Pages Replaced by Supplement #02SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 February 1992 CODE OF ORDINANCES Village of Looseleaf Supplement This Supplement contains all ordinances deemed advisable to be included at this time through: Ordinance No. 34-91, adopted November 14, 1991. See the Code Comparative Table for further information. Remove old pages x1-xv Checklist of up-to-date pages 383,384 563,564 671 673 723 727 891,892 2505, 2506 2883 2937, 2938 2941-2944 2947-2948.1 Insert new pages xi—xv Checklist of up-to-date pages (following Table of Contents) 383--384.1 563, 564 671 673 723 727, 728 891,892 2505-2506.1 2883 2937-2938.1 2941-2944.1 2947-2948.1 Insert and maintain this instruction sheet in front of this publication. File removed pages for reference. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Post Office Pox 2235 1700 Capital Circle, S.W. Tallahassee, FL 32316 (904) 576-3171 1 -800 -262 -CODE ADOPTING ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 23-91 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF OR- DINANCES FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; ESTABLISHING :THE SAME PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CER- TAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN; SAVING FROM REPEAL CERTAIN ORDINANCES RELATING TO CERTAIN SPECIFIC SUBJECTS OF VILLAGE REGULATION; THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE OF ORDINANCES; A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH,` FLORIDA: Section 1. The accompanying Code of Ordinances, consisting of Chapters 1 through 28, each inclusive, is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Code of Ordinances,. Village of North Palm Beach, Florida; and shall be treated and considered as a new and original comprehensive ordinance which shall super- sede. all other general and permanent ordinances passed by the village on or before December ;13,, 1990, , except such as by reference thereto are expressly saved from repeal or continued in force and effect for any purpose. Section 2. All provisions of such Code shall be in full force and effect im- mediately upon passage; all ordinances of a general and permanent nature of the Village of North Palm Beach, .enacted on final passage on or before De- cember 13, 1990, and not in such Code or recognized and continued in force by reference therein are hereby repealed from and after the effective date of this ordinance, ; except as hereinafter provided. Any ordinance of the village, not specifically mentioned, is hereby repealed. Section 3. The repeal provided for in section 2 hereof shall not affect any of the following: (a) Any offerise� �or' aet committed or done or any penalty orforfeiture in- curred or any contract or right established or accruing before the effec- tive date,, of this ordinance; (b) Any ordinance or resolution promising or guaranteeing the payment of money by the village or authorizing the issuance of any, bonds of the village or any evidence of the village's indebtedness, or any contract or obligation assumed by the village; (c) Administrative ordinances or' resolutions of the village council, not in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of such Code; (d). Any right or franchise granted to any person, firm or corporation by any ordinance or resolution; (e) Any ordinance dedicating, naming, establishing, locating, relocating, opening, paving, widening, or vacating any street or public way in the village; (f) Any annual budget or appropriation ordinance or resolution; Supp. No. 1 x.l (g) Any ordinance establishing and prescribing the street grades of any street in the village; (h) Any ordinance levying taxes, not inconsistent with this Code; (i) Any ordinance providing for local improvements and assessing taxes therefor; (j) Any ordinance dedicating or accepting any street, sewer or other right or any plat or subdivision in the village or providing regulations for subdivisions or ordinances in the nature of subdivision regulations; (k) Any ordinance providing for the dedication of lands by the village to any purpose or vacating such lands; (1) Any ordinance regulating the salaries or compensation of village of- ficers and employees; (m) Any ordinance as to land use, adopting zoning maps, zoning regulations or regulations in the nature of zoning regulations, or zoning districts, master street plans and amendments thereto; (n) Any appearance plan; (o) Any provisions of the former Charter (Chapter 31481, Laws of Florida, Extraordinary Session 1956) or other special laws which have been con- verted into ordinances by Article VI, section 1 of, the Charter as revised in 1976 or by Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; and which are not included in such Code; (p) Any ordinance relating to the acquisition of lands by the village . by condemnation proceedings; (q) Any ordinance authorizing any encroachment on any village or public property; (r) Any ordinance or Code or parts thereof adopted by reference by any section of such Code and not included herein; (s) Any ordinance prescribing traffic regulations for specific locations, not inconsistent with the Code; (t) Any ordinance annexing territory or excluding territory or any ordi- nance extending the boundaries of the village; (u) Any ordinance establishing positions, classifying positions or setting salaries of village officers and employees, or any personnel regulations; (v) Any ordinance calling an election; (w) Any administrative ordinance; (x) Any temporary or special ordinance. Such repeal shall not be construed to revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance which is repealed by this ordinance. Section 4. Any and all additions or amendments to such Code shall be passed by ordinance in such form as to indicate the intention of the village council to make the same a part thereof. On the effective date of such ordi- Supp. No. 1 X.11. nance, the provisions thereof shall be deemed to be incorporated in such Code, so that reference to the "Code of Ordinances, Village of North Palm Beach, Florida," shall be understood and intended to include such additions and amend- ments. Section 5. It shall be the express duty of the village clerk or someone au- thorized by him to insert in their designated places all amendments or ordi- nances which indicate the intention of the village council to make the same a part of such Code when the same have been printed or reprinted in page form, and to extract from such Code all provisions which may be, from time to time, repealed by the village council. This copy of such Code shall be available for all persons desiring to examine the same. Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, partner- ship, association or organization to violate, or fail to comply with any provi- sions of the "Code of Ordinances, Village of North Palm Beach, Florida," and where no specific penalty is provided therein, the violation of any provisions of such Code shall be punished as prescribed in section 1-8 of such Code. Section 7. In case of the amendment of any section of such Code for which a penalty is not provided, the general penalty as provided in section 1-8 of such Code shall apply to the section as amended, or in case such amendment con- tains provisions for which a penalty, other than the aforementioned general penalty, is provided in another section in the same chapter, the penalty so provided in such other section shall be held to relate to the section so amended, unless such penalty is specifically repealed therein. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to change or amend by additions or deletions, any part or portion of such Code, or to insert or delete pages or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such Code in any manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the Village of North Palm Beach to be misrepresented thereby. Any person, firm or corporation violating this section shall be punished as provided in section 1-8 of the Code of Ordinances, Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 13 DAY OF JUNE, 1991. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 27 DAY OF JUNE, 1991. /s/ Jerry Gardner MAYOR (Village Seal) ATTEST: /s/ Kathleen F. Kelly VILLAGE CLERK Supp. No. 1 X-111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officials of the Village... ......... .. ....:.:... ...... iii Preface................ ............ ............................. v Adopting Ordinance ........................ ...........:....... vii ReadoptingOrdinance ............. I ... ..................... :....... xJ Checklist of Up -to -Date Pages ......... ...... ..... ........... [1] PART I CHARTER Charter................................................. .. 1 Art. I. Corporate Name .................... ........ , ... .. 3 Art. II. Territorial Boundaries ............. ..... 3 Art. III. Legislative ... ........... .................... 6 Art. IV. Administrative .................................. 11 Art. V. Qualifications and Elections ............... ...... 13 Art. VI. Transition Schedule ..... . .............. 14 Charter Comparative Table:...: ...... ............................ 65 PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES 1. General Provisions ..................... .................... 77 2: Administration ....... ....... ........... : , . ........... 133 Art. I. In General .... ... ... ...... .......... 135 Art. II. Council........ .. , ............... ......... 135 Div. 1. Generally ....... . .......... ......:... 135 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure.............. .. ., ....... 136 Art. III. Administrative Code ............................ 136 Div. 1. Generally ................. ........... ..136 Div. 2. Department of Treasury .........: . ', ...... 138 Div. 3. Department of Finance ........ 139 Div. 4. Department of Records ........... ......... 140 Div. 5. Department of Public Safety ................ ... 141 Div. 6. Department of Public Services .......s .. ....... 141 Div. 7. Department of Library ............. ... ... 142 Div. 8. Department of Country Club ................. 142 Div. 9. Department of Recreation..,.'.... ......... ... 142 Art. IV. Manager ......................: ...... 