2018-09 Village NewsletterSeptember 2018
Village of North Palm Beach
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
New Neighborhood Enhancement Team - Page 5
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 3
The Village of North Palm Beach is governed by a Council-Manager form of government. The Village Manager
is appointed by the Council and administers all Village business. Regular Council meetings are held the second
and fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Council members may be contacted
through the Village Clerk’s Offi ce at (561) 841-3355, or emailed at council@village-npb.org.
Boards/Committees Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ................................................... On call as needed
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing ... 1st Monday, monthly, 5:30 p.m.
Construction Board of Adjustment ........................ On call as needed
Golf Advisory Board .............................................. 3rd Monday, monthly, 6 p.m.
Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Committee .......... On call as needed
Library Advisory Board ........................................ 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
Pension Board - General Employees .................. On call as needed
Pension Board - Police & Fire ............................. On call as needed
Planning Commission .......................................... 1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m.
Recreation Advisory Board .................................. 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
Waterways Board ................................................ On call as needed, 5:30 p.m.
Zoning Board of Adjustment ................................ On call as needed
Deborah Searcy
Mark Mullinix
Vice Mayor
David B. Norris
Susan Bickel
President Pro Tem
Darryl C. Aubrey
Council Regular Meetings
Thursday, Sept. 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Meeting Location
Village Hall Council Chambers
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
At a recent Council meeting, Mayor
David Norris and the Village Coun-
cil recognized Louis Daniello for his
service to the people of North Palm
Beach. Mr. Daniello served on the
Zoning Board of Adjustment for
23 years, from 1995 through 2018,
and served as Vice Chair from 2007
through 2010.
Council recognizes
long-term Zoning
Board member
Thanks to residents and volunteers,
Support Our Troops USA Inc. recently
sent its July 4th shipment of care
packages, baseball equipment, apple
and cherry pies, and soccer equipment
to 311 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
With the holiday shipments still to
come, the organization is in need of
additional funds for items and postage.
An anonymous donor will match up
to $1,000 for cash donations received
by Support Our Troops USA Inc.
until September 1, so every dollar you
contribute goes twice as far. No amount
is too small and all are tax deductible.
Send checks to Support Our Troops
USA, Inc., P.O. Box 14211, North
Palm Beach, FL 33408, or bring your
donation to the Clerk’s offi ce at Village
Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1.
Support Our Troops Contribution Challenge
Fun moments
Above: Parks & Rec. employees enjoying a moment at
Summer Camp. Right: A letter to NPB police offi cers from a
child who got a special visit from them at his birthday party.
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 5
Are you aware of the Village
Neighborhood Enhancement Team?
The NET team is a group of Village
employees who work with volunteers
and residents to fi nd creative solutions
to individual code violations that need
extra attention.
Their strategy is to increase pride of
ownership, mutual responsibility, and
collaborative problem-solving with
property owners when addressing
code-related issues and the upkeep of
NET team members evaluate how
various code violations aff ect
neighborhood quality of life, and
identify the properties that are most in
need of assistance. Then they organize
the resources, people and expertise
needed to help home owners bring
their properties into compliance with
Village standards.
The NET team consists of members
from the Village Police, Fire, Public
Works, Community Development, and
Parks and Recreation Departments,
as well as the Village Special Projects
Director. Ultimately, the NET
team’s goal is to work with residents
to ensure neighborhoods remain
desirable places to live.
Future outreach plans include crime
walks, neighborhood clean-ups,
beautifi cation projects and eff orts
to obtain grant money to support
neighborhood enhancement initiatives
and community revitalization.
If you have a potential neighborhood
issue that needs attention, please feel
free to contact the NET Team at (561)
The Village NET brought together a dedicated group of volunteers recently to help spruce up two houses off Prosperity Farms Road.
NET looks for innovative solutions to make sure neighborhoods stay attractive, and their most recent eff ort was a big success thanks
to volunteers from the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, Paint Your Heart Out Palm Beach County, Generation Church and
others. Village Councilmember Susan Bickel was out showing support also.
Neighborhood Enhancement Team makes Village look good
Outreach program seeks to improve NPB neighborhoods
Neighborhood Enhancement Team
560 U.S. Highway 1
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
(561) 841-3376
Though the Village pool was closed for several weeks
during demolition of the old clubhouse, it re-opened with a
big splash on July 27th with more than 100 people coming
out for a Friday night Village pool party.
