Ordinance Index 199102/08/1991 index PAGE 1 03:09 pm TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Ref, ence 1-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Entry Date 01/17/1991 Sequence # : 00010 Subject 91 Effective Date 01/10/1991 Ordnanc:e� ,No L 9.1. An ordinance of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, amending the North Palm Beach Country Club Fund Budget for fiscal year 1990 - 91 by appropriation transfer from.Country Club Contingency to Driving Range, Machinery and Equipment for purchase of modified gwlfcartF.. Reference 2-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 02/08/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subiect : 91 Ef( tive Date : 02/07/1991 Ordinance No. 2-91 An Ordinance proposing the annexation,.of Twelve oaks into the Village and calling for a referendum election in the village and the area proposed to be annexed. Reference 3-91 Type Code . ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 01/25/1991 Sequence # : 00013 Subject 91 Effective Date 01/24/1991 ardinanc-e No. 3--91 An Ordinance amending Section 36-23 entitled "Public Sites and Open Spaces" or Article III of Appendix B -Subdivision of the Code of Ordinances by adding a paragraph thereto providing that a cash contribution in lieu of land shall be placed in a specially designated fund with expenditures of said funds to be utilized solely for acquisition of improved and unimproved land for parks and recreation and for construction of capital facilities on lay's owned and utilized by the Village for parks and recreation; providing foL__.zhe repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing for an effective date. 03/15/1991 index 02:09 pm TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 04-91 PAGE 1 Type Code ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 03/01/1991 Sequence # : 00006 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 02/28/1991 Termination Date : 03/01/1991 ORDINANCE NO. 4-91 An ordinance of the Village amending subsection (a) of Section 2-177 of Article VI, Code Enforcement Board, of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of .the Village to g provide for the Burden of Proof to be a Preponderance of Evidence rather than Beyond a Reasonable "Doub'`:' Reference 05-91 Type Code . ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 03/01/1991 Sequence # : 00007 Subject 91 Effective Date : 03/01/1991 Termination Date : 03/01/1991 ..ORDINANCE NO. 5.-191 An Ordinance of the Village providing for the.abalitt.on of the North Palm Beach Country Club. Advisory Board., Reference 06-91 Type Code ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 03/15/1991 Sequence # : 00005 Subject 91 Effective Date 03/14/1991 Ordinance No. 6-91 An ordinance providing for the repeal of -Sec. 45-20 entitled:."Annex Land in R-1 District" of Article II of Appendix C -Zoning. 04/01/1991 index PAGE 01:34 pm TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing � Reference 07-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances ------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Entry Date Subject Effective Date Ordr`:g°1 03/15/1991 Sequence # : 00006 91 03/14/1991 An Ordinance amending Subsection F of Se.cton 45-3,6, relat:in:g. to conduct of bus.i-9.1profess.ci.n.al, commercial` activities 'and ° home occupations upon real :,:properray aMd w�s.s n.:; dw�el.l,ng or upon d'acks , :piers , or waters.de structures appurtenant thereto. Reference 08-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 04/01/1991 Sequence # : 00005 Subject 91 Effective Date 03/28/1991 Ordinance No : 8`=91 An Ordinance of the Village r.ezan `ng,i a,pa-rcel, of land' on- P-ro.6jp tityFarm Road from. ' Palm..:;Beach .,County, Zan; ng. D sar :c.t. RM:- to ;North :Palm >Bea.ch Zoning Ds:.trct R-2: Mu ti�faml.y:- . Reference 09-91 Type Code ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 04/01/1991 Sequence # : 00006 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 03/28/1991 Or.,dinan-ce An Ordinance of the Village r.e-zoning.,>a parcel. o:f 1aand-, adjacent'- to Plat .4 from Palm. Bfe:ach County, Zon=ng District �M . to: North Palm Beach Zoning- Di.s,tri.ct.:R-1= Single Family. 1 04/04/1991 index PAGE 03:47 pm TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 10-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances Entry Date 04/01/1991 Sequence # : 00003 Subject 91 Effective Date 03/28/1991 Ordinance 10-91 An Ordinance of the Village Rezoning Fishermans.,..Vi.11age.. sub.d v:is.i,on., Fishermans Village subdivision 1st Addition and one adjacent parcel of land from Palm;; Bsach' :County, Zoning district: RM, to North_ Palm Beach Zoning District, R-�2 Multifam il y: Reference 11-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 04/01/1991 Sequence # : 00004 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 03/28/1991 Or.danance 11--.91:; An Ordinance of the Village rezoning: a; .15.30, :acre parcel . of land