142 Art. V. Pensions and Retirement Systems ... 2 ............. 143 Div. 1. Generally ................ ....... ........ 143 Div. 2.. Social Security .............................. 143 Supp. No. 1 xi NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Chapter Page Div. 3. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for General Employees .................................. 144 Div. 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees ............................ 150 Div. 5. Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Fire- fighters ..................................... 157 Art. VI. Code Enforcement Board ......................... 158 3. Alcoholic Beverages .......................................... 211 4. Animals and Fowl ............................................ 263 Art. I. In General ....................................... 265 Art. II. Dogs and Cats ................................... 266 Art. III. Rabies Control .................................. 268 5. Boats, Docks and Waterways .................................. 319 Art. I. In General ....................................... 321 Art. II. Boat Launching Area ............................ 323 Art. III. Construction Requirements ...................... 324 Art. VII. Coastal Construction Code ...................... Div. 1. Generally ................................... 324 453 Div. 2. Canals.......................324 455 Art. II. Filling Permit ... ..... ... .................. Div. 3. Bulkheads and Seawalls ...................... 325 507 Div. 4. Docks and Piers..........I................... 326 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances . .................. Div. 5. Erosion Control Structures . ......... ..... 330 Art. IV. Marine Sanctuaries ............................. 330 6. Buildings and Building Regulations ........................... 381 Art. I. In General..........: :........................... 383 Art. II. Minimum Construction Standards ................. 383 Art. III. Appearance Code` ................................. 384 Div. 1. Generally ..................... .. . ... 384 Div. 2. Reserved .................................... 385 Div. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness ................ 385 Art. IV. Reserved ....................:.................. 387 Art. V. Signs and Outdoor Displays ....................... 387 Art. VI. Energy Efficiency Building Code ................. 398 Art. VII. Coastal Construction Code ...................... 398 7. Bulkhead Lines ....................... :. ................. 453 Art. I. In General .................... ...... ....... 455 Art. II. Filling Permit ... ..... ... .................. 455 8. Civil Emergencies ............................................ 507 Art. I. In General ....................................... 509 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances . .................. 509 9. Country Club ................................ .............. 559 Art. I. In General ..... .. . ... ............... 561 Art. II. Administrative Board ............................. 562 Art. III. Finances.. ...................................... 564 10. Elections ................................................... 615 Art. I. In General .............:.......:................. 617 Supp. No. 1 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page Art. II. Reserved ........................................ 619 Art. III. Inspectors and Clerk ............................ 619 Art. IV. Polling Place .................................... 620 Supp. No. 1 Xil.l j j TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page Div. 2. Reserved .................................... 1686 Div. 3. Requirements for Certain Yard Areas, Off -Street Parking and Other Vehicular Use Areas ...... 1686 28. Use of Rights -Of -Way for Utilities ............................ 1739 Appendices A. Appearance Plan ........................................... 2043 B. Subdivisions ............................................... 2353 Art. I. In General ........................................ 2355 Art. II. Procedures for Subdivision Plat Approval .......... 2358 Art. III. Design Standards ................................ 2365 Art. IV. Required Improvements .......................... 2368.1 Art. V. Enforcement Provisions ........................... 2372 Art. VI. Amendments .................................... 2378 Art. VII. Legal Status .................................... 2379 C. Zoning .................................................... 2479 Art. I. In General ........................................ 2481 Art. II. Generally ........................................ 2484 Art. III. District Regulations ............................. 2486 Arts. IV, V. Reserved .................................... 2515 Art. VI. Amendments—Fees; Waiting Periods .............. 2515 Art. VII. Nonconforming Uses of Land and Structures ...... 2516 D. Franchises ................................................. 2619 Statutory Reference Table ........................................ 2819 Code Comparative Table -1970 Code .............................. 2869 Code Comparative Table—Laws of Florida ......................... 2873 Code Comparative Table—Ordinances ............................. 2875 CharterIndex .................................................... 2933 CodeIndex ...................................................... 2935 Supp. No. 1 xv Checklist of Up -to -Date Pages (This checklist will be updated with the printing of each Supplement) From our experience in publishing Looseleaf Supplements on a page -for - page substitution basis, it has become evident that through usage and supple- mentation many pages can be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. In the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been re- printed in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Code, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from the original Code and subsequent Supplements. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title page 1 .. 141, 142 OC 1 143,144 OC V, vi OC 1452 146 O.0 vii, viii OC 1474 148 OC ix OC 1492 150 OC x.i, x.ii 1 151, 152 OC x.iii 1 153, 154 OC xi, xii 1: 1-55,156 1 xii.i 1 157,158 1 xiii, xiv OC 159, 160 1 xv 1 161, 162 1 1 OC 211 OC 314 OC 213, OC 5,6 OC 263 OC 7, 8 OC 265., 266 OC 9, 10 OC 267,268 O.0 11, 12 OC, 269 OC 13,14 OC: 319 OC 65 OC 321,322 0C 77 OC 3232324 OC 79,80 OC 325:2326 OC 81, 82 OC 327,328 OC 133 1 329,330 OC 135,136 OC 331 OC 137,138 - OC 381 OC 139,140 OC 383, 384 OC Supp. No. 1 [1] Wage No. 385, 386 387,388 389, 390 391; 392 393, 394 395, 396 397,398 89%,400. 401, 402 403 453 455,456 507 509 559 561, 562 563,564 615 617,618 619,620 67 i., 673 723 725, 726 727 777 779, 780 781, 782 783, 784 785, 786 787, 788 789 839 889 891,892 899,894 895,896 945 947 997 999, 1000 1051 1053, 1054 1055, 1056 1057, 1058 1059, 1060 1061, 1062 1063, 1064 Supp. No. 1 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. OC 1065, 1066 OC OC 10671 1068 OC OC 1069, 1070 OC OC 1071 OC OC 1121 OC OC 1171 OC OC 1173, 1174 OC OC 1225 OC OC 1227, 1228 OC OC 1229, 1230 OC OC 12311 1232 OC OC 1233, 1234 OC OC 1235, 1236 OC OC 1237, 1238 OC -OC 1239, 1240 OC OC 1289 0C OC 1291, 1292 OC OC 1293 OC OC 1343 OC OC 1345, 1346 OC OC 1347, 1348 OG OC 1349, 1350 OC OC 1351, 1352 OC OC 1353, 1354 OC OC 1355, 1356 OC OC: 1357, 1358 OC 6 1359, 1360 OC OC 1361 OC OC 1411 OC OC 1463 .00 -OC 1465, 1466 OC OC 151-7 OC 4C 1519, 1520 OC OCa 1521, 1522 OC OC' 1523 OC OG , 1573 OC OG 1575, 1576 OC OC 1577 OC OG 1627 OC OC 1629, 1630 OC OC 1681 OC QC- 1683, 1684 OC OC 1685, 1686 OC OC 1687, 1688 OC OC 1.689, 1690 OC OC 1739 OC OC 1741, 1742 OC OC 2043 OC [21: CHECKLIST OF UP-TO-DATE PAGES i Page No. Supp. No. 2045, 2046 OC 2047, 2048 OC 2049, 2050 OC 2051, 2052 OC 2053 OC 2353 OC 2355, 2356 OC 2357, 2358 OC 2359, 2360 OC 2361, 2362 OC 2363, 2364 OC 2365, 2366 OC 2367, 2368 1 2368.1 1 2369, 2370 OC 2371, 2372 OC 2373, 2374 OC 2375, 2376 OC 2377, 2378 OC 2379 OC 2479 OC 2481, 2482 OC 2483, 2484 OC 2485, 2486 1 2487, 2488 OC 2489, 2490 OC 2491, 2492 OC 2493, 2494 OC 2495, 2496 OC 2497, 2498 OC 2499, 2500 OC 2501, 2502 OC 2503$2504 OC 2505, 2506 OC 2507, 2508 1 2509, 2510 1 2510.1 1 2511, 2512 OC 2513, 2514 OC 2515, 2516 OC 2517, 2518 OC 2619 OC 2819 OC 2869, 2870 OC 2871 OC 2873 OC 2875, 2876 OC 2877, 2878 OC Supp. No. 1 [31 Page No. Supp. No. 2879, 2880 OC 2881, 2882 OC 2883 1 2933, 2934 OC 2935, 2936 OC 2937, 2938 OC 2939, 2940 OC 2941, 2942 1 2942.1 1 2943p2944 OC 2945, 2946 1 2947, 2948 1 2948.1 1 2949, 2950 OC 2951, 2952 OC 2953, 2954 OC 2965, 2966 OC �_ k j BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 6-19 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 6.1. Construction on public land prohib- ited. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain, or to permit the erection or mainte- nance of any structure of any kind, including a wall upon, across, over or under any portion of any publicly dedicated utility or drainage ease- ment area in the village. (Code 1970, § 6-1) Sec.. 6.2. Accessibility to buildings by handi- capped persons; state law adopted.. Pursuant to F.S.. section. 553.:.7.3(2').,. F.