A second party was held August 10th, as the summer rains
stopped just in time to create a beautiful night. Village staff
cooked hot dogs and hamburgers at the parties, and many
people got their fi rst look at the space where the clubhouse
used to be.
Village pool parties have been popular with residents for
many years and will continue when the new clubhouse is
complete next summer.
Village summer pool parties return with a splash
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 7
Keep pollution out of our waters
and Me!S t o rmwa t e r
But YOU can help!Excess Fertilizer
= Pollution
Keep Pollution
Out of our Waters!
Florida law, as well as the Village and Palm Beach County
Codes of Ordinances require businesses to pay for business
tax receipts by September 30. North Palm Beach-based
businesses are required to get both a business tax receipt
from the Village and a separate business tax receipt from
Palm Beach County government.
To fi nd out more about obtaining or renewing a business tax
receipt, check the Village web page at www.village-npb.org.
Information about County tax receipts can be found at www.
KNOW YOUR CODE | Trash Collection Schedule
Business taxes due by Sept. 30 for
Village and County tax receipts
Know Your Code
“All business tax receipts issued hereunder may be renewed
without penalty no later than September 30 by application
of the receipt holder. Receipts not renewed by October 1
shall be considered delinquent and subject to a delinquency
penalty of ten (10) percent of the full year business tax for
the month of October, plus an additional fi ve-percent penalty
for each month of delinquency thereafter until paid. The total
delinquency penalty shall never exceed twenty-fi ve (25)
percent of the full year business tax for that applicant, in
addition to the business tax set forth herein.”
Code Sec. 17-20. - Business tax receipt renewal
The Village provides trash collection services
three days a week for household garbage, two
days a week for vegetation, and once a week for
Residents must provide their own trash cans and
place them outside for “side door service.” Bulk
items, vegetation, and recycling should be placed
by the curb. Everything should be ready for pick
up by 7 a.m. each day, according to type of items
to be picked up.
Vegetation, trash or bulk items that come from any
business or are generated by a hired contractor,
such as a landscaper or home remodeler, must be
hauled away from the property by the contractor.
For more information about trash pickup services,
call (561) 691-3440.
Collection Schedule
• Monday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
• Tuesday - Vegetation
• Wednesday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
• Thursday - Vegetation and Recycling
• Friday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
www.village-npb.org @VillageNPB @VillageNPB communications@village-npb.org
Stay in touch
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 9
Fire Department, Public Works rescue baby ducks
The Village Fire and Public Works Departments recently
sprang into action when a citizen notifi ed the Village about
a distressed mother duck hovering at a storm drain at the
Northlake Promenade Shoppes on U.S. Highway 1 and
Northlake Boulevard.
Public Works responded and worked for a while, then
called out the Fire Department to make sure the rescue
attempt would continue safely. Together, they spent more
than an hour reaching and climbing into the muddy drain,
eventually rescuing all six ducklings!
They were placed into mom’s nearby pond and they all
swam back to her together! Great work by Public Works
and Fire Department!
Knit & Crochet
Mondays at 11 a.m.
Bring a project and knit or crochet with others in a
friendly library setting. Basic knitting and crochet
skills are recommended. (3 hours)
The Lighthouse Camera Club
Tuesday, August 14 at 6:30 p.m.
Friendly group of photo enthusiasts. Skill levels
ranging from beginners to advanced amateurs, to
professionals. (2 hours)
TreeSearchers Genealogy
Contact Sue, (561) 841-3383
Genealogy Databases at the Library! Ancestry, World
Vital Records and Heritage Quest.
Great Courses Filmed Lecture Series
Wednesdays at 12 p.m.
The Guide to Essential Italy
Rock Painting
Thursday, August 9 at 11 a.m.
With Kelly NPB Rocks. (2 hours)
Camera Club Learning Program
August- Photo
Management –
AKA Digital Asset
(DAM), Establishing
a basic Folder
and file structure,
Software ON 1 and
Lightroom. Backing
up images- On site
Off Site options.
Hearing Loss Support Group
Thursday, August 23 at 11 a.m.
Hearing Loss Association of America, NPB Chapter. A
Support Group for the Hearing Impaired (2 hours)
Adult Craft
Thursday, August 30, at 11 a.m.
Seashells are turned into sea creatures and animals.
