Tom Valente obituary1 rxY
U ru a oo'q
�b �ttj ate'
Former IIP-.
Mayor Tom' -
Valente passes
away at 64
Tom Valente, former Mayer
of !Inrlh Palm BeaCb, Pa"cd
awwh suddenlw pn juesday. June
S, at the age of 64. in Villcnte
sat on the North Paan Beach
Council for 16 J -ears, serving as
Mayor in V*j, 4985, 3987 and
19gs. He also volunteered
Couching Football, basketball.
baseball and girl's softball in the
Village for ()ver 30 -Tears.
Torn is 5uj-%i%'cd bV his Wife,
Linda_ three daughters. t;a"een
�Vilson and husband 5[en'c11- of
Atlanta, Gcor6 a- I)Lbbie O i€itM
and ljusband Tisk of Palm Beach
Garticns kri5iim-1 Valente of North
Palm Beach- and two
gr,utdcUdreiL Rolle aDd Casev
Fj.Lnds and loved canes mai- call
on 1'ridtkv- .tune 11- a1 Thomas L.
Price Funeral Hamc: in North Palm
Beach, froiu 6-9 pin. Funeral
sen toes r a l l be held S:sttuda}'- June
12. at l pan at First i3aptist Chuch-
locatod at 6-5 Pato; M enue in Lake
PzMrk. Tn lieu o€ f1o;r'ers- the family
suggests contributions to the "Orth
palm Beach Girls Softball
scn;IlOOtL P.O. BOX 1410 -
North Palm Bez►clti FL ;3.3016
T. Valente, ex -North Palm councilman
Pim RvA srnlT lung
Tom Valente didn't mina
getting dirty. For more than
three decades, the coach, and
former nnayor of north Palrn
Beach, would hit the clay and
slide into first base along with
his players.
And when the small com-
munity's population starters
to buom in the earty '&K he
male aure there were fields
where the new youngsters
could play-
r- Valente died Tuesday
of an apparent heart attack.
He was 64 -
"When he got on the
council, the village was ex-
panding mpldty," said Coun-
oil rias Charles G'Metlia, who
served on the caunc-il for
three years with Valente.
"He made sure the recce
ation expanded along with
the rest of the town,"
Q'Mcilia said. "He always
supported all the softball and
basebali teams. He wanted
the village to support them
not only financially but mor-
Born in
N.Y., Mr.
moved to
.,. South Mori -
da asayeung
child. He
Mr.Valee graduated
from Palm
Beach Junior
College, and most recently
worked as a fxtrttiturc sales-
man at Halsey & Griffith Inc -
He was elected to the vil-
lage council in 1979 and held
the seat until 1996, when he
lost his re.c.lection bid to Jo-
seph TrintLgii. During the 1ta
year period, he served four,
one-year terms as mayor.
He is credited with
boasting the village's rccre-
ation program by adcling
several softball and baseball
fields, including those at the
community center- The
lighten field-, are now used b
the. !North Paint Beach Girls'
Softball Association. a non-
profit group that r- Valente
helped run for several years -
"He taught -o many kids,"
said Lisa Petersen, whose
Share your thoughts
Sfiare your condaIeitces afld
memales 'ern Thomas Valente's
guest book.
daughter was one of those
children. "He got right tber'e
in the middle of it. He got
down and dirty, lie was just
an inspiration and a mentor-"
Mr. Valente 1% survived
by his wife. Lancia; three
daughters, Kathleen Wilson
and ' her husband, Stec, of
Ailwita, Debbie G'Meiha otid
her husband, Tim, of Palin
Beach Gardens and Kristini
'alentr of North Palin Bead;
aad two grandchildren, Rof]y
and Casey O'Mcilia.
Friends may call from 6 to
9 p.rn- Friday at The Thomas
L Price Funeral Home. A fit -
neral will take place .at 1 p-ni .
Saturday at Hirst Baptist
Church of Lake Park, 625
Park Ave,, Lake Park -
Donations may be made
to the North Palm Beach
Girls' Softball Assuciation.
P.O. Box 14103, North Palm
Beach, Fla. 33408-
a jenn fer_aarertuefpbpostc4m
gym% Tb. EW
JU PM +, zcx>q
leader dies
B MirheIIe apkan
SWff writer
Pounterm mayor of
North Palm Reach Torn
Valente died suddenly last
Tuesday of a hears attack,
Fie was 64.
Mr. Valente, who served
16 years on the Village
C ouneg, is probably best
known for his coriunitment
to keep green space in a
rapidly- expanding tovai-
Ile made sure that there
were rccrea fiiorjutl parks,
ball fields and a community
center - places for children
and their families,
"In 1980, when the11111age
w% -as really expanding and
growing, tie made it a point
that the recreational facili-
ties grew along with it," said
[:hallus D'Melha, president
pro tern and North Palm
Beach �Fjlage caurIciltrlan.
