2003 Public Safety-Village Council Goals and ObjectivesVillage Council Goals &Objectives 2003 IFIr ei Submitted b -Li the: Department OI Public Safet-y Duke Johnson, Director MEMORANDUM TO: DOUG SMITH, ACTING VILLAGE MANAGER MAYOR &VILLAGE COUNCIL FROM: DUKE JOHNSON?JAA-000e DIRECTOR OF PUAFETY SUBJECT: COUNCIL GOALS & OBJECTIVES - 2003 DATE: JULY 17, 2003 I am pleased to present to you an update on the Public Safety Department's efforts to provide the highest level of service to our citizens. We have made every effort to align our Department goals with those established by the Council to achieve these objectives. It has been extremely challenging to maintain our high level of service this year due to the many vacant positions within the Public Safety Department. We have been proactive in making organizational changes, shutting down divisions to add more personnel to road patrol and have maximized our use of civilian volunteers to achieve our and Council's objectives. It is important to note that these are but a sampling of the innovative programs and services provided by the Department to the citizens of North Palm Beach. I would welcome any comments that the Council or the Manager's office have regarding the services that we provide. ELJ.jl r Council Goal: 1. Ensure Quality of Life in the Village Objective: B. Formulate Traffic Speed Control Program for All Village Residential Streets Update: The Department has instituted this year a Traffic Hotline program. The telephone number and a description of the services we provide have been listed in both the newsletter and have been widely publicized. When a citizen has a concern regarding unsafe driving in their neighborhood, they call the Traffic Hotline to report the problem. The sergeant records the information and assigns the speed awareness trailer to the area on a priority basis. This is followed up be a saturation patrol with high visibility and the third phase is that of enforcement utilizing both laser radar and other technology. We have had very enthusiastic support from all of the callers who have utilized this program. Public Safety Innovation: Traffic Studies: Detail: The Public Safety Department has conducted traffic studies and has met on a regular basis with various neighborhoods hosted at the Public Safety Department. We have formed partnerships with these neighborhoods and have supported requests that were justifiable on new stop signs, striping and other signage. Public Safety Innovation: Speed Enforcement Detail: The Department has budgeted for additional radar's and is phasing out those units that are no longer serviceable. We have an aggressive training program to instruct newly hired officers in the use of radar and laser radar. Objective: F. Promote Strict Law Enforcement Public Safety Innovation: Surveillance Operations Detail: The Department has significantly expanded its surveillance operations to address criminal activity. We are utilizing volunteer Reserves personnel to augment our personnel on non -hazardous assignments. We now have two unmarked vehicles that are suitable for undercover operations. To combat the recent burglaries we have made arrangements to borrow a number of rental vehicles that will not be recognized by the criminal element in the community. We have utilized four to five department members in marked and unmarked patrol cars and bicycles, along with citizen volunteers and our Explorers, to patrol neighborhoods to apprehend the current burglary ring and to address criminal activity. The Department has established a program to alert citizens to criminal activity occurring in their neighborhood. The Department has volunteers deliver pamphlets to each resident that provides them descriptions of suspects or vehicles that have been committing crimes in their area. This two-way communication builds stronger partnerships and greatly increases the likelihood that officers will make apprehensions for crimes in progress. f During this past week the Department arrested two burglars that are responsible for a series of burglaries involving the theft of jewelry. Significant amounts of jewelry have been recovered and returned. The Department is in the process of recruiting citizens to form a Citizen on Patrol program within the Village. These volunteers will receive specialized training and will operate a city vehicle that has markings identifying it as a Citizen on Patrol vehicle. These individuals will be equipped with a police radio so that they may call in any suspicious activity that can be investigated by our Department within a matter of moments. Council Goal: 3. Enhance the Spirit and Participation of our Community Obiective: F. Improve Communication with Businesses Public Safety Innovation: Community Policing with Businesses Project Detail: Through the Crime Prevention Officer (CPO) and Staff, the Department has implemented a program of Business contacts by Road Patrol Officers to facilitate community- based initiatives, relationships, and intelligence. Road Patrol Officers are assigned certain blocks of businesses, which they are responsible for establishing contact, fostering long-term relationships, and enhancing communications. Contacts are tracked through the Crime Prevention and Records offices, allowing updating of current databases, continual monitoring of the program's effectiveness, and accountability of participants. It is the beginning of a much larger effort to establish "neighborhood officers" for both business districts and residential areas. Detail: The North Palm Beach Public Safety Department, in partnership with Palm Beach Gardens, offers a program