1977-25 Supporting & Urging the Passing of Senate Bill #41RESOLUTION N0. 25-77 A RF,SOI,UTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM REACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING AND URGING THE PASSAGE OF SENATE BILL #41 FILED BY SENATOR WARREN HF.NDERSON, FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE 1977 FLORIDA LEGISLATl]RE, W}tICH BILL PROVIDES PRIMARILY THAT IDENTIFICATION STICKERS SHALL BE ISSUED TO CERTAIN PERMANENTLY ' DISABLED PERSONS WHETHER OR NOT THEY OWN OR OPERATF, MOTOR VEHICLES FOR PURPOSES OF PARKING PRIVILEGES; AND, FURTHER, THE SAID VILLAGE COUNCIL HEREIN PRO- POSES SEVERAL AMENDMENTS TO SENATE BILL #41; AND, AUTHORIZES AND DIRECTS T}{E VILLAGE CLERK TO FORWARD CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE PERSONS AND GOVERNMF,NTAL ENTITIES AS THE MAYOR SHALL DIRECT. H7}{EREAS, many permanently disabled persons do not own motor vehicles, and are transported in motor vehicles owned by neighbors, {'riends and members of the family who are not disabled, and WHEREAS, under the current law only those disabled persons wlio own motor vehicles are granted a sticker entitling them to special parking privileges, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill #41 proposes to extend said parking privileges to permanently disabled persons who are being transported ' in motor vehicles owned and operated by other non-disabled persons, and WHEREAS, the Village Council is of the opinion that it would be more feasible to issue a moveable license plate size card for identification rather than a sticker as proposed, as a sticker is of a permanent nature and the disabled person may have use of various motor vehicles and, further, that the definition of permanent dis- ability be amended to include those persons who have use of their legs but due to other permanent disability can walk only for an extremely short distance, due to emphysema for example. Along with the moveable license plate size identification card, it is recommended that an identification card be issued to permanently disabled persais ' with a corresponding number that would match the moveable license plat size identification card. This card to be carried on their person at all times. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}i PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, urges all members of the Legislature of the State of Florida to support Senate Bill #41 and vote for passage of same and consider ' tl~e following proposed amendments thereto: A. Provide for a moveable license plate size identification card, rather than a sticker; and require that the license plate size identification card be placed on the dash of the motor vehicle at t}~e extreme right thereof next to the windshield, when the vehicle is being used to transport a patient. B. That persons entitled to receive the license plate size identification card shall be those persons who have not only had amputation of one or both legs, or permanent loss of use of one or bot}i legs, but also those persons who are unable to walk for more than 100 feet without resting due to advanced emphysema, permanent back ailments, paralysis, etc. ' Section 2. The Village Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to those persons and governmental entities as the Mayor shall direct. PASSF,D AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF MAY, 1977. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTF.sT: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 - 2 -