1976-77 Award Bid to Rich Motors RESOLUTION N0. 77-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FhOR]DA, ACCEPTING THF, BIDS OF RICH MOTORS FOR CAB AND CHASSIS ANI) ROWI.AND TRUCK EQUIPMENT FOR PACKER BODY IN TI{E AMOUNTS OF $16,601.00 AND $9,978.00, RESPECTIVELY, TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 23-401. BF, IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI,ORI DA Section 1. The bids of Rich Motors for cab and chassis and Rowland Truck F,quipment for Packer Body, copies of which are attached to this Resolution, are hereby accepted by the Village of Nor°ih Yalm Beach in accordance with their terms. The appropriate Village ofi'icials are hereby directed to advise said bidders of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 23-401. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSIa AND ADOPTF,D THIS 24 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ I>olores R. Walker Village Clerk PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTfi PALM BEACH FLORIDA ._._.._. GENTLEMEN The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection ~~rith any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and withont.collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares .that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly faffiliar;.with .its provisions and with ,the.quality,..t3oe and. grade. of. material-.called.-for,. . ~: Tlze:_nndersigned furtlier declares`that:he proposes: to furnish the articles .recalled for•withia specified tilrya~set ia<this,proposal-for the following :;~price;_and guarantees. that Parts and. service•for.the articles listed.. ,.;~.balow are available within the State ~of.Floridan to wit: '.: ~. ;;. ~ , jly- .' •i Y. +. .. ~ 1'd ~~ . ~ _ ~ • ,, .. .. _ ,. _. -,. ,.; rTSM No . 1 SPECIFICATION "A" TWENTY (20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY -Maiiufacturer~ - - -Model No. -Price Each:' ~$ TOTAL: S Less Trade-In No. 1 S Less Trade-In No. 1(a) $ Net Total less Trade-in S Net total less Trade-in S ALTERNATE #1 Deduct anount to mount LP-2 Garwood Lift Bar attachnent~ if furnished by owner. ITEM_N0. 2 SPECIFICATIONt "B" 320001 GV4IR CAB E CHASSIS ONLY S One Each'S__l~}b01'sL9Q_ tlanufacturer International tlodel C01810B AUDE;v4)UM /I1 receive9 ~• ~- Net Total less Trade-in S -4- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACR " FLORIDA GUARANTEED DELIVERY 90 to 120 days ADDRESS 2829 South Dixie Vlest Palm Beach Fla. 33405 -5- a.~,dk.~~a,~ P.aYtnershi~. Corporate ( Strike out words not ' applicable• i -6- PROPOSAL 7i~ THE VILLAGE OF NORTfi PALM BEACAj FLiRII]~ y GENTLEMEN: Z'he undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons snaking proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without. collusion or fraud. The undersigned fuither declares.that he has carefully examined the ..specifications and is thoroughlg fasniliar.:.with..its provisions and with ' the quality,. t3oe and grade- of material .called. for. ,.~-. The_ undersigned furtheic declares _ that he-.proposes= :t:o • furnish the articles , ,:~call:ed for•wlthin specified time set in this,proposal`for the following •,pri:ce: and guarantees-that parts and. service for the articles listed. - ,;below are available within the State•of.Floz~tdar.to'wit: , ~:. ~- ~: ~AY• _ ~~ • a r •r DAIS ' Nav, 4~." 1976 .: .. Y :; ~d ul~.a h r~ ~r Ej ''~~ - ~ ri •~~-` %'ITEt1 tJO. 1 - SrPECIFICATION "A" TWEiJTY (20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY ~ F_• -Manufacturer'' Heil ' tlodel No. Mark IV Price Each: '$ 10,428.00 ~ TOTAL: $ 10,428.00 Less Trade-In No. 1 $ 450.00 p7et Total less Trade-fn $ 9.978.00 Less Trade-In 1Jo. 1(a) $ 350.00 ALTERNATE #1 Deduct anount to mount LP-2 Garwood " Lift Bar attachnent~ if furnished by owner. Deduct $ ITEN_N0, 2 SPECIFICATIOiJ "B" 32000# GVIJR CAB E CHASSIS OP1LY stet total less Trade-in $ 10,07.8.00 200.00 One Each'$ Manufacturer 11ode1 ,-' Net Total less Trade-in -4- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEAC$ ` ~ FLORIDA GUARANTEED DELIVF,RY 30 to 45 days delivery after receipt of your chassis ADDRESS 2900 N.W. 73rd St. Miami, FL 33147 -5- SGC~ (Strike out ~~t4~ words not Corporate applicable Truck Equipment Inc. gy Earl B. Ye~dak~r'.Jr. -~ - Mr. S.K. LOnr~ 'L LbD Heaver -St. JACKS O11Vllle, F'L. ~3"l"105 f ti -6-