1972-35 Authorizing the Mayor & Clerk to Enter an Agreement of Easement-, , RESOLUTION N0. 35-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIr1 BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT IN LOT 5, BLOCK 38, PLAT N0. 3 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 176. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor and the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute that certain Abandonment of Easement, copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, abandoning the anchor easement lying in Lot 5, Block 38, Plat No. 3 of the Village of North Palm Beach, Plat Book 25, Page 176, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed. to affix the Village Seal thereto. PASSED AND AllOPTED THIS 14 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1972. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk _. ' Prepared by: H}iRBPR'1' I,. G1LllAN ' ° 22:i0 Mahn Beach Lakes 131vd. West Yalm Beach, l.~la. 33401 ABANllONMI3N'I' OF liASENIIiN'1' KNOW ALL NllsN 13Y THESIi YRI:SI:N'I'S: That the undersigned, . ,... i, The Village of North Yalm Beach,~l~lorida, 1i'eing the 'owner of an anchor i'~ !i easement lying in' hot 5, Block 38, Ylat. No. 3 of the Village of North Yalm it ~~ Beach, according! to the plat thereof on rile in flat Book 25, Page 176, ~~ Public Records of Yalm Beach County,' Florida, hereby releases, abandons i' _ ; ~~ . and quitclaims all of its right, title, interest, claim and demand in rand '~ to said anchor easement; and this abandonment of easement shall be forever it . ~I binding upon and in'full force and effect against ,the undersigned; their v i '! lessees, grantees, .assigns and successors. ~' IN WI'I'NL:SS WI3SRL'OF the undersigned .has' executed this ij i; instrument this 14 day.. of _Se tember__, 1972,. ' Signed in-the presence of: '1'I3li VILLAGE. OF NOR'1'13 PALM 13PACH ,~ I' •al ~ 13. Mallory Yrivett~ Its Ma ~; ' • A'i°rrsT i (Village Seal) 'i llolores R. Walker Clerk I, g I~ ~ ~~ ~I STATI; OF F'LOIt1DA it ~I COUNTY OF I'ALi\1 B1iACI3 !j j! Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Ii '~ H. MllhI,oRX PP,IV171'T, JLL. and DOLORI:S ]t. WALP.lilt, Mayor and Village it ~~ Clerh of the Villal;e of North Yal.m Beach, and. they acknowledged before. me - i, ', that they-executed the foregoing instrument under ±he authority vested in i. I them by,said corporation for the purposes expressed .therein: II W11'NF,SS my hand and official seal in the County and State. last aforesaid this //~ day of '1972. ir-=--' ~~ ~ ~ _ L! .tJ' , v ~'i ~ A ~ ~ NQTARY YUBI.,IC --- -- il ~ My. comrrlission expires: ' ~; J i IC i i ., v C of fl ~o'DA al 'AP,~E ~~ - fv7Y Ga3~ r '. r 1 ' - I oES F ~ 17, 1974 -t>Di{D,.D TfJW u`.i ~~. 1' 16cD.q^. E L;DER'i' ~'... ~, i .. -.