&. part V of chapter 553, relating to, accessibility, to� build- ings. by handicapped persons,. is Hereby adopted by reference. Sec. 6.3. Fire district. All property within the village shall be included within the fire district. (Code 1970, § 16-23; Ord. No. 12-72, § 1) Sec. 6.4. Reserved. Editor's note -Pursuant to advice of the city, and at the editor's discretion, Ord. No. 2-83, adopted Feb. 10, 1983, cod- ified as Ch. 12.5 of this Code, has been treated as superseding former § 6-4 relative to duties of the building official con- cerning flood management building requirements. Such sec- tion derived from Ord. No. 7-77, § 1, adopted April 28, 1977 and Ord. No. 19-78, § 1, adopted July 27, 1978. Secs. 6.5-6.15. Reserved. ARTICLE II. MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Sec. 6.16. Authority. . This. article is promulgated in accordance with F.S. chapter 166, and chapter 74-565, Laws of Florida, as amended. (Ord. No. 4-90, § 1, 3-8-90) Editor's note -The provisions of H 6-16 and 6-17 were deleted as being superseded by the provisions of §§ 1, 2 of Ord. No. 4-90, adopted Mar. 8, 1990, included herein as new §§ 6-16 and 6-17. The deleted provisions pertained to the adoption of the Standard Building Code, 1985 edition and the county amendments, and derived from Code 1970, §§ 6-11 and 6-12, 383 and the following ordinances: Ord. No. Date Section 7-72 2 16-72 1 10-75 7-10-75 1,2 9-78 5-25-78 1,2 3-80 2-14-80 1 25-80 10- 9-80 1, 2 17-82 9-23-82 1 11-8.3, 8-25,83 1, 2 16-86" 11-13-86 11.2 Sec. 6.17: Codes. adopted.. The Standard, Building, Gas, Mechanical and Plumbing -Codes, 1988 editions, attached to Ordi- nance No. 4-90, including Appendix B', C, E, F, I and R of the StandardBuilding Code, the county- wide amendments,. and Appendix 3 of the amend- ments to the Standard Building Code, all of which have been reviewed by the building code advisory board of the county, are hereby adopted and in- corporated herein, as part of the minimum con- struction standards for the village. (Ord. No. 4-90, § 2, 3-8-90) Note -See the editor's note following § 6-16. Cross references -Electrical code adopted, § 11-11; fire prevention code adopted, § 12-16; housing code adopted, § 15-1. Sec. 6.18. Reserved. Editor's note -Section 1 of Ord. No. 10-89, adopted April 27, 1989, repealed former § 6-18, which pertained to the ex- emption of building permit applicants from the county fair share ordinance, and derived from Ord. No. 15-79, § 1, adopted June 28, 1979. Sec. 6.19. Violations; penalty. Any person, firm or corporation who shall vio- late a provision of this article, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this ar- ticle is committed or continued and, upon convic- tion of any such violation, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding six § 6-19 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (6) months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. (Ord. No. 25-80, § 3, 10-9-80; Ord. No. 12-83, § 3, 8-25-83) Editor's note -Ordinance No. 25-80, § 3, adopted Oct. 9, 1980, was nonamendatory of the Code; hence, its inclusion as § 6-19 was at the editor's discretion. Secs. 6.20-6.29. Reserved. ARTICLE III. APPEARANCE CODE* DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 6.30. Short title. This article, including any regulation hereafter adopted, shall hereafter be known, cited and re- ferred to as the "Appearance Code." (Code 1970, § 6-21) Sec. 6.31. Definition. The term "external architectural feature" is de- fined to mean the architectural style and general arrangement of such portion of a building or struc- ture as is designed to be open to view from a public street, place or way, or from adjoining premises. (Code 1970, § 6-39; Ord. No. 4-71, § 1; Ord. No. 2-72, § 1) Cross reference -Rules of construction and definitions gen- erally, § 1-2. Sec. 6.32. Intent and purposes. This appearance code is adopted for the fol- lowing purposes: (1) To promote the public health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the citizens of the village. (2) To enhance the values of property throughout the village. *Editor's note -Ordinance No. 6-77, § 5, enacted April 28, 1977, adopted §§ 6-30-6-36, 6-56-6-60, concerning the ap- pearance code, as part of the comprehensive plan for the vil- lage. Ord. No. 4-79, adopted March 8, 1979, removed the ap- pearance code from the comprehensive plan. Cross references -Planning and development, Ch. 21; ap- pearance plan, App. A. 384 (3) To protect and to stabilize the general ap- pearance of buildings, structures, land- scaping and open areas, in the multiple dwelling, commercial and public zoning dis- tricts of the village. (4) To insure adequate light, air and privacy for property in the multiple dwelling, com- mercial and public zoning districts of the village. (5) To encourage and promote acceptability, at- tractiveness, cohesiveness and compatibility of new buildings, developments, remodeling and additions so as to maintain and im- prove the established standards of property values within the multiple -dwelling, com- mercial and public zoning districts of the village. (Code 1970, § 6-22) Sec. 6.33. Appearance plan. The village hereby adopts by reference thereto the appearance plan attached as exhibit A to Or- dinance No. 3-72 of the village. The appearance plan is set forth at length in Appendix A of this Code. (Code 1970, § 6-40; Ord. No. 3-72, § 1) Sec. 6.34. Reserved. Editor's note -Ordinance No. 4-79, § 1, adopted March 8, 1979, amended Ord. No. 6-77, § 5, enacted April 28, 1977, to repeal §§ 6-29-6-32 of the 1970 Code, of which §§ 6-30, 6-32 were codified as § 6-34 of this Code. Former § 6-34 pertained to amendments of the appearance plan. Sec. 6.35. Appeals and review. The applicant or any interested party may file an appeal to the village council on any ruling by the planning commission made pursuant to this article. An appeal shall be on forms provided by the village. The appeal shall be filed or made within ten (10) days after decision of the planning commission. Appeals shall set forth the alleged inconsistency or nonconformity with procedures or criteria set forth in this article or standards set forth in or pursuant to this article. The village council shall decide an appeal within thirty (30) days of the filing of such appeal unless an exten- sion of time is consented to by the applicant, and Chapter 12 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION* Art. I. In General, §§ 12-1-12.15 Art. II. Fire Prevention Code, §§ 12-16-12-28 Art. III. Fire Division, §§ 12-29-12-62 Div. 1. Generally, §§ 12-29-12-38 Div. 2. Personnel, §§ 12-39-12-50 Div. 3. Equipment, §§ 12-51-12-62 Div. 4. Reserved *Editor's note—On Aug. 27, 1968 the village entered into a mutual firefighting aid or protection pact with other municipalities and fire control districts located in Palm Beach County. (See Resolution No. 363-68). Cross references—Pension and other benefits for fire employees, § 2-159 et seq.; enforcement of Ch. 12 by code enforcement officer, § 2-171 et seq.; buildings and building regulations, Ch. 6; electricity, Ch. 11; housing, Ch. 15. 723 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION § 12-62 Sec. 12.53. Fire alarm system. Suitable arrangement or equipment shall be pro- vided for citizens to turn in an alarm, and for notifying all members of the division so that they may promptly respond. (Code 1970, § 15-33) Sec. 12.54. Housing. All equipment of the division created by this article shall be safely and conveniently housed in such places as may be provided by the village. (Code 1970, § 15-34) Sec. 12.55. Private use of equipment. No person shall use any fire apparatus or equip- ment for any private purpose, nor shall any person willfully and without proper authority take away or conceal any article used in any way by the division. (Code 1970, § 15-39) Sec. 12.56. Tampering with equipment. No person shall enter any place where fire ap- paratus is housed or handle any apparatus or equipment belonging to the division unless accom- panied by, or having the special permission of, an officer or authorized member of the division. (Code 1970, § 15-40) Secs. 12.57-12-62. Reserved. DIVISION 4. RESERVED* *Editor's note—At the discretion of the editor, Ord. No. 9-82, §§ 1-11, adopted June 10, 1982, codified as Ch. 2, Art. V, Div. 4, § 2-159 et seq. of this Code, has been treated as super- seding provisions formerly codified as H 12-63-12-70, rela- tive to the firemen's relief and pension fund. The deleted sec- tions derived from Code 1970, §§ 26-36-26-43. 727 [The next page is 7771 i HEALTH AND SANITATION § 14-28 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Secs. 14.1-14.15. Reserved. ARTICLE II. GARBAGE, TRASH AND REFUSE* DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Secs. 14-16-14-22. Reserved. DIVISION 2. GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Sec. 14.23. Definition. As used in this division, "commercial garbage" shall mean every refuse accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter that attends the prepa- ration, use, cooking and dealing in, or storage of meats, fish, fowl, fruits or vegetables, and any other matter of any nature whatsoever which is subject to decay and the generation of noxious or offensive gases or odors, or which, during or after decay, may serve as breeding or feeding material for flies or other germ -carrying insects. (Code 1970, § 18-1) Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions gen- erally, § 1-2. Sec. 14.24. Garbage cans—Required. Garbage containers at each commercial estab- lishment within the village and at each multi- family dwelling which contains three (3) or more units shall provide dumpster-type garbage con- tainers which can be collected by village garbage vehicles using the dumpster collection method.. (Code 1970, § 18-23; Ord. No. 6-75, § 1, 6-12-75) Sec. 14.25. Same—To be kept covered. All commercial garbage cans shall be kept tightly covered at all times, except when neces- sary to lift the covers for the purpose of depositing garbage in the garbage can or for the purpose of emptying such garbage into a garbage truck. (Code 1970, § 18-24) *Cross reference—Refuse disposal divisions, § 2-85(e). 