entitled Workers On Watch (WOW). The purpose of the program is to promote a partnership with groups such as sanitation workers and virtually all Village employees. In addition, this list includes Adelphia Cable, Seacoast Utilities, Waste Management, news carriers and others who are present in the community and can be trained to call the police and report any suspicious activity. These individuals receive instruction on what to look for during a formal training session conducted by our Department. The Department has made arrangements with Nextel phones to donate cell phones that will allow these workers to have direct access to our communications center. Through this program the Department will dramatically increase the number of eyes and ears available to report any suspicious activity to the police. All of the Village vehicles and other private industry vehicles will be equipped with a sticker identifying them as a Workers On Watch (WOW) vehicle. Public Safety Innovation: Park, Walk & Talk Program t_ Detail: The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Officers are encouraged to participate in Park, Walk & Talk, where Officers park their patrol vehicle, walk to businesses, parks, schools, and other establishments and talk with the residents. 2 r--, Public Safety Innovation: Fire Company Inspections Detail: Tuesdays and Thursdays have been set aside for fire inspector certified personnel to be F assigned areas of the Village, both business and residential, to inspect for fire code violations. While the fire inspector can site for violation, the remainder of the crew can act as extra eyes to spot the violations. This also gives all Fire/EMS personnel an opportunity to become familiar with the layout of the buildings in which they might be called upon to fight fire. It further gives our personnel the opportunity to interact with the local business owners, explain the services we have to offer and answer any questions they might have. This interaction has been well received r by the business community. Public Safety Innovation: Business Participation at Fire Safety Fair Detail: Local businesses have become involved in the preparations for the Annual Safety Fair. Council Goal: 5. Improve the Operation and Effectiveness of Village Departments Obiective: A. Enhance Public Safety Operations Public Safety Innovation: Lateral Entry Hiring r Detail: The department Management Team proposed to the Manager and Council a significant t _ change in our recruitment and hiring process. Public Safety staff worked with the Union and proposed to the Council that we recruit experienced and trained personnel and that we develop a lateral entry program. The compensation is based on years of experience, training, formal education and current Department needs. Personnel have been hired under this program. The benefits are cost savings to the taxpayers and our enhanced ability to place an experienced, trained officer on the street -much quicker. Public Safety Innovation: Communications Clarity Project Detail: The Department has been concerned for quite some time with certain -communications protocols and practices that involve convoluted and confusing 10 -codes and "Signals" as brevity codes on the radio networks. Staff researched, developed, and is now implementing a project to enhance, clarify, and modernize these protocols to simplify our communications, enhance employee safety, and diminish professional jargon. Public Safety Innovation: Development of Emergency Management Plan Detail: The Department researched and developed a new Emergency Management Plan to prepare the Village for natural disasters such as a dangerous Hurricane. Not willing to stop at the Public Safety Building doors, Staff wrote the document for the entire Village, encompassing all Departments and Village Staff. This comprehensive guide, based upon tried and true emergency management principles, provides the Village with its first ever comprehensive management document that articulates the how to, why, and where of Emergency Management within Palm 3 f Beach County. Tied into the local network, the Plan coordinates all Village Department Heads and Village Staff within a .well-equipped EOC (Emergency Operations Center), giving the Village a vastly greater opportunity to prepare for, assess, and conduct recovery operations following a disastrous event. Public Safety Innovation: Establishment of New Drug Interdiction Program Detail: The Department researched and developed a new Drug Interdiction Program to target high profile Narcotics and Drug traffickers. This multi -faceted effort involves training for over one-third of the enforcement personnel in the Department of Public Safety, including techniques and methods to locate, interdict, and apprehend drug traffickers at every level. Joint operations with other Law Enforcement agencies, to include the US Coast Guard and Customs, have been conducted. Grant funding from federal and state sources such as the US Department of Justice have been obtained that have compensated the Village for the overtime salaries of our Officers in the program. This on going, aggressive "root `em out" type of enforcement has proven highly successful around the country. Our streets are safer, our Officers better trained, and our coffers better stocked through this type of endeavor. Currently, as a direct result of this program, the Department is pursuing forfeiture on several high-quality motor vehicles that can be retained and/or sold for use in further enforcement efforts. Public Safety Innovation: Establishment of New Road Patrol Work Schedule Detail: The Department researched and developed a new employee schedule for Road Patrol Personnel, proposing change from a traditional eight-hour workday to a ten-hour workday. The latter has become much more prevalent in Public Safety over the past two decades. Overwhelmingly accepted by management and labor alike, the new schedule maintains raw coverage levels while increasing personnel utilization efficiency by almost 16%. It is anticipated to decrease the demand for overtime, and holds many advantages for both the employee and the employer. Public Safety Innovation: Establishment of New Communications Center Schedule Detail: Faced with crucial personnel shortages in the Dispatch Center, the Department researched, developed, and implemented new work schedules for Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC) workers to take into account a new training program and increasing demands on the agency. Recognizing that the call -load is increasing markedly in the Village, and that current compensation levels do not allow the Village to be abundantly competitive in today's job market, short term solutions were developed to maximize effort at a cost to the employee. Of course, schedules will be reworked once the PSCC is brought back up to strength. As a long-term endeavor, the Department has requested one more Telecommunicator position in addition to budget support for the current MIS allocation. Public Safety Innovation: Field Training Officer Program Detail: The Department researched, developed, and implemented a new Field Training Program (FTP) for initial training of new Public Safety Officers (PSO's). This involved a complete revamping of the current program, modernizing our lesson plans and curricula to more accurately 4 F r reflect the relevant job skills required of the contemporary Police Officer. Heavily weighted toward Officer Survival and Community Oriented Policing, the new program increases training time, provides more in-depth instruction, and upholds higher standards- over the previous model. Public Safety Innovation: Communications Training Program Detail: The Department researched, developed, and implemented a new . Communications Training Program (CTP) for initial training of new Public Safety Telecommunicators. This involved a complete new program; implementing modern lesson plans and curricula to accurately reflect the relevant job skills required of the contemporary Telecommunicator. Heavily weighted toward Officer Survival and Community. Oriented Policing, the new. program F increases training time, provides more in-depth instruction, and upholds high standards. Public Safety Innovation: New Firearms Training Program Detail: The Department researched, developed, and is now implementing new training program for Use of Force and Firearms Qualifications for all sworn Officers. Due to changes both in Instructors and high turnover in personnel, this high -liability area became a mission -critical item. The agency trained a new Firearms Instructor and has developed a new training program to adequately instruct Public Safety Officers in Use of Force issues, some of which involve life and death decision-making. The new program articulates a level. of training and qualification well beyond and in more depth than any previous program, and exceeds State of Florida requirements. Public Safety Innovation: New Basic Computer User Training Project Detail: Sensing a need to further indoctrinate employee users to the world of information management, the Department has initiated a new training program to familiarize Department computer users with programs and critical tasks important to their jobs. All employees now are in positions where computer hardware and software is a major tool of the workplace; a requisite level of proficiency is critical to successful completion of tasks. A basic core of user skills and performance objectives have been integrated into in-service training. Public Safety Innovation: Multi Agency Gang Unit Detail: The North Palm Beach Public. Safety Department works with other agencies throughout the county on a specialized program to address gang and drug activity. This unit makes sweeps of areas where there is gang activity, which results in numerous arrests. Public Safety Innovation: New Chemical Defensive Equipment & Protocols Detail: The Department researched, developed, and implemented new, modernized Chemical Defensive Spray ordnance and associated protocols to enhance Public and Officer Safety. Seeing a need to move from the current OC (Pepper Spray) only compound to a more effective, timely solution, Staff determined that a newer formulation of 1% OC and 1% CS (Tear Gas) would allow for a lesser concentration of Cayenne Pepper, while enhancing product performance. Issue and training of the new self-defense formulation is in process. 5 F- Public ,Safety Innovation: Public Safety Intranet Detail: The Department has researched, developed, planned, and programmed a next generation in-house (Intranet) web site system to integrate with established systems. The development project is ongoing with plans to develop in-house storage and management system to consolidate references, documents, and report -writing capabilities within the next 1-2 years. This will enable all users to access real-time data and communications networks in a secure environment from any authorized source browser. Once on-line, the system will integrate with CAD, Records Management, digital mobile data, and other applications such as word processing and data management. Public Safety Innovation: CAI) Technology Project Detail: Recognizing significant deficiencies in the design and implementation of the current r CAD (Computer Aided Dispatching) product, the Department has researched, developed, and implemented in-house software development project to determine possible alternative strategies to rectify the serious problems in these mission -critical applications. Stats is reviewing and working possible solutions to include and in-house project that holds promise of high- performance, infinite flexibility, and nominal cost. Public Suety Innovation: Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) Detail: With the merging of Fire & EMS Division duties and the creation of Companies working under Team Leaders, these groups needed increased guidance in the performance of their duties. To better facilitate this new system, we are presently updating our Standard Operating Guidelines. We want this to be an inclusive effort, and as such have asked our personnel to review the existing SOG and recommend updates and changes. We have also asked that they write suggestions for new SOG that they believe are needed. As with any document of this type, this will be an ongoing effort that should never be completed. Public Safety Innovation: Team Leader Meetings Detail: Having regular Team Leader meetings allows these supervisors to discuss shift or personnel problems, plan daily duties and training objectives and keep each other informed of information that might otherwise be missed. Although these meetings happen at planned intervals, should a special meeting be necessary any Team Leader, the EMS Manager or the Fire Chief can call for one. Public Safety Innovation: Shift Meetings Detail: These meetings are held daily to inform that shift of any information needing to be disseminated. Changes in the normal routine, new policies and procedures, and status of equipment are discussed at this time. These meeting can also be used as classroom training sessions to cover a single topic of a Fire or EMS nature. 6 r-, Public Safety Innovation: Improved Fire Training Detail: In an effort to improve the effectiveness of our firefighting forces a number of improvements have been made to our training program. • Each fire certified employee attends a two-hour in-house training session per month. Each session covers one aspect of firefighting. This meets Insurance Services Office (ISO) requirements for training. • All non -fire certified officer attends one training session per month where they learn a skill to r assist at a fire emergency. • Every fire certified employee and volunteer must complete an assigned CD-ROM based fire training session per month. • Every volunteer must attend two fire drills per month. These average between two and three hours each. • Every volunteer must complete the Firefighter I course. -- • Field training program for all new firefighters. • Driver's training program in the works. • Budgeting for 80 hours of continuing education per year for Fire & EMS Division employees. • Budgeting to send five volunteers per year to the Fire College Volunteer Week. Public Safety Innovation: Volunteer Certification Class r Detail: We instituted a program requiring all volunteer firefighters complete Firefighter I, the t State volunteer certification course. In order to accomplish this, we worked with all Palm Beach County volunteer fire departments to hold joint training to better utilize our resources. Instructors from across the county have participated to instill the students with a broader range of knowledge and experience. Within our department we have established the following criteria: ■ Current volunteers must complete the course within two years. ■ New recruits must complete the course within one year. This allows our current volunteers to continue serving an active firefighting role while gaining this additional training, while the course is used as the basic training for new recruits. Overall, we have a better prepared volunteer firefighting force. Public Safety Innovation: Newly Purchased Fire Engines �- Detail: By purchasing two new, nearly identical fire engines, we have reduced training time and made our personnel more efficient operationally. These engines have increased capacities to better service the public, and being custom chassis will have a longer service life and cost to the public less on a yearly basis. 7 Public Safety Innovation: High Rise Hose Cabinets Detail: Our high-rise buildings have hose cabinets supplied by the fire protection system of the building. These hoses must be maintained or replaced annually at the expense of the property owner. Our personnel use hose carried on the apparatus, as the cabinet hose is not suitable for our use. As a win-win proposition, we have allowed the building owners to remove the cabinet hose and replace all house hose with one high-rise pack meeting our specifications. This saves them the expense of maintaining/replacing their hose, while giving our personnel an additional high-rise pack to use at no expense to the Village. Public Safety Innovation: Replacement of Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SOBA) Detail: Village firefighters were using SCBA having a use limit of 30 minutes, no buddy breathing system in case of an emergency and a mask/regulator system that had the operator exhaling through the regulator potentially spreading any contagion they might have. Some of these units were also coming up on their 15 -year replacement date. In order to provide our personnel with the best possible equipment with which to provide service to the Village residents we replaced all SCBA with units having the following attributes: ■ Forty-five (45) minute use limit. ■ Interconnected buddy breathing system ■ Mask that exhales around the regulator. ■ Lighter weight carbon fiber cylinders. ■ Integral Personal Alarm System (PAS) device. ■ Dual audio/visual low air warning. Public Safety Innovation: Dive Rescue Training Detail: As a waterfront community with five marinas, hundreds of private docks and even more pleasure craft, the Village has a great potential for water-based emergencies. One area where we found ourselves lacking was our ability to respond quickly and efficiently to an open water drowning. In order to correct this our Volunteer Fire Department partnered with Dive Rescue International and arranged for us to host an area wide dive rescue I class. Nine of our personnel attended this training. The Volunteer Fire Department is currently researching our equipment needs and will be making this a priority for their next fund drive. In the meantime, we now have personnel ready to form a dive rescue team and who can now work with knowledge with any team we call in for mutual aid. The intent is to provide dive rescue. Recovery would still be handled through PBSO. Public Safety Innovation: Public Access Defibrillators (This innovation covers Objective A, B and E) Detail: The EMS Division has undertaken a project to install Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in North Palm Beach public access buildings. The first stage of this project is complete with the placement of units at the Village Hall, Public Services, Anchorage Park Recreation Building and the Country Club. 8 r This project increases the effectiveness of. the Public Safety Department by providing for rapid intervention in cardiac emergencies by trained lay personnel. The application of the AED allows the paramedics to be more effective on their arrival. The project improves service response to the residents of the Village by providing access to trained personnel and the AED's prior to the arrival of a rescue unit. Involving the other departments in the implementation of the program increased interdepartmental communication- and participation. Public Safety was instrumental in the training of 56 employees from other departments in CPR and the use of the AED. Public Safety Innovation: EMS Disaster Response Detail: To prepare EMS providers to respond effectively to disasters and to deliver effective patient care as well as mount an effective EMS system response in a timely manner to address threats to the Village is the goal set for this innovation. The objectives met in achieving these goals are as follows. First we have enhanced the involvement of EMS personnel in hazardous materials and mass casualty management planning, including weapons of mass destruction. This was accomplished by system wide crew training during Team Meetings that includes review of hazardous material incident management and by holding medical response to terrorism classes and by reviewing County HazMat response protocols. We have enhanced EMS response capabilities in mass casualty incidents with MCI training for all fire and EMS personnel. We have instituted real time training scenarios during Team l Meetings. Team Leaders and Command Staff have been trained in MCI incident command and we have acquired and stocked disaster supplies. The Department has augmented public health resources in mass casualty/disaster incidents by establishing mutual aid agreements with county EMS to provide additional resources and personnel for disasters. The Department also maintains representation on county and state councils and committees to set disaster policy. The Department has improved EMS care for patients with special needs by increasing public awareness programs for special needs registration and providing training for all fire and EMS personnel in handling incidents involving special care. Specialized equipment has also been acquired for unique rescues. Public Safety Innovation: EMS System Evaluation Detail: This goal is to provide consistent and regular evaluation of the EMS system. The objectives met in achieving this goal are identified and developed a comprehensive system -wide program and evaluation process by establishing a quality assurance review process for all EMS reports and by training Team Leaders to review EMS action and make quality assurance reviews. The Department also supported developing a comprehensive region -based quality improvement and review process. We assisted in the development and staffing of a County review committee for EMS quality assurance and participated in monthly quality assurance reviews and forum at the Palm Beach County Trauma District. 6 Public Safety Innovation: Integration of Health Services. Detail: The goal of this project is to develop a partnership between EMS and other health services and organizations and EMS providers. We have been able to enhance partnerships between EMS and other community agencies. We have accomplished this by joining the EMS Provider Association of Palm Beach County and by joining the Trauma Quality Improvement committee of the Health Care District. The Department has also become a member of the American Heart Association Public Access program. Public Safety Innovation: EMS Unit Human Resources Detail: To ensure that EMS personnel are prepared to meet the challenges of providing health services competently the Department has taken steps to ensure adequate, trained manpower resources at all levels to meet emergency medical services needs. The Department has promoted F and trained Team Leaders to supervise the EMS shifts and has developed in-service training -- programs to develop individual skills. In order to create