1975-62 Award Bid to Signal Construction Co. RESOLUTION N0, 62-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{~ 1 FLOKIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS - U. S. 1 & GOLFVIEW & U. S. 1 & NORTH ANCHORAGE - IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,900.00 FROM REVENUE SHARING ACCOUNT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIllA: Section 1. The bid of Signal Construction Company, Inc „ copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. T}~e monies are to be expended from Revenue Sharing Account. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 1 upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1975. /s/ Ronald L. Heratv VICE MAYOR 1 ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk .. 2C: ~'~ O" .. j.. :.rtv _-;.gr n~ i~ii>;.... ~' ir, ilnac~~i . ;':i.;~°;r•'... ,.,-~; tte' Nb l/ ~/ / %'7S ... . .."'a r:Cf.'~1C{i'3/?i1.. c.£. }]~. CZ''.'•- }]:'. ~f )'ir r: n" Y c ~:o . 1S .1i!t _2__. Cj C7C 'i.Z Ci: l:il:~ C7;i.^,",r ilC :'17_^. .7R =i7Ctl''. O^ i ) tr _ ~ L - . } J IZ-lt -S]( }1cS i.Ai'1V F: Crllllnte:! .~.?33i lt.C~ :? _ 7 l?siC :'. cf }iC }-lo ~~; 'i'Vil<lal, .'1i :?.:12C: :fb3 =] i1L.Z%]OR.. :e'Ir-( -. 1.1` J 1. ia.L. ~J Cli.:?.^..'li:u ~~U_.a'L:_ia_.^~ i f:^_otCi _j':E;E L'C3C3 t ailV ~0:: 1 ~1 .:~<7 - ~ , c ,)n~ • i ]UY' CC t}1° G':CR 13]7 OL ;'}?E }:.: Ca.~ c :i:Z _- ~ i~' ~.1]i d1a11~ ~ _.. mil ft..- .: i 1i _ll:i 'tTl3ni: D1'Oi :`::?,~ A:' is l:: i~ ~c.U:l„ •• - `T :~•-• iJ1C':C~3Z' j7=C~.O:i~S cil:'l F1CjrG-'.°_S~ ii i.}71S-~,DrO~)^3:11 1`: C3.:,C°~Ji_P_i~ tC] °•••- ': ' '1 ul}::'`r.rcetaai mater;-,7 '. ::o~~~ -, ~ q y ~ "~- S - . .., ro _s~rrcl:i:'-7 s vil a .nt, ria_ - _ : t _.:'`.?t_C:1~ dTit }1C aG 7u^~:1°tr'+~L}]^ CO115 ~TL7 i.l: aS S 11111 .: Cl3Y~l11a,~-~ -~- ~1 C~ESCr Z}lgtl _ i ih'.c:jn 1 1C:21+']C)ie~: 'tPCt On to^ r. 3*d1 P_C~S ~..?t:1-~ V11!d3n - T'.'. !]~. CSC}°L. Lure?.]~ ,,r_c!a.:S~c nC~S dnC:~ 11 C7r(y35 that: n C3S~.CL' ~d1iL@ Jn•.. - it'_`] rJ "?i t~'.' ~O C.'"%Cll .'J J3,? Ct ;('Jn=1T1•^.;: i~T_'.i'llll Li {'@ (~i' : OnSC-rJ i,:~1tiC C:11 C1:G3L' _ :-r'~: cFilZl' GiC :. "GC'tl t,C:'lw^ lcl^, C: C(t'rC::?`.O '~17Ct -l c x-^ .. ~'~~- ai6 C- _._7.f 1.1 ,b.- :Cr C.i ?,1 C1 iJ..-.:n I. ii': L'l DC'. O "?'~'. C', 1 il~"i, r.,~ ?? LLt^C:.R Ct i ..1: •-1 ~ .r ", :, .r t.f. C 1__,.O - _}.a- j_ AO:: {T'? ,t_l;t ?C.t1n, }: '. ,~ t`a~ nn liC;alr''~ _.