1976-03 Award Bid to Charles Whiteside RESOLUTION N0. 3-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF CHARLES S. WHITESIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO SHORE COURT IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,857.52 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 14-405.1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1, The bid of Charles S. Whiteside, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 14-405.1. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon 1 passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8 DAY OF JANUARY, 1976, /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 75-22h .BIDDER: CiIARLES S. tdHITESIDE PROJECT: ID9PROVEMENTS TO SHORE COURT FOR VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. DATE: December 30, 1975 BID BUK,"i TO: Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Village Hall, U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida Geuclemen: The Bidder, l~ursuattt to your Invitation Yor Bids for subiect_uro awing exam ne t e Drawaiiys and Spec eat ens w th related documents and the site of the proposed Work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed ,,oje.:t, in- cluding the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, services, etc. necessary to construct the project in accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth herein, and at tti.: prices sated below. These prices shall cover 11 expenses incurred in performing the Work required under the Contract Documents of which this propos~il is a part. Item Unit -- No. Item Onantity Unit Price Amount +~ ti 1 Grading 2A Ilot Bituminous Base Course (5" Thick) 3A Type II A.C.S.C.(1"Thick) LUMP SUM S 900.00 sa3 s.Y. $ 6.00 $3,498.00 1,589 S.Y. $ 1.53 $2,423.52 Conci.nued... MOCK, BOOS & SEl.~CY, INC. ~~ CONSULTING EN(,1NL•'ERS BF-1 'IS-224 Item ~ ~ Unit No. 7:tem Quantity Unit Price Amount 9. G"x19" Raised Concrete Curb 530 L.F. $ 3.50 $1 x,55,00 5. Concrete Apron (6"Thick) 6. Asphaltic Concrete Sidewalk 7. Inlets 8. 15" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 9. Thermoplastic Traffic Stripes and Markings 168 S.Y. $ 10.00 $ 1,680.00 93 L.F. $ 3.50 $ 325.50 2 Ea. $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 231 L.F. $ 10.50 $ 2,425.50 2II Shell Base(Primed, 12" Thick) 583 w 3B Type II A.C.S.C. (1~" Thick) 1,584 +~ "' la Rework Existing Shell Base 1,001 TOTAL {WITH ALTERNATE "A") . Lump Sum $ 750.00 s.Y. $ 3.10 $ 1,807.30 S.Y. S 2.18 $ 3,453.12 S.Y. $ 1.~ $ 1,501.50 . .$15,857.52 TOTAL (WITH ALTERNATE "B") .$ 16,E97.92 Continued... MOCK, RODS & SIiARCY, TNC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS BF- 2 75-224 The Bidder, if awarded the Contract, agrees to start the Work within 14 calendar clays al~.:r tli. Proceed date the Owner designates iitthe written Notice to Proceed and guar..~ntees :c~;~letion of the Project within~~5 calu~dar days after the d..dignated Procee. date set by •.lee Owner. Bidder further agre. to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $50 for each c~~ns~•.~utive calendar ;iay thereafter ns provided in paragraph 3 of the .~FPLLMRN'PA12Y CONDITIONS Section. If Owner's Notice of Award of this bid is mailed, t~leq~ ph~d, or delivered to the Bidder withi,. sixty (60) days al~er the date of openic~y of Bids, or at any time thereafter before the Bid is withdrawn, the Bidder agrees that he shall execute and deliver a Contract in the form attached a:; required by the Contract Doct.~nts, in accordance with the Bid as accepted, and that he sha]' ~urn.sh the required Contract .security within fifteen (1. •. ) da}.. .,f t,..a Notice Of Award. The Bidder declares that he understands that the unit quantities shown on the estimates are approximate only and are subject to either increa~0 or decrease; .end that should the quantities of any of tti, items of Work be increased, the Bidder proposes to do the additional ~~ork at t}ic• unit prices set out herein, and should the quantities be decrease.l, he also understands that payment shall be made on actual quwntities installed at the unit prices,-and shall make no claims for anticipated profits for any decrease in the: quantities. rinal turintities installed shall be determined by the Engineer upon com- l.letion of the Work. The Biu.ler furth~.c declares that he ~derstands that the Owner may elect to con ;: ruct only a portion .>f the work covu~ :d t.; 1 hese h~~cuments „~~' agrees that l: shall perf~~~ ~ that portion of .the Work for which he is awarded i Contract at the: ,.rices ryuoted herein. Enclosed is Bid security required in the sum of 5f Bid Bond (~, ) w is s al become tl~u property of t e Owner h t e evenC the Agree- ment and Bond are not executed within the time above set forth, as liquidated damages for the ~1..' and additional pense to 'he Owner caused thereby. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda (enter uw~~bers): Notice of Award should be maileid, telegraphed or delivered to the undersigned at the Bidder's Business Address noted by the Bidder at the end of this document. C.,,.tinued... MOCK, kOOS & RTAi2CY, INC. CONSULTING 1CINP•.1?RS B1'- 3 7s-zza The submission of this Bi-d constitutes an incontrovertible representa- tion by the Bidder that he has complied with every requirement of Article 3 of the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. The Bidder hereto has executed this Bid the day and year first above written. If Bid is by a Corporation: State of Incorporation A (SEAL) ATTEST: (Secretary or Ass t. Sec.) By: ~,~n ~\A J~ ~~ ~r (Signature) CHARLES S. WHTTF.STTfF ~- Svle Owne," Typed or Printed Name & Title) 62 West Palm Avenue Lake Worth, Fla. 3363 Business Address b Zip-Code 967-1261 NOTE: See Article 8 of the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS for instructions regarding the proper execution of this form. MOCK, RODS & SEARCY, ZNC. v CONSUhTING ENGINEERS Br•-4