1974-53 Award Bid to Florida Hasco Inc.~ b RESOLUTION N0. 53-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF FLORIDA HASCO, INC. FOR 150 MODEL S-23 SIDE C}iAIRS IN THF. AMOUNT OF $6,022.50. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI.ORI DA Section 1. The bid of FLORIDA HASCO, INC., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Yalm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1974. L' /s/ Walter N. Colbath, Jr. MAYOR ATTF, ST /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ' ~ raorosnr, To TIIr, v]r,Lnc}; of Noa'rit rnr,rr nrncrl }'LO}t7lln ' (;llI1R[~N'I'EI;U DCL7V];RY _ _If^,e receive the order i~*ithin 1~ day; after submission of bid - - d~liver~_ ~-~ ] ]. ],.=< 6 to 8 weeks. '1'}~irt;y da~•~ after receipt of order rre can furiu.sh you with a more exact delivery date. ClrAIRS .1S SPECIFIII; R'I I~llt. ROR7:riT I%IITE AT BAMTAht INDUSTRIES: k I :PL1 H1<S 1,0 -. - FTodal 5-23 SIDE C]LAIR. - - - @ ~1t0.15 each deli.vere;d = =total ~6,022.r0 Tsi•r,:~: Net 1G days after delivery. Ai time of orck:r r7e will. require your Sa].es-Tax-Exemption Certificate numher. 1'rl:Pl FLORIDA rG1SC0, IP;. 'rI]'LC President n])llRl;Sg I}80 i South Di.xi e - - P.O. Box 6605 -- ------- ';lest Palm'neach, Florida 33~t05 ,, ..5_ ~74YL4x?ixhfacD; ( Str.i}cc~ ont -~?4xXxicrr~3ri~x words not Cm°porai e npp] ical~lo _ FLUHILA HASCO, INC. ' ~~ _ 111 - ~ ~----~ -- ~11)Ill;I;SS ~,n05 South Dixie (P.O, Pox 6605) 14est Yal.m Beach, Florida 331s~5 _.__ Orfi~crs of Corporni~ion nr ~rN~,'c~tr;rxQr4:xRn r. ~ rnc~u~la~}v n~;~rn; ~r;i ~~r_r_ nn}n<rss :~.. E. Fine~old prc~ident 250 Uradle Plei,c 2U5 _ . _- --- - ----- -- ------ ------------------ ------Y_- - ~t -- ---- -- Pa1.m Reach, F~'loricia 3;hF30 i -(I-