1975-53 Authorizing the Mayor & Village Clerk to Enter into a Contract with Pinner, Inc. RESOLUTION N0. 53-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE CWNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WIT}{ PINNER, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, FOR THE PURCHASE OF THAT CERTAIN ' PARCEL OF LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIT7 BEACH KNOWN AS "ANCHORAGE PARK." BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor and Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, aut}~ori.zed and directed to sign that certain Deposit Receipt and Contract for Sale and Purchase between Pinner, Inc., a Florida Corporation, as Seller, and The Village of North Palm Beach, as Buyer, for the purchase of that certain parcel of land in the Village of North Palm Beach known as "Anchorage Park." A copy of said contract is attached hereto, marked Exhibit A, and by reference made a part of this Resolution. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Village Seal to said contract. ' Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1975. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~' i ~J ..:u iv n i.ECAi.LT :ri:SDi.~G CONTR.iC 1. IF :iv: FLZL]' ~iiiuinuiiivD~ o'£Ew ~.uirirniniri i+firli.r; . DEE'051T •RECEIPT AND CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE -----------: I1~R~_~NG,~._~t_Z'~oF#~da _~?~~'4tiag---------------------------------------------------~. of _-.---_iry3~lt1_a~B[~1._COtIAt3Rr~.102'~d8------------------- (Ph.________----------__--) hereinafter called the u(ler, and ----_ ':']i=:_ yILL.1SE_ OF NORTH PALM BEACH+_s_r_.unici~el coipciretion--------------------- of ______..I'32;7_$G 8f11_Count~I,_~].lrid8_______________ (Ph. ________________) hereinafter called the buyer, hereby agree that the seller shall sell and the buyer shall buy the following described property UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SETT FOIL-f II, which shall include the' STANDARD FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS set forth on reverse side of this contract. E. 1.I:C:1L DESCRIPTION of real estate located in ________~.1tI1.~P~S~1______________________________________ County, Florida: ~E B~1ITDIT ~?1 Ai'TACHED 3iERETO E'crzonal property included: Sellsrts interest 3n e31 ger8onal prtlperty an gretaiaee Street addre>s: Seller represents that the property can be used for the following purposes: ____RA__Z_971_BG~._~[_ U11~(f?Y'_.____-_______________________ 2. Purchue price and Method of Payment: Purchase price is1~tJ2_~LU1dI~S1_~$.UtSf~~.3C9__~.OS?,r4?~nd(y225 D00}~ ~_--- Doers. Deposit to be held in trust by F)uYer!s_Attozsle~f~ }lerbert`L.._Gildan a_____ 22~SQU.00___ Approximate principal balance of first mortgage to which conveyance _shall br. t4 subject, if any. Mortgage holder---------------------------------------- $----------^~ --------__ Interest ____________% per annum; Method of payment ______________________ Other: ________________________________~_ _____ S_____________________________ _ ________________________ Cash, certified or local cashiers check on closing and delivery of deed (or such greater or lesser amount as may be necessary to complete payment of purchase 2D2 SDD.DD price after credits, adjustments and prorations). a_________!_ ------------------ 3. T[J1E FOR ACCEPTANCE> If th(s contract is not executed by the seller and buyer on or before -_ ~ tom. -3Q+_L47~_______, the aforesaid deposit shall be, et the option of the buyer, rehrmed to him and this agreement shall be null and void. The date of contract, for purposes of performance, shall be regarded as the date when the last one of the seller and buyer has signed this contract. 4. CLOSING DATE: This contract shall be closed and the deed and possession shall be delivered on or before the __.30___ day of _$E'pti __._______, 19__7_; unless extended by other provisions of this contract. 5. I'RORATIONS: Taxes, insurance, interest, rents and other expenses and revenpupe pf sal ro ra~ty7 hall r r~e of the date of closing. 4 EVIDF,NCE OF TIThE: (Check [] (1) or ~ (2)) With(n _ LQ__ days ~7tDL~7tL~~ytSe a~el~shall, et his ezpense, deliver to the Luyer or his attorney in accordance with Standard A oa reverse side either. (1) abstract (2) title guarantee. 7. CONVEYANCE: Seller shall convey title to the aforesaid property to the buyer by statutory warranty deed subject to matters contained io this contract and taxes for the year of closing. 8. RESTRICIIONS AND EASEMENTS: The buyer shall take title subject to: (a) Zoning and/or restrictions and prohibitions imposed by governmental authority, (b) Restrictions and matters appearing on the plat end/or common to the subdivision (c) Public utility easements of record, provided said easements are located on the side or reaz lines of the property and are not more than six feet in width, (d) Other ________ _____________________ Fort er provided that none of the foregoing interferes with the use of the property for the purposes es stated in this conhact. 9. DEFAULT' BY BUYER: if buyer fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, all money paid pursuant to this contract by the buyer as aforesaid shall be retained by or for the account of the se]ler as consideration for the execution of this contract and as agreed and liquidated damages and in full settlement of any claims for damages. 10. DEFAULT BY SELLER: H the seller fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract the aforesaid money paid by the buyer at the option of the buyer, shall be returned to the buyer on demand; or the buyer shall have only t~te right of specific performance. 11. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWIUTTEN PROVISIONS[ Typewritten or handwritten provisions inserted L~ this form shall control all printed provisions in conflict therewith. 12. OTIfER AGREEMENTS: No agreement or representations, unless incorporated in thfs contract shall be binding upon any of the parties. la. SPECIAL CLAUSES: See Addendum attached hereto signed by Seller end Buyer S.ardardx C, F & T on revere side are deleted. ~~ ,,.~:, `, :~ , ~ Executed by Huyer on _ SeQtember;'25,;'~~1975 . _____~_____ ~_' ---- ^IiE VILLAGE OF/NORTH: P,~i.M BF..~CS{, Fi~1. By = __~. C _ /0'~r.., ~,~ ~ L~ i i ~ . ~ (3EAL1 Sayer-, ' CO~I9IISSION 70 BHOKER: 'I7re settee hereby recognizes _~________________jx th t:. ______________________________________________ as the brokor in this hansactiov, and agrees to pay as commission _______._ % of the gross sales price, the sum of __________ -'-G`]~ ______________________________ Dollars ($___ ~_________) or one-half of the deposit in cash sam~l5 f _-__-_--- nrfeiterl by the buyer duou Kh failure to perform, as compensation for service rendered, rovided same does not exceed the full amount of t}~e: commission. Executed by~Se~er on _ ~_^~ ~J,tf~7~ \4'1" SSE.S: (fwo are requir ) ~ ~ ~ J_J' --"i r r ~_ -_ ~~:s .,~L~_ `~_/_'~i.. •'_2Ll-C~C}_______ _p~F' ~t"• F______ {I rr ~_1 ~5EALI.' ' _~L"'_ Deposit received orr%~. _ _ _ !