
Outreach project (May include purchase of Started
library vehicle)
Parks and Parks Projects Complete Anchorage Park Phase II Not Waterways and Recreation 3 6.6 1
Recreation Marina South Started
Public Works Master Plan: Build more sidewalks, pathways and Not Mobility 3 5.25 1
Projects bike lanes as defined within the Started
master plan
Legal Code Rewrites Update Sign Code Not Beautification and Quality of Life 2 6.2 1
Parks and Parks Projects Lakeside Park Trail Project Not Waterways and Recreation 2 5.4 1
Recreation Started
Public Works Organizational Public Works Policy and Procedure Not Organizational Excellence 0 3.5 0
Excellence Manual Started
Special Projects Roadway Projects Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Not Beautification and Quality of Life 0 5.5 0
Improvements Started
Trainnovations', Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 1 22 1 25
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019
Projects for Fiscal Years
2021 (Oct.2020 - Sept.2021) through/and Beyond Fiscal Year 2025
FY Department P2== Descriptan % Strategic Goal Priority Rank #Of
®Liyiyl�Jlif�li� Roadway Projects Develop Plan for Alley Improvements Not Started Mobility 0 6 '0
r Community Outreach Develop citizen outreach program (North Not Started Community Outreach 10 5.8 4
Palm Beach University) for citizens to
engage with village government
Master Plan: Village Wide Bicycle Network Plan. Not Started Mobility 0 5.4 0
.. Infrastructure Recreation Trail Connection and Lighting
(e.g. Country Club Drive)
Public Works Master Plan: Marina Drive Streetscape Improvements Not Started Beautification and 0 4.2 0
Infrastructure Quality of Life
Special Projects Master Plan: Program Event-Based Water Taxi Service Not Started Mobility 0 1.4 0
Special Roadway Projects Lighthouse Drive Bridge Replacement Not Started Mobility 8 8.2 3
W4ge� Master Plan: Burying Overhead Power Lines Not Started Beautification and 3 4.6 1
Infrastructure Quality of Life
Roadway Projects Lighthouse Drive Traffic Calming 5525% Beautification and 0 1.6 0
Development•Quality of Life
Master Plan: Projects Community Center remodel —identified Not Started Waterways and S 4.6 2
in the master plan Recreation
2024 Village Master Plan: Program NPB/Palm Beach Gardens Coordination Not Started Strong Local Economy 0 6.6 0
for Congress Avenue Industrial District
Village Master Plan: Earman River/Boardwalk Not Started Waterways and 0 4 0
Infrastructure Recreation
=� Technology Safe cities (Deploy Village owned fiber) Not Started Strong Local Economy 0 7 0
Trainnovations", Moving Organizations from Better to Brilliant, 2019 23 1 25
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic Plan Prioritization May 2019 11 C_*_J
Projects Not Yet Scheduled
1 96 " K of
roject Category Project Description Rank
Progress Votes
Couafi Fj Club Parks Projects P&R -Pool & Tennis Management Not Waterways and Recreation 11 7.8 5
needs attention. Tennis and pool Started
review and determine best
structure and programs to
maximize profitability and reduce
Community Quality of Life Environmental - Need more Not Beautification and Quality of Life 8 6 4
Development Green/Sustainable Initiatives. Started
Policy and plan need to be
HumanOrganizational HR Short staffed in Code, Not Organizational Excellence 8 8.2 5
Resources Excellence Bulding and VMO Started
VillageFinancial Aggressively pursue Annexation. Not Financial Sustainability 8 7.8 4
Manager's Office Started
Community Economic Redevelop twin city mall area Not Strong Local Economy 7 9.5 3
Development Initiatives according to master plan Started
Community Organizational Code Compliance- Identify <_25%
Development Excellence Process Improvements to be
more effective. Need to be more
_ proactive instead of reactive
Finance Financial Financial - Rebuild reserves (to Not
50%) in next few years. Need to Started
manage upcoming difficult
financial years.
euift►�r Country Club Country Club - Insure viability of Not
Projects country club and restaurant. Started
Develop Strategic Plan that
includes marketing,
management, fees.
Trainnovations', Moving Organizations from Betterto Brilliant, 2019
Beautification and Quality of Life 7 9.2 4
Financial Sustainability
Financial Sustainability
6 7.4 3
5 10 4
Trainnovations", Moving Organizations from Betterto Brilliant, 2019 25 1 25
Village of North Palm Beach Strategic
Plan Prioritization May 2019
Country Club
Country Club
Country Club - need to figure out
Financial Sustainability
9.8 2
how we pay for construction
Financial- Take pressure off ad
Financial Sustainability
7.8 4
valorem by instituting fees.
Special Projects,
Financial Sustainability
4.8 1
technologies/Natural Gas - could
be a profit center. Provides
hardening. Staff to pursue
partnering opportunities.
Code Rewrites
Environmental -Need an
Waterways and Recreation
7.4 2
impervious area plan to control
water quality and runoff
Regulatory item.
Quality of Life
Environmental - Take
Beautification and Quality of Life
4.8 1
Manager's Office
opportunities to purchase more
land for green space/public use.
Communication - More
Community Outreach
2.6 0
community surveys and focus
groups to gather more data
Trainnovations", Moving Organizations from Betterto Brilliant, 2019 25 1 25
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