891 Sec. 14-26. Frequency of collection. Commercial garbage shall be collected at least three (3) times a week, and with greater frequency and in such manner as shall be directed by the village manager. (Code 1970, § 18-41) Sec. 14.27. Charges—Generally. All property within the village which is im- proved by a structure for which a certificate of occupancy is issued after February first of any year and for which garbage and trash collections are made by the village shall pay the following fees for collection and disposal of garbage and trash during the remainder of that calendar year in which the certificate of occupancy is issued: (1) One- and two-family homes, four dollars and twenty-three cents ($4.23) per dwelling unit per month, or fraction thereof. (2) Dwellings of three (3) units or more, four dollars and twenty-three. cents ($4.23) per unit per month, or fraction thereof. Where a dwelling of three (3) or more units is a condominium and the condominium associ- ation or the developer of the condominium notifies the director of public services, gar- bage and trash fees shall be billed to the individual owners of condominium units. (3) For commercial establishments, four dol- lars and twenty-three cents ($4.23) per month, or fraction thereof. (Code 1970, § 18-49; Ord. No. 2-74, § 1) Sec. 14-28. Same—Fee for excess amounts from commercial establishments. In the event any commercial establishment has more than two (2) cubic yards of garbage at any one (1) pickup, the occupant thereof shall pay one dollar ($1.00) per cubic yard for all garbage .col- lected in excess of two (2) cubic yards. In the event any' -commercial establishment has more than six (6) cubic yards of garbage picked up during any one (1) week, the occupant thereof shall pay one dollar ($1.00) per cubic yard for all garbage col- lected in excess of six (6) cubic yards per week. (Code 1970, § 18-48) § 14-29 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Sec. 14.29. Same—When and where paid. All payments required by this division shall be made to the village by the fifteenth of the month for which service is rendered. All delinquent ac- counts are subject to stoppage of service without notice. If a delinquent account is not paid within thirty (30) days, the director of public services shall cease all refuse collection for that account unless otherwise directed by the village manager. Ser- vice shall be resumed thereafter only upon pay- ment of the accumulated fees for the period of collection and the period of noncollection unless the village manager specifically directs other- wise. The stoppage of service herein authorized for nonpayment of collection charges shall be in addition 'to the right of the village to proceed for the collection of such unpaid charges in a manner provided by law. (Code 1970, § 18-53; Ord. No. 2-74, § 2) Sec. 14.30. Commercial use property waste disposal fees and collection pro- cedures. (a) For purposes of this section, commercial use property shall include all property parcels in the village upon which a building exists with the ex- ception of residential use property, village -owned property and other property used for governmental purposes. (b) Monthly disposal fees for garbage and trash collected by the village department of public ser- vices shall be charged as herein provided, except as otherwise stated. 0 to 3 30 -gallon cans, per month . $ 26.00 4 to 6 30 -gallon cans, per month . 52.00 7 and more 30 -gallon cans, per month ...................... 117.00 2 -yard dumpster each, per month. 117.00 Minimum monthly charge, per month ...................... 26.00 (c) Waste disposal fees shall be due and pay- able to the village yearly in advance on October. 1 of each year regardless of occupancy or use of the property charged. The fees shall be billed to the property owner of record as shown on the county 892 tax rolls. Failure to pay the fees when due may result in the discontinuance of the waste removal service and/or the placing of a lien by the village council in the amount of the fees due against the property to which service is available. (d) The collection of garbage and trash by a pri- vate person, firm, or, corporation hired for such purpose is prohibited except where dumpsters of greater than two -cubic -yard capacity are used.. (Ord. No. 37-90, § 1, 10-25-90) Secs. 14.31-14.36. Reserved. DIVISION 3. ABANDONED, INOPERATIVE AND JUNKED PROPERTY* Sec. 14.37. Definitions. ` As used in this division, the following terms shall have the indicated meanings: Motor vehicle includes all vehicles as defined in F.S. section 320.01(1), or as elsewhere defined in the Florida Statutes, and shall include, in addi- tion, any vehicle which is self. -propelled and de- signed to travel along the ground or water and shall include, but not be limited to, automobiles, buses, motor scooters, motor bicycles, motorcy- cles, trucks, tractors, go-carts, golf carts, campers, trailers and motorboats. Private property means any real property within the village which is privately owned and which is not public property as defined in this section. Public property means any street or highway which shall include the entire. width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained for the purposes of vehicular travel, and shall also mean any other publicly owned property or fa- cility. (Code 1970, § 23-16; Ord. No. 7-73) Cross reference—Rules of construction and defmitions gen- erally, § 1-2. Sec. 14.38. Prohibited conditions; enumer- ated exceptions. No :.person shall park, store, leave or allow or permit the storage, leaving or allowing of any abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, inoperative, *Cross reference—Motor vehicles and traffic, Ch.. 1.8. rte_ APPENDIX C -ZONING § 45-35.1 which will accommodate the proposed fares and to street and road intersec- use and design. tions; and, the general character and 11. In the event any building or structure intensity of the existing and potential built under this section is destroyed or development of the neighborhood. In removed by or for any cause, said addition, where appropriate, the com- building or structure, if replaced, shall mission shall determine that noise, vi- be replaced with a building or struc- bration, odor, light, glare, heat, elec- ture of similar size and type not ex- tromagnetic or radioactive radiation, or ceeding the dimensions of the original other external effects, from any source building or structure. The developer whatsoever which is connected with the shall include the appropriate deed re- proposed use, will not have a detri- strictions and/or covenants so as to re- mental effect upon neighboring prop - quire replacement as outlined above. erty or the neighboring area in gen- eral. III. Referral to planning commission. The vil- 3. The location and height of buildings, lage council shall refer each application for a the location, nature and height of walls planned unit development to the planning com- and fences, and the nature and extent mission for study and recommendation. of landscaping of the site shall be such IV. Action of planning committee [commission.] that they will not hinder or discourage the proper development and use of ad - A. After a study of an application for a planned jacent land and buildings nor impair unit development and the required public the value thereof. hearing, the planning commission shall 4. The standards of density and required make a recommendation to the village open space in the proposed project are council to approve, approve as modified, or at least equal to those required by this reject the application based upon the fol- ordinance in the zoning district in lowing standards: which the proposed project is to be lo- t. The proposed use or uses shall be of cated. 5. There shall be no uses within the pro- such location, size and character as to be in harmony with the appropriate and posed project which are not permitted orderly development of the zoning dis- uses in the zoning district in which the trict in which situated and shall not be proposed project is to be located. detrimental to the orderly development Exception: A mixed use occupancy may be of adjacent zoning districts. allowed if the existing zoning district usage 2. The location and size of the proposed is commercial. The mixed usage occupancy use or uses, the nature and intensity of shall only be residential and mercantile or the principal use and all accessory uses, residential and business. the site layout and its relation to streets B. The commission may recommend such giving access to it, shall be such that changes or modifications in the proposed traffic to and from the use or uses, and plan as are needed to achieve conformity to the assembly of persons in connection the standards as herein specified. The rea- therewith, will not be hazardous or in- sons for the changes or modifications shall convenient to the neighborhood nor con- be included in the recommendation. flict with the normal traffic of the neighborhood. In applying this stan- C. The commission shall not recommend the dard, the commission shall consider, project unless it finds that all of the stan- among other things: convenient routes dards as herein specified have been met. If for pedestrian traffic, particularly of there are minor modifications to the provi- children; the relationship of the pro- sions of this chapter, the commission may posed project to main traffic thorough- recommend its approval at the same time. 2505 § 45-35.1 NORTH PALM BEACH'CODE It shall also, where it deems appropriate and necessary, recommend to the village council those conditions to be imposed upon the project, its operation, or both, that are needed to assure adherence to the aforesaid standards. V. Action of village council. The village council, upon the receipt from the planning commission of the report on the planned unit development and the minor modifications to the provisions of this chapter may, after the required public hearing, approve or reject such project and modifications, incorporating with an approval such conditions as the council deems appropriate. The approval shall be by ordinance. VI. Effect of approval of village council. The ap- proval of the application by the village council shall allow the building official to issue a building permit in conformity with the application as ap- proved. This permit shall specify with particu- larity the exact modifications to the provisions of this chapter which have been approved. The holder of this permit may then proceed with his project in conformity with said permit. No deviations from the conditions of the permit shall be allowed ex- cept those which shall be in conformity with the basic provisions of this ordinance as they apply to the zoning district in which the project is located. (Ord. No. 23-79, § 1, 10-25-79; Ord. No. 16-87, § 1, 10-22-87) Sec. 45.35.2. C -OS conservation and open . space district. A. Intent. The intent of this section is to pro- vide for land uses and activities within land areas designated for the primary purpose of conserving or protecting natural resources of environmental quality. B. Uses permitted. Within any part of the C -OS conservation and open space district,. no building, structure, land or water shall be used, except for one or more of the following uses: 1. Passive recreation. 2. Flood control. 