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1976-46 Award Bid to Biocom/General Electric~ i RESOLUTION N0. 46-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF BIOCOM/GENERAL ELECTRIC FOR TELEMETRY BASE STATION, FIELD UNIT AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,723.60 FROM ACCOUNT NUMBERS 12-401 AND 12-408. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Biocom/General Electric, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms, contingent upon the authorization of the Governor's Highway Safety Commission of the State of Florida for 70/30 matching funds. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidders of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account Numbers 12-401 and 12-408. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10 DAY OF JUNE, 1976. /s/ Ronald L. Heratv MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk u PROPO5?aL ~ THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM EAC , GEVTLEMEN. ~.`he w~dersigned as bidder does declare that i-o other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in.the contract to be taken, and that it is made trithout any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and. is in a`11 respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the• . spacificatigns and is thoroughly familiar- with its provisions and wi.~th ~> the quality,: type and grads:~of material called .for. .., ~ • ~.~ undersigned further declares that he'~proposes to furnish the articles _ :.::.called for. within specified time set in this proposal for the following F price; and'g*~~*~*+tees that. parts and service for the articles listed =':~` below are. available. withia,the State. o£. Flori , to with . ~; _ •:: -~ /3- .~ ~ :. ,. ;: ~::: - =• .. .~,3) ltoo (2) U~tra.Aigfl Frequencq (UHF) Two Channel.Baae Stations ,. .:. ,{ .2) Ttao (2) UFiF.:9ntenaas, isol'atore, .filters, •duplexers and tranamisaion lines t~ 1• ~ 3) lbro (2) •medical. control consoles ~ - ~ " .~ 4) Four (4)~remote control unite -~- PROPOSAL TO THE.VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH • FLORIDA ' r ..~ GUARANTEED DELIVERY wlthln 120 days ARO to be'followed immediately installation and training ADDRESS 9522 W. Jefferson Blvd. ' Culver City, CA 90230. ~ ' -5- $xad~roucdto~d. 2tXJHQX~1i61F2~Y~C ' . Corporate- i ( Strike out words not applicable -6- 9.0 BID SUMMARY Item 1 2 2A 3 4 C 5. Below is an itemized list of equipment to~~be purchased and installed. Enter the cost for each item in the appropriate columns and total. Quantity Description 2 UHF Repeater Base Stations, Duplexers, Isolators, Filters Antennas, Transmission Lines and Installation, per para- graphs 3.3 through 4 Remote Control Units and. Alerting Devices. Two (2) master units at St. Mary's Hospital; two (2 ): slaved units at the Community .~ Hospital and Installation, per paragraph 3.4 Alert Si9natin55 2 Medical Contro]. Console (MCC) and Installation, per para- I Unit Cost Total Cost $ 8,203.23 $ 16,406.46 2,293.91 4,587.82 463.25 926.50. graph 3.6 4,l00.0o R,2oo.00 1 Field Portable Biomedical V Telemetry. and Communications Unit, per paragraph 3.7 , 1 Mobile Antenna and Installation per paragraph 3.8 TOTAL COSTS ITEMS 1-5) Optional Services 6 Warranty. Period Maintenance, per paragraph 7:1' 30.00 30.00 534,700.78 st year ~ a) Base Stations (2) 4. 04. 0 6 00'00 month montd$176.01 b) Remote Control Units (4) 4.09 9.78 1st year month month c) Medical Control Consoles (2) N/C N/C month month d) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Communications N/C ^ N Unit (1) month month . TOTAL COST ITEMS 6a-d $78.74 month $797.01 1st year 90 9.0 BID SUMMARY - Continued3 ~• Optional Services - Continued ~ ~ Item Quantity Description 7 Contract Maintenance, per paragraph 7.2 a) Base Stations (2) $3s.oo S7o_oo 2nd Year month month . b) Remote Control Units (4) 9.78 mo- n-- t~ month c) Medical Control Consoles (2) X4.50 6q.oD month month d) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Communications Unit (1) N/C N/C ' ~ month month TOTAL ITEMS 7a~.d S148.78 - month C - ~ . ,.. 4.1 C l 9.0 BID SU2QMARY - Continued- Alternate Bid Per Para~ra h 3 5 ~~• Item Quanity Description Unit Cost Total Cost 8 1 UHF Repater Base Station, selec- table four (4) channel operation. Duplexer, Transmission Line,' Antenna and Installation, per paragraphs 3.3 through and and S7.036.g4 S7.036.g4 9 2 Remote Control Units and Alerting Devices selectable four (4) Chan- nel o eratzon. One 1 .Master uni t- at St. Mary s Hospital; one (1) Slaved unit at Community Hospital and Installation, per paragraphs 3:5 and 3.4 11 1 6.70 2 353.40 9A Alert STgnalltng . 