2018-12 Village Newslettervd4w x"71" 1VO1"A1v'71a,14M BeaI&A "The Best Place',to Live Under the Sun 1F �y BULK ITEM &r VEGETATIVE YARD WASTE PICK-UP DAYS CHANGING JANUARY IST — Page 6 COUNTRY CLUB UPDATE Page 7 Golf Course, Country Club closed for Boat Parade Because of construction, the golf course and Country Club grounds Will be cl for the Annual Holiday Boat Parade on Saturday, December 1. Visit WWW.paLmbeachboatparade.org for a list of other great locations for vieN this popular local tradition. VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH Deborah Searcy Mark Mullinix David B. Norris Susan Bickel Darryl C. Aubrey Councilmember Vice Mayor Mayor President Pro Tem Councilmember The Village of North Palm Beach is governed by a Council -Manager form of government. The Village Manager is appointed by the Council and administers all Village business. Regular Council meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Council members may be contacted through the Village Clerk's Office at (561) 841-3355, or emailed at council@village-npb.org. Boards/Committees Meeting Schedule Audit Committee .................................................. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing .. Construction Board of Adjustment ....................... Golf Advisory Board ............................................. Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Committee ......... Library Advisory Board ....................................... Pension Board - General Employees ................. Pension Board - Police & Fire ............................ Planning Commission ......................................... Recreation Advisory Board ................................. Waterways Board ............................................... Zoning Board of Adjustment ............................... 2 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH On call as needed 1st Monday, monthly, 5:30 p.m. On call as needed 3rd Monday, monthly, 6 p.m. On call as needed 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m. On call as needed On call as needed 1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m. 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m. On call as needed, 5:30 p.m. On call as needed HOLIDAY LVLHTS V ,I aag"HBEUau Ern t Schedule HOLIDAY BOAT PARADE Saturday, Dec. 1 For details, visit www.pa[mbeachboatparade.org. The Holiday Boat Parade is put on by the Marine Industries Association. The Village Golf Course will not be open to Watch the parade this year because of construction. SANTA'S MAILBOX Dec. 1-14 CHRISTMAS CABARET __ -Thursday, Dec. 20 at 10 a.m. Located outside the Village Library for you to post those Letters to Santa as well as the forms for the Ho Ho Hotline! TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. The Village of North Palm Beach welcomes the holiday season with a Tree -Lighting Ceremony at Veteran's Park, 501 U.S. Highway 1. Music and entertainment will make this tradition extra fun for everyone! SANTA'S HO HO HOTLINE A free Christmas Cabaret at Osborne Park, 715 Prosperity Farms Road. The variety show is presented by the Local Coquettes, a Senior dance troupe. The show includes singing and dancing! No charge, but please call (561) 841-3386 to reserve your seat! SANTA'S JOLLY TROLLEY RIDES Friday, Dec. 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The whole family can ride in Santa's trolley as you sing carols and Look at holiday Lights. The rides will Last about 15 minutes. The cost is $1/person or $5/family. This event will be held at Veteran's Park, and Santa will be there too. SANTA'S VISITS = T Saturday, Dec. 22 at so a.m. Santa will be on a fire truck riding through the � - streets of North Palm Beach. If you hear the trucks, run outside so Santa is sure to stop by hot 1SPl M DECEMBER 2018 1 3 POLICE DEPARTMENT/Flash Dash Village ranks again on list of safest Florida cities Thanks to the combined efforts of the Village Police Department and local residents, North Palm Beach has been ranked again as one of the 20 safest cities in Florida. The rankings were compiled by thehomesecurityadvisor.com, a website that rates home security alarm systems and companies. Among the factors evaluated in rating North Palm Beach highly were the 2016 FBI Uniform Crime Report statistics for cities with a population of 5,000 or more. Violent crimes were weighted more heavily than property crimes in the analysis to reflect the severity of the crimes. The Home Security Advisor website says this rating method "provides a strong statistical indicator of the overall safety of the community. If you are considering relocating to Florida, these communities are among the top safest cities in which one could reside." Earlier this year, the National ass I Council for Home Safety and Security ranked the Village among the 10 safest cities in Florida, and in 2016 and 2017, the Village crime rate dropped 6.8 percent and 18.7 percent respectively. "Our officers work day and night to ensure residents of the Village get top-quality police services, but without the help of our community, Flash Dash Winners 2018 Congratulations to Nicolas Jara De La Maza (18:24), and to Amanda Witt (21:57). They were the winners in the 2018 Flash Dash, which was a 5K run through the beautiful neighborhoods