an understanding of EMS occupational health and safety standards and hazards, the Department has developed and established training classes to review safety practices and established standards for training and use of personal protective clothing and equipment. In an effort to create and understanding of EMS occupational stress among EMS personnel we have established guidelines and training to access the incident stress -debriefing program coordinated by Palm Beach County. The Department has also established a prevention -oriented atmosphere at the EMS workplace and has tasked Team Leaders to review safety practices with Team members and review implementation. We have also created vehicle and station area check sheets to ensure compliance with safety requirements. Public Safety Innovation: EMS Education Systems Detail: To deliver high quality educational programs to the EMS unit personnel is the goal set for this innovation. To meet these objectives the Department has set out to develop joint ventures between the EMS system and academic institutions for educational programs. We have contracted with Palm Beach Community College to provide continuing education classes for EMS providers and have entered into a relationship with the American Heart Association to provide Advanced Life Support Classes and CPR programs for EMS providers. In order to provide EMS education that includes innovative technology, the Department has entered into agreement with Palm Beach Community College to allow use of a new computer based patient simulator and has developed multimedia EMS training programs. Another objective has been to provide a cyclical review of all EMS educational programs. This has been accomplished by joining the quarterly Allied Health Curriculum Review Committee at Palm Breach Community College and the Trauma Quality Assessment Committee at the Palm Beach County Trauma District. The Department is also committed to provide medical direction for EMS education. In order to accomplish this objective the Department has entered into an agreement requiring the Village Medical Director to take part in educational review committees through the Palm Beach County Medical Director's Association. The Department has also required the Village Medical Director to meet quarterly with the Allied Health Program Development Committee at the Palm Beach Community College. 10 Objective: B. Improve Communication and Response to the Public Public Safety Innovation: New Communications System Detail: The Department is currently acting as project manager in researching and developing a new 2 -way Radio Communications System for the entire Village government infrastructure. The current system is outdated and inadequate to serve modern governmental needs in the 21" Century. A new system, encompassing digital data and voice capabilities, is being developed. This is intended to be an aggressive program to modernize systems and enhance capabilities with long-term stability into the next decade. Public Safety Innovation: Neighborhood Crime Information Meeting Detail: The Public Safety Department, through its Crime Prevention Office and Detective Bureau, has initiated a program to increase communications with and participation of the public. Regular Neighborhood Watch meetings are hosted along with block parties. Public Safety personnel conduct demonstrations and answer questions. Public Safety Innovation: pillage Crime Prevention Programs Detail: The Crime Prevention Unit has established a number of public education programs for all age groups throughout the Village. Programs include: • Bike Helmet Program - Donates bike helmets to children from low-income families. • Bicycles Donated To Needy Children - The Department of Public Safety collects unwanted bicycles that will be donated to needy children. Palm Beach Schwinn is working with the Department to clean and repair the bicycles. The bikes are presented to children whose families cannot afford to purchase a bike for their youngster. • Cell Phones to Seniors Program - The Department collects cell phones, which are then passed out to senior citizens throughout the area for emergency use. • Combat Auto Theft (C.A.T.) Program - The Combat Auto Theft Program affords our residents the opportunity to register their vehicles with the Department of Public Safety. If the residents do not drive between the hours of 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM they receive a bright yellow decal, which is placed in the back driver's side window. The decal allows any law enforcement officer the latitude to stop the vehicle between these hours to determine if it is stolen. This is a statewide program developed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. 11 • Mentoring Program - Personnel from the Department of Public Safety have been participating in a mentoring program for third graders at North Palm Beach Elementary School. Public Safety employees spend time each week with a child to help with reading and l homework. At the end of the school year, the Department of Public Safety hosts a pizza party for all the children involved in the Mentor Program. • Police Explorer Program - The Department sponsors a Police Explorer Post through the Boy Scouts of America. The Explorers take part in a variety of activities throughout the community including the Flag Fr©gram and Address Alert. They assist with traffic direction and numerous other activities. The Post competes against other Departments during state and national competition. During this past year, the North Palm Beach Public Safety Department won first place in the firearms