3.25" 92 0 10 2 Medical Control Consoles (MCC) and Installation, per paragraphs - 3.5 and 3.6 _ ..4,100.00. 8,200.00 11 1 Field Portable Biomedical Tele- metry and Communications Unit per. paragraph 3.7 4,500.00 4,550.00' 12 1 Mobile Antenna and Installation per paragraph 3.8 30.00 30.00 ALTERNATE BID--TOTAL COSTS ITEM 8- 12 $23,096.84 Alternate Bid - Optional Services 13 Warranty Period Maintenance 3 months free per paragraph 7.1 . 9 months quoted 5310,50 a) Base Station (1) $ 34.50 $ 34.50 Year b) Remote Control Units (2) c) Medical.. Control Console d) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Communications Unit TOTAL ITEMS 13d-d Month 88.02 4.89 ea. ~ 9.78 Year onT7-t~-"~ontF-' N/C N/C N/C N/C ---,-__ $44.28 5398.52 Month Year 42 i 9.0 BID .SUMMARY - Continued ~ , Alternate Bid - Optional Services Item Description ~ 14 Contract Maintenance per paragraph 7.2 a) Base Station (1) 534.x„0 S414.00 Month Year b) Remote Control-Units (2) 4.89 ea 9.78 5117.36 c) Medical Control Consoles (2) Month N/C Month Year N/C d) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Communications.. Unit (1) N/C N/C TOTAL ITEMS 19a-d $44.28. S531.36 Month ear r .... 43 ALTERNATE BID 9.0 BID SUMMARY Below is an itemized list of equipment tO::be purchased and installed. Enter the cost for each item in the appropriate columns and total. Item Quantity Description 1 2 UHF Repeater Base Stations, Duplexers, Isolators, Filters Antennas, Transmission Lines and Installation, per para- ' graphs 3.3 through 2 4 Remote Control Units and Alerting Devices. Two (2) master units at St. Mary's Hospital; two (2) slaved units at the Community . Hospital and Installation,; per paragraph 3.4 3 2 Medical Control. Console (MCC) and Installation, per para- graph 3.6 4 1 Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Communications Unit, per paragraph 3.7 5 1 2dobile Antenna and Installation per paragraph 3.8 TOTAL COSTS ITEMS 1-5) Optional Services 6 Warranty Period Maintenance, per paragraph 7.1 S12,780.00 a) Base Stations (2) - - N/C m ontT month b) Remote Control Units (4) N/C N/C month month c) Medical Control Consoles (2) N/C' month month d) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Co:rcnunications / 1~ Unit (1) no nth ___ onth TOTAL COST ITEMS 6a-d ~ N/C month Unit Cost Total Cost No Bid No Bld $ 4.100.00 S 8.200.00 4.550.00 4.550.00 30.00 30.00 90 ALTERNATE BID 9.0 BID SUFIP4ARY - Continued •• Optional Services - Continued ~ Item Quantity Description 7 Contract Maintenance, per paragraph 7.2 a) Base Stations (2) N/C N/C month month b) Remote Control Units (4) N/C N/C mo~ nti-"_ - month c) Medical Control Consoles (2) $aL_sn ghc nn $414.00 month month year d) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Communications Unit (1) ' _~j/r u/r . TOTAL ITEMS 7a-d month month sba.oD ` month S414.o0 . . Year ._. 41 ITEMIZED EQUIPMENT LIST GENERAL~~ELECTRIC ' NORTH PALM BEACH EQUIPMENT LIST L ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION F 1 2 General Electric Model VC85VAU86B 2-Channel Repeater Station with 'Tone Option 9508 Intercom Option 9511 Microphone 0940-2 Modification T-11-330A Surge Suppressor T-11-410A-10 Surge Suppressor DB-4327 Ferrite Isolator DB-4072 Duplexer DB-4332 Harmonic Filter .11773 Dummy Load Option 6636/DB-413 Antenna Option 6627/6646 50' 7/8" Line Installation 2 9 General Electric Model 549A2S2 MASTR'Controller Option 8536 Intercom Option 8583 Handset/Hook Option 8554 Parellel Transmit Option 8529 VU Meter Option 8577 Clock Option 8558 Switch Grid Option 8557 Repeater/On/Off 0941-2 Modification T-11-330A Surge Suppressor T-41-410A-10 Surge Suppressor Installation 2A Alert Signaling PROPOSAI, 2~0 TfiE VILLAGE OF NORTEi PALM EACFI FIA GENfiLEI~N: `l'he undersigned as bidder does declare that no other .person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in,the contract to be taken, and. that it is made without any connection t~rith any other person or persons making proposal £or the same article, and. is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned £uf-ther' declares that he has carefully examined the • . specificatigns and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and the quality;. type and grads"of material called .for. . 2'ha undersigned further declares that he',proposes to furnish the articles .; called for. witT~.n specified time set in this proposal for the' following .~; r price; •and'yuarastees that parts and service for the articles listed ,~ 'below are.availabls.withia;the State. of. Florida, to wits . pp,ZZ' iday =12; i976 • ~.