of North Palm Beach. The race began and ended in Anchorage Park, and a shorter run was held for kids. The event used to be known as the Halloween Ghost Run. 4 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH we would not be nearly as effective," said Police Chief Rick Jenkins. "We need citizens to call us if they see something unusual, and together we will continue to earn these great ratings by industry experts." Tequesta was the only other Palm Beach County community to rank in the top 20 on the list. 1 rL_1 POLICE DEPARTMENT Police marine patrol officers protecting manatees Village police officers assigned to marine patrol work will be busy during winter months protecting manatees in Village waterways and encouraging safe boating thanks to som extra funding assistance from the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM). Each year, ERM provides funding to cover costs associated with increased marine patrol efforts. This year ERM will provide the Village with up to $16,600 for additional "on -water law enforcement" in local waterways. Costs increased enforcement include overtime for the additional hours officers work to provide manatee protection and awareness outreach, as well as gas and maintenance of the boat. into Palm Beach County's warm coastal waters during the winter. As the manatees from the north arrive, +"o r„mber ... using South Florida waters may ,ase by 10 to 20 times." An ERM brochure says, "Many manatees from northern Florida and southern Georgia migrate south 'he increased manatee population can lead to increased collisions with boats whose operators may not be aware of their presence. By engaging people in conversation, distributing informational materials and sometimes writing citations for olations, officers are hoping to reduce idents and harm to the manatees from b1jccuing boats, in addition to potential injuries to people. Officers say it's important to obey all laws governing boat operations in Florida waters, to be constantly on the lookout for manatees and other hazards while driving a boat, and to never operate a vessel while under the influence of alcohol. Innovative SmartWaterC SI can help fight crime Did you know there is a way to invisibly label your valuable items so they can be identified if they are ever stolen? The product is called SmartWater, and the Village Police Department recommends it as an effective crime -fighting tool. HOW IT WORKS SmartWater is a colorless and odorless liquid invisible except under ultraviolet light. Each bottle has a unique code identifying the owner. You purchase SmartWater through the company's website, www. SmartWaterCSI.com, using a promotional password provided by the Police Department. The product will be mailed to you by the company. When it arrives, just spray or dab it on to your valuable items, and they will be marked for years with invisible, but traceable code that is specific to you. If a marked valuable ever is stolen, then found by police, a scan of the item with the invisible code will lead police to you so the property can be returned. SmartWater also can be traced for weeks on the skin of anyone who comes in contact with it, making court convictions of burglars and thieves more likely. The liquid is non carcinogenic and lasts a minimum of five years on a piece of property. The product was developed in the United Kingdom about 20 years ago and is deployed in more than a million homes. The Village Police Department began using it four years ago, and was the second agency in the County to initiate a SmartWater program. Riviera Beach and the Village were the first to deploy the product in the southern U.S. SmartWater advisory signs can be posted at your house as a deterrent, and many Village residents have been using SmartWater to help secure their property. Also, the Palm Beach County Jail scans arrestees for SmartWater traces on suspects, helping solve other crimes. If you are interested in purchasing SmartWater or have questions, contact Sergeant Lou Pearson at (561) 841-3317. DECEMBER 2018 1 5 NEW COLLECTION DAYS Bulk item and yard waste pickup days change January 1st In order to provide better collection of vegetative yard waste, the Village Sanitation Division will begin picking up yard waste on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting in the new year. The days for pickup of bulk items will change to Tuesdays and Thursdays. The changes take effect beginning January 1st, but there will be no collections that day because of the New Year's holiday. The pickup days for residential household garbage and recycling are not changing. The new schedule simply swaps pickup days for yard vegetation and bulk items, such as old appliances and furniture. The main benefit of the new schedule is that residents will now receive vegetation pick-up three days a week instead of two. And since a lot of vegetation is put out on the weekend, it will be picked up a day sooner under the new plan. The changes also allow the Village Sanitation Division to work more efficiently, freeing up resources to provide better service. If you have any questions, contact the Public Works Department at (561) 691-3440. or • Monday - Garbage & Vegetation • Tuesday - Bulk & multi -unit recycling • Wednesday - Garbage & Vegetation • Thursday - Bulk & single-family