3. Protection of quality or quantity of ground water or surface water. '2506 4. Floodplain management. 5. Fisheries management. 6. Protection of vegetatives community or wild- life habitats. 7. Residential and administrative buildings for the protection of the C -OS district. C. Coastal zone protection. The Village of North Palm Beach adopts, by reference, the Palm Beach County Coastal Protection Ordinance No. 90-2 in its entirety. (Ord. No. 20-90, § 2, 6-28-90; Ord. No. 25-90, § 1, 6-28-90) Sec. 45.36. General provisions. The provisions of this article shall be subject to the following provisions and exceptions: A. Chimneys, water tanks, radio or television towers, church spires, elevator lofts, flag- poles and parapet walls may be erected above the height limits herein established. A-1. No addition to any building and no struc- ture or object shall be erected, placed or maintained or built to a height which ex- ceeds four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet where any portion of said building or of the prop- erty upon which it is located is within five hundred feet of any R-1, single-family dwelling district. B. Swimming pools shall be set back at least seven and one-half (71/2) feet from the back property line measured from the rim of the pool and not less than five (5) feet from the side property line including the two -and - one -half -foot walk around the pool. The highest projection of the swimming pool shall not exceed two (2) feet. Outdoor fire- places not exceeding six (6) feet in height may be erected and maintained, said struc- ture, however, shall not be erected within five (5) feet of any rear lot line. (a) Swimming pools may be enclosed by screening provided same are not erected closer than five (5) feet from the side and rear yard lines. Supp. No. 1 2883 [The next page is 29331 CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE—ORDINANCES Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 40-90 12-13-90 1 18-38 3-91 1-24-91 1 App. B, § 36-23 4-91 2-28-91 1 2-177(a) 6-91 3-14-91 1 Rpld App. C, § 45-20 7-91 3-14-91 1 App. C, § 45-36 16-91 4-11-91 1-12 2-170-2-170.11 17-91 4-25-91 1 2-174(a) 23-91 6-27-91 1 Readopting Ordi- nance, P. ix Supp. No. 1 2883 [The next page is 29331 2937 CODE INDEX BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS— Section BUILDINGS Section Cont'd. Appearance code Generally ........................... 5-82 Appeals and review.............. ...... 6-35 Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean, regu- Appearance plan ...................... 6-33 lations governing construction in. 5-85 Certificate of appropriateness Minimum design requirements ....... 5-83 Final hearings ...................... 6-57 Variances ........................... 5-86 Follow-up by building inspector ...... 6-60 Erosion control structures Planning commission Construction .......................... 5-95 Action. of , ............................ 6-58 Control......... ....................... 5-96, Approval' by............... ........ 6-59 Definitions .......................... 5-93' Preliminary consideration........ 6-56 Permitted, when ..................... 5-94 Definition............................. 6-31 Piers. See within this subheading: Docks Intent and purposes ................... 6-32 and Piers, Planning commission, powers and duties Seawalls. See within this subheadings Bulkheads and Seawalls Short title ............................ 6-30 Definitions .............................. 5-1 Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that sub - Disturbing other boats ................... 5-6 ject Exhibition boats exempted from certain re- Coastal construction code ................ 6-151 et seq. strictions ........................... 5-4 See: COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CODE Flood damage prevention provisions ...... 12.5-1 et seq. Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Codes Health and sanitation requirements Adopted .............................. 6-17 Cleanliness of docks ................... 5-11 Appearance code. See herein that subject Observance of village health and conduct Coastal construction code .............. 6-151 et seq. rules ............................. 5-10 Electrical code ........................ 11-11, 11-12 Pollution of waterways ................ 5-13 Energy efficiency building code......... -6-150 Refuse disposal ........................ 5-12 Fire prevention code... .......... 12-16, 12-17 Living aboard boats restricted............ 5-15 Housing code .......................... 15-1, 16-2 Marine sanctuaries Country club ................ I ........... 9-1 et seq. Designation of waters as marine sanctu- See: COUNTRY CLUB aries Area to be regulated ................. 5-101(c) Electrical code .......................... 11-11, 11-12 Areas designated .................... 5-101(b) Energy efficiency building code Construction of provision ............ 5-101(d) Adopted by reference .................. 6-150 Definition ........................... 5-101(a) Fire district.......... ...... ......... 6-3 Parking Flood damage prevention ................ 12.5-1 et seq. Boating equipment; parking on residen- See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION tial property restricted ............. 18-35 Handicapped persons Private docks, mooring without permission 5-9 Accessibility to buildings; state law Running engines, hours in residential dis- adopted ........................... Housing code............................ 6-2 15-1,15-2 tricts ................... ....... 5-14 Landscaping ............................ 27-31 et seq. Searchlights, use of ...................... 5-7 See: LANDSCAPING Speed limits; wakes ..................... 5.2 Minimum construction standards Subdivision provisions re waterways ...... 36-22 et seq. Authority ............................. 6-16 See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Codes adopted .............. .......... 6-17 Swimming in restricted waters ........... 5-3 Violations and penalty....... ........ 6-19 Water skiing ........................... 5-5 Missiles, throwing......... .. ...... 19-83 BOISTEROUS CONDUCT Noise from building ..................... 19-102 Noisy and boisterous .................... 19-106 Obstructing passageway ................. 19.47 BONDS Outdoor displays. See herein: Signs and Out - Administrative code; bonds required of cer- door Displays Park and recreation facilities; erecting build - tain officers ...................:..... 2-42 ings or structures ................... 20-3 Canal construction; surety bond prerequi- Public land, construction on prohibited..,.. 6-1 site to issuance of building permit .... 5-61 Public services department; division of per - Finance director, duties re ............... 2-59(7) mits and inspections ................. 2-85(1) Treasure's duties re proceeds of bonds .... 2-51(5) Signs and outdoors displays .............. 6-111 et seq. Village manager ........................ 2-117 See: SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS BRUSH. See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc........... 19-9 2937 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE BUILDINGS—Cont'd. Section BUSINESS REGULATIONS—Cont'd. Section Spitting in public places prohibited ....... 19-5 Garage and other sales .................. 17-61 et seq. Stormwater management; level of finished See: GARAGE AND OTHER SALES floor of structures ................... 21-63 Occupational licenses .................... 17-16 et seq. Subdivision regulations .................. 36-1 et seq. See: LICENSES AND PERMIT See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Wellfield protection Swimming pools ......................... 25.1 et seq. Regulation of business activities with po- See: SWIMMING POOLS tential to contaminate land and water Zoning regulations ...................... 45-1 et seq. resources ......................... 19-221 See: ZONING (Appendix C) C BULKHEAD LINES Code enforcement board, applicability re .. 2-173 CAMPING Established; designated .................. 7-1 Recreational, boating and camping equip. Filling operation beyond bulkhead line pro- ment; parking on residential property hibited ............................. 7-2 restricted........................... 18-35 Filling permit Application fees ....................... 7-19 CANALS Application; issuance .................. 7-18 Construction requirements ............... 5-56 et seq. Expiration date; renewal; revocation.... 7-20 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER - Public hearing prerequisite to consider- WAYS ation ............................. 7-17 CATS Required .............................. 7-16 Regulations enumerated ................. 4-24 et seq. Unlawful fill; removal ................... 7-3 See: ANIMALS AND FOWL BULKHEADS CERTIFICATES Bulkheads and seawalls, construction re- Appearance code; certificate of appropriate- quirements re ....................... 5-69 et seq. ness................................ 6-56 et seq. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- See: BUILDINGS WAYS Businesses located outside village limits, certificate of business regulations re.. 17-34 et seq. BUSINESS REGULATIONS See: BUSINESS REGULATIONS Ambulances ............................. 17-50, 17-51 Historic site overlay district; certificate of Businesses located outside village limits appropriateness ..................... 45-37(H) Application for certificate of regulation . 17-34.2 Certificate of business regulation re- CIVIL DISORDERS AND DISTURBANCES quired; basis of one year ........... 17-34 Mayor designated local authority for pres- Commercial vehicles, marking of ....... 17-34.13 ervation of public peace .............. 8-16 Compliance by principal deemed compli- ance by agent ..................... 17-34.8 CLERK Delinquency penalty ................... 17-34.4 Department of records, provisions re village Doing business not covered by certificate- clerk and deputy village clerk........ 2-67 et seq. of regulation ...................... 17.34-7 See: DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC Duplicate certificates of regulation ..... 17-34.6 RECORDS Duration .............................. 17-34.3 CLUBS False statements Country club ............................ 