Ordinance Index 197613 - Ordinance No. Description Dept. of Country Club Activities 14-74 Eliminating residential uses from C-lA, C-1 and C-2 15-74 Rezoning certain properties in C -1A -and C-1 to R-3 —16-74 Rezoning certain property in C-1 to R-3 (Old Port Cove) 17-74 Amending yard space regulations in R-3' 7/10/75 18-74v, Budget Ordinance for Fiscal 1974-75 Country Club Advisory Board 19-74 Limiting dogs and. cats which may be kept as household pets 20-74 Rezoning - Bench Mark Property 21-74 Rezoning - Lots 11 through 14, both inclusive, Block 37, 7/10/75 Plat 3 (Heller) Adopted 8/22/74 8/22/74 8/22/74 9/12/74 9/26/74 10/24/74 12/12/74 12/12/74 yj j ;x 1-75 Creating Dept. of Country Club Activities 4/10/75 x 6-75 2-75 Amending Chapter 41; of Code re trees 4/10/75 to be dumpster-type 3-75 Removing word "knowingly" from Sec. 4-21 of Village Code 5/22/75 7/10/75 ,x 4-75 Creating Country Club Advisory Board 5/22/75 X 5-75 Noise Ordinance 6/12/75 x 6-75 Garbage containers at multi -family residential units to be dumpster-type 6/12/75 'X V7-75 Revenue Sharing - Sixth Entitlement Period 7/10/75 8-75 Adopting Southern Standard Housing Code as Housing Code 7/10/75 for the Village 9-75 Amending Chapter 28 of Code, The Plumbing Code, by Adopting 7/10/75 Standard Plumbing Code by reference, 1975 Edition 10-75 Amending Chapter 6 by adopting Standard Building Code, 1975 7/10/75 Edition by reference 11-75 Restricting height of buildings in certain areas of Village 9/11/75 to four stories or forty feet. x12-75 Providing for non -conforming uses of land and structures 9/11/75 13-75 Requiring installation of fire detection systems in 9/25/75 existing hotels and motels 14-75 Requiring all buildings to have street number so located 9/25/75 on premises as to be clearly visible from public street 15-75 Budget Ordinance for fiscal 1975-76 9/25/75 16-75 Adopting Standard Fire Prevention Code 10/9/75 17-75 Adopting National Electrical Code 10/9/75 18-75 AdoWing Gas Code 10/9/75 � r✓' � A 1-76 Charter Revision Ordinance 2/19/76 2-76 Amending Sec. 45-36(K) of Village Code re carnivals, 2/26/76 fairs, etc carried on by non profit organization for a period of time not to exceed 3 days 3-76 Penalty to members of NPBCC for delinquent accounts 3/11/76 x 9-76 Designating Council as Local Planning Agency in accordance with Section 6, Chapter 75-257, Laws of Fla. 5/27/76 10-76 Amending Chap. 4 of Code to conform to Palm Beach County Animal Control Ordinances 6/10/76 11-76 Amending FY 1975-76 budget by transferring funds from Acct. 11-402 to Acct. 12-110 in amount of $1500. 6/10/76 12-76 Transfer of funds from 40-500 to 31406 in amount of $894 7/8/76 13-76 Transfer of funds from 40-500 to 32-207 in amount of $1,000 7/8/76 14-76 Marina Live Aboard ordinance 7/8/76 15-76 - 14 - amount ORDINANCE NO. DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 2-77 anticipated 16-76 K 4-76 Increasing/revenue & appropriating money at NPBCC 1/13/77 1/3-77 for Secretary & Food & Beverage Manager 3/25/76 5-76 Amending portions of Ord. 15-75, budget ordinance, Amending Chapter 22 of Village Code (Noise Ord.) concerning detailed appropriations for FY 1975-76 3/25/76 6-76 Emergency ordinance transferring funds for 4/8/76 19-76 gasoline tank 7-76 Making transfers & adjustments to various appropri- 4/22/76 ations of Federal Revenue Sharing monies, amending Account No. 34-334 in the amount of $2,000 `'/7-77 budget for fiscal 1975-76, etc. 21-76 8-76 "Transferring funds from Council contingency to 4/22/76 J �9-77 insurance accounts 4/28/77 x 9-76 Designating Council as Local Planning Agency in accordance with Section 6, Chapter 75-257, Laws of Fla. 5/27/76 10-76 Amending Chap. 4 of Code to conform to Palm Beach County Animal Control Ordinances 6/10/76 11-76 Amending FY 1975-76 budget by transferring funds from Acct. 11-402 to Acct. 12-110 in amount of $1500. 6/10/76 12-76 Transfer of funds from 40-500 to 31406 in amount of $894 7/8/76 13-76 Transfer of funds from 40-500 to 32-207 in amount of $1,000 7/8/76 14-76 Marina Live Aboard ordinance 7/8/76 15-76 Transfer of funds from 40-500 to 32-245 in amount on any violation of municipal ordinances of $1,000 2-77 7/22/76 16-76 Transfer of funds from 32-415 to 32-406 in amount of 1/13/77 1/3-77 $437 8/26/76 x 17-76 Amending Chapter 22 of Village Code (Noise Ord.) 9/23/76 18-76 Reappropriation Ord. for fiscal 1975-76 Amending budget - awnings at shuffleboard courts 9/23/76 19-76 Budget Ord. for fiscal 1976-77 9/23/76 20-76 Transfer of funds from Account No. 34-314.1 to Statutes Account No. 34-334 in the amount of $2,000 `'/7-77 9/23/76 21-76 Changing adoption of budget from ordinance to of another licensed retail seller of alcoholic beverages 4/28/77 J �9-77 resolution form 4/28/77 10/14/76 1-77 Creating uniform maximum penalty which may be imposed 2� on any violation of municipal ordinances 1/13/77 14,e 2-77 Appropriation ordinance - amending portions of Ord. 15-75, as amended - the budget ordinance 1/13/77 1/3-77 Amending Code by prohibiting home occupations to be carried on in any dwelling structure 2/24/77 x " 4-77 Changing Purchasing Regulations 3/10/77 5-77 Amending budget - awnings at shuffleboard courts 3/24/77 �6-77 Adopting provisions of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida 4/28/77 Statutes `'/7-77 Compliance with rules and regulations - Natl. Flood Ins. 4/28/77 "/8-77 Permitting sale of beer, ale and/or wine within 1000 ft. of another licensed retail seller of alcoholic beverages 4/28/77 J �9-77 Repealing Sections of Code which created NPBCC Ad. Bd. 4/28/77