1974-46 Award Bid to Florida Electronics,.~ RESOLUTION N0. 46-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF FLORIDA ELECTRONICS FOR ELECTRONIC EQUIP- MENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,698.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid. of Florida Electronics, copy of which is attached. to this Resolution, is hereby accepted. by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed. to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSEll AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF JULY, 1974. 1 /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. VICE MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk iS~ n.Vl. 1 , K, . ., ~' , :A ~; \:.:;~-. a ',;,~ PROPOSAL Ill THE VILLAGE OF .NORTH PALM IIFA_ H1 FLOI2TIZ'~ `The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person other `..,.than the bidder herei n named has `r°~? in the contract to be taken and any interest in thj.s proposal or that it i , with any other person or persons s made without any connection maY.ing proposal f-or the same article , and i.s in al]. respects fair,and without collusion or. fraud. The undersigned further declares specificati that he has carefully examined the ,. ons and is thoroughly the quality type and r d f familiar with its provisions and with , g a e o ma terial ca7.led for. The undersigned further declares called for within specified ti that he proposes to furnish the articles me price; and guarantees that parts set in this proposal for the following and i serv ce for the articles listed ~ belot~~ are available within the State of Florida, i.o wit: •L DATL July 16 ~ 197+ Unit Item uanit E ui ment DescriutYon Cost Total 1. ~ R- 20 E=lectron CH IEP` x:00 $3 20.00 Model emergency radio tone receivers as per bid specifications 2. 1 G-21C Plectron dualtone station encoder includes 3 tone boards as per bid specifications X178.00 1 8.00 3 9 .oo TiID IsXCEPTIOA': Plectron monitor receivers are equipped with telescoping antennas. This type antenna provides capability for better and longer range signal reception and may be re- tracted into the unit when not needed. e •'._ • i. ~'^ ' ~/I ~~T~ ¢J ;rl "" - Y;~.' :) ,l 1 ~ y ~'.. PROPOSAL TO T11E VII,LAGr OF NORTII PALM RF.AC}{ 1'LORI DA GUAI'J~N7TEll llI.LTVF,RY ~ 20 days N __ (i . I'TRM Florida Electronics ^__ STGNI;P-~~~~ ~~ - _~_. TT'CLE Owner-t4anager AunRI;SS Florida Electronics P.O. Box 1~-_-----._ _ ,u_ St. Aut*,ustine~Florida~2084 :t. S' A -5-- .. ~; Individual (Strike out .. ~}p~d%CCCChD~L')X words not: , (~yjxrccur~axa¢ applicil,lc Florida Electronics 1~)' ~~ 6~'~0 ~ - ~rlr~Kf~~- nnr~rr.ss_p•o~ 33ox 1383 St. Augustine Florida 32084 _ pfficers of Corporation nr Meml~arR of I'artnersliip: ~~ RAMC 'I'TTT,P. ADDP.GSS 6 ,. nti. A ~`~~