recycling • Friday - Garbage & Vegetation Council tightens parking ordinance near Lakeside Park In response to complaints from residents in the Lakeside Park neighborhood, the Village Council recently approved changes in the Village parking ordinance that prohibit parking on streets and swales in the immediate vicinity of Lakeside Park. Some residents said that non - Village residents were parking on the streets to use the park on weekends, causing neighborhood disruptions. The ordinance changes were presented to Lakeside Park -area residents in an October survey that was delivered to every house 6 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH on affected streets. The survey was designed to get resident input about the parking changes and to determine if they wanted the Village to implement the new restrictions. A majority of the people who responded said they favored the parking restrictions, with exceptions for local residents The new ordinance language now restricts parking during daylight hours on weekends and holidays on Anchorage Drive North, Lakeside Drive, Dory Road (North & South), Cruiser Road (North & South), Buoy Road, Lighthouse Drive, NO PARKING THJS SIDE OF STREET k=� Atlantic Road, Lakeside Court and Lakeside Circle. The Village also is working on a plan to improve signage in the park as a deterrent to inappropriate activity, and the police department will continue its close observation of the park. Village Country Club Update Work on the new Village Clubhouse's foundation, floor slab and 1st floor support walls is continuing in preparation for crews to begin construction of the second floor. Because much of the first floor will be below ground level, the walls have been given a special waterproofing treatment, and much of the underground work for the electrical and plumbing systems is now in place. The 1st floor will house the golf operations and golf carts, while the upper level will include the restaurant, banquet rooms and main lobby. Restaurant Village Manager Andy Lukasik has been speaking with various restaurateurs who have expressed interest in becoming the vendor to run the Country Club restaurant and catering facilities. No deals have been made yet, but some interesting opportunities are being explored and considered. Golfing greens On the golf course, the new grass continues to grow in and is being monitored regularly by experts to determine when it will be ready for play. The new clubhouse won't be completed until summer, but the golf course will re -open for play within the coming weeks. Check the Village website often for the latest updates to find out when (www.village-npb.org). Management Also, the Village will soon have a new Golf Pro to assist with getting the course up and running, and a Country Club manager will be hired to oversee and coordinate operations of the restaurant, catering, golf course, pool and tennis facility. There are a lot of plans being made, so the future success of the Country Club looks as promising as the past 55 years. COUNTRY CLUB I' X04. a771. r: rf�s _ 4 w1 il-- DECEMBER 2018 1 7 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 603 Anchorage Drive (561) 841-3386 • Anchorage Park • 603 Anchorage Drive • Community Center • 1200 Prosperity Farms Road • Tennis Center • 951 US Highway 1 • North Palm Beach Pool • 951 U.S. Highway 1 • Osborne Park 715 Prosperity Farms Road • Lakeside Park 805 Lakeside Drive SWIM LESSONS AT THE NPB POOL We offer all levels of swim lessons for all ages. Our classes are taught by Swim with Gills. We offer group lessons, private and semi- private lessons on weekdays, evenings and weekends! For a complete schedule or to register for a class, contact Swim with Gills at office@swimwithgiIIs.com or (561) 222-4994. JAZZERCISE This 60 -minute dance-aerobics/strength training class is based on Jazz dance movements which incorporates Pilates principals into every workout. Instructors demonstrate how students can modify the steps to meet their own fitness needs. Contact Marti Pietro at (561) 574- 4341 or go to www.jazzercise.com. Age/Level Day Time Adult M,W,F,Sat 9 to 10 a.m. Mon -Thur 6 to 7 p.m. FITNESS OVER 50 This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This class has no pounding, jumping or dancing movements. It class consists primarily of stretching muscles and limbering the joints. Fee: $10/$12 per month. Age/Level Day Time Adult M,W,F 8:45-9:45 TABLE TENNIS OPEN PLAY Intermediate level players practice and play round robin tournaments on Saturdays at 11 a.m. and Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m. in Osborne Park. The cost is $5/person. Coordinator is Gerald Mangold. Call (561) 845-2025 for details. 8 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TAI CHI CHUAN/Q1 GONG Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindfulness. Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit to develop a daily practice of self-care, balance and spiritual harmony. Learn useful techniques and forms in your very first class! Your guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advanced Instructor of Inner Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 10 years of experience sharing his practice. Age/Level Day Time All F 10 to 11 a.m. YOGA Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves stress/ anxiety and strengthens abdominal muscles. It helps improve flexibility of the spine and all joints. You will learn yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques. All levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine. Age/Level Day Time Adult M 10-11:30 a.m. Adult T 6-7:30 p.m. Adult -Chair Class Th 10-11:30 a.m. P11 A_rr4Z This 55 minute Classic style Pilates mat class will tone, shape, lengthen and strengthen your body. Incorporates props for strength and balance building. All welcome! Bring your own mat. $12 per class. $55 for 5 classes. Call Dina at (954) 871-6922. Age/Level Day Time Monday 12 p.m. Wed 10 a.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. 1st Saturday of the month at 9 a.m. — Continued on page 9 FIRE SAFETY & TOUCH -A -TRUCK Firefighters teach awareness at Fire Safety and Touch -A -Truck event Several hundred people came out to Anchorage Park recently for the Village's Annual Touch -A -Truck and Fire Safety event. Firefighters put on a burn demonstration to educate people about the value of fire sprinklers, and plenty of work trucks, such as a 1948 farm tractor, a heavy-duty tow truck, and a couple of the small buggies the Public Works Department uses to pick up household trash were available for public inspection and photo opportunities. — continued from page 8 STAINED-GLASS MOSAICS: BEGINNER'S CLASS AND OPEN STUDIO Learn about design, cutting glass, gluing and grouting. Beginners as well as those who have experience with mosaics and would like to work in an open studio setting. Explore different mosaic techniques, all while creating your own original piece of art. Cost includes instruction, tools, materials. Limited to 10 students. Cost is $55. Contact instructor Debbie Davis at (954)-596-4455. Age/Level Day Time 2nd Saturday of each month 9:30 am — 12:30 pm DECEMBER 2018 1 9 .- • SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -1c 1 * Bus Trip/Bok Tower ouncil & Village * Parks & Recreation ■ Golf t . Team Goff Clinic - 9-10am ibrary A Country Club • Tennis ■ Junior Golf Clinic 10-1lam +Adult Chess - 9am-4pm • Tennis Clinic - lain 2 3 4 5• Tennis Clinic - 8:30am 6 7 8 Tennis RR - gain 0 Tennis Clinic - 8 30a 0 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am • Cardio Tennis - 10am 0 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am Tennis Clinic - 8:30am *Bus Trip/Tour - EAU football Tennis Clinic - gain +Voga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am + Children's Story Times: + Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr) +Voga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am + Voga/Ruth Mamo - 8:30-9:30am game - Time TBA * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr) * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Rock Painting - 11 am + Babies & Brew - 9-10am Tennis Clinic - lam + Knit & Crochet 11 am -2 to Preschool - 10:30ato (3-5yr) + Great Courses - 12pm * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Quilters Group - 10am * Stained Glass Mosaics 0 Men's Adv. Singles - 6:30pm • Bab 11:30am birth-17mo y - + Kids Game Da 2p. y - p + Safe Boating 5-7:30pm * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm 9:30am + Could You Pass The Test? -5pm * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Read to a Dog - 3pm + Yoga/Ruth Marro - 5:30-6:30pm ■ Team Goff Clinic - 9-10am +Arts & Crafts 2:30-3:30 + Safe Boating 5-7:30pm■ Men's Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11 am +Animinga Club-4pm • Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm + Safe Boating 5-7:30pm * Zumba - 6pm 9 10 11 0 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am 12 13 14 15 • Tennis RR - gain •Tennis Clinic - 8:30am + Children's Story Times: • Tennis Clinic - 8:30am •Tennis Clinic - 8:30am *Bus Trip/Thrift Store Frenzy •Tennis Clinic - lam • Tennis Clinic - gain*Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm • Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr) • Cardio Tennis - 10am +Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am •Tennis Clinic - 8:30am +Adult Chess - 9am-4pm • Men's Tennis Singles - 6:30pm Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr) + Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr) * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Voga/Ruth Marro - 8:30-9:30am ■ Team Goff Clinic - 9-10am • Baby- 11:30am (birth-17mo) *Water Aerobics - l l am-12pm + Makerspace 3-4pm + Babies & Brew - 9-10am ■ Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11 am * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Great Courses - 12pm + Yoga/Ruth Marro - 5:30-6:30pm + Quilters Group - 10am + Kids Arts & Crafts 2:30-3:30pm + Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm 0 Men's Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm +Science Exploration 2:30 + Read to a Dog - 3pm V Village Council meeting - 7:30pm + Girls Who Code 3pm +Animanga Club Age 14-18 4:30pm • Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm + Lighthouse Camera Club 6pm * Zumba - 6pm +Treesearchers Genealogy - 7pm 16 17 18 • Tennis Clinic - 8:30am 19 20 21 22 • Tennis RR - gain +Knit &Crochet - 11 am -2p. + Children's Story Times: • Tennis Clinic - 8:30am •Tennis Clinic - 8:30am •Tennis Clinic 8:30am •Tennis Clinic - lam • Tennis Clinic - gain •Tennis Clinic - 8:30am • Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr) • Cardio Tennis - 10am +Voga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am - + Yoga/Ruth Mamo - 830-9:30am ■Team Goff Clinic - 9-10am +Voga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am • Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr) +Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr) + Rock Painting - 11 am 9-10am ■ Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11 am * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm Baby- 11:30am (birth-17mo) *Water Aerobics - l l am-12pm *Water Aerobics - l l am-12pm +Babies &Brew - • Men's Adv. Singles - 6:30pm * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Great Courses - 12pm + Safe Boating 5-7:30pm + Quilters Group - 10ato * Water Aerobics - 11 am -12 m p +Science Exploration 2:30pm + Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm + Yoga/Ruth Marro - 5:30-6:30pm +Arts & Crafts 2:30-3:30 + Read to a Dog - 3pm 0 Men's Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm +Teen Creative Writing Club-4:30pm • Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm +Animinga Club-4pm * Zumba - 6pm +Sherry Stanfa-Stanley Author Talk-6pm +TreeSearchers-7pm 23 24 25 CHRISTNIAS DAY 26 • Tennis Clinic - 8:30am 27 28 29 • Tennis RR - gain +Knit &Crochet - 11 am -2p. - offices closed• Cardio Tennis - 10am •Tennis Clinic - 8 30a •Tennis Clinic - 8:30am • Tennis Clinic - gain • Tennis Clinic - 8:30am No residential trash + Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr) + Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am + Yoga/Ruth Marro - 8:30-9:30am +Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am pickup * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm * Water Aerobics -11 am-12pm + Babies & Brew - 9-10am • Men's Adv. Singles - 6:30pm + Great Courses - 12p. + Yoga/Ruth Marro - 5:30-6:30pm + Quilters Group - 10am * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm Men's Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm * Water Aerobics - 11 am-12pm + Read to a Dog - 3pm Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm V Village Council meeting - 7:30pm CANCELED + Girls Who Code 3pm 30 Jan. 1 New Year's Day • Village offices closed * Zumba - 6pm +Camera Club Class-6pm • No residential trash pickup ■ LIBRARY VILLAGE LIBRARY 303 Anchorage Drive (561) 841-3383 www.npblibrary.org Monday -Thursday 9 a.m. to 7p.m Friday -Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Library events are free and open to the public and may be subject to change without notice Adults Chess Saturday, Dec. 1 st & 15th at 9 a.m. (7 hours) Gentle Yoga Mondays at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga and 20 minutes of meditation with Mi Sun Donahue, certified yoga instructor. Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. to 1 1 :30 p.m. Gentle Yoga, 20 minutes of meditation and Q &A session with Mi Sun Donahue, certified yoga instructor. Knit & Crochet Mondays at 1 1 a.m. Bring a project and knit or crochet with others in a friendly library setting. Basic knitting and crochet skills are recommended. (3 hours) The Lighthouse Camera Club Tuesday, Dec. 1 1 th at 6 p.m. Friendly group of photo enthusiasts. Skill levels ranging from beginners to advanced amateurs, to professionals. (2 hours) Great Courses filmed lecture series Wednesdays Dec. 5th, 1 2th, & 19th at 12 p.m The Guide to Essential Italy Wednesday, ,January 9, 2019 at 12:00 p.m Understanding Russia: A Cultural History Beautiful Expression Yoga Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fridays at 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Yoga and meditation with Ruth Mamo, certified yoga instructor (1 hour) 12 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TreeSearchers Genealogy Contact Sue, (561) 841-3383 Genealogy Databases at the Library! Ancestry, Heritage Quest and MyHeritage Library Edition. The Sand Dollar Quilters Group Fridays at 10 a.m. This award-winning group of dedicated quilters has been meeting and quilting in the library on individual and group projects for several years. New members welcome. Basic sewing skills are recommended, as this is not intended as a quilting class. (4 hours) Book Discussion Thursday, Dec. 6 at 1 1 a.m. A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline Thursday, ,Jan. 3 at 1 1 a.m. Little Fires Every Where by Celeste NG Teens Animanga Club Tuesday, Dec. 4th & 1 8th at 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Ages 14 -18 Come join the Animanga Club's monthly meetings! We'll read manga, watch anime, and discuss the themes and differences. It's like a book club, but for your favorite comics and shows. Come pick up the month's manga in the teen room located downstairs and read before club meetings. Get ready to make new friends and talk about your favorite books and shows. Don't forget to ask your parent to read and fill out the permission slip. See you there! Children Little Listeners Story Time Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Ages 17 months - age 3 Our Little Listeners Storytime for toddlers is a fun way to introduce early literacy ,N s skills to little ones on the move. Plenty of movement activities will emphasize body awareness, rhythm, and gross motor skills as they dance and jump along