2018-10 Village NewsletterOctober 2018
Village of North Palm Beach
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
Anchorage Park Update - Page 4
New police work dog hits the streets - Page 8
Clubhouse Construction Update - Page 9
Code Workshop - Page 16
SATURDAY, OCT. 6, 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M.
The Village of North Palm Beach
Sixth Annual
Veterans Day Ceremony
Monday, Nov. 12, 2018 at 9 a.m.
Veterans Memorial Park
303 Anchorage Drive
Keynote Speaker:
Retired Army Staff Sergeant, Troy Caicedo
Honoring All Who Served
OCTOBER 2018 | 3
The Village of North Palm Beach is governed by a Council-Manager form of government. The Village Manager
is appointed by the Council and administers all Village business. Regular Council meetings are held the second
and fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Council members may be contacted
through the Village Clerk’s Office at (561) 841-3355, or emailed at council@village-npb.org.
Boards/Committees Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ................................................... On call as needed
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing ... 1st Monday, monthly, 5:30 p.m.
Construction Board of Adjustment ........................ On call as needed
Golf Advisory Board .............................................. 3rd Monday, monthly, 6 p.m.
Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Committee .......... On call as needed
Library Advisory Board ........................................ 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
Pension Board - General Employees .................. On call as needed
Pension Board - Police & Fire ............................. On call as needed
Planning Commission .......................................... 1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m.
Recreation Advisory Board .................................. 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
Waterways Board ................................................ On call as needed, 5:30 p.m.
Zoning Board of Adjustment ................................ On call as needed
Deborah Searcy
Mark Mullinix
Vice Mayor
David B. Norris
Susan Bickel
President Pro Tem
Darryl C. Aubrey
Council Regular Meetings
Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Meeting Location
Village Hall Council Chambers
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Have you been to Anchorage Park lately to see the new
green grass?
About 200,000 square feet of sod was planted recently in
the park south of the playground in the low-lying “bowl”
area, and in the fenced Bark Park for small dogs. Public
Works crews added several inches of new dirt to level the
bowl field, making it better for sports activities.
As a result, the park’s main gathering place is plush and
green again, and looks more inviting than ever!
Also, the sprinkler systems in the park have been repaired
and upgraded to make sure the grass stays properly
irrigated and is ready for many more public festivals and
events, as well as many visits from residents looking to
enjoy a beautiful open space.
Earlier this year, the Public Works Department planted new
sod at the baseball field in the northeast corner of the park,
and that field is now looking great and ready for play.
Anchorage Park Update
Seawall progress
Construction of the new seawall south
of the boat ramp at Anchorage Park
is nearing completion. Pilings were
driven into the seabed and a steel
re-enforced concrete wall was poured
behind the pilings.
A concrete cap was added to the
top, ensuring a reliable seawall for
decades to come. About $686,000 was
budgeted for the job
Village Police
offers tips for a
safe Halloween
The Village Police Department wants
to make sure that Halloween is safe
this year for everyone. Here are a few
tips to keep in mind:
• Small children should always be
accompanied by a parent or other
designated responsible adult.
• If parents decide older children can
go trick-or-treating without adult
supervision, they should make sure
the kids travel in a group.
• Keep in mind that most trick‐or‐
treating is done after dark so plan
on bringing a flashlight or glow
stick to illuminate your pathway
and show others that you are in the
• Reflective outer clothing is always
a smart choice when preparing for
the evening.
• Have a designated route that is
planned ahead so that you and your
trick‐or‐treaters are familiar with
the area.
• Remember to obey the rules of the
road and take into consideration
that it may be dark and harder for
motorists to see you.
• Remind children to only visit the
homes where there is an exterior
porch light on or where it is known
that the home participates in trick‐
• Educating children not to go inside
a stranger’s home nor eat any treats
before returning home are also
good ideas.
• Put down electronic devices and
keep heads up when crossing the
OCTOBER 2018 | 5
New pump station will help keep public areas green
Crews recently installed a new water
pump station one block south of
Lighthouse Drive on the west side of
Alternate A1A.
The station is critical to the Village
because it will move water from the
Earman River to the Country Club
golf course, Osborne Park, Lakeside
Park, the Village Hall complex,
and to the landscaping along U.S.
Highway 1.
An old pump station at the site
was kept in place as a backup.
The Village Council approved a
$346,680 contract for the work back
in March.
Keeping It Green ...