9-1 et seq. Certificate obtained void ab initio .... 17-34.7 See: COUNTRY CLUB Engaging in business without certifi- cate of regulation or under certifi- COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CODE cate issued on ................... 17-34.11 Coastal construction requirements Fee exemptions ....................... 17-34.10 Location of construction................ 6-155(4) Fee schedule .......................... 17-34.12 Major structures, structural requirements Half-year certificate ................... 17-34.3 for ............................... 6-155(1) Issuance of certificate .................. 17-34.3 Minor structures, structural requirements Noncompliance of principal ............ 17-34.8 for ............................... 6-155(3) Nonprofit enterprise, special permit for . 17-34.5 Nonhabitable major structures, structural Refund of fee .......................... 17-34.9 requirements for .................. 6-155(2) Registration required .................. 17-34.1 Public access.......................... 6-155(5) Renewal .............................. 17-34.4 Definitions.............................. 6-154 Suspension or revocation of certificate .. 17-34.9 Flood damage prevention ................ 12.5-1 et seq. When due and payable ................. 17-34.3 See: FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION 2938 Supp. No. 1 2941 CODE INDEX 1 ELECTRICITY Section FINANCES—Cont'd. Section Swimming pools; electrical equipment .... 25-8 Budget duties ....................... 2-59(4) ELECTRONIC AUDIO EQUIPMENT Certify contracts .................... 2-59(3) Noise control 19-104 Custodian of bonds, contracts, etc..... 2-59(7) ............................ Financial statements ................ 2-59(5) EMERGENCIES Keep accounts ....................... 2-59(6) Ambulances ............................. 17-50,17-51 Prescribe form ...................... 2-59(2) Civil disorders and disturbances Pensions and retirement. See also that sub - Mayor designated local authority for pres- ject ervation of public peace............ 8-16 Pension and certain other benefits for fire Fire division ............................ 12-29 et seq. and police employees .............. 2-159 et seq. See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTEC- Pension and certain other benefits for gen- TION eral employees .................... 2-146 et seq. Water shortage emergencies ............. 19-200 et seq. Length of service award plan for volun- See: WATER SHORTAGE EMERGEN- teer firefighters ................... 2-170 et seq. CIES Planning and development; filing fees and cost for changes ..................... 21-1,21-2 EMPLOYEES. See: OFFICERS AND EM- Social security .......................... 2-136 et seq. PLOYEES See: SOCIAL SECURITY ENCLOSURES. See: FENCES, WALLS, Taxation. See that subject HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES Treasury, department of ................. 2-51 See: TREASURY DEPARTMENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY BUILDING CODE Adopted by reference .................... 6-150 FINES, FORFEITURES AND OTHER PEN- ALTIES ENGINE EXHAUST Code enforcement board; fines and liens... 2-178 Noise control policy ...................... 19-108 Code of ordinances, provisions re general EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES penalty and continuing violations .... 1-8 Construction regulations ................. 5-93 et seq. Parking violation........................ 18-37,18-38 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- WAYS FIRE DISTRICT Property within village designated ....... 6-3 EXCAVATIONS Bulkhead lines .......................... 7-1 et seq. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION See: BULKHEAD LINES Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Stormwater management ................ 21-61 et seq. Department of public safety, provisions re See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT fire division ............... 2-76(c) Street excavations ....................... 24-16 et seq.. Fire division See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND Composition .......................... 12-30 PUBLIC PLACES Created; functions ..................... 12-29 EXCRETA Emergency medical technician volunteers 12-32 Dog waste, removal provisions re ......... 4-31,4-32 Equipment Acquisition ......................... 12-52 F Fire alarm system .: 12-53 Generally ........................... 12-51 FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLO- Housing ............................ 12-54 SURES Private use of equipment ............ 12-55 Landscaping ............................ 27-31 et seq. Tampering with equipment .......... 12-56 See: LANDSCAPING Impersonating fireman ................ 19-8 Swimming pool requirements ............ 25-37, 25-38 Motor equipment and members' cars des- ignated emergency vehicles ........ 12-31 FINANCES Personnel Budgetprocedures ....................... 2-2 Badges ............................. 12-41 Country club, provisions re ............... 9-21(c), 9-32 Car insignia ........................ 12-42 Court cost Other officers accountable to chief .... 12-39 Assessment of additional court cost for law Police assistance .................... 12-43 enforcement education expenditures 1-9 Special police powers ................. 12-40 Department of finance Volunteer firefighters, length of service Finance director; duties award plan for .................... 2-170 et seq. Audit accounts ...................... 2-59(1) See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Supp. No. 1 2941 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION— Section FOWL. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Section Cont'd. Fire prevention code FRANCHISES Adopted by reference .................. 12-16 Enumerated. See Appendix D Amendments .......................... 12-17 Use of rights-of-way for utilities .......... 28-1 et seq. Pension and certain other benefits for fire See: UTILITIES and police employees ................ 2-159 et seq. See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT G FIREARMS AND WEAPONS Concealed weapons, carrying ............. 19-184 GAMBLING Forfeiture; disposition ................... 19-186 Animals, causing to fight ................ 4-8 Possession .............................. 19-183 Sales restricted GARAGE AND OTHER SALES Record of sales required ................ 19-185(c) Garage sales.. ..... ...... .......... 17-61 Specified weapons, display and sale of .. 19-185(b) Permit required ........................... 17-62 Switchblade knives prohibited.......... 19-185(a) Violations and penalties ................. 17-63 Stench .bombs prohibited ................. 19-82 See: STENCH BOMBS GARBAGE AND TRASH Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop - FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION erty Abrogation and greater restrictions....... 12.5-8 Definitions .................. . 14-37 Areas of special flood hazard Disposition of property ................. 14-48 Basis for establishment ................ 12.5-7 Hearing Warnings regarding designations....... 12.5-10 Procedure for hearing ................ 14-45 Building official Request for hearing ................. 14-44 Designated as flood damage control ad- Impounded property, redemption of ..... 14-51 ministrator . 12.5-21 Liability of owner or occupant .......... 14-52 Duties and responsibilities ............. 12.5-23 Notices Definitions .............................. 12.5-5 Content of notice ................... ' 14-42 Development permit Contents of public sale notice ........ 14-49 Required .............................. 12.5-22 Notice of removal ................... 14-47 Findings of fact ......................... 12.5-2 Notice to remove .................... 14-40 Flood hazard reduction provisions Procedure ........................... 14-41 Coastal high hazard areas ............. 12.5-44 Prima facie evidence of violation ....... 14-39 General standards Prohibited conditions; enumerated excep- Anchoring :................... ...... 12.5-41(1) tions .............................. 14-38 Construction materials and methods.. 12.5-41(2) Public sale ............................ 14-50 Enclosures below lowest floor ........ 12.5-41(6) Removal of property from premises ..... 14-46 Mechanical and utility equipment .... 12.5-41(5) Responsibility for removal ............. 14-43 Subdivision proposals ................ 12.5-41(4) Boats; refuse disposal.................... 5-12 Utilities ............................ 12.5-41(3) Garbage collection and disposal Regulatory floodways .................. 12.5-43 Charges Sand dunes and mangrove stands....... 12.5-45 Commercial use property waste disposal Specific standards fees and collection procedures .... 14-30 Nonresidential construction .......... 12.5-42(2) Fee for excess amounts from commer- Residential construction ............. 12.5-42(1) cial establishments .............. 14-28 Interpretation ........................... 12.5-9 Generally........................... 14-27 Lands to which provisions applies ........ 12.5-6 When and where paid ............... 14-29 Methods of reducing flood losses .......... 12.5-4 Definition ............................. 14-23 Noncompliance, penalties for ............. 12.5-11 Frequency of collection ................ 14-26 Statement of purpose and objectives ...... 12.5-3 Garbage cans Statutory authorization .................. 12.5-1 Kept covered........................ 14-25 Variance procedure ...................... 12.5-24 Required............................ 14-24 FLORIDA, STATE OF. See: STATE Landscaping; refuse container areas ...... 27-41 Public services department FOLLOWING, PRECEDING Refuse disposal division ................ 2-85(5) Definitions and rules of construction ...... 1-2 Weeds and brush ........................ 14-79 et seq. See: WEEDS AND BRUSH FORFEITURES. See: FINES, FORFEITURES AND OTHER PENALTIES GATHERINGS. See: ASSEMBLIES Supp. No. 1 2942 2943 CODE INDEX HANDGUNS. See: FIREARMS AND Section J Section WEAPONS JOINT AUTHORITY HANDICAPPED PERSONS. See: DISABLED Definitions and rules of construction ...... 