1977-35 Adopting Peronnel Regulationsr ~ RESOLUTION N0, 35-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIP1 BEAC}[, FLORIDA, ADOPTING PERSONNEL REGULATIONS APPLYING TO PERSONS EMPLOYED BY THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Personnel Regulations attached to this Resolution as ,Exhibit No, 1 are hereby adopted and shall apply to employees of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28 DAY OF JULY ]g77, 1f~t1'~~~.%~~ ~' ~I . ~ YORE _ I)A I U;tl ,, ~ II -~•~ y ~~, ATTEST~~-.~ ,: ~ _ ... Ij Village Clerk INDEX PERSONNEL REGULATIONS PARAGRAPH NUMBER TITLE 1.01 Purpose 1.02 Scope 1.03 Amendment of Regulations 2.01 Definition of Terms 3.01 Legal Authority 3.02 Village Manager Responsibilities 4.01 Development & Adoption of a Plan 4.02 Composition of the Plan 4.03 Use of the Plan 4.04 Job Class Descriptions 4.05 Job Class Titles 4.06 Maintenance of the Plan 5.01 Development & Adoption of the Compensation Plan 5.02 Factors in the Pay Plan 5.03 Pay Grades 5.04 Payroll Procedure 5.05 Development of the Compensation Plan 5.06 "New-Hire" Rate 5.07 Pay Increases 5.08 Pay Increases on Completion of Probationary Period 5.09 Pay Rates in Transfer, Promotion or Demotion 5.10 Review for Pay Increases 5.11 Travel and Other Official Expenditures 5.12 Total Remuneration 5.13 Overtime 6.01 Recruitment 6.02 Factors Determining Employment 6.03 Procedure for Filling Vacancies 6.04 Probationary Appointments 6.05 Temporary Positions and Appointments 6.06 Permanent Positions 7.01 Hours of Work 7.02 Holidays 7.03 Annual Leave 7.04 Sick Leave 7.05 Bereavement Leave 7.06 Duty Disability Leave 7.07 Jury Duty 7.08 Military Leave 7.09 Leave or Absence Without Pay 7.10 Training 7.11 Absence 7.12 Records 7.13 Performance Ratings PAGE N0. PARAGRAPH NUMBER TITLE PAGE N0. 7.14 Use of the Performance Rating 10 7.15 Performance Records 10 7.16 Physical Examinations 10 7.17 Dress of Employees 10 7.18 Outside Employment 10 8.01 Reduction in Force 10 8.02 Disciplinary Actions 11 8.03 Disciplinary Board 11 8.04 Dismissal 11 8.05 Dismissal Hearing 11 8.06 Grounds for Immediate Dismissal 12 8.07 Employee Grievances 12 8.08 Resignation 12 8.09 Normal Retirement 12 8.10 Compulsory Retirement ~ 13 8.11 Candidacy for Elected Office 13 8.12 Department Rules 13 1. GENERAL PROVISION 1.01 Purpose: To establish fair and equitable policies concerning Village employ- ment and to establish workable guidelines for the implementation of these policies. 1.02~Sco~e~: These regulations pertain to all personnel whose name appears on the Village payroll, or receive compensation from the Village of. North Palm Beach, ex- cept elected officials and officials appointed by the Village Council. 1.03 Amendment of Re ulations: Amendment of subject regulations may from time to time a proposed y t e i age Manager and approved by Resolution of the Village Council. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.01 Definition of Terms: For the purpose of these regulations, the following terms are defined: a) Accumulate - The process by which an employee gathers or collects sick and an- nua eave during their period of employment. b) Allocation - The assignment of an individual position to an appropriate class on the basis of the type, difficulty and responsibility of the work performed in the position, and allied positions, when compared with that position. c) ~Appo~inting Authority - The Village Manager or his/her designee who has the auth- ority to appoint and remove employees under his/her supervision. d) Class - A position or group of positions which involve similar duties and respons- ibilities, require similar qualifications, is designated by a title indicative of the kind of work and for which the same pay range can be applied with equity. e) Demotion - A change of employment status from a position of one class to a position of another class having a lower maximum salary limit than the original class. f) De artment Head - Those employees of the Village in charge of the operations of an estab fished illage Department. g) Employee - Those persons employed by the Village of North Palm Beach covered by the provisions of these regulations. h) full-Time Em to ee - An employee who is designated as such and who normally works more than thirty 30) hours per week and/or 1,560 hours per year for the Village of North Palm Beach. i) Hours Emplo,~e - An employee whose job basis consists of a rate of pay for hours actually worked in a specific job class. j) Part-Time Employee - An employee who is designated as such and who normally works less than thirty~30) hours per week and/or 1,560 hours per year for the Village of North Palm Beach. -1- k) Permanent Employee - An employee who has successfully completed the required probationary period as set forth in the employee's job description. 