1972-25 Designating Persons to Cooperate with PBC regarding Land Use in PBC RESOLUTION N0. 25-72 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC1{, DESIGNATING PERSONS TO COOPERATE WITH PALM BEACH COUNTY REGARDING LAND USE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to a letter dated March 3, 1972, from William R. Boose, Director of Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and Building Department to Mayor H. Mallory Privett, Jr. of the Village of North Palm Beach, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, that the Village Council hereby declares its intent to cooperate with the County Land Use Planning efforts and to clarify present and future annexation plans, if any, held by the Village of North Palm Beach. The Village Council hereby designates the following persons on the municipal level with whom the county planning staff and Land Use Advisory Board might coordinate planning efforts to best reflect the specific goals and objectives of the Village of North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County: Mr. Charles R. O'Meilia, Director of Public Services, Village of North Palm Beach Mr. Alvin Moore, Chairman, North Palm Beach Planning and Zoning Advisory Board Mr. Robert Slater, Village Councilman Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to William R. Boose, Director, Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and Building Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY OF MAY, 1972. ' /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr, MAYOR ATTF, ST /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk v/~ ~ ~ ' PALM REACH COUNTY PLANNING, ZONING, AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. o. Box isee WFST PALM BEAGN, FLORIDA 83MR r ~ F~~i ~ A ~,~ ~ ~ t ti~`._ t v eti.y_. ~i' , March 3, 1972 Mayor T4alory Privitte Village of Dlorth Palm Beach Village Iia7.1. U. S. ]lighway #~l North Palm Beach, Florida 33403 KI.: Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Unincorporated ,Areas of Palm Beach County, Florida Dear Mayor Privitte: As you are probably aware, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, pursuant to a recent opinion from the Attorney General of the State of Florida, has placed the responsib:i.lity for and duty of preparation of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the unincorporated areas of the County under the direction of the Palm Beach County Planning, 7,oning & Building Department. Phis decision was made simultaneously with the creation of a fully professional planning staff who will prepare the Land Use Flan with the assistance of an appointed fifteen man Land Use Advisory Board. The Land Use Plan will set forth long-range goals, immediate objectives and designate desired development policies for the future use of land i.n the unincorporated areas of the County. The plan shall consist of both written statements and graphic presentations based on extensive studies oi' existing land use and open space patterns, road systems, socio-economic characteristics and various ,land use controls and tools available to implement recommendations. Once the plan has been completed, the Land Use Advisory Board will present this document at public hearing for review and modi- fication, if necessary. Fina-lly, the Board of County Com- mi.ssioners will review and adopt the plan. The plan caill then serve as a guide for future zoning decisions as caell as a framework for the related land use considerations, such as our needs for. open space, additional transportation facili- ties, institutional and community services, and the proper location and desirable amounts of residential, industrial, institutional, recreational, and agricultural land uses. Those of us who have peen long time residents of the County and involved in local government, easily recognize the im- portance of the adoption of a comprehensive land use plan in the wake of our present and projected urban growth. `f here are a few of us caho would not admit that the need for such land use planning and development guidelines existed long ago. E 9_ i Mayor 1"glory Privitte -2- March 3, 1972 IIowev~r, as it often occurs, government and i_ts related duties and fwictions, suc]_i as providing for roads, schools, and land use guidance, often come after a point in time in which they are capable of doing the most good. The adoption of the plan is scheduled for February 1, 1973, a date that is not too late to benefit the citizens and residents of Palm Beach County. The plan is not only an opportunity topuide growth and preserve much needed open space, but it also