Village code requires that swale areas be maintained by the
adjacent property owner or tenant. Trees in swales must be
trimmed over sidewalks and paved areas to a minimum of
15’ clearance from the ground, to minimize property damage
and public hazards.
Sec. 27-17. - Planting and removal; written approval
No trees shall be planted in the swale areas except by the
village or by property owners who have obtained written
approval of the public works director to plant any tree.
Sec. 27-18. - Variety and location.
(2) Swale trees shall be planted so as not to impede the flow
and storage of storm water. Swale trees shall be planted and
maintained to provide safe sight distances in accordance with
section 27-66. Incidental plantings of flowers may be planted
and maintained without permit subject to the same criteria
described herein.
(3) Swale trees shall be planted in accordance with Florida
Power and Light Company guidelines so as to avoid
interference with overhead utility lines.
Links to a Swale Tree Application and a list of approved
trees for planting can be found on the Village website at
www.village-npb.org under the Public Works Department
section. An application can be picked up in person at
the Public Works Facility, 645 Prosperity Farms Road.
KNOW YOUR CODE | Trash Collection Schedule
Property owners have the primary
responsibility for maintaining swales
Know Your Code
The Village provides trash collection services
three days a week for household garbage, two
days a week for vegetation, and once a week for
Residents must provide their own trash cans and
place them outside for “side door service.” Bulk
items, vegetation, and recycling should be placed
by the curb. Everything should be ready for pick
up by 7 a.m. each day, according to type of items
to be picked up.
Vegetation, trash or bulk items that come from any
business or are generated by a hired contractor,
such as a landscaper or home remodeler, must be
hauled away from the property by the contractor.
For more information about trash pickup services,
call (561) 691-3440.
Collection Schedule
• Monday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items• Tuesday - Vegetation• Wednesday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items• Thursday - Vegetation and Recycling• Friday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
www.village-npb.org @VillageNPB @VillageNPB communications@village-npb.org
Stay in touch
OCTOBER 2018 | 7
Fer�lizers make things grow! And
that’s a good thing if it’s your yard.
But when excess fer�lizer is picked
up by rainfall runoff, it is carried to
our waterways, where it can cause
many water quality problems
(like algal blooms)!
If your community has a fer�lizer
applica�on ordinance, get a copy and
understand the rules.
Always sweep up fer�lizer that has
accidentally been applied to hard surfaces.
Don’t apply fer�lizer when heavy rainfall is
forecast (2” or more).
Keep a 10-foot wide buffer zone that is
fer�lizer free next to waterbodies.
Save yourself �me and money by
conver�ng your landscaping to na�ve
South Florida plants that don’t require
Keep pollution out of our watersand Me!S t o rmwa t e r
But YOU can help!Excess Fertilizer = Pollution
Keep Pollution
Out of our Waters!
FEMA TIP/Police K9
The Village Police Department has a new work dog who has
been finding narcotics and patrolling the community with his
handler, Officer James Kaminski. The dog, named Deny, is a
20-month old German Shepherd from the Czech Republic.
Officer Kaminski and Deny recently graduated from
International K9 College with 680 hours of highly specialized
training, and both are certified through the Florida Law
Enforcement Canine Association. Their certification includes
narcotics detection, patrol and tracking, and they continue to
train often with International K9 College and several other
local agencies.
Though Deny just started working this summer, he is already
proving himself to be an important part of the department’s
crime-fighting efforts.
Deny weighs about 80 pounds and loves coming to work
every day. He has abundant energy, and his favorite toy is his
“Kong,” as well as the orange traffic cones at work.
Eager new work dog joins police officers for patrol duty
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey in
2017, approximately 80 percent of
households impacted by the storm did
not have flood insurance. And FEMA
wants you to know, that whether you
are in or out of a high-risk flood area—
everyone needs flood insurance.
Floods are the nation’s most common
and costly natural disaster, causing
billions of dollars in damage each year.
Homeowner and rental insurance
typically do not cover flood damage.
Floods can happen anywhere. In fact,
98 percent of counties in the United
States have experienced a flood and
more than 20 percent of flood claims
come from properties outside the
high-risk flood zone.
If your property is in a low-to-
moderate flood risk area, your flood
insurance could be much more
affordable than you might think.
Just one inch of water in an average-
sized home can cost more than
$25,000 in damage. You can re-cover
faster and more fully after a disaster
with flood insurance. Call your agent
and buy a policy today.
