1977-10 Setting Forth Procedure for Election of Mayor, Vice Mayor, President Pro Tem & All Advisory BoardsRESOLUTION N0, 10-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}i, 1_ J FLORIDA, SETTING FORT}[ THE PROCEDURE FOR NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF MAYOR, VICE-MAYOR, PRESIDENT PRO TEM OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, ANI) THF, APPOINTMENT OF MF,MBERS OF ALL ADVISORY BOARDS TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL AND T}{F. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTF[ PALM BF.AC}[, BF, IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BEAC}[, FLORIDA: Section 1. All elections by the Village Council of North Palm Beach of a member of the Council to serve as Mayor, Vice-Mayor or President Pro Tem, and all appointments of members to advisory boards of the Village of North Palm Beach and to the North Palm Beach Board of Adjustment shall follow the procedure set forth in Sections 2 and 3 below, Section 2. Nominations of persons described in Section 1 above may be made by each member of the Village Council, including the Mayor or Chairman of the Council at that meeting, for as many vacancies as are to be filled. Nominations need not have a second in order to be placed on the floor. In the event only one person is nominated to fill any of the positions set forth in Section 1 above, then upon a motion to close nominations being duly made and passed, the Mayor shall declare the sole nominee elected or appointed to the position in question. Section 3. The Village Council shall vote upon any office or 1 position described in Section 1 above for which two or more persons are nominated. 7'}ie procedure for voting shall be that each Councilman shall be provided with a blank ballot, upon which he shall set forth his choice of those persons nominated in order of preference, with the person most favored for the position being the top name on the ballot, and t}ie person second most favored in second place on the ballot, etc., depending upon the number of persons nominated for the position. fac}r Councilman shall sign his ballot, which shall be made a part of the public records of the meeting and shall be attached to the minutes thereof. The Village Clerk shall tally the ballots and shall give one vote to the person named first on each ballot, two votes to the person named second, down through five votes for the ' person named fifth on a ballot in the event that up to five persons are nominated. The ballots shall then be tabulated and the person with tl~e lowest-number of votes, as determined under this Section 3, shall be declare elected or appointed to the position in question. In the event that there is a tie vote for any position, then the persons tied with the lowest number of votes shall be re-voted on i.n the manner set forth herein until one person ultimately receives the lowest number of votes. If the Village Council determines by motion duly made and passed that a tie vote will continue on an appointment or on an election to office set forth in Section 1 above, t}ien the Council shall abandon this procedure for electing or appointing persons to said offices and shall proceed to roll call ' vote on each name remaining in nomination by virtue of a tie vote in alphabetical order until one of the parties receives a majority of t}~e Village Council votes cast. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10 DAY OF MARCH, 1977. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: ' /s/ Dolores R. Walker _ Village Clerk - 2 -