^.. Cl ' r..113 C,3S ''OY c]..:1 r } ,,n. :.?t.~i- t:.=.z ~tt (t r -_r t.~n+it-ri 'll'U':O.S31 .il }.). ': 1:1 r ~.-1_T1t C~ ^(` ;..h,?t`iC1G:-qi CTn3~., ~.. .~-tc }JiC1 l,oL' C.1 _j C`^S i'.}•.;1"`r Li F:. ~.; 1,CC..-~~~ ._.yf) ~:Olli_•.^~~_. ''C L'Fl.'? COT;.. ^_.. ~.... t-.... c .. .. 'e _t n ~_.~^. a'd 1, ~1 :•c-+ ~~ r'te' ~h^.. e~ +'+.^-,. _ ------ - t._. ^r:3 '-i .? -lit . .. !. .. c~..4; a`, ~,°:~. t'-tn .. 1[:i C.", , j7-i.a .. ~,,... ;'.!, :' cJ ilT i.O - _ c Jc. -~:1 ir`t! ~~ , '~O. ( ~.y t„y i it `:,, -____ ' .. c ,10 1 ;.~., '_%.'. C.::a1 r_''"l7i", i -.~ 11.._1_T ~_, ci:?. )''r _.. i, .lt"i / / . )~.~ ~; j. :E ^. CLIi C.Jt9C'. t:., SP:CTION 5 OtiOTATION FOH:d 'i?te contractor must bid on all itemso I'1 E .i 1. D~~:SCP.IPTIO~ Traffic Signal - U. S. Nl and Golfview Drive Traffic Signal - U. S. Kl and North Anchorage Drive TOTAV: All per plans and specifications Ai'UUXT -- p~~ Lump Suit ~ ~~ Or)O~. Ltmtp Sum S o,.~ ~ 900. A ~~ ~_~ ,..•~,,,, h•~rc~• i:, ~. .....iCiacl .. .. -,. -,. ,.,1 Lo:, ~~.. ?a tac ltas!1< ... , _ ~. "'te bidder is iecn;~aci ~ a conrr ~cto_ o ?c. rxQrm ;i:C !!'0. O. Sa`x'V1CC5 ~ '_ contemplated L•Y L•tl„ b c' aiul he lr s lt...^nse N .,, - x., ued by tac Ctt,,oi r o- in ertalte.nativ• i; q•iaL•'fied by cram?natian n _ .^.iprr~;;y to h:;'lxce^.seci _.. e•iic..r...~d b}~ t%xe fotlo!vtnr - _ - . game n i.~r::;.n ,~:• r;2npam• le-,idin? !a. c.-^sc' ^t;~ t~;tl a.~r; r:nc' rc eiacn_:c of p~rsnr:: .;td firx`!S a. , .:ollo~• ~. , .L~ic. L ~ CopPl~ra '. Fi,'z,•;,. .~-. it-;^- B'Di7:""> . e .i: y-c:. i:.......•. ...... .-.•.c _..... .._: on. ..n :. ,~.i~ .:ai. ^lease no;:~: ,,, ic,•;. :'t~, :, ....., .., begin er:.... ~.d ~.,;•ree~ec'. ;,•- ..n ... . , ... .. .. ~~, cltln.T lcr_•?:r~rr,crs: i-Iave yeu c'necl~ed. to cep tLat all the inrr~e arm prone-:fit iille~! out to c~ualii; you as a E3id3cr' , '~'hC undersi;;r.^r'_ lit Clcle T' i1t:rP.~,'{ CCZ'il iinG ia'at t1,C Rti)!~'C 11:~J TR1atlOII 15 t. ;:C :l IICi C(1YPP C`, ~ ~ / ~ S i y n.a L l.oi/ST.t.io~o^rl~rih,~~i~.:~y ~ /,yc_ d '. ~ ~ / ~', x. 1, /~;;:~ ~ (seal') ~~i !~ ~ ~~ :^.'i'T^ T: iiot:_ry i'ubL:c . a;~ro.ar ~u:;"c, 5;~,~, of r-Feritja Bt ler~ f8y Cortunns~~n Expires 1Aay 81. ~9Y7, Uon Getl LY ), 1; ~'J ;i~.i\Ci~S IN piL~.ln Cg, (seal) j- l: