2018-02 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Incorporating EAR-Based AmendmentsORDINANCE NO. 2018-02
WHEREAS, Section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires that each local government prepare a
Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the Community Planning Act, as amended; and
WHEREAS, Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, requires that each local government adopt an
Evaluation and Appraisal Report ("EAR") every seven years assessing the local government's
progress in implementing the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, having conducted a thorough review and assessment, the Village wishes to amend
its Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the following EAR -based amendments:
A. Delete the Public School Concurrency Element and relocate most of the policies
along with two (2) related maps to a new Goal and Objectives within the
Intergovernmental Coordination Element and revise Policy 3.5 and delete the
Objective and related policies regarding School Levels of Service from the
Capital Improvements Element due to changes in Florida Statutes eliminating the
' requirements for school concurrency and the inclusion of a Public Schools
Facilities Element within the Comprehensive Plan (the changes are consistent
with the Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated School Planning between the
Village and the School District of Palm Beach County);
B. Add new Coastal Management Element Goals, Objectives and Policies in
compliance with Senate Bill 1094 adopted by the Florida Legislature in 2015
(Chapter 2015-69, Laws of Florida);
C. Update Table 3-5 (Flood Zone Map Designations) and Figures 3-6 (Flood Zones)
and 3-7 (Coastal High Hazard Areas) of the Future Land Use Element to reflect
current FEMA Flood Zones and current Category 1 storm surge; and
D. Update the General Requirements Element and the remainder of the
Comprehensive Plan Elements to delete references to Chapter 9J-5 of the Florida
Administrative Code to reflect the transfer of the requirements to Chapter 163,
Florida Statutes.
E. Update the General Requirements Element to reflect modifications to the
Village's planning horizons and population build -out estimates.
WHEREAS, the Village's Local Planning Agency conducted a duly advertised public hearing on
January 9, 2017 to consider the proposed EAR -based amendment to the Village's
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, having conducted all of the duly advertised public hearings required by Chapter 163,
Florida Statutes, the Village Council wishes to adopted the EAR -based amendments to its
Comprehensive Plan and determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the interests of the
health, safety and welfare of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach.
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Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein.
Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts the revisions to the Village of North Palm Beach
Comprehensive Plan attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by
reference (additional language underlined and deleted language stri ke thf ,,,^''), including:
(a) deletion of the Public School Concurrency Element, including Figure 12-1, and the re-
designation of Figures 12-2 and 12-3 to Figures 10-1 and 10-2; (b) revisions to the
Intergovernmental Coordination Element; (c) revisions to the Capital Improvements Element;
(d) revisions to the Coastal Management Element; (e) updates to Table 3-5 and Figures 3-6 and 3-7
of the Future Land Use Element; and (f) revisions to the General Requirements Element. The
Village Council further authorizes Village Administration to delete all references to Chapter 9J-5
of the Florida Administrative Code and/or replace them with the correct references to Chapter 163,
Florida Statutes.
Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and resolutions or parts of resolutions in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for
any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void,
such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance.
Section 5. The effective date of this Ordinance, if the Comprehensive Plan amendment is not
challenged, shall be thirty-one (3 1) days after the state land planning agency notifies the Village
that the plan amendment package is complete. If timely challenged, this Ordinance shall be
effective on the date the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a
final order determining this adopted Comprehensive Plan amendment to be in compliance.
(Village Seal)
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The Public School Concurrency element is a required element, imposed by local option
via the execution of an Interlocal Agreement by local government jurisdictions in Palm
Beach County. Specifically Chapters 163.3180(13), and 163.3177 (12) Florida Statutes
establish the PUBLIC School Concurrency requirement and, Chapter 9J-5.025, Florida
Administrative Code, establishes the minimum criteria to guide its preparation. The
following definitions shall be applicable to the Public School Concurrency element:
Ancillary Plant - Facilities to support the educational program, such as
warehouses, vehicle maintenance, garages, and administrative buildings.
Core Facility - Those facilities which include the media center, cafeteria, toilet
facilities, and circulation space of an educational plant.
District Schools - All District owned regular, elementary, middle, high schools,
magnet and special educational facilities.
Educational Plant Survey - A study of present educational and ancillary plants
and the determination of future needs to provide an appropriate educational program
and services for each student.
Florida Inventory Of School Houses (FISH) - The report of permanent school
capacity. The FISH capacity is the number of students that may be housed in a facility
(school) at any given time based on using a percentage of the number of existing
satisfactory student stations and a designated size for each program according to s.
235.15, Florida Statutes. In Palm Beach County, permanent capacity does not include
the use of relocatable classrooms (portables).
Public School Concurrency Service Area or “Concurrency Service Area” -
The specific geographic area adopted by local governments, within a school district, in
which school concurrency is applied and determined when concurrency is applied on a
less than district-wide basis.
It is the Goal of the Village of North Palm Beach to: (1) Provide for future availability of
public school facilities consistent with the adopted level of service standard. This goal
shall be accomplished recognizing the constitutional obligation of the school district to
provide a uniform system of free public schools on a countywide basis; and (2) maintain
and enhance joint planning processes and procedures for coordination of public
education facilities for planning and decision-making regarding population projections,
public school siting, and the development of public education facilities concurrent with
residential development and other services.
OBJECTIVE 1: The Village shall ensure that the capacity of schools is sufficient to
support student growth at the adopted level of service standard for each year of the five-
year planning period and through the long term planning period.