1) Probationary Employee - An employee who has not yet successfully completed the required probationary period as set forth in the employee's job description. m) Promotion - A change of employment from a position of one class to a position of another class which has a higher maximum salary rate. n) Salaried Employee - An employee whose job basis consists of an annual salary amount for the performance of job class requirements. o) Tem orar Em to ee - An employee who is hired fora specific period not to ex- ceed six 6 months. p) Vacancy - A position duly created, established in the budget, and not currently occupied by an incumbent. 3. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS 3.01 Authority: a) Village Charter. 3.02 The Village Manager, or his/her designee shall: a) Maintain the classification plan based on the duties, authority and responsibil- ities of positions in the service of the Village. b) Maintain the compensation plan for the employees of the Village. c) Certify all payrolls. d) Recommend revisions to these regulations as may from time to time be necessary. e) Give, or cause to be given, any examination or tests as may be deemed necessary for employment purposes. 4. CLASSIFICATION PLAN 4.01 Develo ment and Ado tion of a Plan: The Village Council khall adopt a position classi ication plan which shal provide a complete inventory of all positions in the service of the Village. The classification plan shall be based upon an analysis of the duties and responsibilities of each and every position as prepared and submitted by the Village Manager. Each position shall be allotted to a job class on the basis of the kind and level of its duties and responsibilities to the end that all positions in the same job class shall be sufficiently alike to permit the use of a single des- criptive title, the same training and experience qualifications, the same tests of competence, and the same pay grade. A job class may contain one position, or more than one position. -2- 4.02 Composition of the Plan: -The classification plan shall consist of: a) Job class descriptions consisting of eight (8) parts as follows: 1. A descriptive title. 2. A section dealing with the nature of work, general responsibilities, supervision exercised and received, methods by which work is assigned and reviewed, hazards, and other measures of responsibilities and difficulty. 3. A section containing examples of work illustrative of the duties per- formed in positions of the job class. The list shall not be all in- clusive or limited and shall, in every case, end with the phrase, "perform additional duties as assigned." 4. A section giving the knowledge, abilities, skills and physical attri- butes desired of applicant for entrance into a position allocated to the job class. 5. A section giving the training and experience desired of applicants for entrance into a position allocated to the job class. 6. A section where deemed necessary, giving special requirements, such as required license from an agency of registration or special and excep- tionally critical physical requirements. 7. Educational level, or equivalence, to be determined in each job class. 8. Probationary period established for each job class. b) A listing, by department, of the names of incumbents and vacancies and the title of the class to which the position is allocated. 4.03 Use of the Plan: The classification plan shall be used: a) In recruitment efforts. b) As a guide in the preparation of any examinations that may be given to measure abilities needed to perform the work of the job class. c) In developing employee in-service training programs. d) In determining salaries to be paid for various job classes. e) In determining personal services in departmental and Village budgets. 4.04 Job Class Descriptions: Descriptions are to be interpreted in their entirety ancTin re'-mat n to others in the classification plan, and shall be explanatory of the kind of work performed. -3- 4.05 Job Class Titles: Titles-shall be used on all personnel, accounting, budget an tnancta records. 4.06 Maintenance of the Plan: The Village Manager is charged with the responsibility for the proper and continued maintenance of the classification plan so that it will reflect accurately at all times the duties being performed by each employee and the job class to which each position is allocated. Revision of job class descriptions and reallocation of positions within the classification plan shall be made as follows: a) The Village Manager may review the duties of any position and, if warranted, may establish, combine or abolish job classes, as necessary, at his own dis- cretion. However, nothing herein is intended to permit the Village Manager to violate the intent of the approved budget. THE COMPENSATION PLAN 5.01 Develo ment and Ado tion of the Co ensation Plan: The Village Council shall adopt the compensation plan. The rate or gra a for each job class shall be based upon the differences in duties and responsibilities between job classes and shall be related to compensation for comparable positions in other places of public and private employment in the general geographical area in which competition for avail- able personnel may be effected, as prepared and submitted by the Village Manager. 