to the music. They — will begin to develop listening skills and letter recognition through interactive stories, flannel boards, and rhymes. The program will end with learning centers to help toddlers with cooperative play and fine motor skills. Rising Readers Story Time Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Ages 3-5 Storytime for Rising Readers is for pre-school children to practice literacy skills and improve letter recognition in an enjoyable and interactive way. This program is filled with songs, rhymes, and flannel boards to teach listening skills, interpersonal skills, and phonological awareness (the ability to hear and identify the little sounds that make up words). At the program's end, they will engage in learning centers designed to promote fine motor and writing skills. Baby Time for the Young and Restless Tuesdays at 1 1 :30 a.m. Age Birth -1 7 months No child is too young to start developing early literacy skills and have a great time at the library! Come join us for a fun, interactive experiencer filled with stories, rhymes, and music. At Baby Time, WA Alk-' children will learn joint attention skills as we read and sing along together. At the end of the program, your baby can show off his or her gross motor movements as they engage in sensory and exploratory play with other babies. Story Time Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Ages 2-5 Come join us for a fun, interactive experience filled with stories, rhymes, and music. Arts and Crafts Tuesday, Dec. 4th & 1 8th at 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m Causal drop-in crafts! Science Exploration Tuesday, December 1 1 at 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Use microscopes and conduct experiments like real scientists! Age 5+ Game Day Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. Video games, board games, and computer games! Age 5+ Read to a Dog Wednesdays from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Share a story with Pearl the American Bulldog Limited space of six. Sign-up sheet at desk. All ages and abilities. Makerspace Thursday, Dec. 6th & 20th from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Planning, constructing, and discovering! Age 8+ Babies and Brews Fridays from 9 to 10 a.m. Playtime for them, coffee for you. ,Join us for unstructured playtime. We provide coffee, tea, and toys. You provide the baby 0-20 months. Girls who CODE Friday, Dec. 14 & 28 at 3 p.m. Grades 3rd - 5th. Teach a girl to code & she'll change the world. www. girlswhocode.com Friends of the Library - Friends Board Meeting Monday, Dec. 3 at 5:30 p.m. Monday, ,Jan. 7 at 5:30 p.m. Friends of the Library membership dues provide funds to the Library for additional programs including the very popular children's' summer programs and services that are not otherwise paid for by the Library budget. Benefits of membership include a special library card, members only exclusive pre -book sale event and email updates and reminders. Call (561) 841-3383 for more information. Bake Sale & Boutique - Fundraiser for Friends of the Library Tuesday, Dec. 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Homemade bake goods, ,Jupiter Donuts, raffles, books and Christmas items for sale. Check out the library's website for current events, www.npblibrary.org Library events are free and open to the public and may be subject to change without notice. Food Fines for the Holidays Dec. 1-15 Any overdue items? Any outstanding fines? For one canned or non-perishable food, one item's fine will be forgiven. DECEMBER 2018 I 13 WPBF showing beauty of golf course and waterways Have you noticed a camera on the golf course by the Parker Bridge? The Village is working with WPBF Channel 25 News to allow the temporary positioning of a remote "Sky Camera," which extends up 20 feet to capture beautiful views of the golf course, Lake Worth Creek, the bridge house and the Intracoastal Waterway to the east. The WPBF equipment provides cut -away shots for the news anchors to highlight scenic views before going to commercials. The camera unit is moved frequently throughout WPBF's viewing area, so it will be gone when the Country Club re -opens next year. In the meantime, the new grass on the golf course, the drawbridge and the high view east toward Munyon Island are being broadcast across Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast, showcasing some of the Village's best views. 14 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH SCHOOL VISIT/Tax Aide Bringing local government into the future I � Village Hall recently hosted 47 fantastic 6th graders today from the Pre -Law Academy at Independence Middle School in Jupiter. The kids started with a brief introduction from Village Manager Andy Lukasik, who explained the basics of local government, and they asked some great questions about Village business. They also got to visit the library and police and fire departments to learn about those operations as well. Library offers free Rosetta Stone software for 30 languages Did you know you can learn a new language at the Village Library? There are 30 languages and each lesson contains a reading, writing, listening, and speaking portion. Free to NPB Library cardholders. All you need is an Internet connection, computer, tablet, or smartphone. Tax Aide volunteers needed by AARP The AARP is looking for people who can help others with tax returns. Help people and give your mind a workout, too. Get the joy and satisfaction of helping people in your own community with a much- needed service. Your expertise will be appreciated more than you can imagine. Apply to join the AARP Foundation Tax - Aide volunteer team today! Register online at www.aarp.org/taxaide. 