1976-64 Award Bid to Shannon R. Ginr ~ RESOLUTION N0. 64-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF SHANNON R. GINN FOR BASE BID PLUS ALL ALTERATIONS - NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY - IN THE AMOUNT OF $96,700.00 ' FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-404.1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Shannon R. Ginn, copy of which is attach- ed to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 10 404.1. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26 DAY OF AUGUST, 1976. /s/ Mervin H. McIntyre VICE MAYOR ATTEST: ~ /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk J >?; _ ' "•a '' ;, 'f,~,y : ~ ~.~ ``CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ,~ -~~1875 PALM BEACH:LAKES B!_VD. ~` ',`.'"`WEST PALM BEACN.FLOR+RA. PROPOSAL FOR N.P.B., PUBLIC LIBRARY ~S3u~~it in Duplicate) T0: VILLAGE OF NORTH-PALM BEACH VILLAGE HALL NORTH PALM BEACH; FLORIDA The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the only persons, company or parties interested in ahis proposal or.the.Contract.to be entered into, as principals, are -named herein; and that hi s: proposal is made without connection with any other -,person, company or parties making a bid or proposal; and that is is in all respects ,fair and in good fait without collusion or; fraud...; ~~~iThat.the~Bidder has~c;arei~uliy~and to his full satisfaction, examined the attached ~'~ ?Instructions to Bfdi[ers:~General Conditions, Modifications to General Conditions, " u7echnical Specifications,Y~,Bnd Form of Contract and Bond, together with the accompanying . =Y~-' fans and that he hasp„read all addenda issued rior to the opening of bids;-and that ' he.has made a full,-_examf~atlon of the locationPof he proposed work and hereby agrees ,. ,. .w>to furnish, unless otherwise provided, all implements, machinery,.equipment, _: transportation;, tools,~materials, supplies, labor .and other things necessary to the ;:prosecution-and completion of the work to wit:-< ConstruCtion~.of the Interior Alterations'• `for. the North Palm Beach Public Library „ 303 Anchorage-Drive ,; North Palm Beach, Florida - ,in accordance with.the Contract Documents pertaining thejeto for the b}se bid payment - of, ~ d~ c7~c+rl ~~w~ /snr /d~~tl~ t fir/ ----- ,'` - _ Dollars ($ 7 ~. cl~ ) to t e ontractor y t e wner, a in actor ante with the requiremen s and provisions (bf the Contract Documents. • - ~: The Bidder further declares that should the following Alternates be accepted and .incorporated in the contract, the Base Bid :will. be altered as follows: ALTERNATE N0: 1 WALL ADD $ -f- 7y 5'`N ~.- ALTERNATE N0. 2 DOOR ADD $ -y- 3s~ AL7E~RNATE N0. 3 DUMBWAITER ADD $ 't- 9 S'~ ~+.- ALTERNATE NO d: 4 LGT; 'FIXT ADD $ T l J'~ ~s• -s::, .. ALTERNATE N0 5 RST RMS: ADD $-~ d- ~^w ~' • `elf awarded the contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the attached contract within 'ten (10) caldendar days after the date on which said Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed has been-received; and to begin work with an adequate force and equipment ~~within 10 calendar .days from the date or receipt of written notice to proceed; and to complete all work within not more than 9L7 Calendar day r after date of receipt of written notice to proceed.. There is enclosed a Bid Guarantee ,, consisting of five percent (5N) of bid price.ar The undersigned furtheemore agrees that;:in case of failure on his part to execute 'said contract and bond 'within ten(10) days after being awarded the contract, the check, bond or other security accompanying his bid and the money payable thereon, shall become the property of the Village of North Palm Beach, by forfeit as agreed and liquidated damages;'otherwise the check of bond accompanying his proposal shall be returned to the undersighed. 3612 _ `s '- Page P,t of P.2 <; PROPOSAL fOR N.P.B. PUBLIC LIBRARY (continued) The undersigned, if awarded the contract, contract, a surety or performance bond in set forth in "Instructions to Bidders". The Undersigned, states that his proposal in which he is interested..- _ ~ `.`Y agrees to furnish at time of signing of the amount of 100X of the contract as is the only proposal for this project r; ~~ • .X The undersigned further agrees to bear the full cost of maintaining all work until final acceptance. , ~~`- .. SUBMITTED. AUGUST 5, •` ~ " ~ •` ~ 1976 ~ _ ` ' SHANNON R 'GINN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FIRM NAME ° . ., ,~ ?BUSINESS ADDREJS1675. PALM BEACH LAKES WEST PALM ACH FLA. 33 401 y r t' „"r SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE.OfFICICAL "~ ~: w~r~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ TITLE SHANNON R. GINN; PRESIDENT - , ; ~ , ~ , _ /~ ) '~° ~ ~ ~ .' STATE OF INCORPORATION FLORIDA '''~ ~) FULL NAMES & ADDRESSES OF PERSONS OR PARTIES INTERESTED IN THE FOREGOING BID, AS :PRINCIPALS: ~~ • 1675 PALM BEACH BLVD. LAKES MR. SHANNON R. GZNN, PRESIDENT. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 214 CIRCLE EAST MR. DAVID L. HOPPER, VICE PRES. JUPITER FLORIDA ~ ~ 33458 BE~H 7~A 1~ LAK BL MS. GLORIA B. GINN, SECTY/TREAS WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 ADDENDA N0. (S) RECEIVED AND ATTACHED HERETO 7612 Page P.2 of P.2 ,. ,