1-2 AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS JUNK HEALTH AND SANITATION Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop - Animals and fowl, provisions re .......... 4-11 et seq. erty................................ 14-37 et seq. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Bathing regulations Diseased persons prohibited from bathing K in public pool, etc.. 19-3 Boats, docks, etc., provisions re........... 5-10 et seq. KNIVES. See: FIREARMS AND WEAPONS See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- WAYS L Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Garbage and trash ...................... 14-23 et seq. LAKE WORTH See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Bulkheads and seawalls; regulations gov- Park and recreation facilities; failure to co- erning construction .................. 5-84 operate in keeping restrooms neat or Marine sanctuary, designation as......... 5-101 sanitary ............................ 20-2 LAND Rabies control ........................... 4-42 et seq. Buildings; construction on public land pro - See: ANIMALS AND FOWL hibited ............................. 6-1 Weeds and brush ........................ 14-79 et seq. Planning and development ............... 21-01 et seq. See: WEEDS AND BRUSH See: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT HEDGES. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES Subdivision regulations .................. 36-1 et seq. AND ENCLOSURES See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) HITCHHIKING LANDSCAPING Prohibitions 19-6 Accessways............................. 27-36 ............................. Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that sub - HORNS ject Noise control ............................ 19-103 Application of provisions; enforcement .... 27-33 Certain yard areas, off-street parking and HOUSING CODE other vehicular use areas Adopted by reference .................... 15-1 Existing plant material ................ 27-67 Amendments ............................ 15-2 Installation ........................... 27-60 Code enforcement board, applicability re .. 2-173 Maintenance .......................... 27-61 Parking area interior landscaping ...... 27-65 I Perimeter landscaping relating to abut- ting properties .................... 27-64 IMPERSONATION Plant material Impersonating police officer; fireman or Ground covers ....................... 27-62(e) other village official ................. 19-8 Lawn grass ......................... 27-62(f) Quality ............................. 27.62(a) IMPOUNDMENT Shrubs and hedges .................. 27-62(c) Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- Tree species ......................... 27-62(b) erty Vines ............................... 27-62(d) Redemption of impounded property ..... 14-51 Required landscaping adjacent to public Dogs and cats ........................... 4-30 rights-of-way ...................... 27-63 Scope, applicability .................... 27-59 INDECENCY AND OBSCENITY Sight distance adjacent to public rights - Topless costumes ........................ 19-64 of -way and points of access ......... 27-66 Vulgar language ........................ 19-65 Certificate of completion ................. 27-35 Window peeping ......................... 19-66 Code enforcement board, applicability re .. 2-173 INSURANCE EXCISE TAXES Completed landscaping required for certifi- Casualty insurance premiums ............ 26-16 cate of use and occupancy ............ 27-37 Property insurance premiums ............ 26-17 Definitions .............................. 27-31 Improved nonresidential properties in exist- INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY ence on September 23, 1971 Marine sanctuary, designation as......... 5-101 Applicable requirements ............... 27-40(b) 2943 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE LANDSCAPING—Cont'd. Section LICENSES AND PERMITS—Cont'd. Section Exceptions ............................ 27-40(c) Noncompliance of principal ............ 17-29 Objectives ............................ 27-40(a) Nonprofit enterprise, special permit for . 17-22 Planning commission, submission of plans Posted or carried, license to be ......... 17-26 to ................................ 27-40(d) Refund of fee.......................... 17-30 Objectives .............................. 27-32 Registration required .................. 17-17 Off-street parking landscape manual...... 27-38 Renewal .................. ......... 17-20 Plot use plan approval prerequisite to issu- Required; basis of one year ............. 17-16 ante of permits for building and paving 27-37 Specified professions, how tax construed Refuse container areas ................... 27-41 as to.................... 17-21 Scope; applicability ...................... 27-34 Suspension or revocation........... .. 17-30 Weeds and brush ........................ 14-79 et seq. Tax exemptions ....................... 17-31 See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Tax schedule .......................... 17-33 Zoning ordinance, conflict with ........... 27-39 Transfer of license New location ........................ . 17-25 LIBRARY New owner ......................... 17-24 Damaging property unlawful ............. 16-1 Variable factors within applicant's knowl- Department of library edge, declaration where fee depends Librarian............................. 2-93 on................................ 17-23 Library board When due and payable ................. 17-19 Appointment .......................... 16-17 Park and recreation facilities; meeting and Compensation, service without ......... 16-20 gathering permits ................... 20-31 et seq. Composition .......................... 16-17 See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND Established ........................... 16-16 RECREATION Meetings ............................. 16-23 Public services department, division of per - Organization .......................... 16-21 mits and °inspections................. 2-85(1) Powers and duties ..................... 16-22 Seawalls. See herein: Bulkheads and Sea - Qualifications :........................ 16-19 walls Removal from office ................... 16-24 Sidewalk and driveway permits .......... 24-55 et seq. Term of office ......................... 16-17 See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND Vacancies ............................. 16-18 PUBLIC PLACES Sign permits ............................ 6-113 LICENSES AND PERMITS Street excavation permits ................ 24-28, 24-29 Alarm permit ........................... 19.208 et seq. Swimming pool construction permit....... 25-23, 25-24 See: ALARMS Treasure's duties re permits and licenses.. 2-51(11) Boat launching area permits ............. 5-34 Utilities Bulkhead lines; filling permit ............ 7-16 et seq. Use of rights-of-way for utilities; written See: BULKHEAD LINES permit............................ 28-2, 28-3 Bulkheads and seawalls ................. 5-72 Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 LOTS Driveways. See herein: Sidewalk and Subdivision design standards ............. 36-18 Driveway Permits Flood damage prevention development LOUDSPEAKERS permit .............................. 12.5-22 Noise control policy re loudspeakers and de - Garage, related sales .................... 17-62 vices for advertising ................. 19-105 Noise control; special permits excepted.... 19-119 Occupational licenses Application for ........................ 17-18 M Commercial vehicles, marking of ....... 17-33.1 Compliance by principal deemed compli- MANAGER. See: VILLAGE MANAGER ante by agent ..................... 17-29 Delinquency penalty ................... 17-20 MANGROVE STANDS Doing business not covered by license... 17-28 Flood damage prevention provisions ...... 12.5-45 Duplicate licenses ..................... 17-27 Duration .............................. 17-19 MAPS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS False statements Engaging in business without license MARINE SANCTUARIES or under license issued on........ 17-32 Designated .............................. 5-101 License obtained by void ab initio .... 17-28 Half-year license ...................... 17-19 MAY, SHALL Issuance .............................. 17-19 Definitions and rules of construction...... 1-2 2944 CODE INDEX 1 PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND RECRE- Section ATION—Cont'd. State motor vehicle laws ............... 20-5(1) Trees 2-170.6 Climbing trees, etc ..................... 20-4 Use by public only ....................... 20-1 PENALTIES. See: FINES, FORFEITURES 2470.4 AND OTHER PENALTIES 2-170.5 PENSIONS AND .RETIREMENT Section Length of service award plan for volunteer firefighters Benefit formula ................... 2-170.6 ,Contact person ........................ 2-170.10 Effective date ......................... 2-170.3 Eligibility ............................ 2470.4 Entitlement age ....................... 2-170.5 Plan, name of ......................... 2-170.2 Point system .......................... 2-170.11 Preretirement death benefit............ 2-170.7 Purpose...............................2-170 Sponsor, name of ...................... 2-170.1 Trustee and contact person ............. 2-170.10 Vesting provisions, schedule of ......... 2-170.8 Village contributions .................. 2-170.9 Pension and certain other benefits for fire 2-147(a) and police employees 2-156(b) Benefit amounts and eligibility 2.149 Cost of living ....................... 2-161(f) Disability retirement ................ 2-161(h) Early retirement .................... 2-161(d) Late retirement ..................... 2-161(c) Preretirement death ................. 2.161(e) Retirement benefit .................. 2-161(b) Retirement date ..................... 2-161(a) Termination of employment.......... 2-161(g) Definitions ............................ 2-159 Discharged members .................. 2-169(a) Incompetents.......................... 2-169(d) Membership 2-136 et seq. Application for membership .......... 2-160(b) Changes in designation of beneficiary. 2-160(c) Conditions of eligibility .............. 2-160(a) Nonassignability ...................... 2469(b) Optional forms of benefits .............. 2-162 Pension validity ....................... 