1974-67 Award Bid to Buckstaff Furniture RESOLUTION N0, 67-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING T}H; BID OF BUCKSTAFF FURNITURE FOR TABLES IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,931.40. ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA: Rartinn 1 The bid of Buckstaff Furniture, copy of which is attached. to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed. to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24 DAY OF OCTOBER, 1974. 1 ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. VICE MAYOR 1 w Q U O T A T I O N ~xaackstaffi EDUGTIONAL TUYNITUYE • CONTRACT FURNITURE P. O. BO% 4506 • OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN 51901 U.f.A • ~/IQ 433.3690 Aate Quoted October 4, _1974 r ~ Kenneth W. Hunnam PN-14-0-14934. To: lloran Building - Suite 24 784 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Attn: Gentlemen: In reply to your inquiry of we are pleased to quote as follows: QUANTITY PART N0. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE APPROX. UNIT SNIPPING WT. 3030-055 Table .top 30" x 30" W/solid oak . banded edge. 46.20 415.80 25 9 35-925 Solid oak pedestal base 26" x 26" base spread. 46.20 415.80 25 9 2424-055 . Table top 24" x 24" W/solid oak banded-edge. 34.20 307.80 17 9 35-951 Solid oak pedestal base 21" x 2" base spread.. 39.60 356.40 17 2 4834-050 Table tap - drop leaf 48" x 34" W/self edge. 168.60 337.20 86 2 35-929 Solid oak pedestal 32" x 32" base spread. 49.80 99.60 31 QUOT TI ON SUBJEC TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION ts, ~-taj~ .4D Shipn ent is norm lly 90-120 days after order entry, owever, e requ st that you contact the factory upon or er plac ent for conf' rmation. Pric s and shipp 'ng'information are valid 60 days fr n date o this quot tion. OaY. ' toms are ba ed on a choice of the follo ing: $22 Gunstoc Walnut on Oak finish W/596 64 lami ate $24 English Oak Suede W/597-64 .laminate #~68 Wiscons 'n White Oa$ Suede [V/597-64 aminate Any ther finish or laminate selection than here li ted abov will be s bject to pr 'ce review. Pric s do not in ludo taxes'. taxes must be adde if appl' cable. / ~ Continuation of tjuotation: For Cont'd Date 10/4/74_ Page Qt 1AN717Y PART NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE APPROX. UNIT SHIPPING W7. PRICI S ARE BASED ON SHIPMENT AND INVOICING P IOR TO RIL 1, 975. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFiE , TNiS (~UGT,<'~TIOI`! IS QASED Oi°; SG' 'tZST~iFF STPtrtJf'I;D PRODUCTS, f' T~PI LS, CGi'~Sl'£;UCT101'11 F':rJD b"duOD i ISI;ES. RsaY i~~ODIFC~ITIOT'S ~v!I..L Er. Sl1u;ECT ' 1 1 . . ~ .. - .- This quotation is valid for a Po NET 60 days from the above listed date. All prices in this quotation are _ , We arc not responsible for delays or inability to fulfill this quotation because of conditions beyond our control such as strikes, suppliers inability to ship, weather factors, fires, government regulations, etc., if an order in response to this is accepted by us. Acceptance fs not made until a written acknowledgment is sent by us. Such order acceptance is contin- gent, hmvever, on rnntinued maintenance by you of a credit ratfng or standing satisfactory to us, and in the event that your credit rating, in our judgment, shall at any Lime become impaired, we shall have the right to require advance pay- ment prior to making shipments. If, in the event, you refuse to make advance payment when reyuested by us, we re- serve the right to refuse shipment. All Federal or Stale taxes assessed after date of quotation will be added to the quoted prices. TRRMS OF SALE: ~~''pp TT22 ~_- - n --rTa s - ~r'UuayS'from date of shipment on any or all items shipped, F.O.B. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. y ,net Delays in transportation shall not extend terms of payment. Wa reserve the right to reject any orders for any reason whatsoever. Prices quoted apply only for this inquiry and ere not to be used for any other. D}sLIVF.RY: Standard items of manufacture will be shipped es much as possible at one time. However, items of special manufacture will not necessarily be shipped along with the standard ones, since they take longer Lo fabricate. Late delivery o[ any portion of your order shall not extend or alter the payment terms of the balance of the items previously shipped. 't'his quotation is subject to all written provisions contained on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for this opportunity of quoting and hope we may have the pleasure of furnishing your requirements. CC: Steve Markos Dist. S1S. Mgr. Yours truly, THE BUCKSTAFF COMPANY JW/kmj Inn- V" " John Wolter Asst. Mgr. Quotation Dept.