1976-73 Declaring the Results of the Bond ElectionRESOLUTION N0. 73-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACii, FIAKIIIA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE BOND ELECTION HELD ON NOVF.MBF.R 2, 1976 '1'0 I)I:7'F.RM7NE W}[ETHER OR NOT THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN AN AGGRF,GATE AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($],600,000) SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE V]hLAG1; OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO FINANCE THE COST OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR RCCRF;ATIONAL PURPOSES AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF A RECREATION RUIhDING AND RF,CRF.A1'I0NAL FACILITIES, INCLUDING OTHER PURPOSES NECESSAKY, APPURTENANT OR INCIDENTAL THERETO. WI[F.RF.AS, a bond election of the qualified electors residing in the Village of North Palm Beach was held on November 2, 1976 for the purpose oi' submitting to the registered voters of the Village the following question: Shall the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, issue not exceeding $1,600,000 principal amount of general obligation bonds, bearing interest at not exceeding the maximum legal rate of interest at the time of the sale of the bonds, maturing not later than thirty (30) years from the date of issuance thereof, payable from ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable property in the Village without limit as to rate or amount, for the purpose of financing the cost of the acquisition of land for .recreational purposes and the construction and acquisition of a recreation building and recreational facilities, as more specifically described and provided in Resolution No. 68-76 of the Village, adopted September 9, 1976? and; WHF,REAS, the inspectors and clerks for said election were the same as those persons appointed for the general election held in the Village on the same date, to-wit: Juno Fire Station #2 - Precinct #34: Clerk; 1 Inspectors: A. J. Keller Helen Ferdinand Louise Vorbroker Bertha Koehler Muriel Vitek Helen Moree Leo Mack }'with Lutheran Church - Precinct #48 Clerk: Inspectors: Carol Goldstein Shirley Deters Earline Gerlach Regina McDowell Esther Bricker Janet Heaton Carol Brown Irene Nolan Council Chambers, Village Hall - Precinct #49 Clerk: Inspectors Old Port Cove - Precinct #50: Clerk: Inspectors: Jane Jenkins M. 0. Woodworth Barbara Hill Lyla Jean Noell Joyce Brown Lois Booth Linda Wilkins Regina Johnson Lillian Drudi Cornelia Livingston Joann Keelor Faye Lucas Jean Corcoran Mary Butterworth Betty Redding Elks Lodge 2069 - Precinct #52: Clerk: Inspectors: Louise Nash Martha Schultz Ruth Brush Margaret Fick Millicent Walter Pearl Doran Barbara Nichols Mary Veckman Gertrude Zentgraf Barbara Bedwell St. Clare's Church - Precinct #53: Clerk: Catherine Mitchell Inspectors: Blanche Tyson Elsie Keehan Margaret Swarner Margaret Scully L _7 and; W}{F.RE115, on November 3, 1976 said Inspectors and Clerks, ai'ter taking and subscribing their oaths in accordance with the law, made their returns to the Village Council, which returns certified the following is the result of said bond election, to-wit: -2- Total Machine Vote 4474 Total Absentee Vote 372 Total Write-in Vote 0 Total Village Vote 4846 M JJI 1_ _J and; Total Votes "FOR BONDS" 1754 Total Votes "AGAINST BONDS" 3092 W}iEREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns of said bond election and finds that the returns of the Inspectors and Clerks of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes cast; NOW, T}iF,RF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}1 PALM BF,ACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council finds and declares that the i'ollowing is the result of the said bond election, to-wit• Total Votes "FOR BONDS" 1754 Total Votes "AGAINST BONDS" 3092 Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATThST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk -3-