_ ,~?~__1 to be Leld subject to.- contract; If check, sub~ect to clearence ~ (, t >~ . / ,~ -i i~/mot if /,' X~_l!:,. -- - - - -mot.-------- - - --- ---------------------------------------------- _~`, t,r ..\\ .~ „rill/I '' ' • ' • ~ ~ ~, /I i STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ; ~~ ,:~~~'(Jr t <r~,'••, i ~.. A. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: (1) A complete abstract of title prepared by a reputable abstract firm purporting tu:hH last ~rccuwte{1\~n~dp;iy of the instnunents affecting the title [o that real property recorded in public records of that county to the date of lhiiycOr>tTyck-shdiviiig fn the seller a marketable title in accordance with title standartls adopled Erom time to time by the Florida Bar, subject on1y~. td,4~ns, metrin- brance, crceptions or qualifications set forth N this contract and those which shall be discharged by seller at or befofe closin (2).,a'Gt1e ,', guarantee commitment issued by a qualified title insuror agreeing to issue to the buyer, upon the recording of the deec)"•})erE~fepp",mentionef}t' '.n owner 1ltararxee in the amount of the purchase price insuring the title of the buyer to that real property, subject only) tq ,Ikns, en(n!M- bmnces, exceptions or qualifications set forth in this contract and those which shall be dixharged by seller at or beforb'oloemg. Buyer shall h:rve fifteen (15) days if abstrack or five (5) days if title guarantee, from the date of receiving the evidence of title to examine same. If tide ix found to he defective, the buyer shall, within said period notify the seller in wetting specifying the defects., If the said defects under the title. unmarketable, the seller shall have ninety (90) days from the receipt of such notice to cure the defects, 'and' ff after. said period seller stall nut have cured the defects, buyer shall have the option: (1)accep[ing tide as it then is, or (2) demandntg a refund of aU~monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to the buyer, end thereupon the buyer and seller shall be released of all further' ob6ga- lions under this contract. .- r,' R. F;XISTTNC 1(ORTGAGES: The seller shall furnish estoppel letters (not necessarily in affidavit form) setting Eort}f the prhlcipal balance. method of payment, and whether the mortgage fs in good standing. If there is a ebarge for the change of ownershl~ records,'}ly the mortgagee, it shall be borne by the buyer. Seller shall receive az credit at closing, an amount ual to the exrow funds }ield.by the mortgagee. If the existing mortgage esquires the buyer [o assume same, then the buyer shall do so; provided~owever, ff the mortgagee does`ndt ,accept the buyer, then in that event occurring, the buyer at his option, may cancel the contract and all monies paid by the buyer shall be refunded to the buyer. C. 1'URCiIASIi D1ONEY hiORTGACES: My purchase money notes and mortgages required by the rnntract shall follow the forms generally accepted and osel in the county where the land is located. My purchase money mortgage shall provide for Insurance-against'los by Eire with extended coverage in an amount not less than the full insurable value of the improvements. In a first mortgage, the note and mortgage shall provide for acceleration, a[ the option of the holder, aE[er thirty (30)~days default and in a second mortgage, after fifteen (15) days default. A second nu,rtga_ee shall require a mortgagor to keep all prior liens and encumbrances in good standing. Buyer shall have the right to propay all or part of the Principal at any time or times with interest to date of payment without penalty. ll. OTI [L•'R bfORTGAGES: In the event buyer executes a mortgage to one other than the seller, all costs and charges incidental thereto shall be paid by the buyer. F.. SURVEY: If the buyer desires a survey he shall have the property surveyed at his expanse prior to closfng date. Tf the survey shows an encroachment, the same shall be treated as a title defect P. TERMITE INSPECTION: Prior to closing at buyers expense, the buyer shall have the right to have the property inspected by a licensed and bonded exterminator to determine whether there is any active termite infestation or damage from prior termite infestation in the improvements on said property. If there is any such infestatfon or damage, the seller shall pay all costs of the treatment required to remedy any such infestation or damage so reported, including the costs of repairing or replacing all portlons of said improvements which are infested or have E:een damaged. however, in the event the costs to be incurred are more than three (3~) percent of the purchase price, then, at the sellers option he may cancel the rnntract within ten (10) days of the receipt of the tennfte inspection report by giving written notice to the buyer. C. INSURANCE: If insurance is to be prorated, the seller shall on or before theclosing data, famish to buyer all insurance policies or copies [hereof. Fl. I.tiASES: 1'he seller shall famish copies of all written leases to the buyer prfor to closing and R there are any persons in possession without written leases, estoppel letters from such persons specffying the nature and duration of We occupancy shall be fumuhed to the buyer by the seller prior to the closing date. I. Jf ECIL4NICS LIENS: Seller shall famish to the buyer an afhdavit that there have been no improvements to the srtbject property for 90 days immediately preceding the date of closing. If the subject property has beeo improved within 90 days immediately preceding the closing date, the seller sh:dl deliver releases or waiver of all mechanics lieos executed by general contractors,rsubcontractors, suppliers or matedal men and seller's mechanics hen affidavit. J. YLACh: OE' CLOSING: Closing shall be held at the office of the sellers attorney or as otherwise agreed upon. I:. TI\fE IS OF TILE ESSENCE: Time is of the essence of the Contract for Sale and Purchase. - L. DOCUSib:N'1'S FOR CLOSING: Sellers attorney or other closing agent shall prepare deed, note, mortgage, sellers afBdavik closing statement and submit copies of same to buyers attorney, and copy of closing statement to the broker, at least two days prior to scheduled closing date. Di. I:XI'hNSF.Si State surtax and documentary stamps which are required to be affixed to the instrument of conveyance, intangible personal property faces and the cost of recording the purchase money mortgage shall be paid by the seller. Documentary stamps to be affixed to the ante or notes secured by the purchase money mortgage and the cost of recording the deed shall be paid by the buyer. N. )'I;URATION OF TAXES (REAL AND PERSONAL): Taxes shall be prorated based upon the current