2-168(c) Repeal or termination of system ........ 2-168 Retirement board 1-2 Additional rules and regulations autho- rized........................... 2-165 Established ......................... 2-164 Investing funds; custodian of securities 2-166 Oath of office, meetings, quorum of . board ........................... 2-167 Village contributions Generally ........................... 2-163(a) Member contributions ............... 2-163(c) Other ............................... 2-163(b) Supp. No. 1 2947 PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT—Cont'd. Section Pension and certain other benefits for gen- eral employees Benefit amounts and eligibility - Early retirement .................... 2-148(d) Late retirement ..................... 2-148(c) Preretirement death .................. 2-148(e) Retirement benefit .................. 2-148(b) Retirement date ..................... 2-148(a) Termination of employment .......... 2-148(f) Definitions ............................ 2-146 Discharged members ......... .........2-156(a) Incompetents .......................... 2-156(d) Membership Application for membership .......... 2-147(b) Change in designation of beneficiary.. 2-147(c) Conditions of eligibility .............. 2-147(a) Nonassignability ................:....: 2-156(b) Normal and optional forms of benefits .. 2.149 Pension validity .................... ... 2-156(c) Repeal or termination of system ........ 2-155 Retirement board - Additional rules and regulations autho- rized ........................... 2-152 Established ......................... 2-151 Investing funds; custodian of securities 2-153 Oaths of office; meetings; quorum .... 2-154 Village contributions Generally ........................... 2-150(a) Other............................... 2-150(b) Socialsecurity .......................... 2-136 et seq. See: SOCIAL SECURITY Volunteer firefighters, length of service award plan for. See herein: Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Fire- fighters PERMITS. See: LICENSES AND PERMITS PERSON Definitions and rules of construction...... 1-2 PIERS Docks and piers, construction requirements re ................................... 5-81 et seq. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- WAYS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that sub- ject Board of adjustment Composition; conduct generally Administrative orders, review of ..... 21-21(d) Created ............................. 21-21(a) Decision of administrative official, ap- peals to board from .............. 21-21(e) Hearing of appeals .................. 21-21(g) Judicial review of decisions of board.. 21-21(h) Membership; terms; alternate; compen- sation .......................... 21-21(b) Powers and duties ................... 21-21(c) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT—Cont'd. Stay of work and proceedings on appeal Comprehensive plan Adoption.............................. Filing fees and costs for changes Enactment and authority ............ Fee; application ..................... Jurisdiction ........................ . Planning commission, advise of...... . Concurrency management Adequate public facilities available to ser- vice development .................. Application........................... Definitions.. .......................... Intent and purpose Comprehensive plan, implementation of Management/monitoring and regula- tory program, establishment of ... Minimum requirements .............. Management and monitoring program Amendments to CIE and annual budget, recommendations on ..... Annual public facilities update report. Generally.. ................... Regulatory program Exemptions......................... Generally ........................... Public facility adequacy, review to de- termine......................... Short title ............................ Filing fees and costs for voluntary annex- ation of land Enactment and authority .............. Fees: application ...................... Jurisdiction ......... ............... . Planning commission, advice of........ . Stormwater management ................ See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Subdivision regulations .................. See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Zoning regulations ...................... See: ZONING (Appendix C) NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section POLICE—Cont'd. 21-21(f) Elections; policemen to be present at polling 21-46(b) place............................... 21-01 Fire division, provisions re police assistance Impersonating police officer .............. 21-1(a) Pension and certain other benefits for fire 21-1(c) and police employees ................ 21-1(b) See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT 21-1(d) Reserve force 21-41 Application for membership ............ Compensation ......................... 21-45 Created; purpose ...................... 21-42 Director of public safety, appointment to 21-44 serve by .......................... Oath required ......................... 21-43(a) Powers and duties ..................... Reserve list to be maintained .......... 21-43(b) Resignation ........................... 21-43(c) Uniforms and insignia ................. 21-2(a) 21-2(c) 21-2(b) 21-2(d) 21-61 et seq. 36-1 et seq. 45-1 et seq PLANNING COMMISSION Composition; conduct generally Created ............................... 21-11(a) Meetings ............................. 21-11(c) Membership .......................... 21-11(b) Powers and duties ..................... 21-11(d) Zoning ordinances, changes to ............ 21-12 PLATS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS PLAYGROUNDS. See: PARKS, PLAY- GROUNDS AND RECREATION POLICE Court cost Assessment of additional court cost for law enforcement education expenditures 1-9 Department of public safety, provisions re police division ....................... 2-76(b) Supp. No. 1 2948 PROFANITY Vulgar language prohibited in public places PROPERTY Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- erty................................ See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that sub- ject Definitions and rules of construction ...... Dogs on property of others ............... Insurance excise taxes; property insurance premiums ........................... Noisefrom property ..................... Signs projecting over public property ..... Subdivision regulations .................. See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Weeds and brush ........................ See: WEEDS AND BRUSH PUBLIC PLACES. See: STREETS, SIDE- WALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES PUBLIC RECORDS. See: DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Director's duties Designate instructor .................. . Make assignments ..................... Section 10-77 12-43 19-8 2-159 et seq. 23-43 23-50 23-42 23-45 23-47 23-48 23-44 23-46 23-49 19-9 21-67 5-13 19-221 1-2 19-65 14-37 et seq. 1-2 4-28(b) 26-17 19-102 6-121 364 et seq. 14-79 et seq. 2-75(2) 2-75(1) POLLUTION 21-46(c) Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc.......... . 21-46(b) Stormwater management provisions re pol- 21-46(a) lutant loads ......................... Waterways, pollution of .................. 21-47(b) Wellfield protection 21-47(a) Regulation of business activities with po- tential to contaminate land and water 21-47(c) resources ......................... 21-41 PRECEDING, FOLLOWING Definitions and rules of construction ...... 21-2(a) 21-2(c) 21-2(b) 21-2(d) 21-61 et seq. 36-1 et seq. 45-1 et seq PLANNING COMMISSION Composition; conduct generally Created ............................... 21-11(a) Meetings ............................. 21-11(c) Membership .......................... 21-11(b) Powers and duties ..................... 21-11(d) Zoning ordinances, changes to ............ 21-12 PLATS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS PLAYGROUNDS. See: PARKS, PLAY- GROUNDS AND RECREATION POLICE Court cost Assessment of additional court cost for law enforcement education expenditures 1-9 Department of public safety, provisions re police division ....................... 2-76(b) Supp. No. 1 2948 PROFANITY Vulgar language prohibited in public places PROPERTY Abandoned, inoperative and junked prop- erty................................ See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that sub- ject Definitions and rules of construction ...... Dogs on property of others ............... Insurance excise taxes; property insurance premiums ........................... Noisefrom property ..................... Signs projecting over public property ..... Subdivision regulations .................. See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) Weeds and brush ........................ See: WEEDS AND BRUSH PUBLIC PLACES. See: STREETS, SIDE- WALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES PUBLIC RECORDS. See: DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC RECORDS PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Director's duties Designate instructor .................. . Make assignments ..................... Section 10-77 12-43 19-8 2-159 et seq. 23-43 23-50 23-42 23-45 23-47 23-48 23-44 23-46 23-49 19-9 21-67 5-13 19-221 1-2 19-65 14-37 et seq. 1-2 4-28(b) 26-17 19-102 6-121 364 et seq. 14-79 et seq. 2-75(2) 2-75(1) CODE INDEX 1 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT—Cont'd. Section Divisions Fire Fire fighting ........................ 2-76(c)(3) Fire prevention ..................... 2-76(c)(4) Maintain equipment ................. 2-76(c)(2) Report losses ........................ 2-76(c)(1) Generally............................. 2-76(a) Police Crime prevention .................... 2-76(b)(3), (4) Investigation ........................ 2-76(b)(3) Patrol .............................. 2-76(b)(2) Radio ............................... 2-76(b)(6) Records ............................. 2-76(b)(1) Traffic .............................. 2-76(b)(5) PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT Director's duties ......................... 2-84 Divisions Municipal garage ...................... 2-85(4) Parks ................................. 2-85(2) Permits and inspections ................ 2-85(1) Supp. No. 1 2948.1