Policy 1.1: The LOS standard is the school’s utilization which is defined as the
enrollment as a percentage of school student capacity based upon the Florida Inventory
of School Houses (FISH). The level of service (LOS) standard shall be established for
all schools of each type within the School District as 110 percent utilization, measured
as the average for all schools of each type within each Concurrency Service Area. No
individual school shall be allowed to operate in excess of 110% utilization, unless the
school is the subject of a School Capacity Study (SCS) undertaken by the School
District, working with the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which determines that the
school can operate in excess of 110% utilization. The SCS shall be required if a school
in the first student count of the second semester reaches 108 % or higher capacity. As a
result of an SCS, an individual school may operate at up to 120% utilization.
Policy 1.2: If, as a result of a School Capacity Study (SCS), a determination is made
that a school will exceed 120% utilization or cannot operate in excess of 110%
utilization, then the School District shall correct the failure of that school to be operating
within the adopted LOS through 1) program adjustments 2) attendance boundary
adjustments or 3) modifications to the Capital Facilities Program to add additional
capacity. If, as a result of the SCS a determination is made that the school will exceed
110% and can operate within adopted guidelines, the identified school may operate at
up to 120% utilization. If as a result of one or more School Capacity Studies that
demonstrate that the schools of a particular type can operate at a higher standard than
the 110% utilization standard of the CSA, the Comprehensive Plan will be amended to
reflect the new LOS for that school type in that CSA.
Policy 1.3: The School Capacity Study (SCS) shall determine if the growth rate within
an area, causing the enrollment to exceed 110 percent of capacity, is temporary or
reflects an ongoing trend affecting the LOS for the 5 year planning period. The study
shall include data which shows the extent of the exceedance attributable to both
existing and new development. Notification shall be provided to the local government
within whose jurisdiction the study takes place. At a minimum, the study shall consider:
1. Demographics in the school’s Concurrency Service Area (CSA);
2. Student population trends;
3. Real estate trends (e.g. development and redevelopment);
4. Teacher/student ratios; and
5, Core facility capacity;
Policy 1.4: The adopted LOS standard shall become applicable to the entire County at
the beginning of the 2004-05 school year, by which time as the School District has
achieved the countywide adopted level of service for all schools of each school type.
Policy 1.5: Concurrency Service Areas (CSA) shall be established on a less than
district-wide basis, as depicted on Figure 12-1 and described in the Concurrency
Service Area Boundary Descriptions in Table 12-1.
1. The criteria for Concurrency Service Areas shall be: Palm Beach County is
divided into twenty-one CSAs. Each CSA boundary shall be delineated considering the
following criteria and shall be consistent with provisions in the Interlocal Agreement:
a. School locations, student transporting times, and future land uses in
the area.
b. Section lines, major traffic-ways, natural barriers and county
2. Each CSA shall demonstrate that:
a. Adopted level of service standards will be achieved and maintained for
each year of the five-year planning period; and
b. Utilization of school capacity is maximized to the greatest extent
possible, taking into account transportation costs, court approved
desegregation plans and other relevant factors.
c. Consistent with s.163.3180(13)(c)2.,F.S., changes to the CSA
boundaries shall be made only by amendment to the PSFE and shall
be exempt from the limitation on the frequency of plan amendments,
Any proposed change to CSA boundaries shall require a
demonstration by the School District that the requirements of 2(a) and
(b), above, are met.
Policy 1.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall consider as committed and existing
the public school capacity which is projected to be in place or under construction in the
first three years of the School District’s most recently adopted Five Year Plan, as
reflected in Table 11-2.B (Five Year Capital Improvement Schedule of the Capital
Improvement Element of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan), when
analyzing the availability of school capacity and making level of service compliance
Policy 1.7: The Village of North Palm Beach shall amend Table 11-2.B (Five Year
Capital Improvement Schedule) of the Capital Improvement Element when committed
facility capacity is eliminated, deferred or delayed, to ensure consistency with the
School District Five Year Plan.
Policy 1.8: For purposes of urban infill, the impact of a home on an existing single
family lot of record shall not be subject to school concurrency.
Policy 1.9: The Village of North Palm Beach shall suspend or terminate its application
of School concurrency upon the occurrence and for the duration of the following
1. School concurrency shall be suspended in all CSAs upon the occurrence and
for the duration of the following conditions:
2, The occurrence of an “Act of God”; or
3. The School Board does not adopt an update to its Capital Facilities Plan by
September 15th of each year; or
4. The School District’s adopted update to its Capital Facilities Program Plan
does not add enough FISH capacity to meet projected growth in demand for permanent
student stations at the adopted level of service standard for each CSA and ensures that
no school of any type exceeds the maximum utilization standard in any CSA; or
5. The School District Capital Facilities Plan is determined to be financially
infeasible as determined by the State Department of Education, or as defined by the
issuance of a Notice of Intent to Find an Amendment to a Capital Improvement Element
not in compliance as not being financially feasible, by the Department of Community
Affairs; or by a court action or final administrative action; or
6. If concurrency is suspended in one-third or more of the CSAs pursuant to
Policy 1.9.2 below.
7. School Concurrency shall be suspended within a particular CSA upon the
occurrence and for the duration for the following conditions:
a. Where an individual school in a particular CSA is twelve or more
months behind the schedule set forth in the School District Capital
Facilities Plan, concurrency will be suspended within that CSA and the
adjacent CSAs for that type of school; or
b. The School District does not maximize utilization of school capacity by
allowing a particular CSA or an individual school to exceed the
adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard; or
c. Where the School Board materially amends the first 3 years of the
Capital Facilities Plan and that amendment causes the Level of
Service to be exceeded for that type of school within a CSA,
concurrency will be suspended within that CSA and the adjacent CSAs
only for that type of school.
d. Service Areas in which the School District has notified the County that
the application of concurrency has been suspended.
e. Once suspended, for any of the above reasons, concurrency shall be
reinstated once the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) determines the
condition that caused the suspension has been remedied or the Level
of Service for that year for the affected CSAs have been achieved.
e. If a Program Evaluation Report recommends that concurrency be
suspended because the program is not working as planned,
concurrency may be suspended upon the concurrence of 33% of the
PARTIES signatories of the “Palm Beach County Interlocal Agreement
with Municipalities of Palm Beach County and the School District of
Palm Beach County to establish Public School Concurrency”.
g. Upon termination of the Interlocal Agreement the County shall initiate a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to terminate school concurrency.
OBJECTIVE 2: To provide for mitigation alternatives which are financially feasible and
will achieve and maintain the adopted level of service standard in each year of the five-
year planning period.
Policy 2.1: Mitigation shall be allowed for those development proposals that cannot
meet adopted level of service standard. Mitigation options shall include options listed
below for which the School District assumes the operational responsibility and which will
maintain the adopted level of service standards for each year of the five-year planning
1. Donation of buildings for use as a primary or alternative learning facility; and/or
2. Renovation of existing buildings for use as public school facilities; or
3. Construction of permanent student stations or core capacity.
The site plan for buildings being renovated pursuant to number 2 above, that are fifty
years of age or older, shall demonstrate that there are no adverse impacts on sites
listed in the National Register of Historic Places or otherwise designated in accordance
with appropriate State guidelines as locally significant historic or archaeological
Policy 2.2: A development order shall be issued and mitigation measures shall not
be exacted when the adopted level of service standard cannot be met in a particular
concurrency service area, as applied to an application for a development order, if the
needed capacity for the particular CSA is available in one or more contiguous CSAs.
OBJECTIVE 3: To ensure existing deficiencies and future needs are addressed
consistent with the adopted level of service standard.
Policy 3.1: The Village of North Palm Beach, in coordination with the School District
and other local governments, shall annually amend Table 11-2.B of the Capital
Improvement Element (School District of Palm Beach County Five-Year Capital
Improvement Schedule), to maintain consistency with the School Board’s adopted Five
Year Plan and to maintain a financially feasible capital improvements program and
ensure that level of service standards will continue to be achieved and maintained in
each year of the five year planning period.
OBJECTIVE 4: To establish a process of coordination and collaboration between the
County, local governments, and the School District in the planning and siting of public
school facilities in coordination with planned infrastructure and public facilities.
Policy 4.1: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate and provide for expedited
review of development proposals with the School District during the development review
process to ensure integration of public school facilities with surrounding land uses and
the compatibility of uses with schools.
Policy 4.2: There shall be no significant environmental conditions and significant
historical resources on a proposed site that can not be mitigated or otherwise preclude
development of the site for a public educational facility.
Policy 4.3: The proposed site shall be suitable or adaptable for development in
accordance with applicable water management standards, and shall not be in conflict
with the adopted or officially accepted plans of the South Florida Water Management
District, or any applicable Stormwater Utility or Drainage District.
Policy 4.4: The proposed location shall comply with the provisions of the Coastal Zone
Management Element of the comprehensive plan, if applicable to the site.
Policy 4.5: The Village of North Palm Beach shall encourage the location of schools
proximate to urban residential areas by:
1. Assisting the School District in identifying funding and/or construction
opportunities (including developer participation or Village of North Palm Beach capital
budget expenditures) for sidewalks, traffic signalization, access, water, sewer, drainage
and other infrastructure improvements;
2, Providing for the review for all school sites as indicated in Policy 4.1 above;
3, Allowing schools as a permitted use within all urban residential land use
Policy 4.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate with the School District
for the collocation of public facilities, such as parks, libraries, and community centers
with schools, to the extent possible, as sites for these public facilities and school are
chosen and development plans prepared.
OBJECTIVE 5: To establish and maintain a cooperative relationship with the School
District and municipalities in coordinating land use planning with development of public
school facilities which are proximate to existing or proposed residential areas they will
serve and which serve as community focal points.
Policy 5.1: The Village of North Palm Beach shall abide by the “Palm Beach County
Interlocal Agreement with Municipalities of Palm Beach County and the School District
of Palm Beach County to establish Public School Concurrency”, which was fully
executed by the parties involved and recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Palm Beach County on January 25, 2001, consistent with ss.163.3177 (6) (h) 1.and 2.
F.S. and 163.3180, F.S.
Policy 5.2: The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) shall be established by the County,
participating local governments, and the School District. The five member TAG will be
comprised of a certified public accountant, a general contractor, a demographer, a
business person, and a planner, nominated by their respective associations as indicated
in the Interlocal Agreement to establish Public School Concurrency mentioned in Policy
5.1 above. The Technical Advisory Group shall review and make recommendations
including but not limited to the following:
1. The Capital Facilities Plan;
2. The Ten and Twenty Year work programs;
3. Schools that trigger a School Capacity Study;
4. Concurrency Service Areas boundaries;
5. School District Management Reports;
6. Operation and effectiveness of the Concurrency Program; and
7. Program Evaluation Reports.
Policy 5.3: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide the School District with
annual information needed to maintain school concurrency, including information
required for the School District to establish:
1. School siting criteria;
2. Level of service update and maintenance;
3. Joint approval of the public school capital facilities program;
4. Concurrency service area criteria and standards; and
5. School utilization.
Policy 5.4: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide the School District with its
Comprehensive Plan, along with the five-year land use and population projections, to
facilitate development of school enrollment projections and shall annually update this
information. The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate its Comprehensive Plan
and the Future Land Use Map with the School District’s long range facilities maps (Ref:
Table 12-2; Figures 12-1 and 12-2), to ensure consistency and compatibility with the
provisions of this Element.