As long as your community
participates in the National Flood
Insurance Program, you can buy flood
insurance for your property. There’s
typically a 30-day wait period between
when you purchase the policy and
when it becomes effective.
Find questions to ask your agent to
ensure you purchase the coverage you
need at FloodSmart.gov.
What You Need to Know About
Disaster Assistance:
You can submit a flood insurance
claim even in the absence of a
Presidential disaster declaration.
Most federal disaster assistance
comes in the form of low-interest
disaster loans from U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA).
A claim against your flood insurance
policy may provide more funds
for recovery than those you could
qualify for from FEMA or SBA after
a Presidential disaster declaration.
FEMA recommends flood insurance for every home
“Footprint” of new clubhouse now visible at Country Club
The hammers are swinging at the site
of the future Country Club as progress
is happening rapidly!
Crews have constructed the footings of
the clubhouse using concrete and steel
re-enforcement bars, and have poured
the concrete base that everything else
will be built on.
The general shape of the building, as
well as the “footprint” of the area it
will occupy, can now be seen.
To keep the venture on track, Village
project managers are in daily contact
with the construction managers and
hold weekly meetings at the site to
review each step of the construction
On the golf course, the new grass is
growing healthy and getting stronger,
so the projected December re-open
date for golfing is still on track.
OCTOBER 2018 | 9
COUNTRY CLUB/Fire Department
Dr. Scott McFarland has been the Medical Director of Village Fire Rescue since 2007. He went to college at Notre Dame, Medical School
at Alabama, and trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine at the University of Miami. He served as Medical Director of the
Emergency Departments at Wellington Regional and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Centers, and was the host of the PBS Medical program,
“Healthy Body Healthy Mind.” Dr. McFarland has been a Board-Certified Emergency Physician since 1994.
By Dr. Scott McFarland
There will probably be no more anxiety-
producing moment in your life than the
moment you dial 911!
But there are many steps you can take
right now to minimize the fear, chaos and
confusion that accompany almost every
emergency. Help us help you! The more
pertinent information we have the better
decisions we make.
Create a file of your medical history:
• List the name and phone number
of your primary doctor and any
specialists that you see.
• List all your medications and the
• List any allergies or adverse drug
• List contact information for next of
Kin and/or medical power of attorney.
• Include a copy of your most recent
EKG;and a photocopy of your Florida
driver license, and also include any
living will, advanced directives or Do
Not Resuscitate order (DNR). Keep
this information in a plastic folder in
your kitchen freezer (paramedics are
trained to look there first for these
• Unlock your door or give a key to a
neighbor to allow emergency access.
• Sit down or lie down...Do not stand or
• If the patient is not responsive and
not breathing begin hands-only CPR;
Drownings and drug overdoses will
need an artificial breath every 30
• Relax...help is on the way.
Help NPB Fire Rescue responders serve you better
Dr. Scott McFarland
NPB FD Medical Director
We offer all levels of swim lessons for all ages. Our classes are taught
by Swim with Gills. We offer group lessons, private and semi-private
lessons on weekdays, evenings and weekends! There is no reason your
child should not be able to swim. For a complete schedule or to register
for a class, contact Swim with Gills at office@swimwithgills.com or
(561) 222-4994.
This 60-minute dance-aerobics/strength training class is based on Jazz dance movements which incorporates Pilates
principals into every workout. Instructors demonstrate how students can modify the steps to meet their own fitness
needs. Contact Marti Pietro at (561) 574-4341 or go to www.jazzercise.com.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M,W,F,Sat 9 to 10 a.m.
Mon-Thur 6 to 7 p.m.
This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This class has no pounding, jumping or dancing
movements. It class consists primarily of stretching muscles and limbering the joints. Fee: $10/$12 per month.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M,W,F 8:45-9:45
Intermediate level players practice and play round robin tournaments on Saturdays at 11 a.m. and Tuesdays at 7:15
p.m. in Osborne Park. The cost is $5/person. Coordinator is Gerald Mangold. Call (561) 845-2025 for details.
Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindfulness. Bring
together the forces of mind, body and spirit to develop a daily practice of
self-care, balance and spiritual harmony. Learn useful techniques and forms in
your very first class! Your guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advanced Instructor
of Inner Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 10 years of
experience sharing his practice.
Age/Level Day Time
All F 10 to 11 a.m.