Preregister at Circulation Desk
The Sand Dollar Quilters Group
Fridays at 10 a.m.
This award-winning group of dedicated quilters has
been meeting and quilting in the library on individual
and group projects for several years. New members
welcome. Basic sewing skills are recommended, as
this is not intended as a quilting class. (4 hours).
Teen Programs
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 9 a.m.
Gaming, computers, crafts, games and more.
Teen Volunteers
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 1:30 p.m.
Volunteer forms at the children’s desk.
Little Listeners Story Time
Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Age: 17 months to 3 years.
A fun way to introduce early
literacy skills. Activities
emphasize body awareness,
rhythm, and gross motor skills
as they dance and jump to
the music. They will develop
listening skills and letter
recognition through interactive
stories, flannel boards and
rhymes. The program will
end with learning centers to help toddlers with
cooperative play and fine motor skills.
303 Anchorage Drive
(561) 841-3383
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 7p.m.
Friday-Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 11
Rising Readers Story Time
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Age: 3 to 5 years
For preschool children to practice literacy skills
and improve letter recognition in an enjoyable and
interactive way. This program is filled with songs,
rhymes, and flannel boards to teach preschoolers
listening skills, interpersonal skills, and phonological
awareness (the ability to hear and identify the little
sounds that make up words). At the program’s end,
preschoolers will engage in learning centers designed
to promote fine motor and writing skills.
Baby Time for the Young and Restless
Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.
Age: Birth to 17 months
No child is too young to develop early literacy skills
and have a great time at the library! Join us for a fun,
interactive experience filled with stories, rhymes, and
music. Children learn joint attention skills as we read
and sing together. At the end, your baby can show off
gross motor movements as they engage in sensory
and exploratory play with other babies.
Story Time
Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Age: 2 to 5 years
Join us for a fun, interactive experience filled with
stories, rhymes, and music.
Game Day
Wednesday, August 15, 22 & 29 from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Video games, board games, computer games. Age 5+
Science Exploration
Tuesday, August 28, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Use microscopes and conduct experiments like real
scientists! Age 5+
Arts and Crafts
Tuesday, August 21 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Causal drop-in crafts.
Library Extras
Download/Streaming eBooks and audiobooks easy to
use, no late fees, available 24/7.
Vacation Checkout
Ask for the Vacation Checkout and receive two extra
weeks on all 28-day books and audiobooks.
There’s an app for that!
Checking due dates, putting items on hold and
renewing items. Find it at the App Store, BookMyne.
Rosetta Stone Language Software
30 languages to choose from. Each lesson contains
a reading, writing, listening, and speaking portion.
Free to all NPB Library cardholders. No software to
download. All you need is an Internet connection,
computer, tablet, or smartphone to begin learning.
Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library membership dues provide funds to the Library for additional
programs including the very popular children’s summer programs and services that are not
otherwise paid for by the Library budget. Benefi ts of membership include a special Library
Card, members only exclusive pre-book sale event and email updates and reminders.
Call (561) 841-3383 for more information.
Looking to start a family tree project or fi ll in missing information
in an existing tree? MyHeritage Library Edition, former World
Vital Records, is available to all our patrons. It is one of the largest,
most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind in the
world. It includes billions of historical documents from over 48
countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes and
additional resources.
Take your genealogy research to the next level with MyHeritageeeevvveeel with MyHeritage
A lot of progress in a lot of places...
Just about everywhere you look in
the Village of North Palm Beach,
you’ll see progress, improvement
or something new happening. At
the direction of the Village Council,
staff is working hard to make sure
the amenities of the Village are as
attractive and functional as ever.
Here are a few examples:
Right: To make sure the Country Club
golf course remains a top-quality golf
venue when the new clubhouse opens
next summer, crews are planting grass
seedlings that are taking root and will
be ready for play in December. The
seedlings (shown in close up photo)
are from a grass called “Latitude 36,”
which is known as an excellent grass
for golf courses.
“Sprigging” at golf course
Right: Major renovations continue
at Anchorage Park, including
construction of a new seawall and
the installation of new docks and
boat slips. The “bowl” area near the
playground is being leveled and new
sod is being planted. The south dog
park (for small dogs) also is closed
while new sod is being planted.
Anchorage Park upgrades
Right: Village Public Works crews
maintain roads and facilities, and
provide trash removal services
for residents. An old gate at their
compound on Prosperity Farms Road
created security and safety concerns
and had to be opened manually. A new
electrically operated security gate was
recently installed, costing $18,234.
