1977-12 Urging the FL Legislature to Consider Amending Statutes Related to Allocation & Description of Handicap Parking SpacesRESOLUTION N0. 12-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THF, FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATURE TO CONSIDER AMENDING 7'I If; VARIOl1S STATUTES CONCERNING THE ALLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF ' PARKING SPACES FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS SO AS TO MINIMIZF. THE LOSS OF GENERAL PARKING SPACES COVERED BY SAID STATUTES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,ACI{, FLOR7I)A Section 1. The Florida State Legislature is respectfully and earnestly urged to amend the various State laws concerning the number, size and location of parking spaces for handicapped persons in public parking areas. The application of existing Statutes removed a disproportionate number of normal parking spaces from public parking areas which are sorely needed for the general public, while creating parking facilities which are almost always left vacant in public parking areas. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, in making the suggestion set forth above, is sympathetic to the needs of handicapped persons and their right to have access to public buildings from motor vehicles, but has learned through direct experience that the incon- venience to the general public caused by the number, location and size of handicapped parking spaces relative to the needs and uses of such parking spaces by handicapped persons is contrary to the public interest and a wasteful use of public property. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to furnish a copy of this Resolution to all members of the Palm Beach County Delegation to the 1977 Florida Legislature, requesting that they provide this Resolution to the appropriate committees in the House and Senate which can consider the requests made herein and requesting their support of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10 DAY OF MARCH, 1977. /s/ M, C. Love, Jr. ' MAYOR AT1'F.ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 - 2 -