1973-44 Award Bid to Purity Uniform Supplyw' •r RESOLUTION N0. 44-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ' FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A BID. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of PURITY UNIFORM SUPPLY, copy of which is attached. to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1973. 1 /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 ~ 1 1 «; Fr ~ IJ ~. ~,k The undersigned as bidder. does doclare that Ao 0tlsA><' ri'. '` than the bidder herein named has any intere8t ..i.t1 thi&,; O ,or` ,, in the contract to be taken, and that it is made ~t2t >ripCtio with any other person or persons making proposal gaX"•:i;B$R10~tiF1~~ and is in all respects fair and without collusion or L}Y'~41261. ar' ~ ,;5 ,,, The undersigned further declares that he $as carefully) liitffi~dthe r specifications and is thoroughly familiar r~rith' ita pz'oV~.tSlonB~8-1d Vtlth ,':; ~ y - ~' the quality, type and grade of material called for. ;~;>;<, ' ~~ k, .... The wtdersigned further declares that he propoaea to ft0it11ah t'h~ artiC2es called for within :specified time set in this proposal, ftrr t'ltrs follotring.~ price; and guarantees.i:hat parts and service £or thO az't.icles listed';°.: .: ]~elow are available ~a.ithin the State of Florida, to wltt ,-'•, ,, n~2~ 5 f IovEMeE~ R~~ 1'1'FM DF 4_CR_I_I'•1') O_N_ NO, OF F.ACfi MAN ~ : ' EACH WEEK P1rN~ FF,2 WEEK TOTAL A. Executive ltrri form pct Slu~oificalions q r, h~$r) $ .l~,Zn li. Industrial. lllri Ibrm • per s,)eeilir~alirnrs so $ 5,15 g ?.57,50 CF CHANGES) ~- - C. llelivory delay after award o~ Bid. ------ dayn. . (calondar) . U. Indicate ::crvice ti-rnc jX): -_-X---.-- twice wockly --------- ~acc1:]-y 'total per week $ ?.76,70 ALTERIUITE BID INDUSTRIAL UNIFORM IIO, OF MEN EACH C1AN ~ C WEEK PE I'~ EK OTAL 5 CHANGES) ~~ X1,25-•~~ $21?.,r~. _. TOTAL PER WEEK ~ 23L 7O INCLUDING F,~CE UTIVE UN~FORM 6~ CHANGES -5_ a+ .. ~. ., ' nlior~sni, 2~ 7ItB VILI,AGP 01? NORTH PP.LM I3F.,~!~~;; FLORInA - - -~-._ --- { ~ ^~:^~:~rxs IT HAS BEEN OUR PRIVILEGE TO SERVICE YOUR --- ---- ACCOUNT FOR THE PAST FEN! YEARS AND IVE ___-__ WI_LL.CONTINUF TO PROVIDE_YOU WITH_THE SAME TYPE OF UNIFORM PROGRAM AND Tf~E _,_~ _ ____.._____VERY_BEST SERVICE TIiAT WE CAN GIVE TO YOU---OUR VALUED CUSTOMER, --___ - -- - --- i -- ------ -- - I'7Rr1 e,rc~nra ~r is •rr,r t~n»zrs;; Z~I~ FLORIDA AVENUE LEST PALM BEACH _ . _ _ __-.-FLORIDA 33101 ~~-v~ . ERVICE, INC, ~^ ~I~ t,G ------ --- -- ,IS (ice !,1QT_S------------ -- PRGS,__-_ ~EN~ ~'IGR~ ----- --------- -~-