2018-10-30 Order Zoning Variance 634 Westwind Dr. DockVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH
Applicant:Troy Timpel and Shannon Michael
Property Location: 634 Westwind Drive
Legal Description:
Lot 15, Block 28, Village of North Palm Beach Plat No. 2,
according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 25, Page
59 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida
(PON: 68-43-42-17-08-028-0150)
Variance from Section 5-84(2) of the Village Code requiring docks
to be located five (5) feet from the side property line extended and
a variance from Section 5-84(6) of the Village Code requiring that
piers be located no closer to the side property line extended than
half of its extension waterside from the bulkhead.
THIS MATTER came before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on October 30,
2018. After considering the testimony and other evidence presented during the course
of a properly noticed public hearing, it is hereby ordered and adjudged as follows:
Applicant's request for a variance meets the requirements of Section 21-21 of the
Village Code of Ordinances and is hereby APPROVED as follows:
A. The Applicant is granted a variance from Section 5-84(2) of the Village Code to
reduce the required setback for the dock from five (5) feet from the northern
property line extended to two (2) feet.
The Applicant is granted a variance from Section 5-84(6) of the Village Code to
reduce the required setback for the pier from 6.25 feet (half its extension
waterside) from the northern property line extended to zero (0) feet.
The Applicant shall comply with all Code requirements applicable to the setback
from the southern property line extended.
DONE AND ORDERED this 36^ of 2018.
Village of North Palm Beach Zoning
Board of,Adjustment
Ted Bulrowski, Vice Chair
Community Development Director