02-2019 Country Club_Preliminary as of 2-28-19The Village of North Palm Beach Preliminary Country Club Budget Summary Revenue Current YTD (Feb 2019) FY 2019 Budget % of Budget Prior Year (Feb 2018) Actual 9/30/18 Greens fee/cart rentals/membership fees 182,378$ 2,129,209$ 8.57% 1,321,213$ 1,743,760$ Golf Shop revenues 40,032 159,400 25.11% 125,945 217,148 Driving range revenues 7,946 300,000 2.65% 149,965 276,244 Interest revenues ①560 10,000 5.60% 4,440 13,874 Sale of Surplus - - 0.00% - 19,448 Appropriated Retained Earnings - 275,647 0.00% - - Miscellaneous 2,148 342,336 0.63% 10,943 17,487 Total Revenues 233,064$ 3,216,592$ 7.25% 1,612,506$ 2,287,962$ Expenses Personnel Costs 132,111 828,298 15.95% 308,000 573,017 Operating Costs Golf Course Maintenance 498,546 1,163,500 42.85% 468,535 1,159,940 Golf Shop & Range 147,159 343,200 42.88% 186,371 310,952 Food & Beverage③10,440 12,314 84.78% 30,860 41,979 Country Club Administration 5,937 13,700 43.33% 8,658 17,192 Clubhouse & Grounds 24,723 29,000 85.25% 41,715 68,350 Insurance & General Liability 11,265 46,555 24.20% 17,796 42,711 Attorney Fees 1,755 10,000 17.55% 2,301 13,772 Capital Outlay Capital Outlay ②213,049 336,336 63.34% 26,026 1,363,664 Debt Service Debt Service - 433,689 0.00% - 405,942 Reserves Contingency - - 0.00% - - Total Expenses 1,044,984$ 3,216,592$ 32.49% 1,090,261$ 3,997,519$ Revenues over (under) expenses (811,920)$ -$ 522,244$ (1,709,557)$ ① Interest allocation not yet complete ② Carryover from previous year for Golf Course Improvement Project ③ Property tax assessment for f&b lease ($8,589.50) Revised Budget 3,216,592$ Less: Original Budget (2,880,256) Budget Amendments 336,336$ Budget Amendments: FY'18 Open P.O. carryover 154,415$ FY'18 unused capital funds carryover 181,921 Total Budget Amendments 336,336$