Policy 5.5: The Village of North Palm Beach shall advise the School District of a
proposed public school site’s consistency with the Village of North Palm Beach
Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations, including the availability of
necessary public infrastructure to support the development of the site.
Policy 5.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide opportunity for the School
District to comment on comprehensive plan amendments, rezonings, and other land-
use decisions which may be projected to impact on the public schools facilities plan.
Policy 5.7: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate with local governments
and the School District on emergency preparedness issues which may include
consideration of:
1. Design and/or retrofit of public schools as emergency shelters;
2. Enhancing public awareness of evacuation zones, shelter locations, and
evacuation routes;
2. Designation of sites other than public schools as long term shelters, to allow
schools to resume normal operations following emergency events.
OBJECTIVE 6: To establish a joint process of coordination and collaboration between
the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County and the School District in the
planning and decision making on population projections.
Policy 6.1: The County shall convert the BEBR projections into both existing and new
residential units and disaggregate these units throughout incorporated and
unincorporated Palm Beach County into each CSA, using BEBR’s annual estimates by
municipality, persons-per-household figures, historic growth rates and development
potential considering the adopted Future Land Use maps of all local government
Comprehensive Plans. These projections are shown in Exhibit E of the Interlocal
Agreement as “Projected Units Table” which shall be amended annually and provided to
the School District, unless the interlocal agreement is amended accordingly.
Policy 6.2: The Village of North Palm Beach commits to working with the School
District and Palm Beach County to improve this methodology and enhance coordination
with the plans of the School District and local governments. Population and student
enrollment projections shall be revised annually to ensure that new residential
development and redevelopment information provided by the municipalities and the
County as well as changing demographic conditions are reflected in the updated
projections. The revised projections and the variables utilized in making the projections
shall be reviewed by all signatories through the Intergovernmental Plan Amendment
Review Committee (IPARC). Projections shall be especially revisited and refined with
the results of the 2000 Census. The responsibilities of local governments and the
School District on population projections are described in Section VIII-B of the
Interlocal Agreement.
TABLE 12-1
Concurrency Service Area Boundaries
The Palm Beach County School District is divided into twenty three CSAs for school
concurrency. The Palm Beach County School CSA boundaries, described in the
following paragraphs, are bounded by Section lines, major traffic-ways, natural barriers
and county boundaries consistent with Section 163.3180(13) (c) 2. F.S. Changes to the
CSA boundaries shall be made by plan amendment and exempt from the limitation on
the frequency of plan amendments.
CSA Boundaries
NORTH -The Martin / Palm Beach County Border
SOUTH -Donald Ross Rd
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Florida's Turnpike
CSA Boundaries
NORTH -The Martin / Palm Beach County Border
SOUTH -Donald Ross Rd and the South Section Line of Sections (using T-R-S) 41-42-21,
41-42-20, 41-42-19, 41-41-24, and 41-41-23, then Southwest along the centerline of the C-
18 canal to the Bee Line Hwy
EAST -Florida's Turnpike
WEST -Bee Line Hwy
CSA Boundaries
NORTH -Donald Ross Rd
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-10, 42-43-09, 42-43-08, 42-43-07, and
42-42-12, East of Military Trl, then South along Military Trl to Northlake Blvd, then West
along Northlake Blvd to Florida's Turnpike
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Florida's Turnpike
CSA Boundaries
NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 41-42-21, 41-42-20, 41-42-19, 41-41-24, and
41-41-23, then Southwest along the C-18 Canal to the Bee Line Hwy, then Northwest along
the Bee Line Hwy until the intersection of Bee Line Hwy and the West Section Line of
Section 41-41-18
SOUTH -Northlake Blvd West to Grapeview Blvd, North along Grapeview Blvd to the South
Section Line of Section (using T-R-S) 42-41-08, then West along the South Section Line of
Sections 42-41-08 and 42-41-07
EAST -Florida's Turnpike
WEST -The West Section Line of (using T-R-S) 41-41-18 South of the Bee Line Hwy, and
the West Section Lines of Sections 41-41-19, 41-41-30, 41-41-31, 42-41-06, and 42-41-07
CSA Boundaries
#5 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-10, 42-43-09, 42-43-08, 42-43-07, and
42-42-12 West to Military Trl
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-34, 42-43-33, 42-43-32, 42-43-31, and
42-42-36 West to Military Trl
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Military Trl
CSA Boundaries
#6 NORTH -Northlake Blvd
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-42-36 West of Military Trl, 42-42-42-42-34,
42-42-33, 42-42-32, and 42-42-31
EAST -Military Trl
WEST -The West Section Line of Sections 42-42-18, 42-42-19, 42-42-30, and 42-42-31
CSA Boundaries
#7 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-34, 42-43-33, 42-43-32, 42-43-31, and
42-42-36 West to Military Trl
SOUTH -The North Line of the South Half of Sections 43-43-23, 43-43-22, 43-43-21, 43-43-
20, 43-43-19, and 43-42-24 East of Military Trl
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Military Trl
CSA Boundaries
#9 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-42-36 (West of Military Trl), 42-42-35, 42-
42-34, 42-42-33, 42-42-32, and 42-42-31
SOUTH -The North Section Line of Sections 43-42-24 West of Military Trl, 43-42-23, 43-42-
22, 43-42-21, 43-42-20, and 43-42-19
EAST -Military Trl
WEST -The West Section Line of Sections 43-42-06, 43-42-07, 43-42-18, and 43-42-19
North of the South Line of the North Half
CSA Boundaries
#10 NORTH -Northlake Blvd West to Grapeview Blvd, North along Grapeview Blvd, then West
along the South Section Line of Sections 42-41-08, and 42-41-07, then South along the
West Section Line of 42-41-18 until intersecting with the Canal generally delimiting the
Northern extent of The Acreage and the Southern extent of the J. W. Corbett preserve, West
along the centerline of the Canal through the center of Sections 42-40-13, 42-40-14, 42-40-
15, 42-40-17, and 42-40-18, then North along the East Section Line of Section 42-39-13 to
the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13, then West along the North Line of the
South Half of Section 42-39-13 to the West Section Line of Section 42-39-13
SOUTH -Southern Blvd West of 441, West to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33
EAST -The East Section Line of Sections 43-41-01, 43-41-12, 43-41-13, 43-41-24, 43-41-
25, and 43-41-36 South to Southern Blvd
WEST -The L-8 Canal South of the South Section Line of Section 42-40-31 and West of the
West Section Line of Section 43-40-08, the West Section Line of Section 43-40-08 South of
the L-8 Canal, the West Section Line of Sections 43-40-16, 43-40-21, 43-40-28, and 43-40-
33 South to Southern Blvd
CSA Boundaries
#11 NORTH -The North Line of the South Half of Sections 43-43-23, 43-43-22, 43-43-21, 43-43-
20, 43-43-19, and 43-42-24 East of Military Trl
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-02, 44-43-03, 44-43-04, 44-43-05, 44-
43-06, and 44-42-01 East of Military Trl
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Military Trl
CSA Boundaries
#12 NORTH -The North Section Line of Sections 43-42-24 West of Military Trl, 43-42-23, 43-42-
22, 43-42-21, 43-42-20, and 43-42-19
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-42-01 West of Military Trl, 44-42-02, 44-42-
03, 44-42-04, 44-42-05, and 44-42-06
EAST -Military Trl
WEST -The West Section Line of Section 43-42-19 South of the North Line of the South
Half, and State Rd 7
CSA Boundaries
#14 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-02, 44-43-03, 44-43-04, 44-43-05, 44-
43-06, and 44-42-01 East of Military Trl
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-26, 44-43-27, 44-43-28, 44-43-29, 44-
43-30, and 44-42-25 East of Military Trl
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Military Trl
CSA Boundaries
#15 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-42-01 West of Military Trl, 44-42-02, 44-42-
03, 44-42-04, 44-42-05, and 44-42-06
SOUTH -The L-14 Canal
EAST -Military Trl
WEST -State Rd 7
CSA Boundaries
#16 NORTH -Southern Blvd West of 441, West to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-41-25, 44-41-26, 44-41-27, 44-41-28, 44-
41-29, and 44-41-30 East of the L-40 Canal
EAST -U.S. Hwy 441 / State Rd 7
WEST -The L-40 Canal and the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33 South of Southern
CSA Boundaries
#17 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-26, 44-43-27, 44-43-28, 44-43-29, 44-
43-30, 44-42-25, 44-42-26, and 44-42-27 East of Jog Rd
SOUTH -The Boynton Canal
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -Jog Rd
CSA Boundaries
#18 NORTH -The L-14 Canal West to the Florida Turnpike, then North along the Turnpike to the
South Section Line of Section 44-41-29, then West along the South Section Line of Sections
44-42-30, 44-41-25, 44-41-26, 44-41-27, 44-41-28, 44-41-29 and 44-41-30 East of the L-40
SOUTH -The Boynton Canal
EAST - Jog Rd
WEST -The L-40 Canal
CSA Boundaries
#19 NORTH -The Boynton Canal
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-03, 46-43-04, 46-43-05, 46-43-06, 46-
42-01, 46-42-02, 46-42-03, 46-42-04, 46-42-05, 46-42-06, State Rd 7 South to the South
Section Line of Section 46-41-01, West along the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01
extended to the L-40 Canal
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -The L-40 Canal
CSA Boundaries
#20 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-03, 46-43-04, 46-43-05, 46-43-06, 46-
42-01, 46-42-02, 46-42-03, 46-42-04, 46-42-05, 46-42-06, State Rd 7 South to the South
Section Line of Section 46-41-01, West along the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01
extended to the L-40 Canal
SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-28, 46-43-29, 46-43-30, 46-42-25, 46-
42-26, 46-42-27, 46-42-28, 46-42-29, 46-42-30, 46-41-25, and 46-42-26 East of the L-40
Canal, the portion of the line formed by these Section Lines West of I-95 generally
approximates the C-15 Canal
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -The L-40 Canal
CSA Boundaries
#21 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-28, 46-43-29, 46-43-30, 46-42-25, 46-
42-26, 46-42-27, 46-42-28, 46-42-29, 46-42-30, 46-41-25, and 46-42-26 East of the L-40
Canal, the portion of the line formed by these Section Lines West of I-95 generally
approximates the C-15 Canal
SOUTH -The Palm Beach / Broward County Border
EAST -The Atlantic Ocean
WEST -The L-40 and L-36 Canals
CSA Boundaries
#22 NORTH -The Martin / Palm Beach County Border
SOUTH -The Palm Beach / Broward County Border
EAST -From the Martin / Palm Beach County Border, the Bee Line Hwy South to the West
Section Line of 41-41-18, the West Section Lines of Sections 41-41-18, 41-41-19, 41-41-30,
41-41-31, 42-41-06, 42-41-07, and 42-41-18 until intersecting with the Canal generally
delimiting the Northern extent of The Acreage and the Southern extent of the J. W. Corbett
preserve, West along the centerline of the Canal through the center of Sections 42-40-13,
42-40-14, 42-40-15, 42-40-17, and 42-40-18, then North along the East Section Line of
Section 42-39-13 to the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13, then West along
the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13 to the West Section Line of Section 42-
39-13, then South along The West Section Line of South Half of Section 42-39-13, The West
Section Line of Section 42-39-24, 42-39-25, and 42-39-36 North of the L-8 Canal, the L-8
Canal South to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-08, then South along The West
Section Lines of Sections 43-40-08 South of the L-8 Canal, 43-40-16, 43-40-21, 443-40-28,
and 43-40-3 then South along the L-40 Canal and the L-36 Canal to the Palm Beach /
Broward County Border.
