1974-78 Award Bid to Chesser & Strickland~_ RESOLUTION N0. 78-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF CHESSER AND STRICKLAND FOR CLAY IN THE AMOUNT OF $10.00 PER TON. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{~ FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Chesser and Strickland, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Sect_ ion 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1974. ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk /s/ Walter N. Colbath. Jr. MAYOR y. ._I'~.OPOSAL Rl7^`.TCi3S VI:LLI~GE OF NORTII PALM }3EACII, FL~OR'ill~ s c}:r}~~LLrIaN: `i`it., unc?ersigned as ,bidder does declare •that no other person other .:Dian 4,he bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or :i.n the contract to be taken, and that i•t is made taithout any connection witl_i any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and :i.s :i.n all respects fair and without collusion or gaud. '19~e undersigned further declares gnat he has carefully examined t:he ::peci:ications and is thoroughly familiar faith its provisions and faith t:he quality, type and grade of material caJ_1ed for. ~i7ie undersigned further declares t'nat he proposes to furnish the articles ca:L"led for within specified time set in this proposal for the folio*aing price; and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available .within the State of Florida, to trait: DATE__ December !~, 1974 lj'f'~} D}_SCRIPTION UANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1. Clay, delivered to 1,000 Ton ~ in_nn North Palm Beach ?. Clay delivered to 150 Ton ~ 10.00 Lake Park 3. Clay delivered to 150 Ton ~ 10.00 Palm Beach Gardens TOTAL: TOTAL ~ i n, nQ0_,o0 N 1,500.00 w 1,500.00 ~_ 13, 000.00 -- ~ Vp- I'KOPOSAli TO i'IlE VILLIIGI; OF NORTH PALM })F.t1CII Fr.oRInA Glli1PANTlirill llF.L:CV}aCY We will delivr+r as Headed 1:I:PIAIH<S i^Iould appreciate two or three days notice which would give us time to schedule our trucks. TI TLF. AllAhESS P. 0. Drawer D Holli.ster~ Fla. 32047 -5- iCu<k'ecackalcn~l 3'xrx~ax®cxs~p Corporate ( Strike out s words not ' applicable why F~CSPrQ/lG St.rirkl ai Inc• _ fires . ADDRESS P. 0. Drawer D Hollister Fla. 320l~7 Officers of Corporation or p9embers of Partnership: ' NAME TITLE ADDRESS Luther W. Strickland President P. 0. Drawer D Hollister Fl.a. 320)7 Arthur J. Chesser Vice-Pres ],illi.an E. Chesser Secretary " -fi-