year's tax without regard to discount. It the closing takes place and the current yyear's taxes are not fixed, and the current year s assessment is available, taxes will be prorated bared upon such asxssment and the prior year s millage. If the current year's assessment is not available, then taxes will be prorated on the prior year's tax, provided, huweveq if there is cornpleted improvement of the subject premises by January 1 of the year of closing, then the taxes shall be prorated to the date of closing based upon the prior years millage and an equitable assessment to be agreed upon behveen the parties, taking into consideration homestead Exemption, if any. O. SYIZCIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified, confirmed or ratified special assessment liens as of the date of closing (and aot as of the date of the contract) are to be paid by the seller. Pending Bens asof the date of closingshall be assumed by .the buyer, provided, however, that where the improvement has been substantially completed as of the date of the contrec[,.such pending Bens shall be considered as certified, confirmed or ratified and the seller shall, at closing, be charged an amount equal to the last estimate by the public body of the assessment for the improvement. ~ ' Y. FI:RSONAL PROPERTY: The seller represents and warrants that all mayor appliances and machinery included in the sale shall be in good working order and rrpau as of the date of closing. All personal property shall be transferred by Bill of Sa]e with Warranty of Title. ~. RISK OF LOSS: If the improvements aze damaged by fire or casualty before delivery of the deed 'and can be restored to substantally the sn;ne conditL~n as .:ow within a period of 60 days thereafter, seller shall so restore the improvements and the closing date and date of delivery of p.~\,.~..:ion hsrinbefore provided shall be extended accordingly. If seller fails to do so, [he buyer shall have t}le option of (1) taking the p:np=r;y a.: i<, :: Gather with inscrance proceeds, if any, or (2) cancelling the contract, and all deposits are to he forthwith returned m the buyer :md all p:rrtt<s shall be released of arty and all obligation and Babflity. R. 1tA[\'IP::\ANCE: Between the date of the rnntract and the date of closing, the property, including lawn, shmbbery and pool, if any, shall be maintairicd by the seller in the condition as it existed as of the date of the contract, ordinary wear and tear excepted. S. I'ROCEI:DS OF SALE: The Deed shall be recorded and the evidence of title continued, at seller s expense, to show title in the buyer, without any encumbrances or change from the date of the last evidence rendering sellers title utunarketable, and the cash proceeds of such sale shall he held in e,crow by the sellers attorney or by such other mutually agreed upon Escrow Agent for a perod of not longer than five (5) days, cxclusice of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. IE the sellers title is so rendered unmarketable, the buyer's attorney shall, within the said five (5) day peered, uotiFy seller's attorney in writing of the defect and the seller shall have thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of such notification to cure the defect. In the event seller fails to timely cure said defect, all monies paid hereunder shall, upon written demand, therefor within five (5) days tbereafter, be immediately returned to buyer, and simultaneously with such repayment, buyer shall vacate the premises and reconvey by Special R'arranty lleed. 1n theevent of the failure of the buyer to make timely demand for refund, he shall take title as is, waiving all righh against the seller as to the intervening defect. T. BItOKF:R'S COMh1ISSION: The Broker's commission shall be disbursed at the title of the disbursement of the proceeds. U. ATTOR\ f:Y FEES AND COSTS: In connection with any Btigatloo a^=ing out of the coatmck the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all cnrtc incurred, including reasonable at[omeys fees. V. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE. This contract shall not. be recorded in the. office of the Clerk of any Circuit Court of the State of E~lorida. fikiTTON PReSi w~ , ~1 r... , x. ~ a` AllDENIAIM to Deposit Receipt and Contract for Sale and Purchase by and between PINKER, INC., a Florida corporation, as .'Seller, and THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municipal corporation, as Buyer. 1. The seller and buyer acknowledge that the property to be conveyed is encumbered by a first mortgage in favor of Firnt Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lake Worth, dated March 20, 1967 and recorded in Official Record Book 1501, page 124, Palm Beach County records, Florida. This mortgage also encumbers substantial other property owned by North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc. and/or Palm Beach County Utilities, Inc., which latter cortipaniea, or one of them, are primarily responsible to amortize said mortgage. A copy of said mortgage is attached hereto on Schedule "A". Said mortgage is in excess of $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) and is due and payable over approximately the next twelve (12) years. 2. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that the mortgage referred to in Paragraph 1 above will be paid in accordance with its terms by parties other than Buyer, and that Buyer will acquire fee simple title to the property to be conveyed, free and clear of said mortgage, within the time period remaining to amortize said mortgage. 3. To insure the warranty set forth above, at the closing the Buyer shall cause to be deposited with the First National Bank and Rrust Company of Riviera Beach, Florida, the sum of Two Hundred ltventy_Five Thousand Dollars ($225,000.), which sum, together with any and all income derived therefrom shall be held by it as Escrow Agent, with the right to invest and reinvest in twelve (12) month or less United States Treasury Bonds or Bill guaranteed as to principal an3 interest by the United States Government and suitable for legal investments by Florida municipalities, for -the following purposes: (a) If the first mortgage on the property to be conveyed from Seller to Buyer, described in Paragraph 1 above is fully satisfied of record on or before its maturity the Ea crow Agent shall, upon demand from Seller, its successors or assigns, pay to Seller, its successors or assigns, all the money in the said EBCrow Account upon th.e certificate of _. _ ... .. I:a:nyers' Title Guaranty Fund of Florida, its successors or assigns, certifying that said mortgage has been satisfied of record and is no longer a lien upon the said property. It ie acknowledged that all of the stockholders and percentages of ownership in DINNER, INC., are as zollows: RICHARD E. ROS9 32~9G }fERBERT A. ROSS 32le96 