Public Works compound
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 13
Village breaks ground on Clubhouse construction
The Village Council began
construction of the new North
Palm Beach Country Club building
recently with the ceremonial turning
of the fi rst shovels of dirt. The
construction portion of the project is
now offi cially under way.
The Council was joined by the
Village Manager and department
heads, as well as several
representatives from the fi rms the
Village has hired to plan, design and
build the new 37,000-square foot
clubhouse and restaurant.
“I remember when I was a kid, this
was the place to be,” said Mayor
David Norris. “Everybody came
up here and it was the centerpiece
of the Village. I think with this
fi nal piece, it’s going to be the
centerpiece again, and it’s going to
do something wonderful to U.S. 1.
And I think it’s going to bring us all
closer together,” he said.
The ground breaking event lasted
about 20 minutes and was streamed
live on Facebook. About 50 people
attended the event.
The golf course will open again with
new grass in December, and the new
clubhouse is expected to open in late
summer next year.
Peacock + Lewis Architects & Planners NPB Village Staff
The Weitz Company NPB Advisory Board Members
Chad Goetz & Mullinix Girls
Swim Lessons at the NPB Pool
We off er all levels of swim lessons for all ages. Our classes are taught
by Swim with Gills. We off er group lessons, private and semi-private
lessons on weekdays, evenings and weekends! There is no reason
your child should not be able to swim. For a complete schedule or to
register for a class, contact Swim with Gills at offi ce@swimwithgills.
com or (561) 222-4994.
This 60-minute dance-aerobics/strength training class is based on Jazz dance movements which incorporates Pilates
principals into every workout. Instructors demonstrate how students can modify the steps to meet their own fi tness
needs. Contact MarƟ Pietro at (561) 574-4341 or go to www.jazzercise.com.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M,W,F,Sat 9 to 10 a.m.
Mon-Thur 6 to 7 p.m.
Fitness Over 50
This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This class has no pounding, jumping or dancing
movements. It class consists primarily of stretching muscles and limbering the joints. Fee: $10/$12 per month.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M,W,F 8:45-9:45
Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves stress/anxiety
and strengthens abdominal muscles. It helps improve fl exibility of the spine
and all joints. You will learn yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditaƟ on
and relaxaƟ on techniques. All levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M 10-11:30 a.m.
Adult T 6-7:30 p.m.
Adult Th 10-11:30 a.m.
Parks and Recreation Department
603 Anchorage Drive
(561) 841-3386
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 15
Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong
PracƟ ce these ancient methods of health culƟ vaƟ on and
mindfulness. Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit
to develop a daily pracƟ ce of self-care, balance and spiritual
harmony. Learn useful techniques and forms in your very fi rst
class! Your guide, John Cook, is a CerƟ fi ed Advanced Instructor
of Inner Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over
10 years of experience sharing his pracƟ ce.
Age/Level Day Time
All F 10 to 11 a.m.
This 55 minute Classic style Pilates mat class will tone, shape, lengthen and strengthen your body. Incorporates
props for strength and balance building. All welcome! Bring your own mat. $12 per class. $55 for 5 classes.
Please call Dina @ (954)871-6922.
Age/Level Day Time
Monday 12 p.m.
Wed 10 a.m.
1st Saturday of the month at 9 a.m.
Stained-Glass Mosaics:
Beginner’s Class and Open Studio
Learn about design, cuƫ ng glass, gluing and grouƟ ng. Beginners as well
as those who have experience with mosaics and would like to work in a
open studio seƫ ng. Explore diff erent mosaic techniques, all while creaƟ ng
your own original piece of art. Cost includes instrucƟ on, tools, materials.
Limited to 10 students. Cost: $55.
Age/Level Day Time
Saturdays 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.
Aug. 11
Sept. 8
Oct. 13
Impressionistic Watercolor Classes
With J.R. Pfeiff er. Portraits and SƟ ll Life scenes set up in the classroom. Beginner to intermediate arƟ sts. Pencil
drawing composiƟ on and techniques, and mixing colors. There will be minimal art paints, brushes, and supplies
and no black paint allowed. Join for arƟ sƟ c encouragement and lots of fun. Fridays, Aug. 3- Sept. 7, 4-5 p.m.
