02-22-2018_RES Crystal Cove Commons CPUD AmendmentsVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Denise Malone, Community Development Director DATE: February 22, 2018 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION — Request for minor modifications to the Crystal Cove Commons Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPDD) to remove architectural tower and relocate a door. Through the adoption of Ordinance No. 2017-09 ("Ordinance") on June, 22, 2017, the Village Council approved the Crystal Cove Commons Commercial Planned Unit Development ("CPUD"), which included the adoption of architectural elevations and renderings of the proposed improvements. The applicant is requesting to modify the previously approved CPUD by removing a tower architectural element located just south of the central fountain area and modifying the location of a door on the south side of the Cod and Capers building. The proposed request would modify pages A405 & A408 of the previously adopted Exterior Improvements Plan prepared by Burton Hersh, P.A. and dated March 6, 2017; and renderings included in the Master Sign Program dated June 9, 2017 and the Material Sample Board & Renderings dated February 22, 2017. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed door modification, but denial of the tower modification based on the applicant's submittal. A full analysis of the proposed modifications is detailed in the attached staff report. The subject decorative tower feature adds additional character to the plaza. It is part of a pattern of towers that create a uniform and coherent architectural theme of multiple towers at strategic locations across the length of the plaza. Further, the central activity area around the fountain, including the subject tower, was approved as a prominent set of features intended to serve as the main hub of activity for the plaza. There is one tower to the south of the subject tower and two towers on the north building. The central fountain area is where the main access, valet, and outdoor gathering activity center are located. The subject tower is a prominent focal point in this central area and serves to break-up the linear plaza and is part of a consistent vertical theme of tower focal points. The removal of the tower would also diminish the prominence of the central fountain activity center as it is the area's main architectural element with substantial height. The height of the subject tower may also counterbalance the increase in letter and logo height of the tenant signage recently approved by the Planning Commission. Lastly, the applicant stated in their justification statement that their intent is to provide additional hardscape and landscape improvements to the fountain area in lieu of the tower element. However, the applicant has not made this part of the request and as such staff analysis is based on the removal of the tower with no additional improvements to counter the removal of the tower. Planning Commission: The proposed modifications to the architectural plans and renderings require only Village Council approval pursuant to Section 7 of Ordinance 2017-09, which states that "the Village Council may approve minor modifications to the Planned Unit Development by resolution without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission advertisement or public hearing." The proposed request qualifies for this expedited review process as it not increasing square footage, waivers, or building height; it is not changing property access; and it is not reducing parking. The subject request was scheduled for review and comment at the February 6, 2018 Planning Commission meeting at the recommendation of Planning & Zoning Staff At its February 6, 2018 meeting, the Planning Commission provided general comments for the consideration of the Village Council. Planning Commission discussion included general support for the applicant's proposed modifications. Village Council Actions: Staff is recommending approval of the proposed door modification, but denial of the tower modification based on the analysis provided, Village Council options include: A. Approve the staff recommendation; or B. Approve the Applicant's subject request with the following conditions recommended by staff: 1. Prior to issuing a building permit revision for the tower removal, the applicant shall provide, for administrative approval by the Community Development Department, a plan detailing the additional hardscape and landscape improvements referenced in the applicant's justification statement. 2. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the applicant shall install the shade canopy over the fountain area; or C. Approve the Applicant's subject request (with no conditions). The attached Resolution has been prepared/reviewed by your Village Attorney for legal sufficiency. Please note that while Staff is recommendiniz denial of the reauest to remove the tower that should Council choose to approve the request, the Resolution provides for approval of both requests and includes the conditions susmested by staff. This Resolution may be modified by Council at the meeting. There is no fiscal impact. Recommendation: Village Administration requests Council consideration of the attached Resolution approving minor modifications to the Crystal Cove Commons CPDD in accordance with Ordinance No. 2017-09 and Village policies and procedures. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed door modification, but denial of the tower modification based on the applicant's submittal. RESOLUTION 2018- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING MINOR AMENDMENTS TO THE CRYSTAL COVE COMMONS COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO REMOVE A TOWER FEATURE AND MODIFY A DOOR LOCATION; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, through the enactment of Ordinance No. 2017-09 on June 22, 2017 ("PUD Ordinance"), the Village Council approved the Crystal Cove Commons Commercial Planned Unit Development ("CPUD"); and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the PUD Ordinance provides that the Village Council may approve minor modifications to the CPUD by resolution without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission, advertisement or public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Applicant, Pearland RJR, LLC and 1201 US Highway 1, LLC, is requesting a minor modification to the CPUD to remove a tower architectural element south of the central fountain area and modify the location of a door on the south side of the Cod and Capers building; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the request meets the definition of a minor amendment to the PUD and that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. As authorized by Section 9 of Ordinance No. 2015-08, the Village Council hereby approves a minor modification to the Crystal Cove Commons CPUD to remove a tower architectural element south of the central fountain area and modify the location of a door on the south side of the Code and Capers building and adopts the following amended plans: A. Revised pages A405 and A408 of the Exterior Improvements Plan prepared by Burton Hersh, P.A. dated March 6, 2017 (submitted February 12, 2018). B. Revised Material Sample Board and Renderings prepared by Burton Hersh, P.A. dated February 22, 2017 and consisting of three pages (submitted February 12, 2018). C. Revised Master Sign Program prepared by Urban Design Kilday Studios (rendering only) (submitted February 12, 2018). Page 1 of 2 Section 3. The Village Council's approval of the minor modifications is subject to the following conditions: A. Prior to the issuance of the building permit revision for the tower removal, the applicant shall provide, for administrative approval by the Community Development Department, a plan detailing the additional hardscape and landscape improvements referenced in the applicant's justification statement. B. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the applicant shall install the shade canopy over the fountain area. Section 4. To the extent not expressly modified herein, all other provision of the PUD Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 2017. (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK Page 2 of 2 MAYOR VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING Meeting Date: February 22, 2018 Crystal Cove Commons Minor CPUD Amendment - Architectural Tower Removal & Door Modification Project No. 2017-2199 CPUD Minor Amendment - Wall Sign Modification 1201 US Highway 1 Property is outlined in red. I. REQUEST AND PROJECT DETAILS A request by Joni Brinkman, of Urban Design Kilday Studios, on behalf of Pearland RJR, LLC and 1201 US Highway 1, LLC to modify the previously approved CPUD by removing a tower architectural element located just south of the central fountain area, and modifying the location of a door on the south side of the Cod and Capers building. The proposed request would not modify the building footprint of the existing/built structures or parking of the existing 136,432 sf commercial plaza. The site is located on the west side of US Highway 1 approximately 0.18 miles north of Parker Bridge and at the NW corner of Lakeshore Drive and US Highway 1. The subject commercial plaza is approximately 7.86 acres and is currently known as Crystal Cove Commons and previously known as Crystal Tree Plaza. Crystal Cove Commons PUD Minor Amendment - Architectural Modifications Page 1 II. PUBLIC INPUT AND NOTICE The proposed modifications to the architectural plans and renderings require only Village Council approval pursuant to Section 7 of Ordinance 2017-09, which states that "the Village Council may approve minor modifications to the Planned Unit Development by resolution without the necessity of review by the Planning Commission advertisement or public hearing." The proposed request qualifies for this expedited review process as it not increasing square footage, waivers, or building height; it is not changing property access; and it is not reducing parking. Planning Commission: The request was scheduled for the February 6, 2018 Planning Commission meeting at the recommendation of Planning & Zoning Staff. At its February 6, 2018 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject request to provide general comments for the consideration of the Village Council. Planning Commission discussion included general support for the applicant's proposed modifications. III. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST Previous Approval On June 22, 2017, the Village Council approved the Crystal Cove Commons Commercial Planned Unit of Development (CPDD) (Ord. 2017-09) to allow for exterior improvements to the existing/built structures (no change to building footprint) that included parking, fagade, landscaping and signage modifications to the existing 136,432 sf commercial plaza. The approved 2017 architectural plans identified a decorative tower element just south of the central the fountain area. Also approved was a master sign plan for the property, which includes the maximum sign requirements for tenant signage. Comprehensive Plan Consistency - Future Land Use Element There are no applicable Comprehensive Plan policies to the proposed request. Village Code of Ordinance Consistency There are no applicable code requirements to the proposed request. Architectural Plans & Renderings The proposed request would modify pages A405 & A408 of the previously adopted Exterior Improvements Plan prepared by Burton Hersh, P.A. and dated March 6, 2017; and renderings included in the Master Sign Program dated June 9, 2017 and the Material Sample Board & Renderings dated February 22, 2017. The modifications to the architectural plans and renderings show the removal of the decorative tower feature on the south side of the fountain plaza and the proposed relocation of the Cod and Capers door. See Attachment A for the location of the proposed changes. The modification to the door on the south side of the Cod and Capers building is a de minimis change, which is consistent with the architecture and general appearance of the plaza. The tower proposed for removal is located on the south side of the fountain area with the largest part of the tower facing north towards the fountain seating area and a smaller portion of the tower facing east towards US Highway 1. The applicant is proposing to remove the tower to reduce construction costs associated with unanticipated expenses, but stated in their application that they intend to augment the fountain area with additional stone work and landscaping (See Attachment B). At the time of the writing of this report, no modified landscape plans had been Crystal Cove Commons PUD Minor Amendment - Architectural Modifications Page 2 submitted and staff believes this is important to maintain this a focal point. In a follow-up email, the applicant stated that they "intend on adding additional hardscape area and landscape in the area of the fountain, but redesign is not finalized due to issues associated with our proposed resurfacing in this area. Rather than provide something to the Village that may change in the future, we would prefer to be permitted to continue to refine our design and we will coordinate with staff on any changes and address as part of an as built approval. " Therefore, the staff review reflects the subject request to remove the tower with no additional improvements as submitted. The subject decorative tower feature adds additional character to the plaza as it part of a pattern of towers that creates a uniform and coherent architectural theme of multiple towers at strategic locations across the entire length of the plaza. Further, the central activity area around the fountain, including the subject tower, was approved as a prominent set of features intended to serve as the main hub of activity for the plaza. There is one tower to the south of the subject tower and two towers on the north building. The central fountain area is where the main access, valet, and outdoor gathering activity center are located. The subject tower is a prominent focal point in this central area and serves to break-up the linear plaza and is part of a consistent vertical theme of tower focal points. The removal of the tower would also diminish the prominence of the central fountain activity center as it is the area's main architectural element with substantial height. The height of the subject tower may also counterbalance the increase in letter and logo height of the tenant signage recently approved by the Planning Commission. Therefore, staff does not recommend approval of the proposed tower removal. The architectural plans and renderings are located in Attachment B. IV. INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS IMPACT No infrastructure analysis is required for the proposed modifications. V. CONCLUSION Staff is recommending approval of the proposed door modification, but denial of the tower modification based on the applicant's submittal without additional hardscape and landscape improvements. The subject decorative tower feature adds additional character to the plaza and is part of architectural theme across the front facade of the plaza. Further, the subject tower is a prominent focal point in the central gathering area around the fountain. It also serves to break-up the linear plaza and is part of a consistent vertical theme of tower focal points. The height of the subject tower may also counterbalance the increase in letter and logo height of the tenant signage recently approved by the Planning Commission. Crystal Cove Commons PUD Minor Amendment - Architectural Modifications Page 3 VI. VILLAGE COUNCIL ACTIONS A. Approve the staff recommendation; or B. Approve the Applicant's subject request with the following conditions recommended by staff: 1. Prior to issuing a building permit revision for the tower removal, the applicant shall provide, for administrative approval by the Community Development Department, a plan detailing the additional hardscape and landscape improvements referenced in the applicant's justification statement. 2. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the applicant shall install the shade canopy over the fountain area; or C. Approve the Applicant's subject request (with no conditions). VIL ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A: Site and Aerial Photos ATTACHMENT B: Applicant's Plans and Supporting Documentation Crystal Cove Commons PUD Minor Amendment - Architectural Modifications Page 4 ATTACHMENT A: Site Photos Proposed �� \ �r�'► ► Location ► ► i for Tower Google Earth Pictometry 2016 2017 Approved Renderings ATTACHMENT B: Applicant's Plans & Supporting Documentation APPLICANT FOLLOW-UP EMAIL From: Joni Brinkman [mailto:jbrinkman@udkstudios.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 4:53 PM To: Sita Erin; Jan Polson Cc: Nick Mihelich; Tony DeAngelo (Tony@BlackLionIG.com) Subject: RE: Crystal Cove Commons Erin, Per our phone call this afternoon, please see that the applicant does intend on adding additional hardscape area and landscape in the area of the fountain, but redesign is not finalized due to issues associated with our proposed resurfacing in this area. Rather than provide something to the Village that may change in the future, we would prefer to be permitted to continue to refine our design and we will coordinate with staff on any changes and address as part of an as built approval. Thanks. Joni Architectural Tower Amendment The previous Village approval referenced above allowed architectural improvements to the fagade of the center which included the addition of four (4) tower elements. This request is to remove the one single tower reflected just to the south of the central fountain area. The tower proposed at the southernmost end of the center and the two (2) individual towers proposed for Cods and Capers will remain as initially proposed to provide focal points are located at each end of the center. During the public hearing process, the applicant agreed to a large number of additional improvements which lead to the June 22, 2017 approval granted by the Village. These additional improvements included the addition of awnings, removal and replacement of vegetation and addition of irrigation along the rear of the center. Additionally, parking lot diamonds were added as requested to provide additional landscaping along the front of the center. Also, the property owner has also encountered numerous unforeseen construction costs. It was discovered