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2019-07-17 Budget WS_CC Budget Summary
The Village of North Palm Beach Preliminary Country Club Budget Summary Revenue Greens fee/cart rentals/membership fees Golf Shop revenues Driving range revenues Restaurant revenues Interest revenues Appropriated Retained Earnings Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenses Personnel Costs Operating Costs Golf Course Maintenance Golf Shop & Range Food & Beverage Country Club Administration Clubhouse & Grounds Insurance & General Liability Attorney Fees Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Debt Service Debt Service Reserves Contingency Total Expenses Revenues over (under) expenses # Rounds FY 2020 FY 2019 % increase / Rudoet Rndaet (derrencel $ 2,500,854 $ 2,129,209 17.45% 406,000 159,400 154.71% 350,000 300,000 16.67% 250,876 - 0.00% - 10,000 -100.00% 330,406 275,647 19.87% 15,000 6,000 150.00% 95,550 29,000 229.48% $ 31853,136 $ 2,880,256 33.78% 1,046,372 828,298 26.33% 1,473,000 1,163,500 26.60% 649,025 343,200 89.11% 101,300 12,314 722.64% 14,200 13,700 3.65% 95,550 29,000 229.48% 30,000 46,555 -35.56% 10,000 _ 10,000 0.00% - - 0.00% 433,689 433,689 0.00% - - 0.00% $ 3,8539136 $ 2,880,256 33.78% 40,000 40,000 VI11 " ,, JUL 7 2019 ReCeived