WEST -The Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee South to the South Section Line of Section (41-
37-22, East along the South Section Line of Sections 43-37-22, and 41-37-23, then South
along the East Section Line of Sections 41-37-26, 41-37-35, 42-37-02, 42-37-11, 42-37-14,
42-37-23, 42-37-26, and 42-37-35, then West along the South Section Line of Section 42-
37-35 to the East Section Line of Section 43-37-02, then South along the East Section Line
of Sections 43-37-02, 43-37-11, 43-37-14, 43-37-23, 43-37-26, and 43-37-35, then in a
Southerly direction to the East Section Line of Section 44-37-02, then South along the East
Section Line of Sections 44-37-02, 44-37-11, 44-37-14, and 44-37-23 to the L-16 Canal,
then West along the L-16 Canal and the L-21 Canals, also referenced as the Bolles Canal,
to the West Section Line of Section 44-35-34, then North along the West Section Line of
Sections 44-35-34, 44-35-27, 44-35-22, 44-35-15, 44-35-10, 44-35-03, 43-35-34,and 43-35-
27 to the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee, then Westerly along the Shoreline of Lake
Okeechobee to the Palm Beach / Hendry County Border, South along the Palm Beach /
Hendry County Border to the Palm Beach / Broward County Border
CSA Boundaries
#23 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 43-37-22 East of Lake Okeechobee, and 41-
SOUTH -The L-16 and L-21 Canals, also referenced as the Bolles Canal
EAST -The East Section Line of Sections 41-37-26, 41-37-35, 42-37-02, 42-37-11, 42-37-
14, 42-37-23, 42-37-26, and 42-37-35, then West along the South Section Line of Section
42-37-35 to the East Section Line of Section 43-37-02, then South along the East Section
Lines of Sections 43-37-02, 43-37-11, 43-37-14, 43-37-23, 43-37-26, and 43-37-35, then in
a Southerly direction to the East Section Line of Section 44-37-02, then South along the
East Section Line of Sections 44-37-02, 44-37-11, 44-37-14, and 44-37-23 to the L-16 Canal
WEST -The West Section Line of Sections (using T-R-S) 43-35-27 South of the Shoreline of
Lake Okeechobee, 43-35-34, 44-35-03, 44-35-10, 44-35-15, 44-35-22, 44-35-27, and 44-35-
34 South to the L-21 or Bolles Canal
TABLE 12-2
The following school concurrency data are exhibited on Maps 12-1 through 12-3
through 12-3:
Figure No. Title Page
12-1 Concurrency Service Areas 12-17
12-2 School Facility Locations 12-18
12-3 Planned Additional Capacity
Locations Shown For Confirmed Sites 12-19
FIGURE 12-1 *Figure Deleted
*Figure relocated to Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Figure 10-1
*Figure relocated to Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Figure 10-2
North Palm Beach ICE Comprehensive Plan
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
Public School Concurrency Element (PSCE)]
Objective 2.1: [former PSCE] Intergovernmental Coordination
To establish and maintain a cooperative relationship with the School District and
municipalities in coordinating land use planning with development of public school
facilities which are proximate to existing or proposed residential areas or other
appropriate existing and future land uses they will serve and which serve as community
focal points.
Policy 2.1.1: [revised former PSCE] The Village shall abide by the “Interlocal
Agreement between the School Board of Palm Beach County, Palm Beach
County and Municipalities of Palm Beach County for Coordinated Planning” (the
2016 Interlocal Agreement) which was approved by the Village Commission on
April 27, 2017, consistent with ss.163.3177(6)(h)1. and 2. F.S. and 163.3180 F.S.
Policy 2.1.2: [former PSCE] The Village, in coordination with the School
District, the County and other local governments, shall annually adopt the updated
School District of Palm Beach County Five-Year Capital Improvement Schedule
by opting into the annual countywide ordinance. This provision is intended to
maintain consistency with the School Board’s adopted Five Year Plan and to
maintain a financially feasible capital improvements program and ensure that
level of service standards will continue to be achieved and maintained in each
year of the five year planning period.
Policy 2.1.3: [revised formerly PSCE] The Village shall provide the School
District with annual report of projections of development and redevelopment
information generated from the Village’s development and approvals needed to
maintain school adequacy, including information required for the School District
to establish:
a. School siting criteria;
b. School Districts 5 year Capital Facilities Plan
c. School utilization.
North Palm Beach ICE Comprehensive Plan
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Policy 2.1.4: [formerly PSCE] The Village shall provide the School District with
its Comprehensive Plan, to facilitate development of school enrollment
projections and shall annually update this information. The Village shall
coordinate its Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map with the School
District’s long range facilities maps (See Map Series Maps), to ensure consistency
and compatibility with the provisions of this Element. The Village shall provide
the School District, based on the schedules outlined in the 2016 Interlocal
Agreement, with information generated from the Village’s development and
approvals, including but not limited to:
a. Certificates of Occupancy issued for new residential units.
b. Adopted future land use amendments and development orders, including
amendments to development orders.
c. Projections for development and redevelopment for the coming year.
