1973-25 Requesting the FL Legislature and Cabinet to Remove the Concept of the Division of the State of FLRESOLUTION N0. 25-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, 1 RF,QUESTING THE FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATURE AND THE MEMBERS OF THE STATE CABINF,T TO REMOVE. THE CONCEPT OF THE DIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA INTO TEN REGIONS FOR CERTAIN GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE TO LIMIT SUC}{ REGIONS TO PLANNING ONLY AND TO GROUP PALM BEACH COUNTY IN A REGION WITH T}iOSE COUNTIES TO WHICH IT IS MORE READILY CONNECTED, SUC]{ AS MARTIN COUNTY, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, COUNTY, ETC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida 1 hereby expresses its considered and strong opposition to the division of t)~e State of Florida into ten regions for the planning and providing of services to the residents of Florida for the reasons that the proposed regional governments will infringe upon the rights of the citizens of Florida to govern themselves at the local municipal level. Local government being the cornerstone of American democracy and being the most responsive goverrunent to the needs and desires of the people to be governed, any attempt to shift functions from local to regional bases would create more problems than it would solve. Section 2. In the event that regional planning councils are created throughout the State of Florida, the Village Council strongly urges that such regions be limited to planning only and that implemen- tation of the plans be reserved to local governments. Section 3. In the event that regional planning councils are 1 created, the Village of North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County should be regionally allied with Martin County, St. Lucie County, Okeechobee County, etc., with whom it shares common interests and problems, and. not with Dade and Broward Counties, who have problems unique to that area which are foreign to North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County. Section 4. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Chairman of the Palm Beach County Legislative llelegation, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House, Governor Reubin OtD, Askew, and members of the Cabinet. ' PASSF,D AND ADOPTED THIS 10 DAY OF MAY, 1973. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTF. ST /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 1 - 2 -