1971-35 Agreement with DOT re Landscaping of US 1 MedianRESOLUTION N0. 35-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREE- MENT WITI{ THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PROVIDING FOR T}fE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO LANDSCAPE THE MEDIAN STRIP ON U. S. HIGHWAY 1 (STATE ROAD N0. 5) FROM NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD TO PARKER BRIDGE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO INSTALL AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND TO MAINTAIN SAID LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the State Department of Transportation has agreed to landscape the median strip located on U. S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5) from Northlake Boulevard to Parker Bridge, provided the Village of North Palm Beach will be responsible for the maintenance of said landscaping; and W}~REAS, The Village Council at its meeting on December 9, 1971 agreed that the Village of North Palm Beach will maintain said land- scaping and further that the Village will install an irrigation system in the median strip to provide adequate water therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}i PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with the Florida State Department of Transportation to landscape the median strip located on U. S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5) from Northlake Boulevard to Parker Bridge (State Job 93040), and providing for the Village to install an irrigation system in the median strip and to maintain said landscaping and irrigation system. ' Section 2. That a copy of said Agreement shall be attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution. f ~ PASSEll AND ADOPTED THIS 9 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1971. ' /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk APPROVEll AS TO FORM AND TEXT BY VILLAGE ATTORNEY HERBERT L. GILDAN 1 _z_ - - y- _,~ ~I .... ._ I~ • HIGFIWAY LANDSCAPING, JOINT PROJECT AGREEMF~I ~J THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ~~ ~ day of /~. 19702, by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an Agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the DEPARTMENT, and Tf{E VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACfI, a municipal corporAtion in Palm Beach County, Florida, existing under the laws of Florida, hereinafter called the CITY; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, as a part of the continual updating of the State Highway System, the DEPARTMENT had widened U. S. Highway No. 1 (State Road No. 5) from Northlake Boulevard to Parker, Bridge ~oithin the. corporate limits of the CITY, as DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Project No. 93040-3502 and WHEREAS, as a part of said project, for safety, a med- ian strip dividing the traffic lanes has been created; and WHEREAS, the entire length of this project is within the corporate limits of the CITY; and WHEREAS, all parties are of the opinion that said median strip shall be attractively landscaped with various flora; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is agreeable to landscaping the median strip using primary funds therefor, provided the CITY will assume responsibility f'or proper maintenance of the entire project and upon completion of the project, and from then on, actually do such maintenance of such porttion of said median strip I as lies within their corporate limits; a{~d ',1 WHEREAS, as a condition the CITY has required the DFPARTMENT's permission .for the CITY to'install at their expense an irrigation system in the median strip, which said irrigation system the CITY will agree to maintain in addition to the land- scaping project; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has granted its permission; (... r ~ ~ . NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: I. The DEPARTMENT will construct with primary funds, to specifications, through the use of a contractor, said median landscaping; the plans and specifications for said landscaping in their entirety being sAt forth as State Project 93010-3507 which said plans and specifications are presently located in the office of the District Engineer for the Fourth District, and, as now constituted, are satisfactory. Said plans and specifica- tions, although not attached hereto, are incorporated in this Agreement by reference. II. It is understood between the parties hereto that the CITY will construct, at their expense, an irrigation system to adequately water said landscaping project which shall be to the satisfaction of the District Engineer. Said irrigation system to be operational when the landscaping project is turned over to the CITY. III. Upon acceptance by the DEPARTMENT of the work by the contractor in accordance with the usual standards of the DEPARTMENT the CITY agrees to maintain the entire landscape project within the CITY including the irrigation system. IV. To maintain, as set forth in Paragraph III herein as the landscaping project means the proper watering and proper fertilization of all plants and keeping them as free as practica- ble, from disease and harmful insects, to properly mulch the plant beds, to keep the premises free of weeds, to mow and/or cut the grass to a proper length, to properly prune all plants which includes the (1) removing of diseased parts of the plant, or (2) pruning such parts thereof which present a visual hazard for -2- .- :.. i~ those using the roadway. To maintain also means removing or replacing dead or diseased plants in their entirety or removing or replacing plants that fall below original project standards. All plants removed for whatever reason shall be replaced by plants of the same grade as specified in the original plans and specifications and of a size compatible to those existing at the time of replacement, unless written approval is obtained from the District Engineer for the use of alternate material or deletions. To maintain also means to keep litter removed from the median strip or landscaped areas within the project. Plants shall be those items which would be scientifi- cally classified as plants and include but are not limited to, trees, grass, or shrubs. V. If at any time after the construction and completion of said landscaping project and after 'same has been turned over to the CITY for maintenance, it shall come to the attention of the District Engineer that the project or a part thereof is not being properly maintained as herein provided, said District Engineer may at his option issue a written notice of deficiency or. deficiencies tahich exist(s), by Registered Mail in care of Village Manager as to the CITY. Thereafter the CITY shall have a period of .30 days within which to correct said deficiencies. If they are not corrected within this time the District Engineer may at his option declare the contract forfeited as to offending party and if he shall declare the contract forfeited, he shall have the option to do one of two things: (a) Maintain the median strip for the entire length with DEPARTMENT or contractor's personnel and charge the offend- ing party for the reasonable value of said work. (b) Remove by DEPARTMENT mr contractor personnel all of the landscaping, except as to grass, and plant the entire -3- i ..; ., _, median strip in grass and charge the offending party the reasonable value for such work. VI. The CITY agrees to .indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the DEPARTMENT from all claims, demands, liabilities, and suits of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or due to the breach of this Agreement by them, their subcon- tractors, agents or employees. It is specifically understood and agreed that this indemnification agreement does not cover or indemnify the DEPARTMENT for its own negligence or breach of contract. VII. The DEPARTMENT'S District Engineer shall decide all questions, difficulties and disputes of any nature whatsoever that may arise uhder or by reason of this Agreement, the prose- cution of fulfillment of the services hereunder and the characte quality, amount and value thereof; and his decision upon all claims, questions and disputes shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto. IN WITNESS PIHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first herein nPPRGVEp RY DIRECTOR OP ROAD OP '?ATi GI:S written. ,~_~" sf,~7 ~~,~~. uaiTin~st WITNESSESU: STATE OF FLORIDA ~/~ ~ " _~. ~ ~1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO$TAT~Oy~J (1 By to theybepartment r of Administrati ATTEST: ~,L(,,(8)5~~ Executivll', Secretary ~ THE- VfI~LLA~GJE OF//N~ORTH PALM BEACH y BY ~Y ~/!' lfll f-~~. ~~~-y>vL71 ~ As to the City Attest: 7 'l- AP: ROVf~D n5 In fOM1.".". =`::'.~tTY AP!~ FX}:CU710N y""~~' ~ Fi Il:4LCk'AH1 hif 1~C,~1P.AM. POk1A(L.N 7 ~ ~ ~l/13,:-: r ~ t ~~~i~ t .unt of t.~~nn.:r.~~-._ • n r UI:L_. . Attorney 3AL) -9-