JAY H. WHITE 17~9G J(>HT} A. SCHWENCXE 1796 lDO ~ further, that their interest in DINNER, INC. and this contract is aseign_ able, 3ointly and severally, provided such assignment is in writing and delivered to. the Escrow Agent. (b) If the property to be conveyed from Seller to Buyer described in Paragraph 1 of the Deposit Receipt and Contract for Sale and Purchaser to which this is an Addendum, is not released actually and of record from the lien of the aforesaid first mortgage by the maturity date of said mortgage; or if the aforesaid first mortgage is the aub~ect of a fa~ecloaure suit; or if a receiver or trustee is appointe8 over said property by a court of competent 3urisdiction, or, if the Buyer's owner- ship and/or possession of said property is in any way adversely affected by virtue o€ a default 3n said mortgage or fn any of the tercAS thereof, the Escrow Agent shall., upon demand from Buyer, 3ta successors or assigns, pay to Buyer, Sts successors or assigns, all the money in the said Escrow Account upon the certificate of Lawyers' Title Guaranty Fund of Florida, its successors or assigns, certifying that any of the conditions described herein have in fact occurred; provided, however, that in that event the :;uy4r'a demand shall be accompanied by a quit claim deed of said property to Seller, his successors and assigns. (c) If either party is not satisfied with a certificate by Iaayere' Title Guaranty Fund, as described above, he shall notify the other party and the Eacroo+ Agent 3n writing within ten (10) days £rom rnceipt. If such notice is not given within such period such certificate ;hall. be deemed accepted by aLl. parties, In case of any dispute as to ..2 -~.:ie validity or applicability of a certificate ouch dispute shall be d.~termined by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American ,arbitration Aseodation, and judgment upon the award rendered by the n.rbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. (d) At the closing, theEacrow Agent shall sign a depoai_ Tory agreement which shall contain the terms and conditions of this paragraph. 1111 expes:sea charged by the Escrow Agent, and all costa of administering the Escrow Aeeaurtzahall be paid out of the income arising fraU such deposit, but in the event that such incrome is insufficient, the Escrow Agent shall be z~eimburaed by the Seller to the extent of any expenses or Hosts in excess Of such income. (e) At time of closing, Buyer's attorneys, Gildan, Nason and Yeager, shall deliver to Seller a signed legal opinion stating that proper resolutions and all other requirements of The Village of Plorth Palm Beach, Florida, have been completed and that this contract and addendum agreement are valid and binding contracts under the laws of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida//, and State of F lorida.. Dated this ~ day of , %rnL`~%I 1975 3,+I'1'NESSES : SELLER: -~ y ~ ~/ :/ ,/~':; ~(/~_~i! ~ ,~ ., ~ PIt1NER,~C. ~ (,~iT:/r~L} 5 1axTNESSES: _~_~~~~ ~.1~'l. ~1c__ ~" BUYER ,' : THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PA1N BEACH,. FLA. By ~ , PlayorJ~) Attastv~;f~~-~ ~ G~1~~--Village Clerk f:r 21 3 u~ PN'q 1~ ~~? ' IA--• I ea-Itl A~ THIS IdORiGAGE, Enacmad Mh..... _.. . _..... _...~..6'Ilt~ Ty ~ Ig ST . by ilORTH PAI,?d BEACH. UTII.ZTIE.S, ffiC„ _.a. F]orid; corporation _. _ . . hero ~nmre• celled the Mongapon, which Nrm n used in svery inahrKe atoll :nduEe iFae Nbepegpi ton, uecvrara, aim~n;+~.aron, succnsors, Isgai rsPretenhrives end •ugro, airhw vdwnery by eH. of tic parties, w invdumary t>y opere:ron of 'ew, end atoll darole fM firpuler end/or plural, end TM rraucarlMr end/d MnIr11M end naMel and'cr enil,c; al psr>ona, wMnever end wMrwsr fM combat a requim or edmin, penis of fM Firer pan and fIRSr F:DERAI SAVINGS AND IOAN ASSOCIATION Of U%E WORTH, a corporation eau!;ng order rir lawn of rM Un~led Sraroe of Ama.ica, Mreinaftn <allad tM A>rotlefion, whidr farm n ued In. t'a'atY I,Wann ahNl ircluy rM AssaiN~on'a avccesson, legal rspresenrHives end suipna, pert' of fire Second pM. - W ITNESSETM: THAT for d: vets good end valuabh eonaidsnlion, end in eorrldwetbn d tM epprepar sum of rrbrry rymed in rM prn.n; asory ru!a of even dote MrewiM, haniMfM daavibed, ray rnplgayprs do pert, laargeln, aNl, elfin, remise, retaaae, cGnveY and conl:rm unb fie Associelion, in lee rmph, Ilre lolbvrirtp drMn+led rMl eefW, d chide /M rongagon en row ss~ied end possessed and in acNal paanslM, .~Nah in eM Countr d palm leech, Sb:e of pbrida, 1JMit. SEE RIDER ATTACHED FOR DESCRTPTTON, Thin mortgoge also includes all land improvements, wells, welllbld water rights, underground and ataoveground lines, plant maehi:ury and equipment, meters, hydrants, fraachlsea, oEllce lurnlture and equipment, customer records, automotive equipment, crock oa hand, od any and all replacements and ertenaloru thsraol and thereto. 00 e$' l1JiXN aa\`\S^~`r L, ~, ~.1~~Y~bVg~Y(~le~v N IM% !"V1Y O Si~ `Y'om' ~ a~~ 4 ~,~+w„_ rr V ~ t ~~~ ~ . 3.,~'L~- i TOGETHER wiM ell anucrum and improvements now and Mroalrar on old lend end fM fiafvm anscMd fMnb, all fvmilun, end NI rents, b>ua+, proceeds and Profifi eccruinp end b attrw Iron wid premises, ell of wlwsh ere incl~,r; ed within N+s forepoirp deuriplion end IM MMndum Mreof. Alw ell pea, ahem, «d rlecerK wafer Md aMr t- Haring, <ookirp, relrigerarirq, Iiphfirp, plumbing, vMrileerp, imgahnq, and power sYa'ann, m+chinn, aPWursces, fis+,.m ens appurronerres, which era now or may Mmilar penein b or M vsnd wi M, in or on aa:d premises even r tough fr»y M detacMd OI dtacMbl.,. TO fUYf ANO TO EiOID e+s aan a, bgaMer wiM Ma bMrMnn. Mradi H:nMrs end eppunenanen, unb rM Nsa uancn, in lea fimpla. AND rha I.bn;;arFr+ do harebY Covenant wllh fM Nsou albs rMr May an indsNasiiyy naiad of Mid lard in {N s.mp'a; that that' havr full power end lewlul riphl b convey uid IarA in lee simple et eloreuid; lfsar if shall b Iewfvl , {u sM A+s«:arron at ell I;mn peaWbly end qu:efly b MIM upon, fold. oavpy an0 Mjoy acid land; Hvs ua land N fm fru,n all ertumbrx.:n: Mat thq will make such further asawarKea b penc~t tyre fie u ~M Asax.ernn n rases' reawnsbly b required; end tMl tMY do p.+.eby fully wanaM rFr riri p ~bjr~ ar+d «JI dniend the same age:r.at IM Iawhi chime of ell penorq wMnsrrevc r. &'x.1501 ns[ 129 A1fCgO HIMFD G2C'h IOs.D AsvAYS dot 8 IM Mgnyagps ahdl pay umo IM Assocosbn IM indebndne+a widr+cad by that cerain 1 n de'c Mrewnh meb by IM Malyegon end p.yable b IM AtslXiel:on in IM win+'wl wm a f pr~musc.ry rate o n< f /, 500 000, 00 ..,pgh rase, bgrther »Irh In>e/eae (hereon es +Mntn +pecUted, is wY+bn in mo.elhlY iruullmenn i ql f 11Y 18i, 00 on Ina lat __. by of each rronlh begtnnirp ._..._.._ISa+7t.1, .LS32 _ _.. .. . »hrch vet^<n.r sre ro t*++pplrod, finl b innro+l, and, if eppli<dble, p tean, esaeavnann, Imswera:e prrniuma old clher r <narael .von II< vroperr/, end IM bdenKe to prrrc~pel, rmlil said indebledr»u h wd in loft, end +hdl perform, con+ply : +od< 7y ewh end every rM a1;pYnlioro, egreenwlh, <erd;tienl, and coseMnn d the promia+ory non end INf w r+ a^ . .•wnq.y <. rss<n Ih.: morp ap< and the eanla crnnd hereby shall uue srsd b rwll snd W+W; ho-wrror, Mia rrorpey Ira e. ».w !rarer any advenus made by 1M AasoclsYgn b IM Nplpapon or rFrir auc<sawn in lisle fn any purpor em/ fimr be!cre In[ r<:eese, sarnle<%on erd uncelbrwn of 1N+ rrnypege, baa N ro rime slsall 1Na nwalpepe wcvn edpanraa m a<COU^' Of rha ori~:n11 rqr<, IOt<111<! Wilh aKh addillenal edValKaa b e IMaimVm pllKipal alrUlMl in ei<He Yt 3, 000, OCO, 00 f _. .. pies inlen+l IMreon and any diabunrnenn mode fa da paymml d Use>, Ls•in, d Irrwraro en rise papery covered by rM lien with innretl on tech di+bwwmenlt. ` l AND rM Mu•Ip egon do Mreby eovenenl end eprM: 1 1 wY i 1 W enP•1„ rb p+tiwl +N xr,r.,I W M1r,l Mra d rnwf MY+ele e'/ rIM d YL Mrr+rY ^aY W Ili wralT. w eAr, ; w rb bY, npa+.wN Me w+ a,+rW eww ib. I r. w/ i I ,b •p.W rh, r.,«, aurwnrh Mia+. I'xYrtrl+r. eeya're"h W wrrerlewa d w«r rwn r aeW rraN I,+erh pbe v W L' r w dri rri M erelde MIL r wrerYewr ~ Y Ir/ M Nrlrre ^r d + . ^We , „d wY,fi r:[dep rs In,r edw+ YYY a.wr, <flrrrUe h 711G M IwMll<l. r w'I rl~ IlMwria. W <r<r•/ Mrwrr Y wl V r ,1N N .^I` I 1 p w bin, a + .rr b4WtY M r wll Mr Nr..,u nsn rrx Mr rMrd +r era rw d Ww M11 Mr wre. er wow ' re 4w rb W. Wip, W .a +y,lY.wnl W eerawxl wYn/ r+ r Fwadr w id Me.llr o+w11ti Y r~+M r<a In . r art lyxtlrrr b <erelY .rw a^y perrrlwr reearar awrtle r ar'u .rdw r Yrw r r ^r r. h' ~... .r « .• wrr rn. rover d r.w enr. r .n a <en.iq err Irrw Mtn hn W lrerna rnLrs r W errdar rNd MYdrti eed r/ even. Mreai b h ader[ r h Yrr N abe+ , w•er.y+d.r, w :n 'uwor nrv ,pp+r. W r4 hwrrae dxY 4 w • Mrd W nrenritl Nvro +e1M1 rN.err i ra:1 ads ertl p vY .awe(.+rbN W h awry r MYYw tlYe V a ewrOed Mrv tare ww,MM-d.<. wiV r r r l 1 , pr. ,n r rn.ry n br-, r«lo`rd4 bu .rd N+e b btl >,' M Awx:/wl and. N h event +nY our d rrwy wwl eeMY- „veer rrd edn w a++deh r r•riv:an 1 , Auuar,q JWI h+.e h pr.r N rw.w W adps/ h M rm»rr N h a+IraWrarr hrebl• aanled. Y /over h prw+arrew. r .hhw drweb -r.hp w err.YW aw eeiY• ww « ~dH e.dh W A .Y+ro d ~. r I h d + ' eorw r r +n/ wn o . r e w er w ,M v n rml. wnwr r,ewlh NI,O+re Ix 1rn i wt r w wd Nrrrr,rw, w +n r rwp: ,M h wuaurr.on exr rw W wY / ~ p ^ Ir haw rlereel w h rata d Tarr. Inal w .e, r ,^/ .y.r h.,.rro.r..w ..d. and .n wr•r+nl nxb than eve ww.r +. le Mr.n,r ae+urr, r wH,r ro -xx. iw.pewnr+nr +. bwlrnwr d W wr+nl• r vets' e+n hnd. N MM h IrSw d r r~eler+ r r Au+da+w wM d,ward h M.MM nVri,"d W Yrwrw.wra w r eed [w~6rvw N ral.l'r .n a ^ y 1 . p I.w rb uro.e.r•vn on x. yow r ...xea•r np. r^nni el rti dr/ 4•,eY rrr.rd, W h I,dv« d pe rwb+p/a b ap`ralr r:M erd d~rna d h Awwvrron M . rersaa d w'I <wn.w a br.eh er r4ir ronpp.. W. rl d+ w:a N r Arw:wbn, sw^xBM' wr,+< h wn rvtrrrrl d .rwd n.nv txl d.n f . xd ~ r• Nr,Er c.~ed. ,N rN .aroma+•:w. NrmM~ne Y ,M riAyul wpn+. w.ry N<hNN weer,6q n aln<M< W rovyq, W q1Y Iw 1 n...ew, :.rx..r d . a«.,.... .. b...nrln, yw~e.e. s ra wdrn. ao-roM ...h .+d ,bM br «.r rrd ,v,ry w+ ,i.pl.riw..•y,++nA ae^brlw. W <e"^,T„^ x'd Mw"„°ra 'vr+ W d,+d ,w 1 r>.n. i e II ++y or rc, r.~• or nom/ bra. ,. r.,,b ro 4 rte env and 1.:1/ wa w .r rlarrY lapl dsYr n•r error rb u•r rr•.r4 awx M W r,L'., r .1 wm +nrY M N~prW a p'n^x ~e~.r'w wl a .rvnx d .,< Or/nnrwY roY W rh.r drld. w erbr. w M Ah n n n .pyA rr u4 wun:xay rob AM btw^e M vd warWr IN•-. Ir s ir.,dM l rM d • r n n r . +M bd ppny +d 0/. yAr d <o+v ,.ril utl py,wx rv+. N rmxY -rr rip:YllY ryerlrrN b 4 wd en rr,<a MY. +^rw1 . w•~e- d r+r a•ra .•xn, « I.I~r n! <rnp4xM 3 ~n x 0 vu^•rrar r^" w 4«:n o rN [onrnry ro,+Mrr,M•p le w~~wr r0 rb +•v cn , 4/o-, INrd IaN. el e,d Y„r, 4r r,r+ipr, rr:brop IN p,Irnl el ,II YSr11Y .pared 4•„ !r h 1 . p•wd.nY «~.ndr. n+.~ ra drn. •o w Arrdrlon rw:rn endrnsq rb wa^r^r N all lent Irv nv>ir wyen•w.nn -:dr.n nr.rr RCI hs ,I•„ n., «+w N,:I bnv.v 0.+ r+d y, r,bb. rM re wI w d.xNrYe -. ./ Ibl b/r Nb, dw d+M. +r.v W JI pwrrr++L~ In.< rrpr , iW,bWn„ „n."d !/ ra'^ r1 rrr rr I h n ' x pp .np rwn Cn+r YrY r,w < oar 4 ~+,'+, on M nv'pY,d pewrrY, w rh•r narwP >' ^eb. Y N + / ~~ I a w.' yrrl, :n p.,lo.T,r., es .ti r rr W +Y.«r+n d rh., .ro•~Y.s.. Ne uanapar wrl M , r;+ed r. «:4n ++ . n.... w wd n Iry^ IM rwrn,xr hrnr.wrd, d,n.bi. br h <,x el d,anl• in , el M xrn. el rho r^onp,} r M L~,np al r ao-.p~M b 1e.e n ; t rN Axu.,..en N,II ~m~xa,•,Ir W r:aar.rWO 4 ,rrrv•4d b v e'4• .v'C,p w~,a.nro na rlrhn 0.u.Md e"aw,rY. w „wnmvnr of . Yw..r~ el . ..wp,p,d e,opvrr and a •N . nn, n and p.N•n rrwrd..:IA d, .wJ po.ar / 4<,m ,r rrN r ,w 1 .r rc, r.nw el ry ul, Mrpr r 1,. ,.d la«W.•, W .nid we . W w r .w.«, ..+r 4 rri.rne .n perxnan a rb x4 paY•r, eve .mr o- d W ..i br h Cn... ~ r ~ ny,«+ du,W 4 n,M br m, roiype•r N rM Y" s A«,n en<r b,d, a +nY w'r raa'wl, pitba •M .~ ar N Am <. n ~ rora W „r, +^r« d h oN.p+hen l+ rN wr+x:,r'•eri nrM br x1 s•a+xa W -nho-^ «uprm i+ rrp.•W lern el le, br rM < o- . wS^.. M. ,M :n wr rrr'. ra .. rb wove d M w,wa..,bn rd -~rrra• ro K,. eY ..n, d .men .«`..,d Nnbv Na.~ w.-el,rlr W <errtrnnrM w.A wN crwY,ric+ bnom+ 0..+ +rN p«+br, eM :n del<. r. ID In rM a«nr r1., pM:M Ix+Wy inerq+Pd. Y ++/ wn Ibrpl, wll M <eMr-^,d ,M 4a,n ly wbla ur v6r h M-e• Y+ ^r dcwwn. A Y + f rn w w4 b . h Axu+rOn h:l M« dx nehr re dM,+d wr +1 a,xw.a ,-ra.d rr rw n+•p d .• e.-wr re xd a ,.a N, wan.wa r +ww, rr re rv rn.e.nr wn rnprd r M r•y,rYrp+.na rcrY 4 app'..d rMn h wr^x^• e• wYnenn wr wrw~ r rMe> 11. I4 M/'e,W, !,d O+TrV,r wr re r.,.~ w w"^h ro 4 rnW ,n rv. b.W.+p, en rr, p•M:w Non i+d NaN n e W .a r pna+r •e 4 ed.L! ro MY d r4 .,: M'ry N`e'vn^nee dxrwn, r b dMOl.d. +I•er, p Mrrey ,nV wvw.+l <rr d ~ .nn ^e^M -'ho-. x•+ ne.r rc.wnr d h Ar,rrrs+ W N rb +rrn er art/ , m+pr re v:o4•+ rw, a~pv4•bn rh.r .penwa. ,nd ,n rr* x.vrd ~r Nat n"eu6+rnr,' Yra..e M W edlgJl, er h whM d h Arrwron. Il. I. ;, yepfrullY prwd hr r:,w 4 rb e,rrsa al M:, whM W rhn ne vrrw N w/ WlyP 4r,rM„ y d rAr Mr,+..yr r</,d MrMr ' vea N ++'I n... hnalrrr 4 N4 ro 4 + nrvr d h Mrnr Fred > d h »u.»ww xn•,d M•rbr. It N lere.ler.n preceeLp d e'rr o,rd rorrypa r r<rM rM d+el r wrr rw W N ,n/ a.M rlevtl 4 Nr.i.,rrq M Axpa:ergn nrrr' w ~ m wao•a bnnrdrrelY w hwaM a«w d:. neleeM W h t+debx6r+x amnN MnhY dw W wr+bY. la le h e,V+ d hx '_ • ~• -.. / h /l.arreaperr r Ta Awn.er d+,oM h.re:n r o<rrN event h wrrxw i hereby eb ae.M v , h rx• w bw W b'4 r`enn d h ew.l rd hpld++ YxrM d awe W every e.arrprM. Yxn w ether e+n,.bnxe r h W ae.oa.e b.w rAri. Y 1,! W/r ur:,ned. N ..lr.l.. Yr r.,. « r r r.r.e, d r w.n d,xriM 4.<+r r wv+d 4rA/. W N r,rr,ew 4,r. d w ...wo-.. w. V .,Irr..ro.+.ro. +w 4 .r r I.r.. aM ..d N rlr.-r M,ss w r.,.