2019-01-24 Simmons & White Letter_Commons Memory Care Turn LaneSIMMONS WHITE ENGINEERING I PLANNING I CONSULTING I SINCE 1982 January 22, 2018 Perry & Taylor, P.A. 4500 PGA Boulevard Suite 204 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418 Reference: Mr. Martin Perry Reference: Commons Memory Care CPDD Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Perry: As per our telephone conversation of this morning, the purpose of this letter is to confirm that based on the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) uidelines, a left turn lane should be constructed to serve the above referenced project to provide for the safest left turns into the driveway. Attached with this letter is Figure 1 Turning Movement Worksheet (Appen.dix A) from the approved Traffic Impact Statement showing an estimated peak hour turning movement volume of 26 left turns into the project in the AM peak hour and 25 left turns into the project in the PM peak hour. The Site Plan, Turning Movement Worksheet showing estimated volumes, and the Survey were forwarded to FDOT to request conceptual approval of the driveway concept during the Site Plan approval process. Also attached with this letter is the FDOT Conceptual Approval dated March 10, 2016 (Appendix B), approving the driveway shown on the Site Plan as well as approving the construction of a left turn lane to access the site at the existing directional median opening. I"ollowing., receipt of the attached Conceptual Approval from FDOT, Simmons & White, Inc. prepared engineering plans, calculations and permit applications and submitted to F :)OT for construction plan approval. Attached with this letter are the approved plans under FDOT Permit No. 17A-496-0057 (Appendix C) for the referenced left turn lane. You mentioned in our telephone conversation that the Village of North Palm Beach staff has referenced the Palm Beach County Engineering guideline used in determining the )deed for turn lanes for 30 left turns ill Lhe peak hour as a reason for objecting to the construction of the referenced left turn lane. Mr. Martin Perry Simmons & White, Inc 2581 Metrocentre Boulevard West Suite 3 West Palm Beach Florida 33407 T: 561.478.7848 F: 561.478.3738 www.simmonsandwhite.com Certificate of Authorization Number 3452 Mr. Martin Perry January 22, 2019 — Page 2 It should be noted that this guideline applies only to Palm Beach County thoroughfares and is frequently modified based on the specific circumstances of the location as it pertains to speed, volume, accident history and geometrics. The above is all referenced in the attached Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works Traffic Division Policy Memo ETO-606, dated December 1, 2009 (Appendix D). All of the guidelines outlined in the Palm Beach County Policy Memo refers specifically to Palm Beach County owned and maintained thoroughfares. These Palm Beach County guidelines DO NOT apply to this specific location on US Highway One which is an FDOT controlled roadwaX. US Highway One is an FDOT owned and maintained roadway where the responsible authority (FDOT) has approved the median modification and left turn lane, and have also permitted the full construction plans and have authorized the construction. It should also be noted that the FDOT Driveway Information Guide publication states: "When on a multi -lane roadway with a median, whenever a driveway is directly served by a median opening, a left turn lane should be available. This provides for the safest left turns into the driveway. " The FDOT does not have a minimum volume guideline for the requirements of a left turn lane. Every request for median openings and turn lanes is considered individually on the specifics of the location through the FDOT Pre-application/Conceptual Approval process (see Appendix B). In summary, the Palm Beach County Engineering Guidelines used in determining the need for turn lanes on County roadways are not applicable to this US Highway One corridor. The FDOT has conceptually approved the left turn at the Commons Memory Care CPDD driveway entrance, and have approved and permitted the comprehensive construction plans for the turn lane and median modification in accordance with their specific design standards. Mr. Martin Perry January 22, 2019 — Page 3 If you require any additional information or if you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please contact me directly. Sincerely, SIMMONS". p IE, INC. �iSQ F!a r0 FL• No. 41•-168 Enclosures cc: Mr. Mark Ambach RFR/sa x:/docs/mischr/Rennebaum/16015c.perry Poet's Walk Memory Care Job No. 16-015 APPENDIX A Turning Movement Worksheet ENGINEERING I PLANNING I CONSULTING I SINCE 1982 SIMMONS WHITE al SIMMONS -WHITE ENGINEERING 71'LANNIN8 l - C I ONSULTINS I SINCE 1902 Authorfzation No. 3452 N.T.S. 2581 Metmwntre Blvd. West 0 Suite 3 * Wed Palm Beach, Florida 33407 • (561) 478-7848 2 A.M. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT (11) P.M. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT 148 A.A.D.T. PROJECT DISTRIBUTION PB COMMONS MEMORY CARE 16-015 KD 03-04-16 REVISED: 12-13-16 Wf" Poet's Walk Memory Care Job No. 16-015 APPENDIX B FDOT Conceptual Driveway and Turn Lane Approval ENGINEERING I PLANNING I CONSULTING I SINCE 1982 SIMMONS WHITE Centennial -.ad�..,�oN6� r9rs 2,k ols nT Florida Department of Transportation RICK SCOTT 3400 West Commercial Blvd. JIM BOXOLD GOVERNOR Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 SECRETARY March 10, 2016 THIS PRE -APPLICATION LETTER IS VALID UNTIL - MARCH 10, 2017 THIS LETTER IS NOT A PERMIT APPROVAL Kyle Duncan Simmons and White Inc 2581 Metrocentre Boulevard West, Suite 3 West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Dear Mr. Duncan: RE: March 10, 2016- Pre -application Meeting for Category B Driveway Palm Beach County - City of North Palm Beach, Urban SR 5 Sec. # 93040; MP -1.200 Access Class - 05 Posted Speed - 35 mph SIS - N Request: • Replace three existing driveways with one right-in/left-in/right-out located approximately 150 feet north of the southern property line. • Construct a left turn lane to access site at the existing directional median onenina located annrnYima+oi„ inn fan+ South of Lighthouse Drive. SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Project Name & Address: North Palm Beach Commons Memory Care Applicant: Kyle Duncan - Behalf of property owner Property Owner: 639 US Highway 1, LLC & Commons at North Palm LLC Parcel Size: 2.7 Acres Max. Sq.ft: 72,000 Proposed LU: Assisted Living Facility WE APPROVE YOUR REQUEST This decision is based on your presentation of the facts, site plan and survey - please see the conditions and comments below. You may choose to review this concept further with the District Access Management Review Committee (AMRC). Conditions: - A minimum driveway length of 25 feet, as measured from the ultimate right-of-way line to the first conflict point shall be provided. If a guard gate is installed a minimum driveway length of 100 feet is required. - The proposed left turn lane shall meet minimum FDOT design standards and have a minimum of 50 feet queue. - All other existing driveways along the frontage of the property shall be closed. Comments: • Drainage mitigation is required for any impacts within FDOT right-of-way (i.e. increased runoff or reduction of existing storage). A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted with the application for more than one acre of "disturbed area' as defined by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). • The applicant shall donate the right-of-way to the Department if right-of-way dedication, is required to implement the improvements, • All driveways not approved in this letter must be fully removed and the area restored. • Dimensions between driveways are measured from the near edge of pavement to near edge of pavement and for median openings are measured from centerline to centerline unless otherwise indicated. The purpose of this Pre -Application letter is to document the conceptual review of the approximate location of driveway(s) to the State Highway system and to note required improvements, if any. This letter shall be submitted with any further reviews and for permitting. The Department's personnel shall review permit plans for compliance with this letter as well as current Department standards and/or specifications. Final design must consider the existing roadway profile and any impacts to the existing drainage system. Note, this letter does not guarantee permit approval. The permit may be denied based .on the review of the submitted engineering plans. Be aware that any approved median openings may be modified or closed) in the future, at the sole discretion of the Department. For right -of way dedication requirements go to: https://qis.dot.state.fl.us/OneStopPermitting; click on Statewide Permit News; Scroll down to District 4; Scroll down to Additional Information and Examples and choose Right-of-way Donations/Dedications. Please contact Geysa Sosa, P.E. at the District Permits Office with any questions regarding permits - Tel. # 954-777-4377, Fax # 954-677-7893 or e-mail: geysa.sosa -dot.state.fl.us. Sincerely, fGsmyn Dalila Fernand , P.E. cc: Jerry Dean District Traffic A cess Mana er File: SATransportation OperationslTraffic Operations\Access Managemenfl1. Pre -Apps and Variance12016-03-1016.93040 MP 1.200 SR 5_Po, is Walk193040 MP 1.200 SR 5 -Poets Walk.doc www.dot.state.fl.us Page .l of 1 Poet's Walk Memory Care Job No. 16-015 APPENDIX C FDOT Approved Left Turn Lane Construction Plans FDOT Permit #1 7A-496-0057 ENGINEERING I PLANNING I CONSULTING I SINCE 1982 SIMMON7SV)Mh TE 41 7 Q f� O O J Z�� J Z Q OLLI Nmari 41 3 ZQQJFa-_j ma y JJp_WCL Z° � J W Z W O OU' WC71..:�•^-O ~z W ONtm0 It t5 0 ? 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O jU ��i 3 LLI a N ouz �o�o- 5k �HS UWF Z #� -wumFe I VQ -Aj qgl � as Jf� o�����8ci q � o gN a�LL� 241 �� fi MUN u z ����z V Z m F G t x 3 3# t x Cx C �{ i y -I rc arc rc p0o p 0p >>] yy a c 7 p m a s 3 F m m N N yl N N N 8 N IYII 5 6 4 5 3 b m 0 Nip b b iO m b N N b K K K li I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p to 5> o La L' w ��Wn w 0 we w L:w a Z - Z rnNZ ca Z-Qz ow U Q.4Oj„ Z V) =cy)0 ZO w� F �0 U zl�oo Poet's Walk Memory Care Job No. 16-015 APPENDIX D Palm Beach County Policy Memo ETO-606 ENGINEERING I PLANNING I CONSULTING I SINCE 1982 SIMMONS WHITE PALM BEACH COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC DIVISION TO: Traffic Division Personnel FROM: , Director - Traffic Division SUBJECT: TURN LANE(S) REQUEST POLICY/PROCEDURE PPM NUMBER: ETO-606 ISSUE DATE: 12/01/2009 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/01/2009 SUPERSEDES & RESCINDS: PPM NO. ETO-606 DATED: 01/27/88 CONTACT POSITIONS: Assistant Director - Operations PURPOSE: To establish a policy and procedure for the installation of turn lane(s) on public roads to serve public roads and private roads. POLICY: Turn lanes may be installed at the County's expense, on public roads, serving public roads, if a traffic engineering study performed by the County determines that such an installation is warranted. Turn lane(s) on private roads, or on public roads to serve private roads shall normally be installed at the expense of the developer or development requesting that turn lane(s). In special cases involving builtout projects where there is a public health, safety and welfare benefit to be gained, such turn lanes may be installed by the County on public roads serving private roads. Consideration shall be given to special circumstances such as thru traffic speeds and volumes, accident history, types of vehicles, geometrics, etc. PROCEDURE: Normally, asphalt overlay shall be required within the limits of construction when left turn lanes are being installed on existing two lane roadways. In the case of major roadway widening projects (4 or 6lanes), the County may, at its expense, install turn lanes to serve private developments if the criteria for spacing and other relevant traffic considerations are met. Persons requesting the installation of turn lanes) shall contact the Traffic Division, in writing, to request .such turn lane(s) at a specified location. Upon the receipt of such requests the Traffic Division shall initiate an engineering study to determine if the requested turn lane(s) is warranted. Disposition of request shall be made in writing by the Traffic Division to the person making the request for turn lane(s). Page 1 of 2 PPM-ETO-606 Those found to be justified shall be considered for inclusion in the Palm Beach County Traffic Division Intersection Improvement Program upon the approval of the Engineering Department's Capital Projects Committee.. The following guidelines are used in determining the need for turn lanes: Right Turn Lanes - 75 right turns in the peak hour Left Turn Lanes - 30 left turns in the peak hour These guidelines may be modified by engineering judgment based on the specific circumstances of a location as it pertains to speed, volume, accident history, and geometrics. The overriding consideration for the location of left turn lanes on median -divided roadways is median opening spacing. Engineering plans for turn lane(s) (other than those being constructed by the County) shall be submitted to the Land Development Division Permit or Project Review Section for review and permitting. The construction of such turn lane(s) shall not commence prior to the issuance of a permit. APPROVALS: Division Director Department Director NATRAFFIC\PPM'S\ET0\606REV.doc Date Date Page 2 of 2 PPM-ETO-606