1974-30 Award Bid to Griffin Flooring. N RESOLUTION N0. 30-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF GRIFFIN FLOORING FOR WOODEN FLOORING IN T}{E AMOUNT OF $1,260.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIllA: Section 1. The bid of GRIFFIN FLOORING, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon J I passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF APRIL, 1974. /s/ Walter N. Colbath. Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk . 4 1. i 1 `! 4~; M DF.SOIt ]: P' PI l ~~,Pl 7. Painting, llecorai,inE=, 'f~nt,yd O~i.lin~: Cc;ntcr Panel and Dr ~periee~ I~:r Plan:: and ShF,cificti,iorl,; Labor and Ma heri,t'I_s lr;,tsalled. P;Ltcrna~i.e i:educt -~ ?`be:,« 1-Ii-3 Pa,-ini, . ,,r ia~ ',, l;•~rlJras ln.-'~ta7la~i:iore pear SFv;c3ficata~sts, l~r~bor, and Ma1,(;r_I ^7 e ~ nc.is~~7l.ed 7~nd~ e,,, r:: n_i ~Fr~,at,~; n; a l1l.i,erna~i,e °FI" A'l i.~~rr'i :j ti; n[t~~ rllectric:,l pr: r' S},~~;ci fzc:+t,ion Labor and P~'steriale. ln:;Le,lled Carpontr~- yar plarnx rvrd slk.ciPicaCiuns Labor i~nei Mn1,er:in.L9. Tasta7.]ed (~. Wood f]uoii_n;T pcr ~,]rns rind spec;~I'9_cations ~~abOr ^Ylt ~~r-~. ~,(~7'.l.a)9 - 'L`4I,?1~_~P, (I i ^ RNIOUNT 4E, -~~--a 2s' -- ~t--_-max . ~L il'R//~i T'c' ~~ ~ v_s %Ax t~_ .c. 1 H,* +S r '~~ • '', •4 r ~ ',.'i i, +wxy,gt Ij [ Ft~•+ rp ? ~ ,iw,•1 r w't. J ~~ ~tys f~`~ rH ,t, _. ` _... . i 1'>ttacltocl hr,reto ir; ri cort~'Cir:<l cl'ii:clc, or hid 1,oncl, dr;tv~r~t cn FIIe . _ f •. vJi s r..%~~~~_-r?,~~~,~ '- ` ',' /-~ . _, ~~ 2 . scare - --- - nl?t_- ~ ------ . ------------- __. Jrt Lhe ~nno,,n± of--- ~ ~ ~ ~/.- ~.f_J"-.___----- ___ -------.~ ,_~_' _ c 'I'hc hirhl;n~ i.^, ]'icr•n~•ed . ,. r~ r,>nl ~`actr,r to per`orm rho \v~~rh m• :;orvices ,:nntempl~led by tai s; hi ,I r~ncl i~'l,-~.;f.^, ]icr.~.;r, (\ir>. q~Jii i~.r.urrl h - ..FJ ~-~.,J ~ .-'----- y the Cily u1 ~''s"y~ f~~~~/-/jli~Ey.~._~-~ ~ nr ;n Ihct alternntlvr, . r ~ i~.qualiii~~d by c~~amina'cir'n or rrcil:,••oc'ity Yo-h%, ]tr'.ens<•~i :.r evi~rlr`n~°crl C: rtnnly J it r`n:!o l '' _V _,~/.~?__.~Z'4<__ ~~'_J_3.~fj 1`Ia n~,c oi' 1,^rr, r•r, ^;- cotnp~-a~ Lpl P:nn Lri- cns~;i .. c.~l ~~~._ /~ loc,C~N~/i/ _..S.~n ctT~- -4~_ltc~~ ~~lNon/~~i_'/<<v 'I'l:.c fu1 name, ;.r,l rr.ei,_'r.,.~,r of persons and firms .. in:r.,c~~fc~' in'hr r.rcf;..,in"; h;1, .~ hr'..ncipa.le,, ,.rc ~ -~. ni, 1,11, ~',::: .~ ~ - ~% /c%ES..' ,~5t! U[/~3E"I_z>a,_1..5"~.l C~~y~_~;:.i!v~=sr ~4n0/.~i.9~%! c:~~S,lc~_f /c?~KM/l~_.C1UY. _//y~~>'~,t1oo~~~ WF/tr/i7tM ~~~~N ,, "~%~9RL91T~ ~~.V/it~E__/l ~ ~..9n~rir/GV_W~y LYnRT~ ~~M f~~//~i~ Iil4I?C)R.'{'~'tTJ'i'.l~C)`l'IC:1': 1'C1 PT1lI)It:,'S ' •'' Ii yint h1ve. maa<~ any erasure r. nn tlri.;; proposal, plea:c ' ~. ROTC hi`1C~\'~ t'ill'::'. i!'_I"'Fi II1VP 1,C`Cn 2'1 a: Cr~ :?;Id COr2`e CtCQ by . you, ar.ll initi;t~i. <'thr-.I~vr~.-. ;n-~.tr ht.t. rrr;~• ha rcjr.°ctcd for All. ;:;vn~a rm Panr >..•^. nauert hn cotnplctrrl. -~~ailo.rc to !lo ;;n i:', c,tur,c is ,• jact thi:: 1. d.. ISe11~(IS 1,1ti7~P;1 rpj•'; n;; •,. /i?/^~ .._J~jC/'//:M~~i~ -: (/`/C r O CJCX_ ~~~/J~ t /~!/!~?__ ~~LLG~ iJ: ~ J, _ . _ ~ ~ Jam;. ~~c~7ri/o~~" i!t~'>/<'.~~s~~~; 222:. ~rr/ 2/s:_ T~rz~r~~ FT/~~~._?o~<E .%~«n.:~~r..~isrrcr~c rc~rzs /n~C:_~O _,Uv1<_13A2`l ,_~~L~n~,~o _~Zf1og ~~~~~~ C~._Sc~pP~)!, l//~;, N!,_/7i YN ~2-..~./1!~i~M/ l_~r'.7<f/__"'~~G2 rla.rc you rhncl : r; to r; r, Ihr.; r~' Le• :':>a cr I,D,il'.c ; ~~• ;illect ot~.t io .Znali.~fy _ ~ L ~_' ','hc ttnri::ip_r~r~ i'•irlti 1*r•h-- ,r..•ii'ir t :.:: Cite ~brx• i.tinJ`nY.•!irtn is trnc ~~~ ~._ I /[ .1 n~c rls -•~~~-L ZZiS~C-tom , -- - , -: NO TA~V 6 LtfSl.l~; C:TF.Tf. L7F FLI:,C.'dwa.^. Al tAR;a= ' MY CU ,f.;1:5HD" C/,YIR°. Gc`C. 15, 1974 •'- E~et•:F'/7{1L Cfd$U.tANCS. UtSta ('d tiTiiii$r INL'. • ~i ,