30 Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Dari, Dutch, English (American), English (British), Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, ,Japanese, Korean, Latin, Pashto, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese. ST. CLARE CATHOLIC SCHOOL S(CS TOi F"'S CffW sllm restivtL Don't miss this fun and Kciting community event! DECEMBER 2018 1 15 2019 MUNICIPAL ELECTION ELECTION DATE Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Municipal Elections are by group, at -large and non- partisan (no districts, no party affiliation; group number relates to Council seat only. Council members serve Village -wide). Polls are open from 7 a.m. To 7 p.m. Village Council Seats Open to Election Group 2 (currently held by Susan Bickel) Group 4 (currently held by David Norris) Candidates must specify the group number to which he or she is seeking election when filing and qualifying. Candidate Qualifying Period Opens: Wednesday, January 2, 2019 Closes: Thursday, January 10, 2019 A candidate may announce his or her candidacy prior to qualifying; however candidates may not accept contributions or make expenditures until Form DS -DE 9, Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository has been filed with the Village Clerk. After filing Form DS -DE 9 with the Village Clerk, candidates may open their campaign account and begin accepting contributions and making campaign expenditures. In order to be listed on the ballot, candidates must qualify for office by paying the qualifying fees and submitting the required forms to the Village Clerk during the candidate qualifying period. Candidate Qualifying Fees NPB Qualifying Fee $10.00 State Election Assessment 90.00 Total $100.00 Candidate Qualifications Village resident and registered voter For more info, see "Becoming a Candidate" on the Elections page at www.villa e-npb.org VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FECHA: Martes, 12 de marzo de 2019 Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e independientes (sin distrito ni afiliaci6n a un partido; numero de grupo se refiere a la sede del Consejo solamente. Los miembros del consejo sirven en toda la aldea). Los centros de votaci6n abren de 7 a.m. a 7 p.m. Escanos del Consejo de Village Abiertos para Elecci6n Grupo 2 (ocupado actualmente por Susan Bickel) Grupo 4 (ocupado actualmente por David Norris) Periodo de Calificaci6n de Candidatos Abre : miercoles 2 de enero de 2019 Cierra: jueves 10 de enero de 2019 Un candidato puede anunciar su candidatura antes de calificar; sin embargo, los candidatos no pueden aceptar contribuciones o realizar gastos hasta que el Formulario DS -DE 9, Nombramiento del Tesorero de la Campana y Designaci6n del Depositario de la Campana se haya presentado ante el Secretario de la Aldea. Despues de presentar el Formulario DS - DE 9 con el Secretario del Pueblo, los candidatos pueden abrir su cuenta de campana y comenzar a aceptar contribuciones y realizar gastos de campana. Para ser incluidos en la boleta, los candidatos deben calificar para el cargo pagando los aranceles que califican y enviando los formularios requeridos al Secretario de la Aldea durante el periodo de calificaci6n del candidato. Cuotas de calificaci6n de candidatura Cuota de calificaci6n $10.00 Tasa del Estado por Elecci6n 90.00 Total $100.00 Calificaciones para Candidatura Residente de Village y elector inscrito Para mas informaci6n, vea "Becoming a Candidate" (Convirtiendose en Candidato) en la pagina de elecciones en el sitio www.villa e-npb.org VETE 'tijti wf't' Phil Talbert 7 '�, Debbie Hawks V Residential, Luxury & Commercial Real Estate 561.718.5269 Phi I'ralbert@ Keyes, co m NEED TO SELL YOUR HOME? We take Full Service to a new level! The ®CERT aGIFIED Keyes LUWRI cW 1, Company =.__. .......,.'4 -• M ®Kiwanis jqAWE , .,...., ., TRAVEL .I AE ..i .. 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"90,:8 • CSTB h:'eI-:e rr:. h'.+i l: T;, f -•.'.:•r„ µ,;. c -f: 0: - 3 ..r E09 DECEMBER 2018 1 17 11111111 TENNIS/Arts & Crafts Show Open to the Public NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Open to the Public Decemb enn chedul Racquet Stringing groupsPrivate SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Please call to pre -register Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7 Wriday"111111111R Saturday Sunday Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Mixed Workout Mixed 5:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 9 a.m. Round Robin Call to register 9 a.m. Call to register Call to register Cardio Call to register Friday night mixed Call to register Call to register M11111111i rlllllllllllllll,,10 a.m. "M I doubles 6:30 p.m. 1L "a Junioroffered on Mondays • . • •Saturdays TENNIS for BEGINNERSTuesdays• Friday nightmixed doubles • Monday Ei%ednesdayl There's always something HAPPENING! Men's Adv SinglesMixed Workout KPick an activity. Call the club to register. 