competition. • Beacon Light — For a $10 fee, the Crime Prevention Unit offers residents the Emergency Beacon Light. This light standard 60 watts bulb assists Emergency Response Personnel in locating your home by blinking when activated. • "Club" Giveaway - The Crime Prevention Unit gives away FREE steering wheel locking clubs to residents that are owners of the "Top Ten" most stolen vehicles in Palm Beach County. • Vin Etching - Auto theft is a constant problem throughout the Country and in Palm Beach County. The Crime Prevention Unit provides, free VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Etching for residents to help combat this problem. • Fingerprinting & Photo of Your Child - The Department of Public Safety provides FREE fingerprints and photos for Village residents' children. If a parent comes to the Police Department for fingerprinting of their child, they will receive a KidCare ID booklet. The booklet provides emergency information about their child and what procedure to follow in the event their child becomes missing. • Residential and Business Security Surveys - The Public Safety Department provides FREE security surveys for local Businesses and Residents. The purpose of conducting a premise survey is to determine existing physical and procedural weaknesses, and to recommend devices, procedures, and methods of application that will reduce or eliminate exposure to criminal opportunity. • Summer Camp Participation - Officers visit summer Camps throughout the community. Children are taught about Stranger Danger, 911 Emergency Calls, Bicycle Safety, and other themes that enable children to be safe and protect them from harm. • Residents Information Packets To All New Residents - Public Safety Members hand deliver a packet containing information about the Village of North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County to our new residents which. 12 • Citizens Ride -Along Program - The Department Of Public Safety provides a unique experience, in which residents of North Palm Beach are permitted to ride -along with Police/Fire/Rescue Personal. Our residents get to experience first hand, how hard the r , Officers work for the Village. • Gun Locks — The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety wants to encourage safe gun storage in homes to prevent the likelihood of tragic accidents. A locking device, when installed on a firearm and secured by a key or combination lock, prevents the gun from being discharged without first removing the device. Palm Beach County Ordinance Number 200- 038 requires a locking device on guns in homes where children might have access to the gun. Failure to comply with the new law could result in a $500 fine! To help gun owners conform to the new county law, Department of Public Safety distributes FREE gunlocks to residents. Public Safety Innovation: Volunteer Fire Department Recruitment Detail: Every opportunity afforded is used to recruit for the Volunteer Fire Department. As examples, we have had recruitment booths at the Fire Safety Fair, the Heritage Day celebration at the NPB Country Club and the NPB Elementary School Family Picnic. We have partnered with other departments in our recruitment efforts. Our personnel arranged for a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for volunteer recruitment to be filmed and broadcast on local television stations and our department has acted as the clearinghouse for inquiries to that PSA. Public Safety Innovation: Enhanced Public Education Detail: One of the most effective methods to lowering the incident of fire and reducing injuries is through public education. We have established a number of public education methods for all age groups throughout the Village. • Station Tours — Diverse groups ranging from school groups, church groups, boy scout troops and condominium groups have taken tours through the Public Safety Facility. During these tours they are shown how the department functions and how our equipment is utilized. They are directed to notice the fire alarm system, smoke detectors and fire sprinkler system, explained their purpose and encouraged using similar systems in their homes. • Public Lectures — Usually arranged through schools, churches and civic groups, these are age dependent topics stressing fire prevention and accident prevention. When held for a specific location, i.e. condominium, the talk is geared to the operation of that facility. Children's groups will be presented with a firefighter donning protective clothing and SCBA in an effort to reduce their fear when seeing a working firefighter for the first time. • Special Events — We attend block parties, the NPB Elementary School Family Picnic, Heritage Day at the NPB Country Club, Fourth of July celebrations, etc., where we set up booths attended by volunteer and career personnel distributing fire safety literature and prepared to answer questions from the public. 