Call Jason for supplies list at (561) 568-0293.
Library appreciates donations
The Village Library appreciates donaƟ ons- gently
used books, magazines, dvds, music CDs, etc.
to be sold in our book sale area, online through
beƩ er world books, or at the annual book sale in
January. Proceeds support programs that benefi t
the community, especially children. Receipts for tax
purposes are available. Call (561) 841-3383 for
more informaƟ on.
Village Recreation Trips and Tours - Fall 2018
Sept. 22 (Saturday)
Arcadia Antique Market —Downtown Arcadia (one hour east of Sarasota)
Cost: $25. Shop for antiques at the monthly Antique Flea Market. Lunch on your own.
Extra room on the bus to bring back purchases. Bus departs at 8 a.m. and returns at 6 p.m.
Sept. 28-30 (Friday through Sunday)
Key West Weekender
Cost: $325 per person based on double occupancy. Take a long weekend to the Florida Keys for a
3-day, 2-night get away. Stay at the IBIS BAY RESORT. Great water view rooms. Trip price includes bus
transportation and two nights at the resort. Bus leaves 8 a.m. on Friday and returns at 9 p.m. Sunday.
Oct. 11 (Thursday)
McKee Gardens & Lunch at CJ Cannon’s (Vero Beach)
Cost: $45. McKee Botanical Gardens is where native plants and exotic botanicals combine with old Florida
charm. Guided tour and then nearby CJ Cannon’s for lunch. Bus departs at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 4 p.m.
Oct. 27-28 (Saturday-Sunday)
Mount Dora Craft Fair & Renninger’s Flea Market (40 minutes northwest of Orlando)
Cost: $130 To Mount Dora for their award-winning Craft Fair. Stay at Comfort Inn and Suites in nearby
Tavares. On Sunday, group will visit the world-famous Renninger’s Flea Market also in Mount Dora. Trip
Price includes bus and hotel. Bus departs at 8 a.m. on Saturday and returns at 7 p.m. Sunday.
Nov. 1 (Thursday)
Bonnet House Tour in Fort Lauderdale
Cost: $45. The Bonnet House is a historic home in Fort Lauderdale. It was added to the U.S. National
Register of Historic Places in 1984 because of its unique history. Price includes house VIP tour and bus.
Lunch on your own on Las Olas Boulevard. Bus leaves at 8 a.m. and returns 5 p.m.
Dec. 1 Bok Tower - Bok Tower staff hosts a Christmas concert with the Orlando Orchestra. Cost: $60.
Dec. 14 - Thrift Store Frenzy - Shop at several thrift stores in the Hobe Sound and Stuart area. Cost: $15.
Nov. 27-28 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
St. Augustine Experience
Cost: $175 based on double occupancy. Overnight to oldest City in US. See Fountain of Youth, oldest
school house, oldest. Guided tour of the city plus free time to explore on Old Town Trolley. Price includes
bus, hotel, tour, trolley. Bus departs 8 a.m. Tuesday and returns at 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
Nov. 10 (Saturday)
FAU Football game vs. Western Kentucky
Cost: $35. Off to the home of the FAU Owls football team to watch them play Western Kentucky. Price
includes subs and sodas, bus, and game ticket. Bus depart time TBA.
Oct. 19 (Sunday)
Solomon’s Castle (Hardee County – one hour east of Sarasota)
Cost: $65. One man’s artistic creation from recycled materials is what stands today as Solomon’s Castle. It
is a house built from top to bottom with found and recycled materials. Trip price includes bus, castle tour
and lunch in the boat in the moat. Bus departs at 8 a.m. and returns at 6:30 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 17
The Village of North Palm Beach is accepting applications for full-time Police Offi cer and
for Reserve Police Offi cer.
Interested candidates should contact Sergeant Lou Pearson by email only or come by the
lobby of the police station to obtain an application. Sergeant Pearson’s email address is
Village accepting applications for police offi cer
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Minimum deposit
Minimum deposit
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818 U.S. Highway One
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North Palm Beach, FL 33408
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The Palm Beach North
Prosperity Leadership Program
educates professionals about
the unique characteristics of
North County. The focus is
on: Prosperous Economy,
High Quality of Life, Smart
and Connected Region, and
This experience will off er access
to community leaders and
provide a deeper understanding
of our region’s economic,
social and civic environments.
