1976-06 Award Bid to Zambelli Fireworksv RESOLUTION N0, 6-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. FOR FIREWORKS FOR JULY 4, 1976 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,800.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 16-260. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Zambelli Fireworks Manufacturing Company, Inc., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms, The appropri- ate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 16-260. Section 2, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. ' PASSF,D AND ADOPTED THIS 8 DAY OF JANUARY, 1976. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk f] ':.. :',~.~,_.* _;s1 C., ,... ,Jl C„ iC-'.. JJ<S CL:G. '_L ~- i11~ ,_ n0 OY) .. .. ,. ,-.. .. Ci-~~ iJ_i.Ci(i;:,-. A',^-'L CJ.I7 Z1c63C~, i1.1 :i El i1'+,' ~Lnl.C'-7" '_ j_,? .i:'. .i :c O•_ ..._ _.. ... C`~~S~~~itC`i: 'i,O i.. t_1i~~."_71, 8Y1Ci i.•~;lt :L'i: "1 :; Il?cLCi<` !'/:!_i "lOl'.:- ~V:~ CC:':1? ~ G" .,._ ... 0:1 ~ Oia~.C _ x)_.. „U71 O.~!' ~]..r SOn3. TI'a;:.l i1CJ prOi)OS-~l O::' 1: :._ .~ 1 _ .__.. `~~_~ .~ .~ • ~~~__ :~ .) :i.n a.ll .,esp=c.s :c"-..ir and !;i'c:urrc collus-~_on o. . rar!d~ i'1:. lL1Ci~- S:i. CJn ~. C1 i`Llf:'L?:C C:"C13Y'eS filar- 1?c^ hd5 C~.t"E3r LLL1;~' t:c T1l_l."ia i:i'::. .,~__lCa'i.:L O'~"1S c,il C~ 1S thO_OtiICJi'Lly i`a[Cl1 .Lear ?91'i:.;l 7.%S 12COC'i_C, 1,Oil:i B~~. L';i ,_G.. '~.:!:, r~.lcllli:V, 't}.pe' and grade OF I!:atE:rlal Ca~_l_Cd %Or. `!`:,~ uz<:c_s;cncd ~:Llrther declares cal'J.~ci :~ or C71'%iZ1n spaciied ~_im pri.c_; and guarantezs thaw parts belo~.I are available crithin the S 'u Cld set an:l fate i?•C prOp0S.9S tO iAin7.S!Z L1`.;: J.?"%J.C.L~S in this proposal cr ti:C'. ~°o:iloc•;in:~ service ;.or the artic:Les .Li.^-.~eQ o.` r lorida, to t`;it: I'rer.t nl:scell'7'lov DA'lr December 6, 1975 L I'irev;orks Display per specifications Lump .Sum S _ 2s 800. Pvfi North Palm Beach, FL, \Ol'F: Uid price includes loan oi:' mortars 1sti;'OsAI, '['0 'i'!if: V7LL~C1{ 0}' iZO:L"['fl PR1+~1 1;::..(aI PI 1?::LU.\ F FPd1~ R [<S FIIu~I ZAMBELLI FWKS. MFG. CO., INC. SIG~Ell T1~C(,L C,F.CIRC~~7.AMRF.T.Ii~,PRjL~1,T~:NT tlt)ii:aaS_ P. O. BOX 801 ----.---I~SE3AL~STLE.,~.._16103 --- q12-652-5711 or 652-6220 _~,_ ~ t Tndi~`.iclu;~l ( S[ril;:• ouC P:n~tiun•:;l::ip ~dor~ls riot , C<u'}w!•;rie 'app7:icaltLc Rl' GEORGE R. ZAMBELLI, PRESIDENT !\t}Ula;•`'•`'___.7~RRF.L.T.T FWKR.. P_ C1. ROX 891.~SIE3L1L~11$.T~ PA. 16103 ---------- OPi':icers of Corporat:i.on or P}e;nber~ of Partnership: NAi`iE 1'ITL.E AllDRESS _____George R,__Zambelli President ___205 E. Winter Avenue _~ _ ~,...