1974-27 Award Bid to Paul Davis Systems RESOLUTION N0. 27-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF PAUL DAVIS SYSTEMS, INC. FOR PAINTING, DRAPERY, CARPENTRY, ETC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,110.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid. of PAUL DAVIS SYSTEMS, INC., copy of which is attached. to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed. to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF APRIL, 1974. /s/ Walter N. Colbath, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~' r ~ x r ~; y ;;--r u~:it r} `RCr~'+y r'~m~f'r f .T,7!T-jYI yr^ {S,_ ;p 1 „•<,;F?t,+r~rq?~;•~ ," t r t,'( `5 ~ .Yth .. `.,i,, ;. , ~; o ;: The bi.rlder i ,.licensed n:. a enn.ractr%r tct performtho wnr}c..or servir-e:; contemplated by t',ti:; hid ttnrl I~oi~l~ ]tier-:se P-io.' ~ 2 ts:.uud by In the amou»t of SRO>`,00 (ei,;ht hundred five dollars) -~~ ~. or, Yalm f,each .r, t.l,----- ---__-- Florida <• t __-,>tatc )ittachoci hereto tie a ccrt{fied e.hdck, or hid bond, <lt•awn nn the c. : ;' _ __ 4_irst_'A~riericari;___ ..'__ISank pI th by the follovring: the City of -----_R'orth Pa.Lt Aea.ch or '.n the ~'tlterittrtivo ir. c{ualificd hyexamin.~tir%n or rrcip:crtr•.ily to he 7icens~•d an evirleneed Gotutty Laic^:?:; c• Ttiot' CGC•-0002j4 PT:n~:te of pcrern-: o?• contjtanv Lcldinr l.i-ccnsc: - Pa u1 W. Davie Systems, Inc., , 'fLe fall name r.nda•ee~ic7cncr of perec±~~:, and. firrnc at:tere•;t.^ri tie +h: ir~rrr;oing; 1~:;r!, r s pJ:nci}?ttl.~, ~~.ro ., r. i,tllrtc•s:: ' Jank 41. Palmer hake Park, Florida f[elen I'a].mer Lake Park Florida Pain Davis Jacksonville, Florida Iit!z~C)R'f,1k1'(' NO't'IC:T_~: Tn PiT~I',1?;1:5 If you have matte any crasttreA t>n thit: 1:-ropnsal, plc~:se note hr•lovi ?vh~~; items itsre !,: en era. c. d. , nd. corrected try you, a.;;r! ini".ia~. c!!3tcrwi :r. ;o~t: hiQ ;~r-r.- i,e rejected for t}ri r: rca sort, Ail ;,*enu:•. on. Paj!r. r>~-~ mnca. Le completed. rra+•.L-tre to ~:io t;o is c'::uae ir. ,-;ncl: tl:i:: 1.x•1 :~_; ' r r,.. 'i t .: .i ~ ~ ~ -, , ~ ` ~..j First American }3ank North T'alm Beach Ray Tylandcrs Inc, Lake_.Parits._>;~Qj;~d4^._-_. _- :' _._ Hinlccr. F1ate.rials Lake Park, A'lorida ' }uric Ave m~ Pa:ints _.Late-Yark.,_Flosttia,-__._- --=___ FtRVp ynt] C11 /'. C":. /. ri i0 F:'r 11rat ;1:~ }a• ~l`f ~. f. a;'r. t>1 .^, jl b';'t ~' lit}P,a OUt t0 (j~l<LFlfY ~fO71 il:i it ii7Cl Sl f`, ~'~. P~ -- --_Y.,. .-__-_-_ ---- ---.__._... '1'hc~unci ,.i~%r.~..r i^ir1rL~~ l~c~~cl~.- rnrri.'it -'.1':a.~_ f, r .phone iuiorni~!t.ion is trite ~ ~t//~/(/~~/ ,{: i) otary Public, Stag bf Florida at Carge iViy Connnission Expires June 2h, 1977 `:irrtu•y 1 61.1c ` / SBICTION 5 uoTn2~IOiv F~oxra 1:1'A]M Dl~',SCRIPTION 7. F'nintin~, Decoratini~, Tonted Cei.lini; Center F'ane]_ and llrapc:ries per Plans and Sppcif`ioati.ons Tabor and Mai,crials Installed ?, alternate Deduct, -Item 1-8-3 Y;3inis Facia 3. Carpel 1:nstallrrLion }:~r Specifiications, 1.^bor and Materials Installed , Indicate I1lternate f±id Al_i=c:I'ni3trl P~II A7 i,~rnti Lr: °tt° !~'I i,o rna Ln °C ~~ /~. I7ectr-i-cal per S}~c_iYi.cation Labor erod }Qaiseri[+1_s 7n~tttl.led 5. Carpeni;ry pcr plans and Specifications Laibor and P~lat,erials Instal.7ed 6. Wood floori~rg p^r plans and .^,peci-!'icati.ons Iribor and Materials Installed M10UNT' r;` lli172 _--- yp 10,802 9B rio pia ~;;! \o Bid ____ t~., 938 ------ Cp No Bid ~: