1974-03 Award Bid to Rich Motors RESOLUTION N0. 3-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A BID. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Section 1. The bid of RICH MOTORS, INC., copy of which is attached. to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said. bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24 DAY OF JANUARY, 1974. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~~ .~~.. , a i • d ~ ,: h ;. ' ,_ PROPOSAL Z!0 THE VII,I~AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARI I1'~ GE N'1?~E M[3N T`he undersigned as bidder does declare that no other person} other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract. to be taken, and that'it is'made crthout''arip connection ~~ with any. other person or persons making proposal for the s~ime article , and is in all respects lair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the' specifications and is. thoroughly" familiar with its;provision~ and with the quality, .type and grade of: material `called •f ors The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles' called for. within specified.ti.me set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts end service for the articles listed '~ liel.ow are available within tl:e Stai:e of Florida, i:c'wi.t: DATE January 22, 1974 ITl~1M llli_SCRlPI',ION: L 10000 ,~/ G,V,W, Cab & Chassis 4078.20 Mfg, International•_.A ~_ ` Model 200 C & C s> Less Trade-see Pg. 5 ~ 200;00 Net Item 1 w 3878.?.0 2. llump Fipdy, per Specs, ~' 1120.00 3. Lift Gate, per Specs. No warxanty,if abused ~ 730.00- ' ~ ,, TOTAL; ~_ 5728.20- _lf,. ~. _ ~ . t r ,.;1 ~r 4., ~ ;~ ~q ~ 1' .~. r 1 PROPOSAT, 7`0 TIIL VILLAGE. OP 1'LOP.I I)A NOR'f}I PAI:M• Ri:AC}t ;' GUAIUIN'CEF.ll llI;L7VF.RY 120 days ,,. j RIx}ARI<s 1'1:IST RIC ~MOTORS~ IN y - srcnir;n _ - _ ~'1'rl,r;_ _ AllllRI;SS_ 2829 Sp'. Dixie ^ ----_____!_--- -__ Wes{: Palm I3each~_ Fl~,___~ ,5- e <; ~. =-y, p:')~d c ~'~~ .. ~{,'~ v ~r ifi~ ~ y Rr ^ afi :~~Y :1.45rTr ~ E ~~ 0~ 1 `~ ticotwx~k ('Strike out R?m»dxixaxxh8}~x ieord , not Corporate applicable) RICH TOF~S~ ;ANC„ s. {, .~~;: liY ---- - !kI / ADllkI:SS 2$29 So. .Dixie 6Vest Palm Beach a. :,~ Oft'iccrs of Ccirporation or ' Mcmhcrs of Partnership: NAPff; 'I'T1'LT: ADDRESS V7illard !A Rich _ __ _ __ Pr.esicent _____ N F'l.aple'r Dr. __ WPB _ __Wil].ard h1 Rich. J~._i __ Exec_V Pros ~ Secw~ Hollywood Pl ~ WP$ _ --Martha R Rich _ ___ Trea~Asst._Sec'y_ N Flagler Dr. WPB _ John P Rich _ ;.____ Vice-president N Flapl~ Dr'. YVPB