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1976-12 Award Bids to Various Firms for Truck Equipment
~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 12-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF VARIOUS FIRMS FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRUCK T:QUIftNENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA: Section 1. The bids of Cecil & Bruce Truck Equipment, Inc., General GMC Truck Sales, Bruce King Chevrolet and Cushman Sales and Service, copies of which are attached to this Resolution, are hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidders of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended as follows: $20,220 Account No. 13-401 - (2) Packer Bodies 4,401 ROF Account - (1) Ton Cab & Chassis 1,050 ROF Account - (1) Hydraulic Dump Body 4,4081.66 Account No. - 3/4 Ton Cab & Chassis 14-402.3 757.00 Account No. - Utility Body 14-402.4 6,951.90 Account No. 13-401 - (2) Dumpsters Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11 DAY OF MARCH, 1976. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk PftOPOSAI, TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH FIARIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other parson other than the bidder heroin named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making ~ proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for orithin specified time set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida to wit: DATE .February 5, 1976 ITEM N0. I SPECIFICATION "A° TFIENTY (20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY 24ANUFACTURER Loadmaster - City Tank Corp. MODEL N0. LM 320 PRICE EACH $ $10,510.00 TOTAL $ 21,020.00 Less tra~o-in No, 1 $ 800.00 Less trade-in No, 2 $ 400.00 Total trade-in $ 1,200.00 Net Total less trade-in $ 19, 820.00 ITEP~I N0. 2 SPECIFICATION "B" 10000` GVP! CAB AND CHASSIS ONLY Ona Each $ _~ Nlar_ufact~.trer tdodel Less trade ~n No, 3 Net total less trade-in $ iTF,[-I PTO. 3 - ti0UC11'ED 0[1 10000 GVS'! CAB At]D Ci[ASSIS Ii ,d N0. -5- One Each $ 1,050.00 ITF.Pf N0. 4 SPECIFICATION "C" - CAB AND CHASSIS ONLY One Each $ /Yp /~ja PPEP4 N0. 5 SPECIFICATION "C" - SERVICE UTILITY BODY One Each $ 757.00 ITEM N0. 6 SPECIFICATION "D" - 3 Wf~EEL HYDRAULIC LIFT DUMP Manufacturer Model Each $ Total ttivo (2) $ / ~i Less trade-in No, k Each $ Total two (2) $ Net total less trade-in $ -6- ' .PROPOSAL TO TtQ; VILLAGE OF NORTH PALPI BEACH FLORIDA GUr\RA;~TEED DELIVERY Item No. 1 - Seventy-five (75 Item No. 3 - Two (2) weeks after recei t of chassis Item No. 5 - Ten (10) days after receipt of chassis REh1ARKS FIRh[ Cecil & Bruce Truck Equipment, Inc. TITLE President ADDRESS 3495 West Okeechobee Road Hialeah, Florida 33012 -6A- ga3ctc~ic~t3txd. -'' (Strike out ~aa~ words not CorForate :applicable Cecil & Bruce `T uck Equipment, Inc. Byron H itt, President ADDRESS 3495 West Okeechobee Road, Hialeah,. Florida 33012 Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS Byron Hewitt President 3495 W. Okeechobee Rd. Hialeah Robert Hewitt Vice President same Charles_Hayes Secretary-Treasur same -6B- J TRADE 1N VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealers full trade in value, which amount may be deducted from his bid price at the option of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. The Village of North Palm Beach. reserves the right to bt~y back from the dealer, at the quoted trade in value at~y of the vehicles listed in this section. All trade ins as is date of bid. 1. One (1) 1967 GMC single axle L-700 series Cab & Chassis with mounted Garwood 720 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar, s/N TM 773oVD3595A 2. One (1) 1970 Dodge single axle Model L-700 6-70 Cab and Chassis with mounted Garo-rood 820 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. S/id L71Gt7BS 108767 3. One (1) 1961 Ford Model F,~ Cab and Chassis frith mounted hydraulic dump body. S/N F3SCE 162781 k. 3 wheel ti•7estcoaster dumps, ~ Model-Model 975. S/N - 27900-27901 Each $ $ 800.00 $ 400.00 $ 50.00 Total. twn $ No Bid -7- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made orithout any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida to wit: DATE ~EBRUAR 5.1476 ITErt No. i SPECIFICATION "A" TWENTY (20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY MANUFACTURER MODEL N0. PRICE EACH $ - - _ TOTAL $ ~I D R I D Less trade-in No. 1 $ Less trade-in No. 2 $ Total trade-in $ Net Total less trade-in $ ITEM N0. 