Parks and Recreation Department603 Anchorage Drive(561) 841-3386
OCTOBER 2018 | 11
Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves
stress/anxiety and strengthens abdominal muscles. It helps
improve flexibility of the spine and all joints. You will learn
yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation
techniques. All levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M 10-11:30 a.m.
Adult T 6-7:30 p.m.
Adult Th 10-11:30 a.m.
This 55 minute Classic style Pilates mat class will tone, shape, lengthen and strengthen your body. Incorporates
props for strength and balance building. All welcome! Bring your own mat. $12 per class. $55 for 5 classes.
Please call Dina @ (954)871-6922.
Age/Level Day Time
Monday 12 p.m.
Wed 10 a.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m.
1st Saturday of the month at 9 a.m.
Learn about design, cutting glass, gluing and grouting. Beginners as well
as those who have experience with mosaics and would like to work in a
open studio setting. Explore different mosaic techniques, all while creating
your own original piece of art. Cost includes instruction, tools, materials.
Limited to 10 students. Cost: $55.
Age/Level Day Time
Saturdays 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.
Join our food trucks in the park from 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, October 13 at Anchorage Park. Many of your
favorite food trucks will be there, offering a variety of fun food. Call (561) 841-3386 for details.
Annual 5K Run, Saturday, October 27 at 7:30 a.m. This 3.1-mile course begins and ends at Anchorage Park, 603
Anchorage Drive. The run takes you through the beautiful Anchorage and Country Club neighborhoods.
Open to all ages, runners or walkers. Preregistration fee: $20, race day fee: $25. Register online at runsignup.
com. At 8:30 a.m. kids 7 – 10 can run the 1K Goblin Run. Preregistration fee: $10, race day fee: $15.
Awards will be presented at 9 a.m. for the various age groups. Call (561) 841-3386 for details.
Saturday, October 6 & 20 at 9 a.m. (7 hours)
Gentle Yoga
Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Gentle Yoga and 20 minutes of meditation with Mi
Sun Donahue, certified yoga instructor (60 min.)
Knit & Crochet
Mondays at 11 a.m.
Bring a project and knit or crochet with others in a
friendly library setting. Basic knitting and crochet
skills are recommended. (3 hours)
Monday, October 15 at 6:30 p.m.
The American Association of University Women
The Lighthouse Camera Club
Tuesday, October 9 at
6 p.m.
Friendly group of photo
enthusiasts. Skill levels
ranging from beginners
to advanced amateurs,
to professionals. (2
Tuesday, October 16 at 7 p.m.
Contact Sue, (561) 841-3383
Genealogy Databases at the Library! Ancestry,
Heritage Quest and MyHeritage Library Edition.
Great Courses filmed lecture series
Wednesdays at 12 p.m.
The Guide to Essential Italy
Book Discussion
Thursday, October 4 at 11 a.m.
Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate
Thursday, November 1 at 11 a.m.
Read Together Palm Beach County Selection – Best
State Ever.: A Florida Man Defends His Homeland by
Dave Barry
Rock Painting
Thursday, October 11 at 11 a.m.
with Kelly NPB Rocks (2 hours)
Beautiful Expression Yoga
(Starting October 18)
Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Fridays at 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Yoga and meditation with Ruth Mamo, certified yoga
instructor (60 min.)
Captain Jack Jacobs,
A Man and His Music
Wednesday, October 24 from 5
p.m. to 6 p.m.
Jack Jacobs sings the Great
American Songbook. Hear the
great songs of Sinatra, Billy Joel,
The Platters, Nat King Cole, Tony
Bennett, Neil Diamond, Frankie
Lane, Tome Jones, Ray Charles, Barry Manilow and
More! Doo-wop, Jazz, Country, and Broadway, too!
Camera Club Learning Program
Wednesday, October 31 at 6 p.m.
The Sand Dollar Quilters Group
Fridays at 10 a.m.
This award-winning group of dedicated quilters has
been meeting and quilting in the library on individual
and group projects for several years. New members
welcome. Basic sewing skills are recommended, as
this is not intended as a quilting class. (4 hours)
Friends of the Library
Friends Board Meeting
Monday, October 1 at 5:30 p.m.
Monday, November 5 at 5:30 p.m.
303 Anchorage Drive
(561) 841-3383
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 7p.m.
Friday-Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Library events are free and open to the public
and may be subject to change without notice
OCTOBER 2018 | 13
Animanga Club
Tuesday, October 16 at 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Ages 14 -18
Come join the Animanga Club’s monthly meetings!