located. north of Garden Lane and East of Prosperity Farms Road, within the Village and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and madce a part hereof from R-.1 single f am l,y: dwe.1ling ; district, ict to. R-3 _ apartm.ent. dwelling district. Reference 12-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 04/04/1991 Sequence # 00001 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 03/28/1991 ordin�anc a 12-91 An ordinance of the Village creating a Planned Unit Development known as "Saanc.tua-ry ., Cove." 1 04/12/1991 index PAGE 09:55 am TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 13-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 04/12/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 04/11/1991 Ordinance No, 13-91 Adoptsamendments to:the Comprehensive.Plan, being sections et. Seq., Florida Statutes Reference 14-91 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 04/12/1991 Sequence # : 00002 Subject 91 Effective Date 04/11/1991 Ordinance No. 14-91 Rezoning < a 29.8 acre parcel of,; -land located immediately south of Monet Road, north of Garden Lane, west of Intracoastal Waterway and east of Prosperity Farms Road from R-1 single family dwelling district and R-3 apartment dwelling district to R -2. -multiple family dwelling,,distr ct... Reference 15-91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 04/12/1991 Sequence # 00003 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 04/11/1991 Ordinance No. 15-91 An ordinance creating a Planned Unit Development known as "Sanctuary Bay" upon those certain lands comprising 29.8 acres. 05/10/1991 index PAGE 04:25 am TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 16-91. Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 04/12/1991 Sequence # : 00006 Subject 91 Effective Date 04/11/1991 Ordinance No. 16-91 Creates a plan to award and provide retirement income for active members of the Volunteer Firefighters of the Village in recogniz`t`on of their years of de.diax+ad cammui � s:er,v is e... Reference 7 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 04/26/1991 Sequence # : 00010 Subject 91 Effective Date 04/25/1991 Ordinance No. 17-91 Amends Code of„Ordinances:re:gar.d ng.-Code:Knforcement Board to eliminate the provision that restricts reappointment, of a member to� one successive term. Reference 1 9r1 Type Code : ORD ordinances ------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Entry Date : 05/10/1991 Sequence # 00003 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 05/09/1991 Ordinance No. 18-91 An ordinance amending the North Palm Beach Country�-Club Fund.Budget for. fiscal year 1990-91 to adjust the short fall in golf membership revenues. 05/28/1991 index PAGE 08:48 pm TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 19-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 05/28/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 05/23/1991 Ordinance -No�. 19-91 Adopts the -National El=ectric Co.de:,.:1990 Edition, and the Palm Beach Countywide amendments thereto, and the model Countywide Administrative Code, dated 10/17/90, 1988 edition, for the building, electric, gas mechanical and plumbing codes, etc. Reference 20-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 05/28/1991 Sequence # : 00002 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 05/23/1991 Ord -mance No' - 20-91 Adopts. and amendment to the >>-Standard PlumbIn Code 1988 edition, for repeals of laws in conflict, providing for inclusiion in the code, etc. Reference 21-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances ---------------------------------- Entry Date : 05/28/1991 Sequence # : 00003 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 05/23/1991 Ordinance No 21-91 Relating to Fire'Prevent�ion and protection; providing for recovery of costs for hazardous waste.cleanup; providing definitions, etc. 1 07/12/1991 index PAGE 11:36 am TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 22-91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type Code ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 06/17/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 06/13/1991 Ordinance -No 22-91 Amends. the North Palm Beach General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1990-91 to appropriate funds for Lakeside Park Shoreline Restoration engineering and Planning fee. Reference 23-91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 06/28/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject 91 Effective Date 06/27/1991 Ordinance No. 23-91 Adopts and enacts a new Code: of Ordinances, for the Village. Reference 24-91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type Code : ORD ordinances ------.---------------------------------------------------------- ---- Entry Date 07/12/1991 Sequence # : 00004 Subject 91 Effective Date 07/11/1991 Ordinance 24-91 Amends Section 45-35.2 B, C -OS Conservation and Open Space District -of Appendix C -Zoning, in order to change the uses permitted and providing for an effective date 1 09/20/1991 1index 02:03 pm TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing RefArence 25-91 PAGE 1 Type Code : ORD .ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 07/12/1991 Sequence # : 00005 Subject : 91 Effective Date 07/11/1991 ordinance- No.: 2:5-91 Amends the North Palm Beach General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1990-91 to appropriate funds for North Palm Beach Community Center Stage Curtains. Reference : 26-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 08/09/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject 91 Effective Date 08/08/1991 Ordinance No. 26-91 4n`_.cdinance of the Village of NPB amending the NPB General Fund -Budget for fiscal year 1990-91 by decreasing the various state shared revenues budget accounts and by decreasing the R & M Irrigation (street_. maintenance) and regular pay (Police) appropriations due to the shortfall in estimated receipts of state shared funds. Reference 27-91 type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 09/20/1991 Sequence # : 00003 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 09/19/1991 )rdinance No. 27-91 knnexing to the Village certain areas of property; providing a legal iescription of the property proposed to be annexed, redefining the Boundaries of the Village to include said property and providing an affective date. (Prosperity Harbor North) y� 1 09/30/1991 index 09:33 am TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 28-91 PAGE 1 Type Code ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 09/20/1991 Sequence # : 00002 Subject 91 Effective Date 09/19/1991 Ordinance No. 28-91 Rezones a recently annexed 33.42 acre parcel of land from Palm Beach County Zoning District RS to Zoning District R-1 Single Family. Reference 29-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 09/24/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject 91 Effective Date 09/19/1991 - Ordinance No. 29-91 An Ordinance creating a Planned Unit Development known as "Prosperity Harbor North" upon those certain lands comprising 33.42 acres. Reference : 30-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date Subject Effective Date Ordinance No. 30-91 09/30/1991 91 09/26/1991 Sequence # : 00001 An.ordinance.adopting budgets for the fiscal year October 1, 1991, to September 30, 1992, both inclusive, for the Village of NPB General Fund, including debt retirement, and for the NPB Country Club revenue fund; and repealing all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance. 01/20/1994 10:26 am index TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing Reference 4'.kW- `+ PAGE 1 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 09/30/1991 Sequence # : 00002 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 09/26/1991 Cs�rd�nan°Ce ;.y31 t� Reference : '32-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date Subject Effective Date Ordinance No.` -32-91 09/30/1991 Sequence # : 00003 91 09/26/1991 An ordinance creating a Planned Unit Development known; --as Prosperity Harbor South upon those certain lands comprising 63-48 acres located within the Village. Reference 33-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 11/04/1991 Sequence # : 00002 Subject 91 Effective Date 10/24/1991 Ordinance No. 33-91", Amends subsection C entitled "Finances" of Section 6 of Ordinance No 39-90, which created a Country Club Administrative Board;. adding a subsection D entitled "Personnel" of Section 6 of ordinance No. 39-90 11/15/1991 _ index PAGE 11:00 am TRIMS Index/Text Information Listing ,---Reference 34-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances -------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date 11/15/1991 Sequence # : 00001 Subject 91 Effective Date 11/14/1991 -'Ord'inance No-.. 34-91 An Ordinance Aas.tabIishing� waste -disposal charges-. f:or commerc .al property for Fiscal Year 1991-1992; prohibits private removal of'waste-with exceptions; waste disposal fees due regardless of vacancy or non-use of property; waste disposal bill procedures; repeal of Ordinance No. 37-90. Reference 35-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 11/15/1991 Sequence # : 00002 Subject : 91 Effective Date 11/14/1991 ;Ordinance No 35 91. An Ordinance limitin _g general-oblibe -i�4n debt:_ in. :providng...cap.ital improvements to an -amount that does not -exceed five (5%) perc:ent_- of the property tax base of the Village, providing for the repeal of all ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. Reference 36-91 Type Code : ORD ordinances --------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Date : 11/15/1991 Sequence # : 00003 Subject : 91 Effective Date : 11/14/1991 Ordinance No. 36-91. An Ordinance amending_ the_North Palm Beach General Fund Budget_.for Fiscal Year 1991-1992 by appropriation -transfer -from Council Contingency to Twin City Mall --Project l