Ordinance Index 1980Ord. NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Adopted t_1 7-79 Amending Chapter 13, the electrical code by adopting the 9_27_78 National electric code, 1978 edition. 4-26-79 Z `�'8-79 Prohibiting dogs to defecate on public or private property which does not belong to owner of dog. 5-10-79 9-79 Amending budget for fiscal year 1978-79.appropriating Amending Chapter 45, the zoning code, by creating Planned $34,518.00 to Acct. 471-581-63.75 for Modular Building 5-10-79 10-79 Amending budget for fiscal year 1978-79. 5-24-79 11-79 Amending section 18-35 regulating recreational vehicles. 6-14-79 12-79 Designating local planning agency under the local government 6-14-79 comprehensive planning act of 1975. 13-79 Adopting Comprehensive Plan for Village of North Palm Beach 6-28-79 14-79 Increasing Estimated Revenues & Transferring $14,000 to new account - 1178-79 Modules - Anchorage Park" 6-28-79 15-79 Determining that no "Fair Share Fees shall be imposed on Code Enforcement Board new construction in the Vill to offset costs for road eNTj 1-80 improvements 6-28-79 16-79 Providing regulations for the construction of private revenue and appropriations in General Fund by $878. 2-14-80 therapeutic swimming pools & amending certain existing regulations for the construction of swimming pools in the 2-80 Village 7-12-79 17-79 Appointing Linda Staples Deputy Village Clerk and creating expenses by $7,123. 2-14-80 the office of Deputy Village Clerk 8-9-79 18-79 Designation of Wetlands and Mangroves as Marine and Wildlife 9-13-79 Sanctuaries 2-14-80 19-79 Creation of Code Enforcement Board 9-27-79 20-79 Amending N.P.B. Budget for Fiscal Year 1978-79 by appropriation transfers 9-27-79 21-79 Levying a tax on real and personal property located wit in the corporate limits of the Village of N.P.B. on 1-1-79. 9_27_78 22-79 Increasin the tax levied on the Increasing purchase of electricity, metered gas and bottled gas within the corporate limits of the Village of N.P.B. from 5% to 8.75%. 9-27-79 23-79 Amending Chapter 45, the zoning code, by creating Planned Unit Development 10-25-79 24-79 Amending Village of N.P.B. Code requiring that all Village Council regular meetings, special meetings and workshop meetings end on or before 11:00 p.m. 11-8-79 25-79 Amending Ordinance No. 19-79, which created a Code Enforcement Board, by placing additional codes under the jurisdiction of the Code Enforcement Board 12-13-79 eNTj 1-80 Amending budget for fiscal year 1979-80 increasing estimated C3 revenue and appropriations in General Fund by $878. 2-14-80 "-j 2-80 Amending NPBCC budget for fiscal year 1979-80 by increasing expenses by $7,123. 2-14-80 3-80 Amending Chapter 6 of Building Code by deleting Section 107.4 of Section 6-17, schedule of permit fees, charges and expenses 2-14-80 4-80 Amending Chapter 17 of Village Code (Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations) by regulating the operation of ambulances in the Village 2-14-80 ORD. NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 5-80 Regulating conduct at the NPBCC, providing for enforcement 3-13-80 regulating hours of use of various CC facilities, and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions. 6-80 Amending NPBCC Budget by increasing the unappropriated 6-12-80 .i. revenue and expenses by $20,852. 3-27-80 7-80 Amending the General Fund by increasing the revenue and 7-10-80 15-80 expenses by $5,430. 3-27-80 8-80 Amending Section 3-4 of the Code, which regulates the sale, service and consumption of intoxicating liquors on Sundays. 4-24-80 9-80 Amending Ordinance Nos. 25-79 and 19-79, which created a Code Enforcement Board and place additional codes under 7-24-80 16-80 such board's jurisdiction, 4-24-80 10-80 Repealing portions of Chapters 6 & 24 of the Code, regulating 7-24-80 17-80 signs and adopting a new sign code for the Village. 5-22-80 Liolo)�— Granting Florida Public Utilities Co. a gas franchise 5-22-80 18-80 0"/4x/ IVa ; -1 IAI v�/t r/97 8-14-80 12-80 Amending Chapter 17 of the Code, licenses and miscellaneous business 19-80 regulations, by regulating garage sales or other sales of merchandise on residential premises and providing penalty for violation. 6-12-80 13-80 Amending Chapter 4 of the Code (Animals & Fowl) to better clarify wording of Section 4-27, paragraph (d), and to modify Section 4-30 to allow a $3.00 per day boarding fee in addition to the $10.00 redemption fee. 6-12-80 .i. ,r 14-80 F. Renewing the franchise with Florida Power & Light Company 7-10-80 15-80 Amending Chapter 2 of the Code by repealing the offices of Country Club Director and Assistant Village Manager; by creating the office of Country Club Business Administrator and setting forth the duties of the Country Club Business Administrator. 7-24-80 16-80 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year 1979-80 by increasing the estimated revenues and appropriations of the General Fund. 7-24-80 17-80 Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East) 8-14-80 18-80 Amending Chapter 45 of the Code by amending the official zoning map 8-14-80 (Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East) to R1 Single -Family 19-80 Amending Chapter 45 of the Code by amending the official zoning map (Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East) to R3 Apt. Dwelling Dist. 8-14-80 20-80 Amending Chapter 45 of the Code by amending the official zoning map (Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East) Lo Rl S ngle-Family x.14 -8v 21-80 Permitting 'smoking in public places and in public meetings within the Village. 8-25-80 22-80 Amending Chapter 12, the Fire Prevention Code, by adopting the Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1979 Edition 10-9-80 23-80 Amending Chapter 6, the Building Code, by adopting the Florida InTodel Energy Efficiency Code, May 1980 Edition 10-9-80 24-80 Amending Chapter 22, the Plumbing Code, by adopting the Standard Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition 10-9-80 25-80 Amending Chapter 6, the Building Code, by adopting the Standard Building Code, 1979 Edition 10-9-80 26-80 Amending Chapter 13, the Gas Code, by adopting the Standard Gas Code, 1979 Edition 10-9-80