We’ll read manga, watch anime, and discuss the
themes and differences. It’s like a book club, but for
your favorite comics and shows. Come pick up the
month’s manga in the teen room located downstairs
and read before club meetings. Get ready to make
new friends and talk about your favorite books and
shows. Don’t forget to ask your parent to read and fill
out the permission slip. See you there!
Creative Writing Club
Tuesday, October 23 at 4:30 p.m.
Age 13+
Come join us and learn fun ways to get your creative
juices flowing! Games, snacks, fun exercises, and
more! Don’t forget to bring paper and a pen/pencil!
Little Listeners Story Time
Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Ages 17 months - age 3
Our Little Listeners Storytime for toddlers is a fun way
to introduce early literacy
skills to little ones on the
move. Plenty of movement
activities will emphasize
body awareness, rhythm, and
gross motor skills as they
dance and jump along to the
music. They will begin to
develop listening skills and
letter recognition through
interactive stories, flannel
boards, and rhymes. The program will end with
learning centers to help toddlers with cooperative
play and fine motor skills.
Rising Readers Story Time
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Ages 3 - 5
Storytime for Rising Readers is for pre-school aged
children to practice early literacy skills and improve
their letter recognition in an enjoyable and interactive
way. This program is filled with songs, rhymes, and
flannel boards to teach
preschoolers listening
skills, interpersonal
skills, and phonological
awareness (the ability
to hear and identify the
little sounds that make up
words). At the program’s
end, preschoolers will
engage in learning centers designed to promote fine
motor and writing skills.
Baby Time for the Young and Restless
Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.
Age Birth—17 months
No child is too young to start developing early literacy
skills and have a great time at the library! Come join
us for a fun, interactive experience filled with stories,
rhymes, and music. At Baby Time, children will
learn joint attention skills as we read and sing along
together. At the end of the program, your baby can
show off his or her gross motor movements as they
engage in sensory and exploratory play with other
Story Time
Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Ages 2-5
Come join us for a fun, interactive experience filled
with stories, rhymes, and music.
Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library membership dues provide funds to the Library for additional
programs including the very popular children’s summer programs and services that are not
otherwise paid for by the Library budget. Benefits of membership include a special Library
Card, members only exclusive pre-book sale event and email updates and reminders.
Call (561) 841-3383 for more information.
NOTE: Board Meeting on Monday, Oct. 1 at 5:30 p.m.
- Continued on page 15
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Veterans Day speaker spent 21st birthday in battle
U.S. Army Sergeant Troy Caicedo will
be the keynote speaker at the Village
Annual Veterans Day ceremony on
Monday, November 12.
Sgt. Caicedo is an Advance Medical
Support Assistant at the Veterans
Administration Hospital in West Palm
Beach who served two tours of duty in
Iraq and three rotations as a contractor
in Afghanistan.
He began his military career in 2002
with basic training at Fort Knox,
Kentucky, and tank training at Fort
Hood, Texas. He was then shipped to
Kuwait, and spent his 21st birthday in
battle against small arms and explosive
devices. His company went on to battle
in Taji, and Najaff, Iraq, where they
retook control of that city.
They took several casualties winning Najaff after a two-
week battle, and his tank endured grenade damage as well
as hits from several RPGs and small arms fire. Sgt. Caicedo
was “rocked” several times, but fortunately experienced no
severe injuries.
He and his company also were sent to the Battle of
Fallujah, which took nearly four weeks,
but resulted in a critically important
win for American forces.
His second tour was a 15-month
deployment helping defeat Al Qaeda
during Operation Arrowhead Ripper in
Baqubah, and destroying hundreds of
terrorist cells in many areas.
Now back home, Sgt. Caicedo
is pursuing a graduate degree in
Homeland Security while working full
time at the V.A. He also honorably
fulfills his Daddy Duties while his
wife completes her schooling in
pursuit of one day running her own
business, and he is active in the
Warfighter Community, helping other
veterans through several non-profit
The ceremony will be held at Veterans Memorial Park, 303
Anchorage Drive (next to the Village Library), beginning at
9 a.m.
The Village of North Palm Beach welcomes Sgt. Caicedo
as a special guest at the important annual Veterans Day
U.S. Army Sgt. Troy Caicedo
New, but experienced
officer joins Village
Police Department
The police department is getting
some experienced help with the
recent addition of Officer Kevin
Coppin, who retired as a West Palm
Beach Police Department Captain,
and will now serve the Village as a
North Palm Beach police officer.
He was sworn in recently and will
use his training and experience to
benefit the people of North Palm
Beach. Officer Coppin also is an
attorney, and his background will be
a valued asset in the Village.
Welcome, Officer Coppin!
OCTOBER 2018 | 15
Open to the Public NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Open to the Public
Racquet Stringing Available
Private groups & private lessons may be scheduled at your convenience.
SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Please call to pre-register
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Skills & Drills Mixed
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 Mixed Workout Round Robin
Call to register 9:00 9:00
Call to register Call to register Cardio Call to register Call to register Call to register Call to register
Junior tennis classes are offered on Mondays & Saturdays
Monday at 3:30, 4:30, 5:30; Saturdays at 9:15, 10:15
TENNIS for ADULT BEGINNERS - Tuesdays 6:30 p.m.
Call the shop for pricing or to sign up
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday There's always something HAPPENING!
Men's Adv Singles Beginners Mixed Workout Men's Doubles Pick an activity. Call the club to register.
6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 It's that simple!
(561) 691-3425
October Tennis Schedule
TENNIS SCHEDULE - Library events
Arts and Crafts
Tuesday, October 2 & 16 at 2:30
p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Causal drop-in crafts!
Science Exploration
Tuesday, October 9 & 23 at 2:30
p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Use microscopes and conduct
experiments like real scientists!
Age 5+
Game Day
Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m.
Video games, board games, and
computer games!
Age 5+
Read to a Dog
Wednesdays from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Share a story with Pearl the
American Bulldog
Limited space of six. Sign-up sheet
at desk. All ages and abilities.
Thursday, October 4 & 18 from 3
to 4:30 p.m.
Planning, constructing, and
Age 8+
Babies and Brews
Fridays from 9 to 10 a.m.
Playtime for them, coffee for you.
Join us for unstructured playtime.
We provide coffee, tea, and toys.
You provide the baby 0-20 mos.
Could You Pass the Test?
Monday, Nov. 5 from 5 to 6 p.m.
Our most popular seminar is
“Could You Pass the Test?,” in
which participants see how they
fare on the U.S. citizenship test -
fun and interactive. Did you know
75 percent of those asked could
name the Three Stooges, but
only 42 percent could name the
three branches of government?
Could You Pass the Test assesses
knowledge of the U.S. and Florida
constitutions. Some questions are
taken from the U.S. citizenship
test. What branch of Government
makes the laws?
America’s Boating Course
Tuesday to Thursday, Nov. 6, 7 &
8 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Open to the
public, 12 years or older Learn to
Skipper a Boat with Confidence!
Course meets the requirements
of Florida law, which requires
that anyone born on or after Jan.
1, 1988 must pass an approved
boating course to operate a motor
vessel of 10 or more HP in Florida.
—continued from page 13
Library events, activities and resources available for free
- Continued on page 17
The Palm Beach North
Prosperity Leadership Program
educates professionals about
the unique characteristics of
North County. The focus is
on: Prosperous Economy,
High Quality of Life, Smart
and Connected Region, and
This experience will offer access
to community leaders and
provide a deeper understanding
of our region’s economic, social
and civic environments.
Network with other professionals,
brainstorm and devise solutions
to some of our area’s greatest
issues and give back to the
Palm Beach North community by
participating in this unique and
educational program.
The cost is $895 and begins in
January. Participants must be
members of the Palm Beach
North Chamber of Commerce.
For more info, contact:
(561) 748-3954
Chamber of Commerce
looking for candidates
for Leadership program
About 60 residents attended a recent
public workshop on updating Village
regulations that will affect future
development of U.S. Highway 1 and
Northlake Boulevard.
Because many buildings on those
major corridors are aging, the Village
hired the South Miami consulting
firm, Dover Kohl, to determine what is
needed to encourage redevelopment
of the main business corridors, and to
work with residents to determine what
they want for the future of the Village.
At the workshop, Dover Kohl
representatives showed how changes
in the Village’s outdated code
regulations could lead to substantial
new investment from private
developers, and how that investment
could lead to a growth of new and
attractive public spaces, as well as new
business and housing opportunities.
Dover Kohl will continue working
with the Village over the next few
months and will submit a final version
of recommended code changes for
Council approval. If the recommended
changes are approved, it would be up
to developers and property owners to
work out the details of how individual
properties would be redeveloped.
