2019-05-17 PB Post_Ex-Dwyer football coach honored by North Palm councilThe Palm Beach Pest REAL NEWS STARTS HERE Friday, May I7, 2019 113
Ex -Dwyer football coach honored by North Palm council
By Jodie Wagner
The Pshn Beach Post
lack Daniels' 23 -year career
as William T. Dwyer High
School's head football coach
yielded two state champion-
ships, 234 wins and a 15 -yea
streak of playoff appearances.
Last week, the North Palm
Beach native was honored for
his achievements — both on
the field and off — with a com-
mendation from the Village
Council. Daniels was recog-
nized for his accomplishments
as a footballcoachandteacher
in Dwyer's Exceptional
Education program.
"Jack Daniels has dedicated
his career to fostering excel-
lence in youth sports and
academics; and the Village
Council wishes toacknowl-
edge and publicly commend
Jack Daniels for his valued
services renderedinthepublic
interest," the commendation
Daniels, who stepped down
as Dwyer's head football
coach in February, attended
North Palm Beach Elementary
School and grew up in the
"This is a great
Longtime Dwyer High School football coach lack Daniels, second from right, received a commendation
from the North Palm Beach Village Council last week. With him are, from left, Councilmember Deborah
Searcy, Vice Mayor Mark Mullintx, Mayor Darryl Aubrey and Councilmember Susan Bickel. [CONTRIBUTED]
community," Daniels said like I spent every day there community."
after being recognized by playing football and base- During Daniels' tenure at
the village. "Osborne Park, ball with a bunch of people Dwyer, he sent morethan loo
Anchorage Park, it seemed in this room. What a great players to college programs
ands even players to the NFL,
among them Miami Dolphins
tight end Nick O'Leary and
Indianapolis Colts quarter-
back Jacoby Brissett.
O'Leary and Brissett were
both part of the Panthers'
2009 team that went 14-1 and
Clinched the Class 4A state
title — the school's first.
McKinley Rolle was named
the Panthers' new head coach
in March. ANew Jersey native
and older brother of former
Florida State University and
NFL defensive back Myron
Rolle, he is a former assistant
head coach and defensive
coordinator at Umatilla High
School, and a former head
coach at Lee -to high School
and Wildwood Middle High
Daniels told The Palm Beach
Post in February that he plans
tobe around footballas often
as he can, and hasn't entirely
closed the book on his Coach-
ing career.
"I don't know what's going
to happen," he said. "I don't
know how I'm going to do
withfreetime, let'sput it that
@JRWag RU,5
Forest Hill High valedictorian
says finding balance was key to success
By Adriana Delgado
served as a means of escap-
Education class.
mental health would make her
The Falm Beach Post
ing reality for a world of
Herrera said that finding
parentshappy. "Theybrought
magic during hard times, but
a balance in her workload
Forest Hill high valedicto-
it made me value books and
during her senior year was
worked tirelessly to provide
ricin Danisbel Herrera, 17, has
literature in general, because
instrumental. "It's when my
for our family, so the least I
big plans ahead.
a few words on paper are so
schedule really filled up. I
can do is make them proud,"
But for now she is focused
powerful that they can create
,. 9
had essays to write and tests
Herrera said. "My mom is a
on starting New York
entirely new worlds just in
to study for, but I also had to
medical assistant, my dad was
University in the fall, where
your mind."
find tune for my friends, my
a dentist, my uncle is a PA,
She'll "focus on communi-
Herrera, a West Palm Beach
family, and myself," Herrera
etc. I knew they wanted me
cations because it involvesresident,
has a GPA of 4.0,
to go into medicine, but I'm
journalism, and I'm passion-
with a weighted GPA of 5.23.
"At the beginning of the
super queasy and terrified of
ate about writing," Herrera
She was born in Cuba and
year, it was very stressful,
medical equipment."
came to the United States in
but I managed to create a sort
However, she soon real-
2008, just before her seventh
of routine and eventually got
ized that was not the path for
and I've hoped to write and
used to it. I can't say that I
her. "I like science, but I have
publish my own books since l
She is enrolled in the
don't panic every now and
a passion for words. I'm not
International Baccalaureate
while when the stress got to
sure ff I'm a good writer, and
Herrera says that it was one
program, which she said was
me, but I've always been able
but I feel like senior year really
I don't know how well I'd do
particular book that greatly
challenging."IB classes came
to get everything done on
taught —how to manage my
in a field like journalism, but
with more content, more
time, whether the classes are
time, a skill that I'm sure will
do knowthat I'd rather spend
and the Sorcerer's Stone' by
exams, and more assign-
honors or IB."
become increasinglyumful in
years learning to perfect
J.K. Fowling introduced me
ments. It took a while to get
Herrera also took three
the years ahead."
something I actually enjoy
to a world so magical and
Advanced Placement
Herrera initially planned
doing," Herrera said.
detailed that I could almost
it was unmanageable. Yes, I
classes and one Advanced
to study psychology because
see it," she said. " It not only
complained every once in a
International Certificate of
she thought a profession in
be him. Besides, I need to tell
I would have loved to witness
person I know.
him all about the new picture of
the Apollo 11 moon landing.
Who is your hero, someone who
What is something most people
What are your hobbles?
the black hole.
What is your favorite childhood
Inspires you?
don't know aboutyou?
My hobbies include read-
What is the best advice you
I consider my dad my hero. My
I don't think a lot of people
ing, playing the piano, and
ever receli
My ninth birthday was pro b-
father grew up without much,
know that I pretended not to
binge -watching "The Big Bang
The best advice I've ever
ably the best day of my young
in afamily that didn't care
speak English for two years,
received i5 to fake it until I
life. I actually had friends that
much about academics, yet he
from second grade to fourth
If you could have dinner with
make it. I've always doubted
cared enough to come to the
made it. He went to college and
grade. Throughout those years,
anyone in history, who would
my abilities, and... it turns out
party, and there was a lot of
became a dentist. When l was
I wouldn't speak unless spoken
it be?
that pretending to be confident
dessert. At that point I'd only
born, he wanted me to have
to in Spanish. Why did I do
If I could have dinner with
actually does boost confidence.
been in the United States for
more opportunities than he
this? I don't actually know, but
anyone in history, it would be
At a certain point, it stopped
two years, and I think that day
had, and he did all he could to
I think I wasn't confident in my
Stephen Hawking. If anyone is
being an act.
I realized that I wasn't as alone
move our family to the United
abilities, as usual.
going to answer my questions
What event in history would
as l felt. It might sound silly,
States. Aside from his determi-
about the universe... it would
you have liked to Witness?
but l stopped feeling like an
nation, he is also the kindest