13 F, • Birthday Parties at the fire station. The parents are responsible for providing all food and party favors, and cleaning up from the party. We provide a Fire -themed party with station tours, a look inside the fire engine, a demonstration in the use of protective clothing and SCBA, and age appropriate fire safety literature. Volunteers attend to the party to keep on - duty personnel available for call. Public Safety Innovation: Community Event, Detail: The Department of Public Safety hosts and promotes several special programs and events throughout the year. A sampling of the programs include: • Safety Awareness Program - The Public Safety Department hosted a special Safety Awareness Program for our residents. The topics included the threat of Anthrax and terrorism, along with both personal and fire safety. Speakers for the seminar were Department members along with representatives from the American Red Cross. • Seniors Vs Crime - North Palm Beach residents were recently invited to attend a course on how not to become a victim of crime. The course focused on scams and frauds — the target, senior citizens. The course was instructed by Department members along with personnel from the Department of Banking, Finance and Securities. • D.A.R.E. Program - The Department just finished 16 weeks of D.A.R.E. for sixth graders attending North Palm Beach schools. The program, which places Officers in the school where they can serve as positive role models and can impart the message and skills to say no to drugs, has proven invaluable. • Cops & Kids Fishing Program - Nothing pleases the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety .more than to work and help the young people of the community. Cops & Kids fishing trip is just one of the many ways which enables the Department of Public Safety to interact with the child of the community. • Citizens Academy — The North Palm Beach Department Of Public Safety offers residents an 8 to 12 week program that covers all aspects of the Public Safety Department. During this program, students are exposed to all divisions of the Public Safety Department. Each week a different in-house instructor gives a hands-on lesson in law and arrest procedures, fire -rescue, and emergency medical service. While attending the Citizens Academy, students are encouraged to ride -along with officers on the street. Each student also has the opportunity to go to the gun range and learn firearm safety. They are also taught first aid and CPR with certification. • National Night Ont This program is a national Crime Prevention Awareness event to promote community involvement in crime and drug prevention, promote strong police community relations, and encourage neighborhood participation as part of the fight for safer streets. 14 F__' Public Safety Innovation: Fire Safety Fair Detail: This has become an annual event, hosted by the Public Safety Department at the Public r Safety Facility spearheaded by the Volunteer Fire Department. Groups within our department, as well as State and National organization set up booths to educate the public in their scope of interest. Guided tours of the station and apparatus are available, as are hourly demonstrations of r our department's skills and abilities. Activities for children are available and we hold the awarding of prizes for a Village -wide coloring contest. And, of course the Volunteer Auxiliary serves food and drink. At past Fire Safety Fairs these groups have been represented: • NPB Volunteer Fire Department • NPB Fire Division • NPB EMS Division • NPB Police Explorers • NPB Crime Prevention • NPB Marine Patrol • NPB Motor Unit o NPB Communications Division • PBC 911 Dispatch • FPL Public Education Unit • American Heart Association • National Swimming Pool Safety Coalition • Florida Dept. of Forestry • American Red Cross Past demonstrations have included: ■ CPR ■ Vehicle extrication ■ High angle rescue Objective: A Plan North County Communities Cooperative Communication and Dispatching System Public Safety Innovation: NAA?AC Joint Training Project Detail: The Department has researched, developed, and presented a new NAMAC Joint Training Project to the ten NAMAC Chiefs of Police. This evolutionary new vision has been enthusiastically embraced by the North County agencies and is on track to completely rewrite the training programs of multiple agencies. This project promises to be aggressive training project and plan, involving up to nine other municipal agencies and affecting nearly an entire region. The first joint training effort, was conducted in 2002 and hosted by the North Palm Beach DPS, involves and in-depth course of instruction for all line personnel in the Incident Command System / Management (ICS/ICM). This system was previously identified as a core requirement for all Public Safety agencies even before the onset of the War on Terrorism, in such areas as Emergency Management, critical incident scenes, and tactical team operations. The Department provides training for other agencies in partnership with Palm Beach Community College. 15 L_ Obiective: E. Continue and Improve Interdepartmental Communications Public Safety Innovation: Submitted Recommendation — Village Manager and Department Heads to establish a Community Oriented Government philosophy on a Village wide basis. Recommendation for joint partnership between Public Services and Public Safety Department utilizing the 800 MHz Radio System as proposed. Prepared a report to Public Services and Public Safety to improve communications through the installation of 800 MHz radio system providing interoperability. Conduct an Emergency Management Drill for all Departments within the Village: Conducted an Emergency Management drill and training seminar including all Village Departments. Purpose of the training seminar was to build a team that is responsive during times of terrorism, natural disasters and specifically Hurricanes. Recommendation to the Acting Manager and Department Heads that we meet on a more frequent basis as a team to address Vllage wide goals and objectives and specific priority issues. Public Safety Innovation: Interdepartmental Building Inspections Detail: The Fire Department continues to work with Public Services coordinating building and fire inspections, saving trips by our personnel and improving service to the public. [C