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1977-27 Award Bid to Murphy Construction Companyr RESOLUTION N0. 27-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,ACH, fl 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF MURPHY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR LIGHTHOUSE BRIDGE BULKHEAD RESTORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $57,308.00, TO BF, EXPENDF,D AS FOLLOWS: ACCOUNT N0. 24-404 - $5,000.00; ACCOUNT N0. 51-285 - $7,500.00; ACCOUNT N0. 52-286 - $14,140.00; ACCOUNT NO. 71-405.2 - $1,500.00; REVENUE ACCOUNT N0. 332.10 (FEDERAL REVF.Nl1E S}{ARING) - $6,308.00; REVENUE ACCOUNT N0. 332.20 (LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT ANTI_RECESSIONARY TITLE II FUNDING - $22,860.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM Bt>ACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Murphy Construction Company, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. T}ie appropri- ate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended as follows• Account No. 24-204 $ 5,000.00 Account No. 51-285 7,500.00 Account No. 52-286 14,140.00 Account No. 71-405.2 1,500.00 Revenue Account No. 332.10 (Federal Revenue Sharing) 6,308.00 Revenue Account No. 332.20 (Local Public Works Employment Act Anti- recessionary Title II Funding) 22,860.00 Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect inmediately upon passage. PASSF,D AND ADOPTED THIS 26 DAY OF MAY ,1977. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. 1 ATTF,ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ' %7--114 B[DDl?R: ~II~IVIufiPN~rn~~R+}f;~t~r-~o. PROJECT: RESTORATION OF CONCRETE BULKEIEAD AT LIGHTHOUSE DRIVE BRIDGE OVER 'tfiF NORTI-I PALM BEACH WATERWAY, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA DA'rr•.: tdAY 2 3 1971 BID FO!t~1 PO: Mr. Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach Village Hall, U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Gentlemen: 1'he Bidder, pursuant to your Invitation for Bids for the subject Project linving examined the Drawlr-~-'-~igs and Specific to ions with related documents and the site of the proposed Work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed k~roject, in- cludi.nq the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to ' £urni-sh all labor, materials, supplies, services, etc. necessary to construct the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth herein, and at the price(s) stated below. 'Paris price(s)shall cover, all expenses incurred in performing. the [•lurk required under the Contract Documents of which this proposal is .+ part. BASE BID; Bidder agrees to perform all of the Work described in the Project M~an}~al and s.~ho~n on the Drawings for the sum of, // T__ ~L1~4 '~ ~ ' -~ lu~.u,s~tcs~- .Gr.~.f~" ----'" ~ ( S S~i~O oo ). (Bi.d Price must be stated in words and numbers, in case of conflict, words shall take precedence). i'or additional prestressed piling length as may be required by the Engineer, Aidder agrees to furnish the additional piling ]myth at $ /7.0o per foot. If the Engineer. determines during construction that additional bulk- heerd panels need to be•replaced, Bidder agrees to do the additional Mort: at $_~ jo, oo per each bulkhead panel. Continued... MOCK, RODS & SEARCY, INC. '- CONSULTING ENGINEERS BF-1 77-119' 'Phu Bidder, if awarded the Contract, agrees to start the Work within 3 o calendar days after the Proceed date the Owner designates in the written Notice to Proceed and guarantees completion of the Project within__~O calendar days after the designated Proceed date set by the Owner. Bidder further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of$ 50.00 t:or each consecutive calendar day thereafter as provided in paragraph 3 of the SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Section. If Owner's Notice of Award of this bid is mailed, telegraphed, or delivered to the Bidder within~Thirty (30) days after the date of opening of Bids, or at any time thereafter before the Bid is withdrawn, the Bidder agrees that he shall execute and deliver a Contract in the form attached as required by the Contract Documents, in accordance with the Bid as accepted, and that he shall furnish the required Contract Security within five (5) days of the Notice of Award. Enclosed is Bid meat and Bond are liquidated damages caused thereby. curity required in the sum of L G~wo-~~ _ ( S ) the. property of the Ownerin the event the Agree-- not executed within the time above set forth, as for the delay and additional expense to the Owner Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda (enter numbers): Notice of Award should be mailed, telegraphed or delivered to the undersigned at the Bidder's Business Address noted by the Bidder at the end of this document. Continued.., MOCK, RODS & SEAF2CY, TNC. CONSUL`fING EiJGIf]!'ERS BI~- 2 77-114 'Phe sulxnission of this 13i_d constitutes an incontrovertible representa- tion by the Bidder that he has complied with every requirement of Article 3 of the INSTRUCTIONS 'PO B].DDL•'RS. '}'lie Bidder hereto has executed th-is Bid ~~ ay and year first above written. By: (Signature) ~. ~. 1'tl~tYi;rl! (, PR~SIDI2RT ('T'yped or Printed Name & Title) I'f 13id i_s by a Corporation: THE MURPHY CONSTRIIf TI(1TI 1~r1 State: of Incorporation P. o. Box 368 ___~~U R i 7] /-~ __ WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 3340" (Business. Address i, Zip-Code) ~'I~ i~ ~ . AT1'1:S'I' ~"~iLLfAPA N. CARROLL, SECY. NO'PL: See Article 8 of the 1NSTRUC'1'IONS TO BIDDERS for instructions regarding the proper execui:ion of this form. - -- _ - ------- MOCK', ROUS & SEARCY, INC '~ - CONSULTING fiNGINL•'ERS BI'- 3