1973-47 Award Bid to Albatross Supply Co.RESOLUTION N0. 47-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A BID. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid. of ALBATROSS SUPPLY COMPANY, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed. to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1973. 1 /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk f ~ Pt nPOSAL TO TfiF VII,I,AGF, OF NORTfi PALM BEACH. FLOF2Y1],~ G};N1'hFMEN: Tl~e undersigned as bidder does declare t;~at no ot',ter person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in t:he contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or. persons making pr:-oposa]. %or thel,same article, and is in all respects fa:i.r- and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares•that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with iia provisions and with the quality, type and grade of materi_a]. called for. The under: signed further declares goat he proposes to furnish the articles called for within spec:ir`ied time set in this proposal for the following price; and guarantees that parts and service for the art-ic]es listed below are available within the Stai:e of Florida, t.o wit: uNIT I9_CP1 I)]:SCRIP'1'"ION LIANTTTY iJNIT PRICK TOTAL, Irric;ation - PVC Pipe, Solvent, Weld Bell Joint ]. '; inch 1,000 LF Per l00 ft. $ '3 L{`- $ 2, 3/cl inch " +r , .~ -~-I . 3. ]. indt „ „ <. 1 1 4. ]'} inch „ " y ~ _Z 5. ]l~ inch „ „ ~ ; i 7. 4 inch ,~ ~\~ $~l Schedule i10 PVC ]'fittings 8. '-,; inch 900 hl Uow 5x5 SO P,aeh \`) X50 0. 3/~I rt q n ,r „ n ~O 10. 1. r, „ '~S 14. 4 r, „ „ 10 „ 335 ] 5 J- n Tee „ SO n \~ li ] ~ . 1 „ ., r, titi 18 . 1;; „ ,, „ „ „ ~i~ 19. ]1. „ ~ r, r, ,r ~.L Z(1. ,r „ 2 ,~ r, n ~y z 1. ~, r, ,. „ 3 ~4 -~1- PROPOSAT, (con'td.) ]TCrt llESCRTP'I•TON UANTI_TY 22. '~x~l inch PVC Nipple 50 23. 3/~Ix~l „ „ „ GalVau;:ec1 fittings 25. ]. inch Ell - TxT 50 2(i. ] inch Street 1:11-TxT 27. ] inch Nipple x G inch " 2R 1 inch Nipple. x :L2 inch " . 2f), ] inch Nipple x 3 inch " Miscel]an<•oc~s ]:toms 30. Rucl:ner 1300 Sprinkler 25 31. ]Suclcncn° ]300H SprinlQer i2. Roin 1Sird #3]. Ri,tor ]2 Pop-llp 33. Safe-T-Lawn Gl,-fi7 Pop- "LEI lIp less Nozzle ;il, (i9U P ,incl III, Nor,r.les 100 I'nr Cl,-b/ UNIT IINIT PRICE TOTAT, Each $ 2y $ / •0 0 2'-1 / 3 v r,aeh N`-1 aawo +~ __~~, a ffv o 30 /S.Oy ~~ ~~, _ 3/ vo_ T:acli i3•uy 20/00 _ ,. c:~.~_~~_ _ 3a.~o " ~c~ Flo _ _37 ~. ~ .. ~~_ 33Uo -5- n, - 4 J PROPO4Ai, Tn 7'I;r VILLAGE 07' NORiH PFD?,M REA^_:;, FLORIDA < ci;~;tarrrE;en nr;,rvr:a-,~___-_---5------ (;'~e- arm. ~--~-~ s~~~.2~ --------- ---- Tl?I>:I?RS 125 ~~~~@6er t"~a~ Lake Park, Floroda 33403 Phone: 8428017 '_f_