"A lot of times recreation
doesn't keep rip with expan-
sion- He "ras very f nancial-
ly aware of what goes on in
the village as far as budget-
ing was conceived. (He
was) very conservmive in
filar [natter."
If he iv r, conservadve
with the budget, the recre-
ation department did not
suf Cr.
"Tom worked hard to
make stue the recreation
depm- rnent got our nioney
acenrdingly," said Clark
Hodgkins, recreation direc-
tor, "He just seemed to look
over the recreation depart-
ment, (He) pushed hard for
the community centerproi-
cct and ball held- (lie)
always tried to do the right
Ching whether it was recre-
ation nr rlo t -- he was a Very
ho n o rable rnan."
Mr. Hodgkins also said
that lir. Valente left his
handprint on all of the
recreation additions and
renovations that the village
had during his tenure -
Valente served his com-
mu.nity in a variety of ways.
Looking arourid this vitlagc,
residents can see the stand -
Ing testaments of his corn-
mitment to this imprme-
ment of the Village, the
expansion of the commtuYi-
ty center, the activiv budd-
ing in anchorage park, the
remodeled concession
stand at Osbo erne Park and
the Public safety building-
„ (lie %-as a) strung sup-
porter of our public safety
department." �Mr. O'Nleilia
said. "Valente wa-anted to lie
sure that all officers were
cross -trained-„
" a Ie {,gas} very active,
See YaIente page A2
Continued from page Al
very involved," said Kath-
leen (Kitty) Kally, Village
cleric. "He was excellent.
He cared abottt the village
as a whole and cared about
all of its ernplovees."
"He left a real posftNe
mark on Nurth i'altn
Bcach and the commtmi-
ty--' He made areal impact
on the quality of life in the
Village- We're sorry that
he's gone,,, said Mayor
Don Noel,
Mr. Valente is survived
by his wife, Linda and
three daughters, Mrs,
i udileen Wilson and her
husband Steve, of Atlanta,
Mrs. Debbie O'Meilia and
her husband TIM of palm
Beach Gardens and Mrs,
Kristina Valente of North
Palm Beach. Mr. Valente
had two grandchildren,
Rally and Casey O'Meilia,
Z0041 17
01 I�Az
id -13-04
Tom Valente
Aat-*&'Md�A92� �
Ball fields named to honor
By Michelle Kaplan
staff writer
The iwillage of North) Palm
Beach wlil honor the late
Torn Valente, who served
four torms as rnayor, b
naming the comniun4
bail fields after him.
"Tom was it1strumental
in forming the i-ittle
League baseball program
and then he headed rip the
Girls Softball League.
which is a nonprofit
organization." M . Arse-
nault said.
"It affotded the opportu-
nity for hundreds of girls to
Travel around LheSouth-
east region of the United
States," Mr. Arse vault s aid.
Mr_ Arsenault would
work with Mr. Valente For
eight yeats For the organi-
former mayor
North Palm Beach girls
softball pro&am and
cnached for 10 years," said
Kathleen "Kitty" Kelly, vil-
lage clerk.
"This is going to inemori-
alize his corrt"tment to
sports for the }Mouth of our
village," said Mayor Fon
Noel. "It's the leasx've can
do to show our apprecia-
tion for the years of dedi-
cation and hard work,"
Gerry Arse nau It was one
of matey village residents
"Yoke can see wc had a int
of fun," -Mr. Arsenault said.
"We were cin the board
together with a number of
other wonderhil individu-
als in the village, as coach-
es, volunteer parents and
other board members."
The memorial rill be a
permanent marker for the
who wrote the council
requesting the lull fields
Mr. Arseaatdt had known
be named after the man
Mr. Valente since he was a
primarily responsible for
12 -year-old kid, playing
their existence.
hall in byes[ Palm 'Beach
"Ton) Valente was a com-
where Mr, Valente coached
missiotier at the time the
Little League_
baE fields were being
Ife would later work side
designed," MW Arsenault
by side with NII. Valente ire
said. "He was actively
youth sports.
fiivohTd in the design,
"Tom and I coached
procurement of funding
together in the North Palm
and attended to the details
Beach girls softball pro -
to snake the overall lurk
gram. He was the founder
functional as a multi -sport
of the North Palm Beach
residents to remember the
man that so loved youth
"I want Lo be sure than his
contribution to youth ath-
letics in the North Palm
Beach area will be perma-
nently reritembered," Nlr_
Arsenault said.
'Ar, Arsenault inade a
personal contribution to
make than happetl_
"NIr. Arsenault has gener-
nusly offered to donate
$2,500 and our staff is
researching a proper way
Lo mark the field," said
Mavor ;Noel. "Either a
plaque or a stone or bust
gar statue to dedicate a per-
manent site."
Mark Hodgkins, recre-
ation director for North
Palm Beach &,fid he was
pleased with vffiage offi-
cials' deci,sion_
"1 like it. I think Ws a per-
fect fit," Mr. Hodgkins said.