1977-08 Urging the FDOT to Abandon its Plans to Widen a Portion of State Road 703RF,SOLUTION N0, 8-77 A RF,SOLUTION OF T}{E VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACI{, 1 FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ABANDON ITS PLANS OF WIDF,NING THAT PORTION OF STATE ROAD 703 WHIC}{ TRAVERSES T}[E VIhLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, W}{F,REAS, State Road 703 traverses the Village of North Palm Beach for approximately one and seven-tenths miles, and W}{ERF.AS, the Florida Department of Transportation has included the widening of State Road 703 in its 1990 Plan for develop- ment in 1980-81, and WI{F.RF,AS, the area traversed by this right-of-way has a delicate ecological balance - - one which supports the marine wildlii'e spawning grounds for Lake Worth, and W}{ERF,AS, the projected population of this area for the year 2000 does not indicate a need for this widening project through the Village, and W}{EREAS, it is the Village Council's desire to preserve as much of the natural beauty of the area, while adequately serving the needs of the motoring public; .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED RY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}1 PALM BEACI[, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Florida Department of Transportation is hereby earnestly urged to re-examine its plans for the widening of State Road 703 as it traverses the Village of North Palm Beach and to abandon this project as not being in the interest of the residents of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County and the State of Florida. Section 2, This request shall only apply to that area which traverses the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. The Village Clerk is directed to forward copies oi' this Resolution to the Florida Department of Transportation, the County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the Area Planning Board of Palm Beach County, and the West Palm Beach Urban Area Transportation Study Group. ' Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSF,D AND ADOPTED THIS 28 DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1977. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTF.S 1' /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 - 2 -