Network with other professionals,
brainstorm and devise solutions
to some of our area’s greatest
issues and give back to the
Palm Beach North community by
participating in this unique and
educational program.
The cost is $895 and begins in
January. Participants must be
members of the Palm Beach
North Chamber of Commerce.
For more info, contact:
(561) 748-3954
Chamber of Commerce
looking for candidates
for Leadership program
Never leave a child alone in a car.Never leave a child alone in a car.
Create Reminders
Keep a stuffed animal or other memento in your child’s
car seat when it’s empty, and move it to the front seat
as a visual reminder when your child is in the back seat.
Or place and secure your phone, briefcase or purse in
the backseat when traveling with your child.
Take Action
If you see a child alone in a car, call 911.
Emergency personnel want you to call.
They are trained to respond to these situations.
Avoid Heatstroke
Avoid heatstroke-related injury and death by never
leaving a child alone in a car, not even for a minute.
And make sure to keep your car locked when you’re
not inside so kids don’t get in on their own.
SEPTEMBER 2018 | 19
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic 10-11am
Adult Chess - 9am-4pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Tennis RR - 9am
Labor Day Clinic - 9am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Kids Arts & Crafts 2:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Makerspace age 8+ 3pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Code Update Open House - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Stained Glass Mosaics
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
Knit & Crochet - 11am-2pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Men’s Tennis Singles - 6:30pm
Family Counseling Workshop -
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Science Exploration Age 5+
Lighthouse Camera Club 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Rock Painting - 11am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Village Council meeting & 1st
budget hearing - 7:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Adult Chess - 9am-4pm
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
College essay workshop - 2pm
Knit & Crochet - 11am-2pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Men’s Adv. Singles - 6:30pm
AAUW - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Animanga Club Age 14-18 4:30pm
Treesearchers Genealogy - 7pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Makerspace age 8+ 3pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics -11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Bus Trip & Tour - Arcadia
Antique Market 8am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
Knit & Crochet - 11am-2pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Men’s Adv. Singles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Children’s Story Times:
• Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
• Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
• Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Kids Arts & Crafts 2:30-3:30pm
Science Exploration Age 5+ 2:30pm
Teen Creative Writing Club-4:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Great Courses - 12pm
Kids Game Day - 2-3:30pm
Read to a Dog - 3pm
Lighthouse Camera Class 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics -11am-12pm
Village Council meeting & 2nd
budget hearing - 7:30pm
Bus Trip & Tour - Departs 8am
for Key West & returns Sunday
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Babies & Brew - 9-10am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am-12pm
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Team Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
Sept. 7 - Code Update Open House | 6 p.m. | NPB Community Center
Sept. 29 - Food Truck Frenzy | 5 p.m. | Anchorage Park
Village offices closed3
Parks & Recreation
Country Club
Council & Village
Village of
North Palm Beach
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
(561) 841-3380
Village Hall Hours
Mon-Thur, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Country Club
Membership .............................(561) 691-3438
Golf Shop .................................(561) 691-3433
Pool ..........................................(561) 691-3427
Tennis .......................................(561) 691-3425
Community Development ............(561) 841-3365
Code Compliance .........................(561) 841-3365
Finance .........................................(561) 841-3360
Human Resources ........................(561) 882-1155
Library ..........................................(561) 841-3383
Police and Fire:
Emergency ..............................9-1-1
Non-Emergency ......................(561) 848-2525
Public Works ................................(561) 691-3440
Recreation ....................................(561) 841-3386
Anchorage Park ......................(561) 841-3386
Community Center .................(561) 841-3389
Osborne Park ..........................(561) 841-3387
Village Clerk’s Offi ce ...................(561) 841-3355
Village Historian ..........................(561) 841-3371
Village Manager’s Offi ce .............(561) 904-2122
Village Council ............................(561) 841-3355
Village Directory
“Th e Best Place To Live Under Th e Sun”
Driving Range .............Sun., Tue., Wed., Fri., Sat. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Mon.,Thur. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Golf Shop ......................................................8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
Pool ......................................................Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sun. 12 to 6 p.m.
Members only Mon. Fri. 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Public use swim Mon.- Fri. 12 to 4 p.m.
Tennis Courts .....................................Mon.-Thur. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Fri. - Sun. 8 a.m. until dark.
Tennis Offi ce/Shop ..............................Mon.-Thur. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sat.-Sun. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Facilities Hours