^.d +M ,rxY M, L M 4 ed. b/ ,fa Mr4wr M<Y r rv'+•/ Iw r Nd,Y<ibw M r /rwwl,+n Ixrd^ d,+>Md w MneY awrM. ,o rN w „vn rrrw i .wtl Ire.r r D«n ere+errri W ,rerM 1w be+ awaad b W ea++ he4 H r yrreON:an Yad x Man drM W +P•ih eruTd, rerser.ed, rr ter W i 0.v.r,a ter h wer.srbn N eroraro ae+d w wgwr0• ^+wrxr,we,r hr h w M 4 rrltla W <wdW d.«wd. w eve H .rrr..uee / ue a.r~r brrero rw h w rY M rwllea W aweeel N r.<era ti h hdd.n hr..l N « rMn +•. ern, d h r«rY7 r nx ..a+eep. la ae M +a W ,I^T.W p•+ ,.err,. d+Th W .wx,h %rdvdlne Mwr'r I,+,. wrr+M p w:/ ,r. +^Y tux b, rN wua.wa Barr d re, Ir4re d w. rrre,pwa b Ynlra <auYla w- W <YL e/ e4 rd <+ry M ,Wde'+.. +o.werneh awwti•xn. W <..w+n.. N r/ ysr r ''+xrY wu. War c`e4 s reeve, W ear rd MI-tlw PJ M arr.x Irwn Art, x h rare d n.x Aa) err <M. ear rr..a le nrr 4 -J yw+r. s.~w. w hrafw e+ rare. l~Wrenl. w Mr-.M d rd vww1Y w r+ Mn errndr +J :r h +wnr d the 'J.r N e+ wK.p,a/ b a.q M lrrlrr rr aW erorl~ Yrd ry M Y< I<4d M Yld IMrir4 Y aY'wrM/i dwa.r w F<d rant... ww,MM1 tart ,W W M let xWr n+ain w 4 Ir Oewr4n a ~ dove Ynr,rY M r w<V+r Yw+wM drrr<eI. W r`e• IJI w.wnv d W M'wab .rd N tauter M N ten d Y r'erreeee ed dr+a w r eeewr A N ro.rpeMe w w.W:wy M W Irrd Y. w MY+br+ ro r4 wero.; ,Y,++"rrr, r art errr Yp'n ! drrrwir. I 30 (>a tlort~~r,~or wvaaaatw IfDd agve^ to mafntwln wad op~rwta thw diOll'it%ltfOa vend colloc2lon ayatams fa wccordwaax wiiL the lawfwl rolw^ wad restalwilona of wppltcwble roa',ilato:q tpwrrAJ wad ojwnclas. M.k .lYC J. .. w. Faw~~+rm~v'RQ~x~~~ N. .t - . ' !' c..~..La. .a~il~~fsLLO(Y t' r c 1 t r t-. -_r. .. I..nv.. n.-r. M.• l .w.. :. rob .d..nud en *r r.wrWJ. d.•:ry rl...a.r.r / • r.wrw el . b.Y4nR wan Mn .wiw 1 b..' !.a'e s. r. Mnau4 b'.G.ry rA.rl b aw^r+4Md wrM:n tlava I.aw Xv Gr b..el W NJI b am rnM in wav w a~ a . r..M.nrd re Ma AuM.rW .M NI aFwU r:d brb p M b aomr•vamd .:Fn N .bw. .M a.~w .M; w r< b l'+y nr ~NI r rvrr.d in I{:wl.rW viM wm W pa4lrur.ga. N.an IM in M.r .wnr. My nany.pw rvv. Ir Fr ap'gn. d.ay.• .. ..~nr r.a...J m.Afnr•n..C.wrr [.wW MYrl4. II. ..1 M r.o-.ypw .T.:I wn.a a of pM NI FI. YN d:r.Lil:r/ WYw HW d rM~ ky .aYb^YI MiwY w Wrw. ~ •~M. a•cr..u~r..n m,t..q M. w^wv+ wa~W. Vvrwndn rN a4rYW1 M e+r h Mnw'awm b e.dr Yvrn eN odd u:I Wa"+^'r b eV >.i -e.e~.o-.r. r. +,ae ey M.a .wrgp. p b r.q{d a. h w+v muwr N rAwd lwyp Y+.mwr d +v .wah wr++r+a .n~aa ( ... r. va ~. e, r....md rw~»nr, ~n N'I n!if w4llivF, rti vA Ywrgp. 1 F+r~,nb M' h% I.rrh W wM IA:a 41 W H/ Irrl 16aw wwr~ se a tl.r....w rn rr~r.•.•. •/al,~_~/~ L.'OR PALPi BEACH ' '~ /i~rJf~1Y~~,V.. _ _. _ _ IJT T ~ C. _ _ _ au~ (~ ;~ ~ , B - __ ~ Jy ~a7t~, •s V1n Preddittii n ~; ' ~~~ ~ ~Ll ^~yC r Rou; a/ ~~:. _~ 4+ ~-11r~ i STATE of ~ f COUNTY OF I, sn o`Ircer .rlhorixad to teYe eArowledgmen:t in IM tIW end cwntY nerrted above, M.elry oaati/Y ' E! mp _.. _._____ ..... .. .........._...... .. ... .__ _.. ._._.._ b me {:eraonelly 4rown, Ihia der xknow!edged b<lora ms tMt .. ... ....AKOMd ilfe /orepoinq inslrynVnt, t end I fURTH ER CERTIFY that I know me Lard person mekirq wid sctnowledyrrynl b be tM indvldvel _- detarbd ))~ m •od wb eae<o'ed tM and ImNV menl. IN WITNESS 'hYEREOF, I Mw.+nlo tU my hand end oifiod tul •1 , wed i Cwmy and Sure. Ihls __ ... . IC ! My Cwnmruwn Eap'r<t..... ...... _. _.. ..._..... . _.. __....._ ..... ._ _.. __ j .... .Koury VVbIK. i i S7~TE Of F'L.ORIDA COUNir OF PALM BEACH ' I, en o!f i:er •Whorixed b ute ecinowledpmenn in (M alero end cwnry named strove, Mnby ~.r.;fy then .. ~9H19.A... "uCHWELVS&...... . .. _......_.. ai__. EIRRA>: RT, A..RLISS ......._. .... _.. retpecfively ~~ YSce_Rr.aiurnud.._..----.._..._Sacnt.ryol...Ltd.BT~..$.Aa(wSt_H«ACH_._UTf1.lITIRrtt9._ING..---- _ f %'. 4. ~;4;sd].S4I$4LDrl14n_..._..._.._... __._. -.._ .....b rM person ally 4no•rn, this d+Y ecknovrVedged bion I.r that IMr •aswted IM ipepolnp IrMrnpttent ee wch olfiun of u1d torporetion, end tMl rhry eHiAed tMneb tM oH'rciel pal ofatak` Rlbnl end 1 fURTHER CERTIfY IMt 1 know IM MW Ft.IxOllx T14in0 Mid K1t1Vw1edprlM/Ifi b f» ins indit~;~~ In ertd wM executed IM pb IrnhVmMl. _r V ' .. Y!'•,"" CapJ MretMb >el my hood4e~nd oNkisl pal u~ ~~ L~(Ci.z.[-rt.~_.... i -y t.0 f ti t~_ _~~11.~G~~ ~L 4,~ ~~:tx+. a f,el~ ~ ~,. ~"~',,',','A',','~'~,*~'Li u.~s+-- - --- -~ -~ el`.z_`-,...ter MY ""r:',:...... .'yytMA..~~~~r~rR4 Nolsry iLblix r ~ p~ ~~//yy .R I~{~ rl ss.~.aW1 ~ 12S , ~. i r . :'4'+ Cr >- STATEn°F~_OtDA a~flA ~pIDA TOM~ID~ . (_ORIDA ORiDA , ° ODCUM cN TA STA%D TAX el > TA}ID TAX AMD TA% ~,"''~~4~oor~ soorr~ . ,soot ~s~ aon~ Isooo Gd «,., _u,- -- ., " Y STATE~•FL_flRiDA'. JRtDA 7R~= ><RlI3A ORIL~A'~ .ORLi~A . JJCUM~NTAO $TAMi TAX 4MD TA la:P TAX n`~ a _. _...;~: ___ _ ~~ A`iD A ~ TA'fP A fT4Y.P AX :1 ~ nu;ra>•~~:- °-- ~ i9D OGs BA~...... g00Cr ~800l~ ., ~ - ~'_ 9DOGa 900.0 - c+.+rexfv, -- ~~ .,. ...i? p- ~- STATEpeFLDR1~A JRIDA . 9Rii~A'. -DRi~ 1)5?:~A .si flOtRD TAX ' W _~ DOCUM'eNTA TANP A AMD TA% ANP AX TANP A TA*i_.D Als _ n _ _ -fir _ ry' w Ivl 90OllC 800t~ .800 _ ~ 9 99.OEe~ ~aD 9 v ~ c ,- afar:`«F~o- RiI~A . oR~A , ~Rft~~ . -c~t~ • ~~is~~ ~ ~ z DO(.W~TT TANP A TANP A ANP A 1N A 4N A 4 AX 3 ° = ~ 900f ~ 900. :90O.Q~ 9DA X00 ~ 900C7~ U c:.vncurA ' Pd.,f.w _ ...,..,,,,,_ ., "" x STATEpFLORItj ~ ~- pOCUNENT TANP A rN 1': IiN E55 YIHE REOf, 1 hereumo v = _ ~ ~ ' .__ .. __ _., _ w~E 9 O 4 !IA\EI'R 9a ~ ' Cw~ry end <re+e. rhii ..... s u Favra>fP .. 19 . . P9 an.f --_ 'AV Com- a:'on E.pres . ..__.. NOl11y PVbIK. ~ y ~ I _ ' J i. 0 3 ` _ ~ d u 5 a= 3 ~i ; o > ~ < s ~ • F-~-~i ~ a o f i Y i I i I t .SiA~E OF 1 couNrv a [ r, an ef(.cer eurhonud b Uke xkrowledgmenn in rhs flare end <ounry named above, heraSY cMdy f rha+ .. ...___.. end ' .__... .. ___._._ ._. rsspece.~ely Pro Odenr end ......__ .__ ._ $rveLry of _. __._ 1 ... .._ -.. .__.. __... .. ._._ ... ro me personally kn„wn, thif deY ahnowiedged baton, .z that rr4y e~xu+ed rM Fpyp:np instrvnwrr es such o11Ken of laid corpwalwn, and that they attired rhsreao the ' oNKi al yell of y'~A cyrpo.arlon; and 1 fU7TNER CERiIfY that I krgw the >aid persona making uId xkrowledgrnenn ro be be il,d~vW~lif ewK/ibed in end Mhp IAKVbd fhI ifid in\rNTer,r. Ih ktillNE55 Y/HEREOf, 1 Mraunb set my herd end WfKiJ teal et r _. , ud C>unry cnd 9aH, this.. .._ ___...._._._...__..___.___... .. ... 