Policy 2.1.5: [formerly PSCE] The Village shall provide opportunity for the
School District to comment on comprehensive plan amendments, development
orders, and other land-use decisions which may be projected to impact on the
public schools facilities plan. The Village shall incorporate letters from the school
district identifying school capacity availability into Village project staff reports
presented to the Village Commission. The Village may incorporate conditions of
approval into ordinances or resolutions to mitigate development impacts at the
request of the School District as the Village deems appropriate.
Policy 2.1.6: [formerly PSCE] The Village shall coordinate with local
governments and the School District on emergency preparedness issues which
may include consideration of:
a. Design and/or retrofit of public schools as emergency shelters;
b. Enhancing public awareness of evacuation zones, shelter locations, and
evacuation routes;
c. Designation of sites other than public schools as long term shelters, to
allow schools to resume normal operations following emergency events.
Objective 2.2: [former PSCE.] School Facility Siting Coordination
To establish a process of coordination and collaboration between the County, local
governments, and the School District in the planning and siting of public school
facilities in coordination with planned infrastructure and public facilities.
Policy 2.2.1: [former PSCE] The Village shall coordinate and provide for
expedited review of development proposals with the School District during the
development review process to ensure integration of public school facilities with
surrounding land uses and the compatibility of uses with schools.
Policy 2.2.2: Upon the receipt of notice from the School District of its intent to
acquire or lease a property for a school site, the Village shall review and provide a
determination of consistency with the future land use designation, zoning district
and the Village’s Comprehensive Plan. The Village’s comments may address the
North Palm Beach ICE Comprehensive Plan
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
availability of necessary and planned infrastructure and the co-location of the
proposed school facility with other public facilities such as parks, libraries and
community centers.
Policy 2.2.3: The Village abides by the school siting development review
procedures outlined in the “Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of
Palm Beach County, Palm Beach County and Municipalities of Palm Beach
County for Coordinated Planning”
Policy 2.2.4: [former PSCE] Educational facilities shall not be located on sites
that will significantly impact environmental conditions or historical resources if
the impacts on these conditions or resources cannot be appropriately mitigated.
Policy 2.2.5: [former PSCE] Proposed school site locations shall be suitable or
adaptable for development in accordance with applicable water management
standards, and shall not be in conflict with the adopted or officially accepted plans
of the South Florida Water Management District, or any applicable Stormwater
Utility or Drainage District.
Policy 2.2.6: [former PSCE] Proposed school site locations shall comply with the
provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan,
if applicable to the site.
Policy 2.2.7: [former PSCE] The Village shall encourage the location of schools
proximate to urban residential areas or other appropriate existing and future land
uses by:
a. Assisting the School District in identifying funding and/or construction
opportunities (including developer participation or Village capital budget
expenditures) for sidewalks, traffic signalization, access, water, sewer,
drainage and other infrastructure improvements;
b. Providing for the review for all school sites as indicated in Policy 2.2.1
above; and,
c. Considering elementary intermediate and secondary school uses as an
allowable use in most future land use designations and zoning districts.
Policy 2.2.8: [former PSCE] The Village shall coordinate with the School
District for the collocation of public facilities, such as parks, libraries, and
community centers with schools, to the extent possible, as sites for these public
facilities and schools are chosen and development plans prepared.
OBJECTIVE 2.3: [former PSCE] Population Projections
To establish a joint process of coordination and collaboration between the Village,
Palm Beach County and the School District in the planning and decision making on
population projections.
North Palm Beach ICE Comprehensive Plan
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Policy 2.3.1: [former PSCE] The Village commits to working with the School
District and Palm Beach County to improve the population allocation
methodology and enhance coordination with the plans of the School District and
local governments. Population and student enrollment projections shall be revised
annually to ensure that new residential development and redevelopment
information provided by the municipalities and the County as well as changing
demographic conditions are reflected in the updated projections.
North Palm Beach ICE Comprehensive Plan
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North Palm Beach ICE Comprehensive Plan
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Capital Improvements Element
***** Omitted for Brevity*****
Policy 3.5. Financial feasibility means that sufficient revenues are currently available or
will be available from committed funding sources for the first 3 years, or will be available
from committed or planned funding sources for years 4 and 5, of the Five-Year
Schedule of Improvements. Committed sources of revenue shall include ad valorem
taxes, bonds, state and federal funds, tax revenues, impact fees and developer
contributions which are adequate to fund the projected costs of the capital
improvements identified in the Comprehensive Plan necessary to ensure that adopted
level-of-service standards are achieved and maintained within the five-year period.
Further, the plan is financially feasibility for transportation and public schools if level-of-
service standards are achieved and maintained by the end of the planning period even
if in a particular year such standards are not achieved.
***** Omitted for Brevity*****
Policy 7.5: For public school facilities, at a minimum, the Village shall require that the
concurrency management system detailed in Objective 8, below, and the Public School
Concurrency element is implemented.
OBJECTIVE 8: the School District of Palm Beach County shall maintain minimum level
of service standards for public school facilities, as defined in the Public School
Concurrency element. In the case of public school facilities, the issuance of
Development Orders, Development Permits or development approvals shall be based
upon the School District of Palm Beach County’s ability to maintain the minimum level of
service standards.
