1974-28 Award Bid to Seth Ford Carpets RESOLUTION N0. 28-74 A KESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF SETH FORD CARPETS FOR CARPETING IN T3lE AMOUNT OF $3,750.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of SETH FORD CARPETS, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palrn Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF APRIL, 1974. 1 /s/ Walter N. Colbath, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk r n ~ n :~F;CTION 5 UOTd~TION T~'ONM ~_._-- lT~l.rs ~/ b. 6. ~~ Plote llF?SCHII'1'70PI Pa3nl,in~;, Decora-Liri~*, Tented Cei.7.7.nE; Center Pa»el and Pra,er~os }ter I']ans and S~,e~cii':ical;iot~e Labor ~md hL-~ter.i_ials Installed hli•ernt~to I;educt -- :Clem "l-[?-3 Pain ~, h'ru:ia Carpet InsL~,11~:Y,iott per Specitic3l,i_oris. L>~bor, and Mai,er~ials Ins{;a11ed ]nd:icaL~_, 91i.ern,r~c Riu l~1Le~na'~; non Ali,nrn;~te "P" ~~~ r~~ii~E~rnaCc - -- '~C~~ See 1Qote Be].os~r ` -._- N'lectri~~ul per SpeciL'-icF~i,.ion Labor and b~ai,er 'inl^ his Called Carpeni~,ri• Fxr plans :+nd specifict~i,ione Labor :rn~l P9;~l.erials Irst~alL:d k'ood Ploor•ing }per plan" and epeciPications Labor an:] A1n-L~~r•.al.s Ins{,a7-]e~i l;e have proposed the carpet listed in Alternate "C", because of the importance of meeting; flammability requirements for carpeting; i.n public areas. The padding ire recommend. for use with this carpet also passes the flame retardancy tablet test as described in Federal. Standard UOC ; F. ~~ 1 ~~~ q0. Alternate A or B do not specify flammability reguirernents for either carpet or padding. In addition we have found this carpet to withstarul heavy traffic as witnessed by our install- at.i.on in Bentley is Festau-rant of North Palm Beach. qp, ~~. m AMOUIJT ;;___3750.00 - r_~ ~' ~. ! , :,. l~t~tached hereto ie. a ccr%if:ic•,1 check, or hid l~x,nd, drawn nn the ': Zrillage of North Ya]-m Beach -..< < ~, . _ '_~ii11_r-c3:~:i~~_w_rr--..c4:rtifiacL.-------t`'nk' cllecl: for ~ 20?.F30, sirUmitted ----------- _- I~ ob,..,rarv__1 z~:_-1-~' 71~-.--- ~;! . :irate ::. ---- ---_ rn the.' ~nn,nmt, of c '1'hr_ hrrder is licensed. as :~ con;:ractor to perform tNo worl: or errvices - . conteml,lafcd by fSie hid and ktoi3s lt.c.~n ,g: 1vio, l~ ~~ - is:;tt~;rl by the Git.y of ha);e }~81"k, I''lOrida or i_tt the ~ltcrnnt!vn _._____.-.-._._._...___.___._____________-_...._-_-_.J ~ ir. c}ualificd by ex;tn,inalimt nr rrcip~•onity to he. licensed as e;ridenrod ',y the fcilln~~.i rtj;: ..Count}' 1_,ic~..nrc I•'n: JG &$r. ___ __~~ _~_ .1 _.~_. _. ~------ rr:une of p^rtrent ~a±r company hnldinj;l'.S.crnse: s~t7~n roan cn1~Y~,;7~s, Tlvc. b14 Tdorthlal-e Blvd.., Labe-Park,- Florida 7'}~c f~,ill name a.nd res~ulc~nce of persons , nd firms in Lc,•~•.;te~~ n. '>1,,, ~orc r;,~ing+ l; c'., ..s princir;al s, arc. ;. r; Joliic.,c: teeth L. Ford-, I'i°esident and (h~ni~.r _ _ _._20 F; , F'r 4_:;i2er t,~l?~rm=R 4ad--- _ __--- - ---- Alo:rth Palm Beach }Florida rh~l~~lz•rnr:'r rx-rr1c;F: rr~ r,mr,r:;hs ` t • 1f yuu ha.cre made :vtp nra€ures on this p: op',sal, ple:.se nntc. L.:~-.luw ~ 1~~~.`. i!:on r havo },o.~n ex t.e..ec] :-.¢.d. corrected t,y ynu, r~n11 im i:tl. c'1ir rw+:;c -~<~": b ,_.-.y r.^ rejc~ctau for thin :cer~nnn All itcmr. rn~ ~i'a!~~~ 5-~- ntnra. 1,e cotnplctrd. _~ ail~.trc [o .lo .. , i .T^a. •~(: i"'^F'~T;f s..-c~rr",'yn'T~ ~r 1 !,r ' i~4. !n ~ r ~ ~ , ::j r{x ~,, 5 ~.~"St` f 3 .o .. ~ - ~ # } ~c ~ e. .' i~. ~, . - s~~~~r oNrn~r.rolis.' IJOr1;~ :: ,;, ,:. p -.____._.___..-e~__.___n..___.___ a I C2UIPM1 NT Tf~ Li r, 1~ ii12N[~Ia~rt~:. _ _3:00 sq, yd, I3i~elo~a carpet ,quali.ty_Beauvaas, _inst_alled_ ~ all ; __ _tp_i~~~] "1 _over_ i~ ire_Chief 4)uality flat`sponue_ rubber_cushio,~_ _ :_~~s; _47~.-~?~Y. _ss~_zare yard, .._.~- ----- -r---- -- --- - - - F'-4 r Rf .' GE e:. I •1F., ~.nt f4 "'tiC Y "1r4 I Iry~ ,,.;p :'it ~ .. ~ / Pi „~, is ~( !~ 1 i `ti c FLAT~II~ )'I~;P'P~P,P:~I•_;F.l;: __ __ P i_LtS7_'_[v~A P101lAL BF,?d?~. AND TFtIJ~ T of Riviera BeachL`bla__,_ _,_ ----___,I3TC JOI.'-Sfu~FOi'~D ChR~'1';TSt TNC AL}1XANllI~IIt S]'4ITII Gr1RPi;'P9, 11QC CAiIIN C;-%AF'1'S CARPE:"i' i.~i:CT,I;S il~.. [• ynu cltrr-~~~~n .n Ft~.; I'h 1,. ..~ } 1~:vr, ~ .. a,. r. 'nr. •~ ! _ ~ , r~-;• t: i;.i?cd onT to .~nnlif~r '_I'?ri'. tlJi r~^,~;•i. f;r r•<! iii .lcl,.•r ! u'r•. i•.'- r. r. :i fi e'r l'i. I: ti; r, ~,hrn~r 7x10 t'tl?F11.!rnt 15 fTttC lr K _- , -;. %. - ~t~r~Gw ~~~'~` ~~ ~ .~~CK~ (/ ~~i ~` noNN Wblia, Slgfe Florida qt la: ge My Commlulen eY(liPP9 MFlPr~I It 1478 fondud by American Firo !6 Casualty Cu.