Citizens offer input about development
Residents worked with a consultant to explore ideas about how to improve the economic
future of the Village, particularly along the main business corridor of U.S. Highway 1.
The Village of North Palm Beach is accepting applications for full-time Police Officer and
for Reserve Police Officer.
Interested candidates should contact Sergeant Lou Pearson by email only or come by the
lobby of the police station to obtain an application. Sergeant Pearson’s email address is
Village accepting applications for police officer
Public Works gets cash
award for safety efforts
Human Resources Director
Renee Govig and Public Works
Director Steven Hallock accepted
a check recently for $2,599 as
reimbursement for purchasing
safety equipment for employees.
The money is an insurance
incentive to minimize injuries to
Village employees.
OCTOBER 2018 | 17
Congratulations to Lia Laird, 8 years old. She won first place in the Annual
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament (Youth Division) with this fantastic 14 ½
pound dolphin fish. Great job Lia!
What A Catch!
The course covers:
Boating terms, types, charts, fueling, safety, handling, anchoring, trailering, and Personal Water Craft
• Required equipment, navigation lights, boat registration, law enforcement and Florida regulations.
• Aids to navigation, rules, and emergencies including use of VHF radio.
• Review of homework, overall review, final exam and awarding of certificates, membership interviews.
Successful completion of this course will qualify that person to obtain a Florida Boating Safety Education I.D.
Card. You do not have to own a boat to take this course, however, if you had to handle someone else’s boat in
an emergency, would you know how to cope? Take the course, learn from the experts. You never know when
that bit of knowledge will become useful!
—continued from page 13
Library offers boating course leading to required state license
Did you know you can learn a new language
at the Village Library? There are 30 languages
and each lesson contains a reading, writing,
listening, and speaking portion.
Free to NPB Library cardholders.
All you need is an Internet connection,
computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Library has Rosetta Stone learning software for 30 languages
30 Languages:
Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Dari, Dutch, English (American),
English (British), Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Greek,
Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Latin, Pashto, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil),
Russian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), Swahili,
Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese.
Oct. 11 (Thursday)
McKee Gardens & Lunch at CJ Cannon’s (Vero Beach)
Cost: $45. McKee Botanical Gardens is where native plants and exotic botanicals combine with old Florida
charm. Guided tour and then nearby CJ Cannon’s for lunch. Bus departs at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 4 p.m.
Oct. 27-28 (Saturday-Sunday)
Mount Dora Craft Fair & Renninger’s Flea Market (40 minutes northwest of Orlando)
Cost: $130 To Mount Dora for their award-winning Craft Fair. Stay at Comfort Inn and Suites in nearby
Tavares. On Sunday, group will visit the world-famous Renninger’s Flea Market also in Mount Dora. Trip
Price includes bus and hotel. Bus departs at 8 a.m. on Saturday and returns at 7 p.m. Sunday.
Nov. 1 (Thursday)
Bonnet House Tour in Fort Lauderdale
Cost: $45. The Bonnet House is a historic home in Fort Lauderdale. It was added to the U.S. National
Register of Historic Places in 1984 because of its unique history. Price includes house VIP tour and bus.
Lunch on your own on Las Olas Boulevard. Bus leaves at 8 a.m. and returns 5 p.m.
Dec. 1 Bok Tower - Bok Tower staff hosts a Christmas concert with the Orlando Orchestra. Cost: $60.
Dec. 14 - Thrift Store Frenzy - Shop at several thrift stores in the Hobe Sound and Stuart area. Cost: $15.
Nov. 27-28 (Tuesday-Wednesday) — WAITING LIST
St. Augustine Experience
Cost: $175 based on double occupancy. Overnight to oldest City in US. See Fountain of Youth, oldest
school house, oldest. Guided tour of the city plus free time to explore on Old Town Trolley. Price includes
bus, hotel, tour, trolley. Bus departs 8 a.m. Tuesday and returns at 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
Nov. 10 (Saturday)
FAU Football game vs. Western Kentucky
Cost: $35. Off to the home of the FAU Owls football team to watch them play Western Kentucky. Price
includes subs and sodas, bus, and game ticket. Bus depart time TBA.
Oct. 19 (Friday) — WAITING LIST
Solomon’s Castle (Hardee County – one hour east of Sarasota)
Cost: $65. One man’s artistic creation from recycled materials is what stands today as Solomon’s Castle. It
is a house built from top to bottom with found and recycled materials. Trip price includes bus, castle tour
and lunch in the boat in the moat. Bus departs at 8 a.m. and returns at 6:30 p.m.