2 SPECIFICATION "B" 10000/! GVW CAB AND CHASSIS ONLY One Each $ 4 S DI . E70 I4anufacturer (} Model ~C. 2 ~ D© 3 Less trade-in No. 3 ~,Q~•~Q ~ Net total less trade-in $ ITF.P4 i10. 3 - MOUfITED ON 16000 GViJ CAB AND CHASSIS ITEM N0. -5- One Each $ -~V © [; ITEM N= 0. k SPECIFICATION "C" -CAB AND CHASSIS 0,'~TLY One Each $ ~'}' ~ O 3.0 O ITEM N0. 5 SPECIFICATION "C° -SERVICE UTILITY BODY One Each $ n, O ~ ~ l~ ITEM N0. 6 SPECIFICATION "D" - 3 WfiEEL HYDRAULIC LIFT DUMP Manufacturer t Model Each $ Total two (2) $ Less trade-in No. 4 Each $ Total two (2) $ Net total less trade-in $ p(0 B I D -s- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALhi BEACH FLORIDA GUARANTEED DELIVERY A PX (oO L~f1YS HRD REMARKS_• D ~i: ADDRESS 360 Southt•Lilitarl~ Trail _ tIe st Pfllri t3 ach~..F~ nri rla "' 4~4nh -6A- • ]~~~. (Strike out ~~; words not Corporate- applicable General GI'D Truck Sales & Service, Inc. ~-/ ~ ADDRESS 3~ South Dlilitary Trail', West Palm Beach, Florida, 33406 Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS Gene De Santa President - 21F8 Tar~oshanter Drive, Pa]Ya S. prangs Charle Tlugent Vice President 507 Ilorth Olive Ave., SJ_~P.Beach -- Iladeline De Santa Secretarv Treasurer'- - 248 Tamosharter Drive, Pa7r~ Sarinas -6B- TRADE IN VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealers full trade in values which amount may be deducted from his bid price at the option of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. dealer,latethe quoted tradeein value any ofethe vehicles list dfin this ~~ section. All trade ins as is date of bid. 1. One (1) 1967 CMC single axle L-700 series $ Cab & Chassis with mounted Garwood 720 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. s/N TM 7730~3545A 2• One (1) 1970 Dodge single axle Model $ ~ ` L_g00 6-70 Cab and Chassis with mounted Garwood 820 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. S/N L7IGMBS 108767 3• One (1)1961 Ford Model ~ Cab and Chassis $ I ©Q •~~ with mounted hydraulic dump body. S/N SCE 162781 < ;. ~ ~ : ~ ., .. . J~,._;3 wheel Westcoaster.;durapsa;~ Model-Model ;. 975. -- - . S/N - 27900-27901. Each $ _ _ Total two $ i ~ ~, ~ ~ -7- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAS BEACH FIARIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other than the bidder }ierein named has arty interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made orithout arty connection with any other person or persons making proposal £or the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for, The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida to wit: DATE o2 -- ~ `lfo ITEM N0. I. SPECIFICATION "A" TidENTY X20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY MANUFACTURER / (,(W l~C.fif_ MODEL N0. PRICE EACH $ TOTAL $ Less trade-in No, 1 $ Less trade-in No. 2 $ Total trade-in $ ITF.61 N0. 2 Net Total less trade-in $ SPECIFICATIOid "B" 10000 r' GVW CAB AND CHASSIS ONLY /Once Each $ ~~Js~• yJ t4anuf'acturer i~ Model C~ 3 ~OD3 Less trade-in No, 3 ITGI~I PiO. 3 $ ~S~SD zS Net total less trade-in _____ GV41 CAB AIdD CHASSIS IT::i•I id0. 2~ Ono Each $ ~(p p~Q, 00 ITED4 td0. 4 SPECIFICATION "C" - CAB AND CHASSIS ONLY IfiEtd N0. 5 SPECIFICATION "C" - SERVICE UTILITY BODY ITEM N0. 6 One Each $ ~}O p ~ (O (P One Each $ _~~©• O0 SPECIFICATION "D" - 3 WI{EEL HYDRAULIC LIFT DUMP Manufacturer X1.0 /:w~ Model Each Less trade-in No, 4 Each $ Total two (2) $ Total two (2) $ Net total less trade-in $ -6- PROPOSAL TO T{IE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BF,ACH FLORID\ GL1eaR~1\TEED DELIVER REMARKS ADDRESS_a(0'77 ~~7.eYZ~G/l~/.