1974-13 Directing Mayor & Village Clerk to Sign Right of Way Easement to Southern BellA + RESOLUTION N0. 13-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTI{ORI7,ING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN A RIG}{T-OF- WAY EASEMENT TO SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor and. the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized. and. directed to sign that certain Right-of-Way Ease- meat to Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company, copy of which is attached. hereto, marked Exhibit 1, and by reference made a part of this resolution. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSY.D AND ADOPTED THIS 28 DAY OF MARCH, 1974. 1 /s/ Walter N. Colbath Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 1 , -3• r~ 3.~ ~, ~Ta APR 3 PM 12:31 Forth Bale apR, lgeg RIGHT-OF-MAY EASEMENT In consinnrnt ~I On of t Ae sum of money he re lne}ter sot out and other good end vel uaDle conaitleret ion, the adegaecy and rote! pt nt which is hrropy acknowledged Irom the Southern Bell Telephone end Telegraph ComDeny, the undo nlgned, owne rl al of th• '', Dreml sos desc rl bed below, do ho reby grant to the Sout ne rn Ball Telephone end. Tel eg reph Company Its IlNnaeas, spent a, sueceaeo rs, ,.t as6lgns, end ellled and assocl ated compenles, a right of way escement to tonal ruct, operet er mel oral n, add er remove such Ilnaa or syltnms o} dommunlcDt Ions or related sn lvlces es the grantee mayroqui re, tonal et log of :, I z g~ 1 131 conduits, manholes, me rNe rs, underground cables end wl res; lal end other empl lfiers, boees, appurtenances or devices Pfl].D] k7POm$~(]m(-under a st r7p o1 lend 5 feet wide across the tol !owl ng Isnds In e 4 County, St ate of Florida generally described es follows: See Exhibit A & $ and, to the /ul lest carrot the undo rslgned has thte.power to grant, i7 at al i,a.lLo,vn r, along antl untl r he~~raad~1 s remit nF highway< ad Olning or through said Drnpe rty., subject, haaever, to Ule Rldtter8 set ~o1. Ul Vn ~Xh1Alt C attached! hereto. the following rights are al so grant ed: xymczxzMZwxymocoocmcxxzwxar,TOE~acloc-xx nt nl 1, timra~ ]p[TCpCXyO[y4jQ3[lyppgyp(yppUT[ ~~~~ Ingress end ng rest to said Drrmi sns , _ , '. Xa(N1GF9YYYtaVY.rvvv:vvrv.rv..a..cn.......,..~........~~~________`_____ _____. - The receipt of ~e end PO 1100 Dollars Is ~ •~~ I la hereby acknowledged by the unaera goad. To have antl to hold the above granted casement unto Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, Ila succeaaors and assigns /o rave r. , IN WI INE55 WHEREOF, the undersigned ha Y8 signed end sealed to is document nn March 28 Ig 74 Signed, scaled end delivered In thn presence o1: ' Witnn 4e 11 I N~ /~., o;r)p ~s ~ ~~ Attasl ~ ///J Vi].1ngt~.GlCrk ~~rD: ~ ~ f ~'y` r~ O ._~ ~ i.j111).,,1~At~.. /~~~. I J~~ _~ flcer wE~~~2288 rncE 2'78 T-~ vrrsr~cr a~ rro~ PnT~ ru-rc~-, Ft.olunn Nnnm n/ Gn/pnr nl Inn v'- Title:' ~]Iar` T'NIB INLTpUptENT lVA9 PNCPaP. Ftb Ot! SOJdTHERN Rf.LI, 7CL. & TCL„ Q0„ L/ CNGINECRIN(i OCpT, P. 0. UItAWER X •w - t ~m seaGH, r:~n: ~~ ~~~~ Hn~r nnA lilr Ho, ~,r ~..,,,I~,. _____yillxgo of North Palm_Reaeh -- - _ --------501 U_S . }/1 -------- -- -- ___,_______ North_Pnlm Beach~_Flori.da __~ L.1 i ___ rin~• - -- ----- '-(Nam-el-'~ - r.,,i,n;,~ir unr__Riviera Beach r~ln~a ~.~ ro __ '-li.TrTngT.-_________~__ rnr rrnrrrty is boonnnn where ihr Tine eninrs non leaves this properly Dy tnr rrerrrty or: _... S.R_~!5 R W _ _ nn tnr Eaet ann C.~.~bnn1lriv_e RLW on ene pWeept Aor nnritY ly»~.,_ Clasalficet loo ~Kl~~i area _Wo t Pa Beac approves ~~ ,,,,r_ i r t ~ineer See Exhibit B ., . t ` , , , ~, . '.,'.