- ~;. ;'3) ltao (2} U];tia High :Fzegaencq (UHF) ltoo Channel..Base Stations .~ 2J 1t+o (2) UHF.•,antennas, •isofatora,..filtera, •du~lexers~.~and tranamission'linea ~. • i 3) ltao (2)'•medical. control consoles - NO BID _ • ~4) Four (4) remote control units ='NO BID' ~. 5) One (1)' Field Portable Telemetzy'and.voice commupicatione unit - NO BID -4- • ~ ~ PROPOSAL TO THE•VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ' FLORIDA C to 140 . GUARANTEED DELIVERY 120~Days After Receipt of Purchase our Factorv Ivnchhurq, ir;,-g;,,;~-y ' ~ ... FIRM GENERAL_ELECTRIC COMPANY s Manager 204 Koger Building. ' ADDRESS $675 Executive Center Drive Miami, Florida 33166 -5- ., ~Rakicvci~3ssaax ~ • ( Strike out • ~[xx~msdxbp words• not Corporate applicable" ""~. incorporated under laws New York. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY BY 204.KOger Building ,: 8675'Executi a Cente"r Drive. Miami. FI. 33166 -6- I. H. A. Loughran ~ Atteating Secretary of the General Electric Company, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a portion of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the General Electric Company on April 25, 1975, and that said portion of said resolution has not been rescinded or further amended: RESOLVID that (A) Any contract, lease, license, assignment, bond or other obligation, conveyance, power of attorney, proxy, court pleading, release, tax return and related documents, 'or other instrument may be executed on behalf of this Company by the Chairman of the Board,.a Vice Chairman of the Board, an Executive Officer, a Senior Vice President, a Vice President, a Vice President for a designated region, the Vice President-Corporate Customer Relations, the Comptroller, the Treasurer, the Secretary, or by the General. Manager, Deputy Division General Manager, or the formally designated Acting General Manager of the Division'(including area division), Deputy Division, Operation or Department to which such instrument relates. (B) Any instrument of the type described in paragraph (A) may be .executed on behalf of this Company bye 1. The Manager of a division-level or department-level C organization component, but only with respect to the activities of such component, (C) Sales and consignment contracts, bids therefor, and documents in connection therewith, including bide to and contracts with any Municipal, County or State Government, or with the Govern- ment of the United States or a foreign country, or with any agency or department of any such Government (but not including contracts providing for or relating to a franchise for the distribution or resale of this Company's products) and bonds to secure the performance of such bide and contracts, may be' executed on behalf of this Company by; 1. The Manager-Marketing or the Manager-Sales of any Division or Department, or division or department-level organization component, but only with respect to products or services sold by such Division or Department, division or department- level organization component, 19. Any of the following managers of the Mobile Radio Products Department of the Communication Systems Business Division but only with respect to products sold by such Department: Manager - Field Operations Manager - Sales Planning Manager - International Sales. Manager - Bids and Proposals. A Regional Manager ~,.. ~, A Territory $alea Manager A District Salsa Manager -- l An Area Manager -" ,~ An Account Manager Manager - Service Parts (D) Installation, erection, and service contracts and bids therefor, including installation, erection and service contracts and bids therefor with any Municipal, County.or State Government, or with the Government of the United States, or with any agency or depart- ment of any such Government, and bonds to secure the.parformance of any such contract or bid, may be executed on behalf of this Company bye _,. _ .... _ . . 1. The Manager-Marketing of any Division or Department or division or department-level"organization component.but only with respect to products sold by such Division, Department, or division or department-level organization component, 5. Any of the following managers of the Mobile Radio Products Department of the Communication Syatema Business Division but only with respect to products sold by such Department: Manager - Field Operations Manager - Sales Planning. Manager - International Sales , Manager.- Bids and Proposals A Regional Manager A Territory Sales Manager A District Sales Manager An Area Manager An Account Manager Manager - Service Parts WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Company this 12th day of MAY , 19 7 6 ' ' l/r Atfeat S etary