2019-07-17 Budget WS_Mayor Aubrey memo_Fees for ServicesDate V � 1.2_ 0 1 9 To: From: Subj: VillaaeClerk Fellow Council Memb dis Darryl Aubrey Fees for services: JUL 17 ZOO; Received want to present some inf9rmation to you in support of considering ,a :dee: ba,041 f9r .Sanitation services in lieu of including those ,services in our ad valorem reve First the reasons — We nowbave all of our services to residents included in the ad valorep taxes and none in fees. lVlost Of our neighboring communities use fees`f6r certain services ari as a result have much lower millage i*n many cases. This puts NPB at a competitive disadvantage vis , i a vis our neighbors when a prospecw tive neva resident looks at wheret'­ ' 1b-ul' Me,mpo kwt however, while our millagd is, 7.50, the increases in homestead exemptions under'A*00ment I will force us to increase m"ill'age to 7.8 or 7.9. There is a statutory limit of 10.00 xriilts`and this is getting too close. Additionally if the legislature, at some point, should pass legislation to prevent moving from mill6ge to fees we could have Second the analysis — Attached is a analysis of our sanitationcosts and the effect of a fee on residents. If you take the, -sanitation budget costs arid. add4n*preci4tio. ele required, then back out c ar thq� 4 ,,, ps to commercial customers we have a net cost for services to w homeoners 'ust under 114by; tome 4 " ­, I i ­.,,,.'11.pPon. Dividing that 762,,7j residences yields an annual fee of $181 per year or $15 per month. This treats all residences the same — single family and multi- family. The annual costs in several other municipalities,ond the,county,are from$169jo $317. If we exclude one outlier the costs range frorfi $169'246.'Ou"r mill-lage would reduce from today 7.500 to 6.85 Lastly a fee basis aligns the cost to the homeowner with the cost of providing service-, J believe we need to begin to move on this soon. I understand ii will require about btie-dear to implement the change. Darryl Aubrey Budget for 2018-19 11747,263 Vehicle depreciation (1) 143,167 Annual costs 11890,430 Less services to businesses 513,500. Net costs for residences 11376,930 Net reduction in millege 0.65 mills Single family homes Multifamily 51100 Total 7,627 Annual cost per residence 181 Average monthly cost 15 Capital Investment Kubotas (9) 405,000 Trucks (7) 1,540,000 Total 119451000 (1) Kubota's at 10 years, trucks at 15 years OTHER COMMUNITIES PBC annual costs District 1 210 District 2 207 (varies with density District 3 169 and distance) District 4 169 District 5 317 Boynton Single family 192 Multi -family 153 WPB Single family 226 Multi -family 222 Lake Worth Both 246 Boca Single family 203 Multi -family 123