6:30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. that simple! CALL FOR OR • REGISTER FOROF •PROGRAMMING (561) 691-3425 Several hundred come out to 32nd Annual Arts & Crafts Show ►� �� Neighborhood Dog Walker Susan King x Retired Teacher skinjFL nb@mailcarrt - ` Mobi 18 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH About 750 - 1,000 people came out for the 32nd Annual Village Arts & Crafts Show, which is held the first Saturday of every November. More than 100 vendors participated, which made the day a great experience for everyone. Compare -year �� % APY" Minimum deposit Our CD $7000 Rates 2 -year % APY' Minimum deposit $loon Bank -issued, 3 -year /O APY" Minimum deposit FDIC -insures! • $1000 ' Annual Percentage Yield (Af Y) effective1110212018. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank -issued and FDIC -insured up to 325Q(X)o (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor. per insured depository institution, For each account ownership category. Please visit www.tdic-goy or contact your tinancial advisor for additional intormat ion. Subiect to availability and price rl rerig e- C77 values are subje.cl t<1 inl er est rate risk ut<J1 Thal wt ien inl er esl rates rise, rhe prices of CDs can decrease- If (_Ds are sold pr tor to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance docs not covet Irses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not aItow int.eresl to r.<H np<xIr rd. CDs offer e: tivrnigh Fdward JcIF tes are I%%Ur l by banks and Ihr ift5 nationwide. Ail CDs sold by Edward. Jones are registered with the Depository T rust Corp. (D I Q_ Vittorio Bertuzzelll, CFP° Financial Advisor www-edwardjones-com member SINC 818 US, Highway One Suite 3 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 EdwardJones' 551-776-0846 MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Tax Planning & Preparation Accounting Services IRS Representation ANNE GERAGHTY - NEAL Certified Public Accountant 760 U.S. Highway 1 • Suite 206 Office: (561) 882-0350 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Fax: (561) 882-0226 E-mail: agncpa@aol.com W&W >t 1103lmsesch DF-NTISTRY North Palm Beach Dentistry Your Denfist in North Palm Beach www.npbdentist.com Dr. Paul Perella, DMD 561-290-1636 700 U5 Highway 1, Suite contactus@npbdentist.com North Palm Beach, FL 33408 P&ETERS 14YLAND Patti Kreusler Ceravolo Village Resident & Specialist 561.254.6310 pkcpbg@gmail.com I LLUSTRATED PROPERTIES LOCAL BUSINESS ADS Helper°s 631 N. U.S. Highway One, Suite 100 Nord} Palm Beach, FL 33408 P 561-626-9500 • F 563-842.4163 jtaleff@seniorhelpers.com Jeffrey TalefF Director of Operations License NHHA299993752 James Pavlik, P.A. Realtor, North Palm Specialist 561-818-8325 pavlik.james@icfoud_com Val Tsur-Tsar, DDS 721 US Highway 1 Suite 106 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (561) 855-4703 apdentalarts@gmail.com W W www.apdentalarts.com -I.P. DENTAL DECEMBER 2018 1 19 11 _10-1 I_, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEA The Best Place To Live Under The Sun Village Directory g ry Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Country Club (561) 841-3380 Membership 561 691-3438 www.village-npb.org Golf Shop.................................(561) 691-3433 Village Hall Hours Pool ..........................................(561) 691-3427 Tennis.......................................(561) 691-3425 Mon -Thur, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Community Development ............ (561) 841-3365 Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Code Compliance .........................(561) 841-3365 Finance.........................................(561) 841-3360 Human Resources ........................(561) 882-1155 Facilities Hours Library ..........................................(561) 841-3383 Police and Fire: Driving Range............ Visit www.village-npb.org for days & times. Emergency..............................9-1-1 Golf Shop ...................................................... 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Non -Emergency 561 848-2525 Pool ...................................................... Mon. -Fri. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Public Works ................................(561) 691-3440 Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Recreation ....................................(561) 841-3386 Sun. 12 to 6 p.m. Anchorage Park......................(561) 841-3386 Members only Mon. Fri. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Community Center.................(561) 841-3389 Public use swim Mon.- Fri. 12 to 4 p.m. Osborne Park ..........................(561) 841-3387 Tennis Courts ..................................... Mon. -Thur. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Village Clerk's Office...................(561) 841-3355 Fri. - Sun. 8 a.m. until dark. Village Historian ..........................(561) 841-3371 Tennis Office/Shop ..............................Mon. -Thur. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Village Manager's Office .............(561) 904-2122 Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Village Council ............................(561) 841-3355 Sat. -Sun. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.