~.Cr ,C,1,~~i ~~~ - saga -6A- ,err Corpof ate, / ADDRES Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: ( Strike out words not :applicable -6B- NAME TITLE ADDRESS TRADc~ IN VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealers full trade in value, which amount may be deducted £rom his bid price at the option of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. The Village of North Palm Beach reserves the right to buy back from the dealer, at the quoted trade in value any of the vehicles listed in this section, All trade ins as is date of bid. 1. One (1) 1967 GMC single axle L-700 series Cab & Chassis with mounted Garwood 720 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. S/N TM 773oVD3595A 2. One (1) 1970 Dodge single axle Model L-700 6-70 Cab and Chassis with mounted Garwood 820 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. S/N L71G.•Il9S 108767 3. One (1) 1961 Ford Model F~ Cab and Chassis with mounted hydraulic dump body. S/N F3SCE 162781 li. 3 wheel 1Jestcoaster dwnps, 1~2 Model-Model 975. S/N - 27900-27901 $ '710 /~ $ ~0 ~ -l~©•~O FR-:~ ~ 'total two -~- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF tdORTH PAIM BEACH. FLORIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to ba taken, and that it is made without any connection vrlth arty other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for vrithin specified time set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available vrithin the State of Florida to vrit: /' DATE ITEM N0. I SPECIFICATION "A" TWENTY X20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY. MANUFACTURER MODEL N0. PRICE EACH $ TOTAL $ L°ss trade-in No. 1 $ Less trade-in No. 2 $ Total trade-in $ ITE2d N0. 2 Net Total less trade-in $ SPECIFICATION "B" 10000 GVW CAB AND CHASSIS ONLY C One Each $ i''snufacturer i4odel Less trade-in No. 3 ITE~4 1~0. 3 Net tote]. less trade-in $ .rr.q},C~UKl'lU?J "ts" UUP1t' tsuVY VNLT - MUUN'1'ha O~V` 1VVUU GVt'l CAB AD1D CHASSIS ITEid NO -5- ITEPd N0. 4 SPECIFICATION "C" -CAB AND CHASSIS OVLY IfiE6i N0. 5 SPECIFICATION °C° -SERVICE UTILITY BODY TTEi4 No. 6 Manufacturer a4odel yGr7 ~p6 Each $•~ ~ 7 Less trade-in No, k Each $~~ -6- One Each $ One. Each $ t/u / One Each $ ~~/ Total two (2> $73 ~' - ~a Total two (2) $ l//• D~yd Net total less trade-in $~ 7 ~i7 ~ - ~ .PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALP1 BEACH FLORIDA GUAItAi~TEED DELI REMARKS ADDRESS SS ~ 3v -6A- i, / ,~.~r l Strike out 12'"~•~----sb.~. words not Corporate :applicable BY u- W rP Officers of Corporation or Plembers of Partnership: C~ :- ~r ~ s ADDRESS 3c~/ ~sp~~ -6B- „ i• %. TRADE IN VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealers full trade in value, Vrhich amount may be deducted from his bid price at the option of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. The Village of North Palm Beach reserves the right to buy back from the dealer, at the quoted trade in value any of the vehicles listed in this section. All trade ins as is date of bid. $ ~ ~~(( 6~~ ~~ ~ // ~, ~ ~ 1. One (1) 1967 Gt•IC single axle L-700 series Cab & Chassis with mounted Garwood 720 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. s/N TM 773ovD3595A 2. One (1) 1970 Dodge single axle Model L-700 6-70 Cab and Chassis with mounted Garwood 820 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar, S~N L71Gb~S 108767 3. One (1) 1961 Ford Model F~ Cab and Chassis with u~unted hydraulic dump body. S~N F3SCE 162781 4. 3 wheel Westcoaster dumps, ~ hfodel-Model 975. S/N - 27900-27901 ~~~ ~ ~~~ Rash $ r~Q~ Tot?7. tsto w ~~~. d~ -7- CERTIFICATE I, DOLORES R. WALKER, Village Clerk of the Village of North 1 Palm Beach, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under t}~e laws of the State of Florida, hereby certify to FIRST AMERICAN BANK OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{ that a meeting of the Village Council of said mun- icipal corporation was duly called and held at the Village Hall in the Village of North Palm Beach and that the Resolution attached to this Certificate was on motion duly made and seconded, adopted and is now in full force and effect, they being Resolutions No. 8-76 and No. 13-76. I FURTHER CERTIFY that there is no provision in the Village 1 1 Charter or Ordinances limiting the power of the Village Council to pass the foregoing resolutions and that the same are in conformity with the provisions of said Charter and ordinances. V ~~~ ~~~~ Dolores R. Walker (Village Seal)