Ordinance Index 1972- 10 - Ordinance No. Description Adopted 221-71 Adopting & enacting Supp. ##1 to Village Code 1/14/71 222-71 Applying utility tax to fuel oil 1/14/71 223-71 Requiring all utilities to be constructed underground 1/28/71 224-71 Annexing Waters' property into Village 2/11/71 225-71 Annexing Scanoh and St. Clare's property into Village 2/11/71 226-71 Eliminating restriction on sale of alcoholic.beverages 2/25/71 on days of primary or general election 227-71 Amending Electrical Code by 'setting forth new special 3/11/71 rules and regulations for electrical services & feeders 228-71 Amending Chapter 24 of Code..re distribution of printed 3/25/71 material contrary to consent of owner of private premises 229-71 Changing order of business at Council meetings 4/8/71 230-71 Deannexing Waters' property 4/8/71 1-71 Changing major portion of St. Clare's property 4/22/71 from R-1 to R-2. 2-71 Height & location of fences & walls in Village 5/13/71 3-71 Construction of dock and piers 5/13/71 4-71 Establishing Appearance Code for Village 5/27/71 5-71 Rezoning Lot 10, Fairhaven Addn. From R-1 to R-2 6/10/71 6-71 Plantings for swale areas in Village 6/10/71 7-71 Constructing sidewalk where street has not yet been 6/10/71 constructed 8-71 Regulating motor vehicle and bicycle traffic in 6/24/71 public parks and at the NPBCC 9-71 Penalties on delinquent accounts at NPBCC 7/8/71 10-71 Requiring attendance of Club Mgr, at second regular 8/12/71 meeting of Council each month 11-71 Adopting laws of Fla. State Legislature 8/26/71 Z3-71 Amending Chap. 31 of Code re issuance of I.D. cards 9/9/71 Annexing portion of Allamanda Drive to Village 9/9/71 14-71 Landscape ordinance 9/23/71 15-71 Establishing administrative code for Village 9/23/71 16-71 Detached fence storage areas 9/23/71 17-71 Permitting detached fence storage areas in R-1 & 9/23/71 R-2 18-71 Budget ordinance for fiscal 1971-72 10/14/71 19-71 Reappropriation Ord. for fiscal 1970-71 10/28/71 20-71 Twin City Cinema sign 12/9/71 t j`t� 1-72 Removing requirement for standby emergency power 1/13/72 �t - 11 - - Ordinance No. Description Adopted 2-72 Defining "external architectural feature" to 2/10/72 include view from adjoining premises 3-72 Adopting Appearance Plan for Village 2/10/72 4-72 Amending definition of surface area for signs and 2/24/72 amending number of signs permitted in C -1A & C-1. 5-72 Electrical Code 3/23/72 6-72 Contractors Certification & Licensing Law 3/23/72 7-72 Building Code 3/23/72 8-72 Plumbing Code 3/23/72 9-72 Gas Code 3/23/72 10-72 Amending parking spaces for restaurants 6/8/72 11-72 Levying occupational lice sA@� tax 6/8/72 12-72 Including all property in Village in Fire District 6/8/72 13-72 Repealing Sec. LE5-31(K) of Village Code which regulated signs in the C -A Commercial District 7/13/72 14-72 Sign Ordinance 7/13/72 15-72 Amending building height regulations, etc. in C-2 8/10/72 by imposing regulations applicable in C-1 16-72 Adopting by reference Southern Standard Building Code, 8/24/72 1969 edition with 1972 revision thereto 17-72 Adopting by reference Southern Standard Gas Code, 8/24/72 1969 edition with 1972 revisions thereto 18-72 Adopting by reference Southern Standard Plumbing 9/14/72 Code, 1971 Edition with 1972 Revision thereto 19-72 Repealing Sec. 45-31(I)(1,2,3) of Code, placing C-4 9/14/72 Zone landscaping requirements under Gen. Landscaping . Sections of Cod.e. 20-72 Amending rear & side yard setbacks in C-1 9/28/72 21-72 Amending requirements for contractors -to maintain surety bond, public liability & public property damage ins. 9/2,q/72 22-72 Empowering Council to remove members from Bd.. of Gov. by at .least 4 affirmative votes 9/28/72 23-72 Setback from dune line or highwater mark 10/12/72 24-72 Budget Ordinance for Fiscal 1972-73 10/12/72 25-72 Reappropriation Ordinance for Fiscal 1971-72 10/26/72 26-72 Recreational Vehicle Ordinance 11/9/72 27-72 Landscape Ord. .for non-residential properties which 12/28/72 were improved prior to adoption of Ord. 14-71 1� -7 _ 1-73 BATTER PILES 1/25/73 2-73 Landscaping requirements to screen refuse containers 3/22/73 from view of public ways and public parking C