Village Recreation Trips and Tours - Fall 2018
The Trips and Tours program offers group day trips and multi-day trips for varying interests. Register on line
or at the Anchorage Park office, 603 Anchorage Drive, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday. Call (561) 841-3386.
The weekly pickleball days at the Community Center have changed. The new days
are now Mondays and Fridays, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and on Wednesdays
from 5 to 8 p.m. The Village provides all the equipment needed, so it’s easy just to
show up, be competitive and start having a great time with a sport that is growing
in popularity. Admission is free and all ages are welcome.
Weekly pickleball days have changed
OCTOBER 2018 | 19
Friends of Library Board meeting
Kids Arts & Crafts 2:30-3:30pm
Hearing Loss Group 5pm
3 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Adult Book Discussion 11am
Makerspace age 8+ 3pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic 10-11am
Adult Chess - 9am-4pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Tennis RR - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Men’s Adv. Singles - 6:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Science Exploration 2:30pm
Lighthouse Camera Club 6pm
10 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Bus Trip & Tour - McKee Gardens
& CJ Cannon’s 8:30am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Rock Painting - 11am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Village Council meeting - 7:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Stained Glass Mosaics
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Food Truck Frenzy - 5 to 9pm
Tennis RR - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Knit & Crochet - 11am-2pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Men’s Tennis Singles - 6:30pm
AAUW - 6:30pm
16 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Kids Arts & Crafts 2:30-3:30pm
Animanga Club Age 14-18 4:30pm
Treesearchers Genealogy - 7pm
17 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Makerspace 3-4pm
Yoga/Ruth Mamo - 5:30-6:30pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Bus Trip & Tour - Solomon’s
Castle 8am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Ruth Mamo - 8:30-9:30pm
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Adult Chess - 9am-4pm
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Knit & Crochet - 11am-2pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Men’s Adv. Singles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Science Exploration 2:30pm
Teen Creative Writing Club-4:30pm
24 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Captain Jack Jacobs, A Man &
His Music 5pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Water Aerobics -11am-12pm
Yoga/Ruth Mamo - 5:30-6:30pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Village Council meeting - 7:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Ruth Mamo - 8:30-9:30pm
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Flash Dash 5K Run - 7:30am
Bus Trip & Tour - Mount Dora
Craft Fair 8am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Knit & Crochet - 11am-2pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Yoga/Mi Sun at 9:30-10:30am
Men’s Adv. Singles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
31 Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Lighthouse Camera Class 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Oct. 13 - Food Truck Frenzy | 5 to 9 p.m. | Anchorage Park
Oct. 27 - Flash Dash 5K Run | 7:30 a.m. | Anchorage Park
Parks & Recreation
Country Club
Council & Village
Village of
North Palm Beach
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
(561) 841-3380
Village Hall Hours
Mon-Thur, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Country Club
Membership .............................(561) 691-3438
Golf Shop .................................(561) 691-3433
Pool ..........................................(561) 691-3427
Tennis .......................................(561) 691-3425
Community Development ............(561) 841-3365
Code Compliance .........................(561) 841-3365
Finance .........................................(561) 841-3360
Human Resources ........................(561) 882-1155
Library ..........................................(561) 841-3383
Police and Fire:
Emergency ..............................9-1-1
Non-Emergency ......................(561) 848-2525
Public Works ................................(561) 691-3440
Recreation ....................................(561) 841-3386
Anchorage Park ......................(561) 841-3386
Community Center .................(561) 841-3389
Osborne Park ..........................(561) 841-3387
Village Clerk’s Office ...................(561) 841-3355
Village Historian ..........................(561) 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office .............(561) 904-2122
Village Council ............................(561) 841-3355
Village Directory
Village of North Palm Beach
“The Best Place To Live Under The Sun”
Driving Range .............Sun., Tue., Wed., Fri., Sat. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Mon.,Thur. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Golf Shop ......................................................8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
Pool ......................................................Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sun. 12 to 6 p.m.
Members only Mon. Fri. 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Public use swim Mon.- Fri. 12 to 4 p.m.
Tennis Courts .....................................Mon.-Thur. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Fri. - Sun. 8 a.m. until dark.
Tennis Office/Shop ..............................Mon.-Thur. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sat.-Sun. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Facilities Hours