19 ' f GS41Jt•R1 1"~r( K! ... .. _... ... __._._..._..... .. . fklary Pvb1k I DESCRIPTION RIDER TO 3.:OItTGAGE EI~CVTED HY t:ORTH PAL".1 BEACH UTILITIES, INC. , TO FIRST FEDEF.AL. SAVIIi63 AND LOAN pS90C7ATION OF LAKE WORTH, DATED tdARCH 20 1967 PARCELI All of the eubsurtace water and water rights if4 under and lxaaats sad which may W produced from the follow lag described property, eltuated in Palm Eaarh Cwaty, Florida: TRACT 1: That part of the South Halt (S 3 /1) o! the North Halt (N 1 /1) oI the Norts- weet Quarter (NW 3/4) 01 3eetion 10, Townsstp 41 goats, Recife 45 East, lylab Weri 07 the westerly right nl way litu of the Old IHtde Hi~wsy, u taow looatad, sad tsat part of Ne North 300 teat of the South Halt (9 1/1) of tW Norlstreri Quarter (NW 3/41 of aatd Section 20, lying Wart of the werier~r rivet of way l1n of tse raid Old DSrSe Highway, Palm Bench County, Florida; TRACT 2: A patcal of land to Sac'tnn 10, more particululy Gsertbed as follows: Beginning at the Intereectlon of the aaebrly right at way line of the Old Di:ie Hlgs- way fetch the North line of the South HaH of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter ; of said Section 20; thence easterly alonb~eald North line of the Soots HaU of the North Half o1 the Northwest Quarter of said Sectloa 10, a dfriaaa of 588.4$ teat, tno» of lees, to a point in the westerly right of way line o! the Florlda Eari Coast Rallway; L':ettce southerly, along said westerly right of way ltese, • dlriaaca o! 592. 40 feet, more or lees, to a point to a flee parallel to and 547, 5 feet eoutherly from, measured at rlgltt angles to the said North Itne of the South HaV of th• Norts Half of ms Nozts- weat Quarter of said Section 20; thence westerly along old parallel Ilse, a dietaaee of 7. 57 foot to s point in a line parallel to sad 7 feat westerly from, measured at rt~et angles to, the westerly right of way line of said Florlda Eaet Coact Railway; thexe northerly along sntd line parallel to said westerly right of way line a dirianee of 117, 69 feet to the be gtnning of a curve concave to the South and having a radius o! 448.94 feet and a central angle of 67°33'; thence ewrtherly and westerly along the arc of •ald curve, a distance of 528. 58 feet to the end of said curve; thence westerly along the tangent to Bald curve In a line parallel to, and 60 leaf wvtherly from, measured at right eagles to the North line of the South Half o! the North Half of the Northwest Qaarter of said Se ctlon 20, a distance o! 86. 35 feet, more or leas, to a point to w1d easterly right of way line of the Old Dlxfs Highway; theoce norNerly sloag said easterly right of way ]lne, a dlriance of 82. SB feet to the potat of ixglnning. PARCEL I-A The tee elmple absolute title to the followtng described property in the Northwest iuarter (t71Y 1/4) of Sectloa 10, Towwhip 41 South, Range 45 Eaat, Palm Beath County, Florlda, described as follows: A. The East 15 Ieet of the Weet 83 feet of the North ZS test of the South 1S5 feet of that part o! the North 300 test of the Sovth Half of fire Northwest Quarter of said Seetloa 10, lying West of ttw Old Ditete Highway, 8, The Halt 15 teat o! the Weri 65 test o! the South ZS feet of the Norts 83 feet of that part of the South Halt of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 20 lying Weri of the Florida E-ri Coast Rallwyy right o! way line, C. The l:~at 23 teat of the Neri 701, t50 teat of the South 13 feat of the North BS toot of that part o! 41a South Half of the North Hall of the North+eri Quarter of said Secttoa 10 lying Wsri of the Florida Eart Coari Railway right of way line. ~`~.r't71 act ~~9t tUeet of iha! part of the South Hal! of the North Hal! of fife Y orLlwaat~Quartorhof10 said Srctton 20 lying West of the Florida East Coast Rallmay right of may ltae. E. Tne Eaet 25 feet of the bleat 1072, SO teat of the South 26 feat of the Tiorth 250 ; feet of that part of the South Halt of the Nordf Aall of the NortW west Quarter oT said Section 20 ly tng West o[ the Florida East Coast Raflmay rlyht ~ may Tina. ; I that part of theSTlorth 3 0 t et of !ha South Half of tits NorWwsat ~Qu+rtar~°t aaldt of Sect ion 20 lying bleat of the Old Dlxle HltQtway. G. Front the point of Snlsrssctlon of the South lies of the North 300 fast of the S°t'~ i Halt of the Northwest Quarter o! said Saetioa 20 with the water ltu o1 the Old Duda Hi~tway run westerly along acid South ltoa • dLtaaw of 143' sad the 3oal~asL Irv ,a at right angles a distance oT SO loot t0 the Po1ad d Bajlnaistj , corner o! the parcel of load heninattsr Gaerlbd; thaaw massar~y at si"~t anslaa. ~ ` _ _ a distance of 25 feet; theme northerly at rt~tt attjlas. • dlstaace d 2S fat; th~aaca easterly at right angles a d4tame of 2S teat; theses soatherly a4 rift wiles' a distance of 25 test to th• Point o! Bestaalai. i ti. From the point of InUreectiw of Ne North ltns of the 9otrth Halt d the Tiorth } Ha17 of the Northveat Quarter of said Sectioo 10 with the cettlar lies Of the Old ,. Dfxte Highway, rttn westerly along •a1d North lies a dtrianca of 86.40 feat to the Point o: Se gl+tnln6 and the mrtheuterly corner of the parcel of land heriaaftsr f described; thence southerly at right anilea • dUtaaer d 25 lest; theme martsrly i at right angles a distance of 15 lest; thanb• northerly o! rij~t aailas • distance of 2S feet to a notnt to the North iine of a-id South Halt of the North Half of the north' west Quarter of etld Section 20; thence easterly along sold North line a distance of , 25 fee: to the 1'otn: of Bagiruting. o[ the NorthweatnQunrter of sa d Section 20 whlth the centeroltne of the Old DLtt~Hl~t- , way, run easterly alon0 said north lfoe, a dirtancs of 270.31 teat to the Point of Be ginning, and the mrthweeterly corner of the parcel of land hereiaatter described; thence continue easterly along eatd mrth lane a distance of 1S feet, thence southerly at right angles a distance of 25 feet; thence westerly at right angles a dletaace of 25 feet; thence cortherly at right angles a distance of 25 feet to the Point of Begianing. PARCEL I-B Easements for ingress and egress to the properties described to Parcel I-A over end serous the following described lattda ^itu eta fn the Northwest Quarter (itW 1141 of Sae(ton 20, Township 42 South, Range 43 Eaet, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly de scribed as follows: 60 feat) oFf thalNorth Halt of than Northmsst Quartear of said 9eotlor 10, lying mast of Coat of the North 170 taRtaot that part o! the North 300 est~ot the Souttt N tot the4D Northwest Quarter o! Bald Sect/oa 20 lying West of the Old Dixie Highway. B. The South 1 S feet of the Horth 215 test of that part o[ the South Halt (lass tb• blast 40 feet) of the North Halt of that Part of the Northwest Quarter of said Sectloo 20 lying west d the Old Dtx1e Hi~tws,. C, ~ The Faat 15 feat of the West 597, SO feet o! the South 115 test of the North 200 teat o[ L'ta: part o~~tS f ~i F~rtd~ F+sS Chout RaLL ay?rtght of mxy~l n er of said Sect ion 20, lying -2- Q'- f?iE ~9 l ~ I 1 . ~. D. The Eant 35 feet of the Weat 487, 50 feet o[ t7ta South 170 foot of the t7orth 483 teat of that part of the South Half of the North Halt of the Northwes4 Quarter of said Section 20 ly lnq Wari of the Florida Fast Coast RallwsX right o! way line. F:. The Feat 15 feet of the Wari 1087. 