- r ~ ,, . . ,, , ,, ,. ~ ~ ,~ ` ~iicc~o2288 PAGE 2~~ .. :,;. EXHIBIT "A" PROPOSED EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY IN VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH REFERENCE: (1) Southern Bell. Telephone & Telegraph Company sketch in Sections 8 & 9, Township 42-5 43-E, Palm Beach County, Florida. (2) Golf Course Addition, Plat Book 27, Pages 96 & 97, Palm Beaoh County, Florida. ' (3) North Palm Beach Country Club. As described in Official Reoords Book //668, Pages 66 to 75, Palm Beach County, Florida. DESCRIPTION OFs Easements for utilities over certain lands in the southwest quarter (SW~) of Section 9 and the southeast quarter (SE~) of Section 8, Township 42 south, range 43 east, Palm Beaoh County, Florida, being more particularly described ea follows: EASEMENT N1 ('; - . ~ _ _ _. ,~, :; :~+ ~~~:,; is fn ;. '?'c~ ~•r - -~ ~ a ' S Sy . ~~ 1 ~' .q ~ 4' ;.; ~!~ l ~ ''~' ~ ; , , I,'~ C ~ ,~' i'~~~ ~~ ~~'1 'i G Z ~ c (~ ~ ~~~ ,!„,t, kj ;; °'~!~° ~{X~'S;~'1I ,` , ~L ~'r ~ ,_,~ c , ~ {~ ~ ~ .~.I ~rI~~GY~ r~ ...~~. An easement 5 feet in width across the North Palm Beach Country Club, lying in Section 9, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, the centerline of which is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of tho centerline of Greonway Drive with the centerline of Club Drive as said intersection as shown on the Plat of Golf Course Addition to Village of North Palro Beach, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 27, pago 97, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence on a bearing of North 59° 30' 22" East, along the centerline of said Club Drive, a distance of 180 feet to the Easterly line of said Golf Course Addition end a point in a curve concave to the West and having a radius of 450 feet; thence Southerly, along the arc of said curve and through a central angle of 48° 54' 13", a distance of 384.09 feet to the point of compound curvature with a curve, concave to the West and having a radius of 700 feet; thence Southerly, along the arc of said curve, and through a central angle of 0° 34' 45", a distance of 7.08 feet_totthe Point o£ Aeginning said Point of Beginning being 44 feet North of the Southeast corner of Lot 37 of said Golf Course Addition (ae measured along the East line of said Lot 37); thence from the Point of Beginning run North 85° 33' 37" East, s.diatance of 767.83 foot to the Terminal Point said 5 foot easemen~ Less therefrom the right-of-way for U.S. Highway No. 1 and sub~eot to easements of record.: A4fGkU2rry.$8 racy 280 PAGE 2 EXHIBIT "A" EASEMENT #2 A 5 foot strip of land 405.15 feet long, contiguous to, and lying to the east of the east lot lines of Lot 37, 38 & 39, Golf Course Addition, North Palm Beach, Florida. EASEMENT #3 A 5 foot strip of land 60 feet long, contiguous to, and Iying to the northeast of the north east end of Club Ilrive, Golf Course ~ Addition, North Palm Beach, Florida. ~ECSk2?$$ PAGE 281. . EXHIQIT °C" TO RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR SOUT}}ERN SELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAI'II COMPANY The right-of-way easement };ranted herein is subject to the following: 1. .Subject to all restrictions, obligations and reduirements of Ordinance No. 36 of the Village of North Palm Beach adopted Septomber 23,.1958, which granted a franchise from the Grantor to the Grantee. 2. Subject slso to the reservation by the. Grantor of the right to relocate said easement if the arcs where the easement presently lies is in direct conflict with futuro improvements, ~icccao2288 PAGE 282 '~, ~ ,~ . Poat ~1 99 ' • t\ ~ s ~ ,. '~ 1,.',. ' ~U"",-- 760' f , , t ,. +,... ~~ ^y ... i.. i ~. A~ ~~ ,. ~ 8 ~ .., ,., ,~ , n~.. ~., (l// ~ , . ~ ~ ' _rr ' ;'. ~ . -~ ', c. ;•, ; . ' 1~`F•w . ~ ~ v\ ' esn,~/N iN o.~' E TiovJ ~ ,~ 11~ I/ ~ ' ~~G•// / 8 / 7 . % ~ ~ti:ko2288 PAGE `~$3 . o/oosd~ ~5 ~ % f` / .. . ~/vsEME/3/r ~N ~'O~Ti~G7r /'~~i~d.a/~ ,