5.02 Factors in the Pa Plan: Pay grades shall be related directly to the position classification plan and sha 1 be determined with due regard for the following factors: a) Educational requirertients. b) Pay grades for other job classes. c) The relative difficulty, responsibility and hazards of the job class. d) The availability of employees in particular occupational categories. e) Prevailing rates of pay for similar employment in private establishments and other public jurisdictions, with the most weight being given to those sources which would be expected to compete with the Village for the avail- able supply of personnel. f) The Consumer Price Index. g) The financial policies of the Village, and other economic considerations. 5.03 Pay Grades: There shall be established, by the Village Council, a list of pay grades, the lowest of which shall be set at the established "minimum wage" approved by the Federal Government. The highest grade shall be established by the Village Council. The difference in rate of pay between grades shall be a 5% increase from one grade to the next higher grade. The difference in rate of pay from minimum to maximum, within a grade, shall be a 25% increase from minimum to maximum. In addition, between grades, sub-grades, or "mini-grades" are authorized and the difference in rate of pay between mini grades shall be a 1-1/4% increase from one "mini-grade" to the next higher "mini-grade." -4- 5.04 Pa roll Procedure: All employees shall be paid weekly. Except for annual leave pay, no emp oyee shall be granted an advance on his future. pay except by the Village Manager who may grant an advance as long as this amount does not exceed the amount normally earned in one week liy the employee. 5.05 Develo ment of the Com ensation Plan: The Village Manager shall make compara- tive studies of the factors affecting t e level of the pay grades as often as necessary, but no less frequently than once a year. Such annual study shall be made immediately prior to the preparation of the budget. 5.06 "New-Hire" Rate: The minimum rate established for a job class shall be paid upon employment, except that the "New-Hire" rate in amounts above the minimum may be authorized if the department head submits adequate justification, in writing, and such action is approved by the Village Manager. Approval will be based on the exceptional qualifications of the appointee or inability to employ adequate per- sonnel at the minimum rate. 5.07 Pay Increases: Employee pay increases within the grade shall be based on merit- orious performance at the existing pay rate, substantiated in writing by the depart- ment head and approved by the Village Manager. This provision precludes automatic increases in an employee's pay. In all instances funds shall be available and appropriated in the annual budget before any pay increase is granted. 5.08 Pa Increases on Com letion of Probationar Period: A pay increase of up to 5% s all normally be granted eac emp oyee upon t e successful completion of the probationary period. 5.09 Pay Rates in Transfer Promotion or Demotion: If an employee is transferred, promoted or demoted, his rate o pay or t e new position shall be determined as follows: a) If the rate of pay in the former class is less than the minimum rate estab- lished for the class of the new position, the rate of pay shall be advanced to the minimum for the class. b) If the rate of pay in the former class is more than the maximum rate established for the new class, the pay rate shall be reduced to no more than the maximum rate for the new range. c) If the rate of the former class falls within the new grade of pay, the pay rate shall remain the same in the case of transfer; shall be increased up to 5% in the case of promotion; and at the discretion of the Village Manager may remain the same or may be adjusted to a lower rate in the case of demotion. 5.10 P,evie~•r for Pa Increases: Annually, prior to implementation of the annual budget, work of each employee sial~e reviewed by the appropriate department head and the Village Manager, and eligibility or non-eligibility fora pay increase established as provided in Section 5.07. Performance reviews with employees shall be held after budget adoption. -5- 5.11 Travel and Other Official Expenditures: The prescribed rate of pay does not include allowances for official travel or other expenditures incurred in the conduct of Village business, or allowances made to employees for the official use of pri- vately-owned automobiles. Employees will be reimbursed for such expense in amounts established in the Village travel policy. 5.12 Total Remuneration: The prescribed rates of pay include payment for all work performed even thoug work may be performed in more than one department. 5.13 Overtime: As a general rule, the requirement of frequent and considerable over- time services in a department shall be considered evidence of understaffing or improper organization and shall be subject to investigation by the Village Manager. Necessary overtime work required by emergencies may be authorized by the appropriate department head and approved by the Village Manager. Necessary overtime shall be compensated for at one and one-half times the hourly rate of the. affected employee. The hourly com- pensation schedule shall be used for this purpose. Hourly employees shall be paid for such overtime or, with the approval of the department head, they may be allowed straiyht time off in compensation for such overtime. Salaried employees shall NOT be paid for overtime, although they may be granted compensatory time off, subject to the approval of the Village Manager. For the purpose of this section, the regular work week shall be construed as being that contained in the work week column of the schedule of pay range assignment of classes as adopted by order of the Village Manager. No Village employee shall be authorized more than ten (10) working days com ensatory time off per year. Compensatory time off shall be used within sixty (60~ calendar days after the overtime worked. RECRUITMENT ANO EMPLOYMENT 6.01 Recruitment: All appointments to employment by the Village shall be made accord- ing to merit which shall be ascertained by review of the qualifications of the in- dividual applicants. 4lhere necessary, written and/or oral examinations shall be pre- pared and given and an eligible list established. If the qualifications of the ap- plicants are generally equal, residents of the Village of North Palm Beach shall receive first consideration. 6.02 Factors Determinin Em to ment: In determining the successful candidate for any appointment, the Vil age Managers all take into consideration such factors as educa- tion, training, experience, aptitude, knowledge, character, skills, abilities, physical fitness, references or arty other factor which, in his judgment, enter into the determination of the relative fitness of the applicant. a) Any false information placed on an application by a prospect we employ shall be grounds for dismissal. 6.03 Procedure for Filling Vacancies: All vacancies shall be filled by the appoint- ment of probationary or temporary employees. Insofar as practicable, vacancies in higher job classes shall be filled by promoting individuals from lower job classes. The Village Manager shall make all appointments of all Village employees, except those appointed by the Village Council. He may delegate the selection of employees to the department heads. -6- 6.04 Probationary Appointments: The probationary period shall begin immediately upon appointment or promotion. An employee shall be retained beyond the end of the probationary period and granted permanent status only if the department head affirms that the service of the employee has been satisfactory and recommends to the Village Manager that the employee be given permanent status. 6.05 Tem orar Positions and A ointments: A temporary position shall be one which is established and approved by t e i age Manager and designated to be of shorter duration than six (6) months. No employee may be retained in any temporary position longer than six (6) months. 6.06 Permanent Positions: A permanent position shall be one which is established in the budget and designated to be continuous in nature. It may be part-time, but per- manent in that it is established by the budget, designated permanent by the Village Manager, and filled with permanent or probationary employees. 7. GENERAL PERSONNEL POLICIES 7.01 Hours of 4Jork: a) Thirty-five (35) hours per week: Library Department of Finance Village Clerk's Office Village Manager's Office h) Thirty-seven and one-half (37-1/2) hours per week: Department of Public Safety c) Forty (40) hours per week: North Palm Beach Country Club - Administration Maintenance Sports Department of Public Services Department of Recreation d) Forty-six (46) hours per week: North Palm Beach Country Club - Food & Beverage 7.02 Holidays: The holiday schedule for the Village shall be adopted by the Village Council and shall be published at least once each year.- If an employee is required to work on a holiday, they shall receive another day off with pay or, at the request of the department head and subject to approval of the Village Manager, be paid for an additional day at the normal rate of pay. Permanent, part-time employees shall receive this benefit in proportion to full-time employees based upon the number of hours normally worked. -7- 7.03 Annual Leave: The number of paid days of annual leave for permanent, full- time employees s all be determined on their anniversary date each year in accordance with the following: a) Up to seven (7) years service - 0.833 days per month for each month worked. (10 days) Over seven (7) years service - 1.250 days per month for each month worked. (15 days) Over twelve (12) years service- 1.666 da s per month for each month worked. (20 days b) No employee may accumulate more than thirty (30) days annual leave, or more than they have accumulated on July 28, 1977. c) Permanent, part-time employees shall accumulate annual leave in relationship to the above schedule in proportion to the number of work hours normally scheduled. No part-time employee may accumulate more than ten (10) days annual leave. d) At the time of an employee's separation from employment with the Village all accumulation of annual leave shall be available to the employee in the form of pay. e) Employees shall continue to accumulate annual leave while on annual leave. f) Annual leave shall be scheduled by department heads. Desires of employees shall be given consideration in the establishment of annual leave schedules, with seniority to apply in cases of identical preferences with all other factors being equal. 7.04 Sick Leave: a) Sick leave shall be accumulated by permanent, full-time employees at the rate of 5/6th day per month of employment to a maximum of sixty (60) days. In case of the need of sick leave, the employee should notify his depart- ment head within four (4) hours after absence starts. b) Sick leave shall normally be taken for personal illness or disability; how- ever, a maximum of three (3) sick leave days per year may be used for the care of immediate family members who are ill. c) Employees may be required to submit a physician's statement covering all periods of illness or disability longer than three (3) days' duration. d) At the time of an employee's resignation or retirement from Village employ- ment, all accumulated and unused sick leave shall be exchanged for annual leave at the rate of four (4) sick leave days to each annual leave day. e) Sick leave is provided so that economic security will be available to an employee, and as such is considered a privilege and not a right. -8- 7.05 Bereavement Leave: Up to three (3) days with pay may be granted by the Village Manager to permanent employees whose immediate family may suffer death. Immediate family shall mean father, mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother, sister, natural or adopted child of the employee or spouse. 7.06 Duty Disability Leave: Whenever a permanent, full-time employee has exhausted accumulated sick leave and cannot work because of personal illness or disability, the Village Manager may grant a leave of absence, without pay, for canvalescence. 7.07 Jur Dut Employees who are summoned to Jury Duty by a court of competent ~ursi fiction will be granted time off with pay. Any employee who is released from Jury Duty and has more than half a normally scheduled work day remaining, shall report to work as soon after release as possible. 7.08 Military Leave: a) Leave shall be granted to employees who are members in good standing of the United States Armed Forces Reserves or National Guard in order that they may attend Annual Active Duty for Training. The employee shall be compensated for the difference between Village pay and Military base pay for the period of absence. b) Such leave shall be in addition to paid annual leave and sick leave. c) Such leave shall not exceed eighteen (18) consecutive calendar days in any one calendar year. d) In the event of a national or state emergency, Reservist employee' positions shall be protected during their absence while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, according to law. 7.09 Leave or• Absence 4lithout Pay: A permanent employee may be granted leave with- out pay for a period not to exceed one (1) calendar year, if approved by the Village Manager. Such leave shall be for candidacy for elected office, voluntary military service, education or training that will benefit the Village or other substantial reason. Employment shall be automatically terminated at the end of the approved leave if the employee does not return to work. 7.10 Training: The Village Manager shall assist the department heads in the training of their personnel. Training need not be limited to in-service type programs. Em- ployees wishing to obtain additional formal training or education in their particular field, may submit a request for payment of tuition and books for such training or education to the Village Manager for approval prior to beginning of the program. 7.11 Absence: No employee may be absent from the job without notifying his immediate supervisor prior to such absence, except in the case of illness contracted while off duty. Any unauthorized absence in excess of two days shall be grounds for immediate dismissal. '/.12 Records: The Village Manager shall maintain the personnel records of each em- ployee. Such records shall include a personnel file for each employee giving basic vital statistics, disciplinary actions, employee appeals, official acts involving the employee, any examination records, and the employment record. The records of terminated employees shall be retained for five (5) years. Applications for em- ployment shall be retained for at least six (6) months and then may be destroyed at the discretion of the Village Manager. -9- 7.13 Performance Ratings: The Village Manager shall establish a performance rating system based on standards of performance established for the purpose. Any such standards established shall have reference to quality and quantity of work performed, the faithfulness. of employees to their duties, and such other characteristics that will measure the value of the employee to the Village. Ratings will be submitted at the end of the probationary period and once a year thereafter and/or upon a change of status. 7.14 Use of the Performance Rating: Each employee shall be notified by the department head of each performance rating in order that he may be afforded an opportunity for correcting weaknesses in performance. Performance ratings shall be considered in granting pay increases, promotions, demotions, reductions in force, and dismissal. 7.15 Performance Records: The reports and records on which performance ratings are based may be inspected only by the employee, his immediate supervisor, his department head or any other department head who is considering the transfer of the employee, the Village Manager or any elected official of the Village. 7.16 Physical Examinations: a) At the discretion of the Village Manager, all prospective employees shall be required to submit to a physical examination by a physician or medical screening by a paramedic at Village expense. Prospective employees shall not be employed should the results of such examination show that the per- son could not reasonably accomplish the work in the job class for which he is a candidate. b) Village employees may be required to submit to a physical: examination at the expense of the Village: 7.17 Dress of Employees: No employee shall appear for work unless fully dressed in appropriate attire. 7.18 Outside Em to ment: All employment of Vi.lage employees other than by the Village s a 1 be requested in writing to the appropriate department head who shall submit the request and his recommendation to the Village Manager for approval. Such outside employment shall in no way conflict with, or be detrimental to, the em- ployee's Village employment. 8. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS & REDUCTION IN FORCE 8.01 Reduction in Force: When there is a lack of funds or work requiring reductions in the number of employees in a department or division of the Village Government, the required reduction shall be made in such classifications as the Village Manager may designate, provided that employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their relative quality and length of service, as determined in a written appraisal by the department head submitted to the Village Manager, who will in turn take the appropriate action. Within each classification, all temporary employees shall be laid off before probationary employees and all probationary employees shall be laid off before permanent employees. If there are two or more employees with equal ser- vice, then the ability to accomplish the job will be the determining factor. -10- 8.02 Disciplinarv Actions: a) When, in the judgment performance or conduc employee, without pay, b) When, in the judgment performance or conduc make a recommendation, an employee for up to period pending the ou 8.03 Disciplinary Board: of an appointing authority, an employee's work t justifies disciplinary action, he may suspend the for up to five (5) days. of an appointing authority, an employee's work t justifies further disciplinary action, he shall in writing, to the Village Manager who may suspend fifteen (15) days, without pay, or for an indefinite tcome of criminal court proceedings. a) The disciplinary board shall consist of three (3) disinterested department heads selected by the Village Manager. b) The disciplinary board may be called to meet at the request of an affected employee, appointing authority or by the Village Manager. c) The disciplinary board may hear all cases of employee discipline except those disciplinary actions taken directly by the Village Manager. The disciplinary board shall hear the testimony of the affected employee and appointing author- ity and any witnesses they may select. The disciplinary board shall consider the testimony and report its findings, in writing, to the Village Manager or inclusion in the employee's personnel record. d) The findings of the disciplinary board shall be advisory only. e) During the course of any investigation or hearing, the Village Manager may direct any employee of the Village to attend and give testimony. Any em- ployee refusing to do so may be subject to disciplinary action and dismissal as provided herein. 8.04 Dismissal: A permanent employee may be dismissed when, in the judgment of the appointing authority, the employee's work or misconduct so warrants. When the appointing authority takes such action, he shall file with the employee and the Village Manager a written notification containing a statement of the reasons for the action. The employee shall be notified of the effective date of the action. The notice shall inform the employee that he shall be allowed two (2) calendar weeks from the effective date of the action to file a reply with the appointing authority and the Village Manager and to request a hearing before the Village Manager. 8.05 Dismissal Hearing: If the employee files a reply and requests a hearing within the prescribed period, the Village Manager shall schedule and hold a hearing. The employee may be represented by counsel, but the proceedings of the hearing shall be informal. If the Village Manager finds that the action of the appointing authority alas based on arbitrary or insufficient reasons, or that the appointing authority failed to follow the proper procedures outlined in Section 8.04, the emplo ee shall be reinstated to his former position without loss of pay. The decision ofythe Village Manager shall be final in all cases. -11- 8.06 Grounds for Immediate Dismissal: An employee may be dismissed immediately for any of the following: a) Use of alcohol or the illegal use of controlled substances while on duty. b) Use of alcohol or the illegal use of controlled substances while wearing a Public Safety Department uniform, whether on or off duty. c) Conduct unbecoming an employee of the Village. d) Insubordination. e) Fraud, falsification of any Village records, or knowingly providing false in- formation to any Village supervisor. f) Conviction of a felony. g) Repeated and frequent use of abusive language to the public or other em- ployees. h) .Incompetence or negligence. i) flabitual or patterned tardiness or absenteeism. j) Acceptance of gifts or other valuable things except as provided by law which could cause an employee to be influenced in the discharge of official duties. 8.07 Employee Grievances: It shall be the policy of the Village to adjust griev- ances of employees promptly and fairly. Any employee who believes that he or she has received inequitable treatment because of some condition of his employment may appeal personally for relief from that condition. Grievances shall first be taken up with the immediate supervisor and, if the matter is not settled, the employee may present his case to the department head. If settlement cannot be achieved, or if the matter is beyond the control of the supervisor and department head, the grievance may be taken to the Village Manager. At any time within ten (10) days following the review by the Village Manager, he shall make his findings known to the employee concerning the disposition of the case. The decision of the Village Manager shall be final in all cases. 8.08 Resignation: Any employee resigning from the Village who is in pay grade 38 or higher, shall file a written resignation with the appropriate department head or the Village Manager. He shall state the effective date of the resignation and the reason for terminating. Such resignation shall be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to its effective date. Termination vacation shall not be considered to be a part of the notification period. In the event of the resignation of a department head or supervisor, a minimum of three (3) weeks' advance notice will be given. 8.09 Normal Retirement: All Village employees who have reached the age of sixty- five 65 years, or members of the Department of Public Safety, who have reached the age of sixty (60) years, shall be retired from Village employment unless spec- ifically permitted, in writing, to continue in active employment by the Village Manager, and such approval shall be renewable annually prior to each October 1. -12- ,; S t 8.10 Com ulsor Retirement: All Village employees who reach the age of seventy X70 years years shall be retired from Village employment. 8.11 Candidacy for Elected Office: No employee shall continue in the employ of the Village after becoming a candidate for nomination or election of any elected Village office. 8.12 Department Rules: Department heads are authorized to promulgate rules addit- ional and supplemental to these rules provided they are not in conflict with these rules and are approved by the Village Manager prior to notification to employees and publication. All such rules shall be approvable, amendable, and revocable by the Village Manager. -13-