50 leaf of the 9outh~200 feet of the 27orth 495 tee: of thnt part of L'te South Half of the Notch Halt of the Fforthweri Quarter o! said Section 20 lying West of the Florida East Coast Rallwey rl~tt of way lltse. F, The North 15 feat of the Swth 50 feet of that part of tSe North SDO feet Qesa th• West 880 feet) of the South Hal! of the Northwest Quarter o! said Section 10lytag West o7 the Old Dfzls Highway. G. The North IS feet of that part d the 9ouUt Halt peu the Wsri 1:47.05 test) o! the North Hall of the Northwest Quarter o! Bald Bet:tioa 20 Sag west of the Old Dilde Ht~way. H. Aeginning at the point of intereectioa of the North line of ltN 8arath Hal! o! the North Hs'J o[ the Northwest Quarter of ttald 9ectloa 20 with tG eattter lies of the Old i>IZie Htghray; thence •uterly along aatd nw'th 11ae • dlstaeee of 270, SI feet; thence-southerly at right angles a diriaace of 1S feet; thenw testerlX ri right atagle• and parallel to said north l1ne, a dtetance of 763. 63 feet, more or UY, to a point In said center llr» of the Old (Hzfe Highway; thence northerlj aloetg aa! ~ ~r i~t of a Jletance o! 15.64 feet, more or less to the Point of Beglnaiat, way o!Old Dizie H1~tway. PARCEL II Tracts A and B, F'L1'f NO. 1, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALS? BEACH. F'lorldq according to the P1~' iha rent on file in the ottlca of the Clerk of th• Circuit Court, to and for Palrn Beach County, Florida, L~ Plat Book 24, page 207 throe Dt 106, inclusive. PARCEL IIl A parcel of land to Sectl~n I8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Falm Beach County, Fiorid e, more particularly deecrllxd as lollowe: All of Lhat pert of the Northwest Quarter of the Northsari Quarter of the Southeari Quarter and of the Eaet Halt of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter o! eafd Soctlon 18 lying Baal of the right o! way of Caotral and Southern Florida tl nod Control District's Canal C-l7, _,. PARCEL IV Lot 5, Block 115, LAKE PARR ADDITION NO. 1, aca:ording to the Plat Lha roof on file in the office of the Clerk of the C{rcutt Court, In and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plot Book 25, pages 277 and 273• ~i~un~~. PIiE gO~ -s- ~~ h f79t~1 t3cai took U fain Ecd Cmit, Pddt k~ 0. C.1 d Chi ta71 ., ,.. _ ,,: ..-. .. .. _ E\7I1BI1' =1 _~~ \ort}~ U0,2'IG.ib square feet of Tract A as shown nn Plat of r 1=i_:e ,u t:orth Pulrn Reach, Plat Nu. 1, recorded in Plat i'~:~nh 24, .-.- _~ 204, I'~t]~*~ Beach County Riblic Records, more particularly dc~scr_`-.d :~=.cnc:iu~~ at the Exist lhiarter Corner of Section 1.7, '1'oontship -.2 So,~_rt- -t:.cc 4i Cast, Pa1rn Beach County, 1'lorida; said Quarter Corner Lcii:.: _,. ~~ cc~r.terline of right_of-cvay of 1lnchora~e Drive as noc: laid out ana _. -ac~: ~-}arrce rain Su~_tth alon}; the centerlinra of said 1n.charage Dri.a r;::~~: sair! :Nast- line ui' Section. 17 a distance of 198, 83 feet ~ to a po_.:t i c~ ~c~e best a distance of 40. C1 feet to a point in the westerly ri~hr_ ~: -'.:a'. u,~, -~~ _rora,~e Drive acid the Yuint of }teginnims of the herein _i: srri.~eci pars c7 -thence runtitute Kest a distance of 946.95 feet to ,- Soir.r u2 Intersectin^ oi' the Southerly right_of_way line of :lrure ;,ion and the Casterly right_of_cvaY line of North Palm Beach P.aten:a~.: '-:e~:ce .So,ith (13° 30' 00" pest along said Easterly' right-of_cvay li:.e a Distance of J24.i0 meet to a point; thence A'orth 87° 15' 10" last a distat:ce;d~~~C1.639 feet toa point; thr:nce South 6S° 56' 30" East a .. .stance ur :Lf17.33 j'eet to a poita; thence North 21° 03' 30" Fast r~ distance o? 11:.19 feet to a point; thence South 75° 38' 21" East a distance oi' 15]..35 feet to a point; thence South 0. 8U feet to a point; `l:c:.;:e Fast a distance of 193.35 feet to a point; thence South a distar.c ~- 1.20.0 feet to a point; thence Fast a distance of 163.98 feet to a i.t in iho l;'csterly right-oi'-way lice of tlnchora,_>e Dr.ivc aforesaid: ~te~:ce \orth aLon~ the lesterly right_of_way line a distance of 336,0= r.-i to tiu• Point. ut Rec;inning. „~:~.eair.iu in al] 300,29G.7Gs}care feet or 6.S'J4 acres, more or leis. •: , •. • 7 rt_ : t; r ~ EXI[IBIT #1 continued I'racr "It" as shown on the PLAT OF•VILLAGE OF N~tTH PALM BEACH, PL:1T :u. 1, as recorded in Plat Book 24, qt page 204, according to the ln:hlic records of Pa].m P.cach County, Florida and 'C're F.outh 9].,040.40 sq. ft., or 2.09 acres more or less of Tract "A" ;: sho~on on Plat of VI},CAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PLAT N0. 1, reee~rded ~r: P'.at Rook 2c4, page 204, Palm Beach County Public Records, more I,atr.icularly described as follows: .Y~ ":. ~. ~, ~ '.I Iic;;inning at the Southwest corner of Tract A aforesaid; thence North 03° 30` 00" East a distance of 293.28 feet to a point; thence North 87° 15' 1l° F,ast a distance of 321.639 feet to a point; thence South 21° 03' 30" best a distance of 24.0 feet to a point; thence South 21° 21' 00" West a'distance of 380.59 feet to a point in the South-line of Tract. A; thence t:orth 68° 56'.30° West a distance of 205.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing in all 91,040.40 sq, ft. or 2.09•acres more or less. ~' , ,.. T , ~::':.^.~,^.:.",. ~n1..4~T~.:c...r. ~r~cs nc: -`n '_r+oGrrr no".` b[EETIC:G OF THE ~„VII~LAGE COUNCII, OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM. BEACH FLORIDA HELD ON ir?E 25th DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 19 75 of The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Thy Village Council 1 1 in the Village of North Palm Beach r!et in Re~?ular meeting at the Village Hall Florida at eighf' o'clock P .M. on' the 25th day of September , 195 the place, hour, and date duly established for the hold- ing of such meeting. The Mavor called the meeting. to order and on roll call the following answered present: Mayor M. C.-Love, Jr. Councilman Mervin H. h4cIntyre , Vice Mayor Ronald L. Heraty ~ Councilman William A. Greeley Councilman V. A. Marks ~. , and the following were absent: The R4ayor declared a quorum present. 1 A Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF RECFEATIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE GOLF COURSE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEED- ING 5210,000 P.14PROVEIVIENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1975 OF SUCH VILLAGE TO PAY THE COST OF SUCH PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS Or THE HOLDERS OF SUCH FG\DS; ?i?OViDING FOR THE PAYi\9ENT ^1HERlrOc; AND PaAfiING CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREEI'iEl\TTS I[Q CON\~ECTIONNITH THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BO\DS. •rra°: introduced by iLlayor Love Said Resolution was than read in full zn~ discussed ~~nd considered. .~ _ _ -- _ . Dr Marks then moved the adoption o[ the Resolution a~ introduced and read. Mr'. Greeley seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "qye": __ayor Love, Vice Mayor Heraty, Councilman Greelev, Councilman Marks and the folloo-:ing voted "Nay": The P:4ayor thereupon declared the motion carried .and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting 'was adjourned . 1 ~~