that the slab under the main fountain area had washed out. As a result, the fountain walls and slab area are being rebuilt and the fountain resurfaced. The parking garage drainage was inspected/evaluated by a Civil Engineer and resulted in the addition/replacement of the drainage pumps. The stucco on the existing center was found to be worse than initially though and has resulted in additional cost as well. All of these items have resulted in a major increase in the construction budget. Although the Property owner has increased the initial budget, they are seeking other ways to adjust the cost without affecting the overall design. With the additional cost to the fountain area, the Property Owner proposes to expand the area surrounding the fountain area to include additional stone and landscaping. Removal of the single tower, just south of the fountain in the middle of the center, has the least amount of impact to the center re -design and still provides for a much -improved architectural design for the center. The addition of stone and landscape will provide a more pleasing and aesthetic design in keeping with the initial approval. Joni Brinkman, AICP urban JBrinkmangudkstudios com 610 Clematis Street *r„p,os Suite CU02 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 r g -Z spo � �.:. _ ''� `^- ��v' �''v a. -r-:- J.l•�'_.' I `I '-µ'ms ✓� ,/u..K � kms' '�` �P - �\ �' ff fry I _ _W INi\ III F PIN 7-1 June 9, 2017 DEVELOPMENT c T _ �M 1A WINE, mooman STA, v !u WITT {f Ir 3 46A 1 N June 9, 2017 DEVELOPMENT �. x�.. "• �„�,�� _ �Y�i �r ke:$ � �, ``w ,� icy As � - a r +ces ` 4 t.,.. ?ens" 1� ' � �fft . Y ) . �. o. :j �"• R ` i � _ � _ ._ f �'r^n _l is .>�i ,. - �` �• `-� , CRYSTAL COVE COMMONS EAST COLOR RENDERING Village of North Palm Beach Re -Submitted February 12, 2018 Previously approved Architecture Remove Note that corner ar at this po elevation 2 towers - tower a 0 O C/) Q z ° U" O'U � w CO N J rx 0 U Z EKED d PL.o 09/t9/20t> AS N01kD �j Za2e>9 O A4.0 Proposed Architectural Cha"e y MEN M IN M MEN Revised Storefront without To% ELEVATION KEY NOTES Nii 7,7 HD Fwq m:1 Etj ED ow Emi o CIE AREA B DISPLAY BLDG. ELEVATIONS �A4.51 LAI Previously approved Architecture for Cods & Capers Restaurant Ev„a 1 --- Q6.4 Existing Door I ELEVATION KEY NOTES .�ao. 0 ago, O Enil DST ® ® .E...... mm y...wE,w E7aw O.a.rW.W �wwE..wMeo � aacowo..v000.�s,..swe.s.c �1 RESTAURANT BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATION A4.4 scniE. ve.a RESTAURANT BUILDING EAST ELEVATION A4.4 uu ted 6.t Y � DIE I I I N no*m 7� 5 A4.4 Proposed Architectural Door Revision for Cods & Cap( Existing Door- Not usable during construction of Tower ELEVA,nON KEY NOTES SEE] CHI GWI E-2:3 EK3 Eg E9 uff] F -I 1EE) O ILI Ij C®1 (A-4 ( ') (.) rj-\RESTAURANT BUILDING FAST ELEVATION G 8 om ( DX E ARCHITECTS PLANNERS FAX ir OV) 0 U Z LL C) < w cQ C) IL U=,: ir 0 U z A4.4 LOWLUSTERAURAPA4IT COOSENECKUGRTFIXTUiW. VMUIST RAURAP—T ACM PANEL: /'^� MOOELNO: NEARTSTONE MODEL ND.: SLSPAR208i.TC-38i-C9i vODELND.: SA10VO1�AltlTE MODEL NO.: COLOR TO BE 1601 BY BENIANIN MOORE BYSOGNBRACKETSTUPE OC468YBENJAMM DORE MTLC PE)(PWfR BYALPOLIC L� 2 1 BLACK LION Crystal Cove Commons burtonhersh DEVELOPMENT DESIGN MATERIAL SELECTIONS Date: 52.22237 PAC-CIAOTITE-LOCK STANDING GOOSENECK UGNT FTKTURE' Awu14S%WHC: SEAMMETALROOR MODEL NO; SLB4-AR208LTC.301-Ly1 MODEL NO.. JOCKEY RED PUSS NOA NO.: 154028.06 BY SOON BRACKET STORE BaOSO BYSUNIUW1 STU E MODEL NO: CO9STALREPF- COLOR TO BE PFAAL VOWE SYELOORAOOSTOAE 11NWNG FABS C: MWEL ND.. BLACK PLUS 8408.OMSYSUNBREUA LOW LUSTER AURA PAW.. LIDWALLSOONCF, LGY LU5782AUtAPAMT. MODEL NO.: NEARTSTONE MODEL NO- ^SO SVVOT00 COR- MO®ELNO:SN Nv*flTE 1601 BY BENMMN MOORE iE0-V.1L CONCE6REYf1N 11Y OC$681MU1111AMO1Aff BLACK LION Crystal Cove Commons b u rto n h e rs h DEVELOPMENT DESIGN MATERIAL SELECTIONS Dare: 02222017 WOOD TILEFLOORING TRE'. LOW LIDSTERAteLV RW.YT AWNING TAMC:AC► PANE{: PAC C AO -.ITE {IXX STANDING AWNING FABRIC: MODEL NO: MSM EDC BROWN MODEL NO.: 071 BRLWNBE MODEL RO_ SNOW WINTE MOCELNO.. BLAC%F'LtM WOVE L NO-CMURTOBE SENUUEIALROOR MODEL NO..CLINTON GRANITE BY TILE GALLERY ESA 1PALS SY eRICRL.WE OC-GSBYBEX We4L10CRE 'SL0540 .f WSL94BREUA TWEROWTEARBYA.POLC NOAMO- 15.08 4BB8.0000 BY SUNBRELIA FLOOR TLE. MOMLNO:07.8ONEOMBC TESSERE 1Sttt'BY6FB01OANE LOW UISTERALMIA PAINT MODELND: NEW/&IRYAORT BLUE RG155SYSENJAWNMOORE BLACK LION Crystal Cove Commons b u rto n h e rs h DEVELOPMENT DESIGN MATERIAL SELECTIONS Dale: 02222017 t 4' �_ �. R. -. a .'"r ,;,, • . b , .s .. �. �'y 4Y+i - t t .za x • r_ CRYSTAL COVE COMMONS MASTER SIGN PROGRAM Village of North Palm Beach Re -Submitted February 12, 2018