presents the rare opportunity to articulate cahat type of county we wish to live in now and what type of county we caish to bequeath to future generations. When adopted, the document will have a particular impact on the unincorporated areas of the county as well as having a special effect on the incorporated areas within the county. Uncontrolled growth in the westward areas cai71 pose severe problems for each of the coastal communities and will. endanger the much needed conservation and agricultural areas yet undeveloped. It is at this juncture that your cooperation will be tenaciously sought by members of the planning staff of the Palm Beach County Planning, 7,oning & Building Department and Citizens Land Use Advisory Board. 1'he coordination of local planning policy and zoning activi- ties of each municipality is exceedingly important in order to prevent conflicts at incorporated/unincorporated borders and to produce the best long-range guide for regional urban growth. Pursuant to this goal of municipal and county co- operation two important points of concern arise: ]. The establishment of a means of coordinating both county and municipal planning efforts. 2. 'i'he recognition of municipal annexation plans by county planners. Each community with growth potential should address itself to each of these issues and it is recommended that such communities adopt a resolution of intent to be made a part of and incorporated into the "public records" of said munici.- oa]ity and Palm Reach County concerning local land use plans and policies, including but not limited to: 1. Intent to cooperate with county land use planning efforts. 7. Clarification of present and future annexation plans, if any. 3. Designation of a person or persons on a municipal level with whom the county planning staff and Land Use Advisory Board might coordinate planning efforts to best reflect specific goals and objectives of your community. .._ ?~?ayor "ia]ory Privitte -3- P?arch 3 , 19 7 2 Once we receive copies of your official resolutions, members of hand Use Advi.sorv Board sub-commit ees for your area o~ill meet with your designee and will attempt to embody and in- corporate your suggestions into the overall county master plan. 47e have included a list of members of the Land i?se Advisory Board, including the sub-committees serving your area. You are urged to contact any of these lay advisors or myself for assistance or c].arifiication of any questions that might arise. Thanking you for your interest i.n and attention to these matters and the future of Pa ].m Beach County, I remain Sincerely yours, PALM F3EACH COUNTY PLAIdNIIdG , 70NING i; BUILDING llFPARTMEAIT ~~ William K. Boose, Directcr cc - }Ion. Philip hewis, State Senator I}on. R. Graham, State Senator }'alm Beach County Commission Chairman, Robert Culpepper Mr. Randolph Hodges, Chairman, Florida Coastal Coord. Council. }4r. Joel Kuperberg, FCCC Mr. Vincent D. Patton, FCCC I)r. John lleGrove, Florida Atlantic University I?r. Gilbert Fennell, Florida State University ':°ir. Frank Bruit, Director Area Planning Board, Mr. Charles Ro~•~e, Project Coordinator Planning Staff P.13.C. 'ro'R I; : rnr PALA4 BEACH COUNTY LANll L7SE ADVISORY BOARD SC1B-COMMITT LT:S NOR"1'FI COAST Vincent Pappalardo (Coordinator) 10800 N. Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33403 Wilford W. Ghioto, Jr. 1916 W. Chatham Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Ronald Schwab (Coordinator) William H.' McLaren Schwab C Twitty Architects, Inc. 250 N. Haverhill Road Paln] Center Nest Palm Beach, 1~ lorida 33406 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach, Florida 334£0 Jack Chastain 5788 Gramercy Drive Bernard McCann West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 839 Palo Verde Court Haverhill, hlorida 33406 SOUTH COAS"1': John I1. Adams (Coordinator) Box 1510 West Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Dr'. James C. Nicholas"` Department o1' I;couomics Florida Atlantic University 500 N. W. 20th Boca Raton, }~ lorida 33432 Stan C. I-Tall 701 South "G" Street Lake Worth, Florida 33460 IN1'LI2IOR: Pershing Maroe 600 Lake Osborne Blvd. Lake Worth, Florida 33460 Thor Soderholm 402 Lake Osborne Blvd. Lake Worth, Florida 33460 James Watson** 5200 Boca West Road Boca Raton, hlorida 33437_ ' John II. Causey 1057 L. Canal St, N. Belle Glade, Florida 33430 IIomer IIand S. ]~. 4th Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 A. W. "Bink" Glisson (Coordinator) 669 L. Rambling Drive Little Ranch Instate West Pah]] Beach, Florida 33406 "~ Advisory Board Chairman ** Advisory Board Vice-Chairman