Policy 8.1: For public school facilities, the applicant for a Development Order or
Development Permit which includes any residential component shall provide a
determination of capacity by the School District of Palm Beach County that the
proposed development will meet the public school facilities level of service. A
determination by the School District is not required for existing single family legal lots of
record, in accordance with the Public Schools Concurrency Policy 1.8.
Policy 8.2: In determining that the necessary public school facilities shall be in place
when the impacts of the development occur, the following procedures shall be used:
1. The construction of the facilities is the subject of a binding and guaranteed
contract with the School District of Palm Beach County that is executed and
guaranteed for the time the Development Order issued;
2. The phasing and construction of the improvements are made binding
conditions of approval of the Development Order or Development Permit;
3. The necessary facilities or services are under construction and bonded at the
time a Development Order is issued; or
4. Construction appropriations are specified within the first three years of the
most recently approved School District of Palm Beach County Six Five Year
Capital Improvement Schedule, as reflected in Table 11-2 of this element, which
shall reflect the addition of FISH capacity for each school, as shown in Appendix
A. Concurrency Service Area Table of the Public School Concurrency element
support documentation.
5. In accordance with Policy 8.1, and upholding the exceptions detailed therein,
prior issuance of a Development Order/Permit, the School District of Palm Beach
County shall determine that the level of service for public school facilities can be
achieved and maintained. The necessary public school facilities shall be
considered to be in place when sufficient capacity exists in the concurrency
service area (CSA) in which the proposed development is located, or an
immediately adjacent CSA.
North Palm Beach CME Comprehensive Plan
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXXX
Objective 9: The Village shall identify site development techniques and best practices that may
reduce losses due to flooding and claims made under flood insurance policies issued in this state.
Policy 9.1: The Village shall develop, by 2021, new and revised current stormwater
regulations, site development techniques, and best practices that may reduce losses due to
flooding and claims made under flood insurance policies. This will include, but not be
limited to structural and non-structural techniques such as low impact development best
practices that will enhance water quality treatment while also providing flood mitigation
benefits and flood mitigation strategies. New and revised Stormwater regulations shall also
consider impacts to adjacent properties, and address development and infrastructure projects.
Policy 9.2: The Village shall ensure that applications for development and redevelopment
include site development techniques that reduce losses due to flooding and claims made
under flood insurance policies from current and future flood risk. This shall include
structural and non-structural site development techniques such as, but not limited to,
maintaining adequate levels of service for stormwater management, grading or the use of
materials to withstand inundation, and minimizing flood damage to structures through flood
proofing and siting utilities and infrastructure to account for predicted flood conditions.
Policy 9.3: The Village shall enforce regulations and codes which provide for general hazard
mitigation including land use regulations, building construction codes, flood elevation
controls, stormwater facility standards, and septic and sanitary sewer guidelines. These
regulations shall also be applied to eliminate unsafe conditions, inappropriate uses and
remove property from future flood risk including but not limited to flood zone designations
established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Objective 10: The Village shall continue and enhance its participation in programs that reduce
flood insurance premiums for residents including but not limited to the National Flood Insurance
Program’s Community Rating System.
Policy 10.1: The Village will continue its participation in the National Flood Insurance
Program’s Community Rating System, and strive to improve its score, resulting in reductions
in flood risk and insurance premiums for residents.
Policy 10.2: The Village shall prioritize public outreach and education to residents, the
business and development community on the importance and benefits of mitigating flood risk
and how the Village’s participation in these efforts results in reduced flood insurance
TABLE 3 -5
Zone AE Special Flood Hazard Areas subject to
inundation by 1% annual chance flood (100
year flood plain) with a base flood elevation of
5ft NAVD 88.
Zone VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave
action); Base Flood Elevations determined
Source: Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County,
Effective Date October 5, 2017.
Contact: Village of North Palm BeachCommunity Development Department
DATA SOURCE: PBC Dept. of Public SafetyPBC Emergency Management Div.TCRPC Regional Evacuation Study2009 SLOSH Model
Notes: Ord. TBD
Section 163.3178, F.S. (2011)
0.25 0 0.250.125 Miles
Coastal High Hazard AreaCategory 1Storm Surge
North Palm Beach, Village Boundaries
Contact: Village of North Palm BeachCommunity Development Department
DATA SOURCE: Federal Emergency Management AgencyData Effective October 5, 2017
Notes: Ordinance Date TBDThis map represents the most readily available data for general display purposes. No guarantee is made regarding the completeness and accuracy of the information. Consult the Village of North Palm Beach's Community Development Department for a Flood Zone Determination.
0.25 0 0.250.125 Miles
Flood Zones AE & VEAE Zone - 100 Year Flood VE Zone - Coastal High Hazard Flood Zone
North Palm Beach, Village Boundaries
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
NOTE: Changes that have occurred between transmittal and adoption
are indicated in double strikethrough and double underline.
Chapter 163.3161 - 163.3201197, Florida Statutes (Local Government Comprehensive
Planning and Land Development Regulation Act Community Planning Act) and Chapter
9J-5, Florida Administrative Code (Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government
Comprehensive Plans and Plan Amendments) establishes basic requirements for the
format and content of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan.
Chapter 163.3164(104), Florida Statutes defines comprehensive plan as “. . . a plan that
meets the requirements of Sections 163.3177 and 163.3178”.
Section 163.3177 lists required conditions, studies, surveys and elements of the
Comprehensive Plan, including:
1. Written and graphic material necessary to support the principles, guidelines
and standards for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical,
environmental and fiscal development of the area.
2. Elements of the comprehensive plan must be consistent with each other and
the plan shall be economically feasible.
3. A capital improvements element, designed to consider the need for and the
location of public facilities to encourage the efficient use of such facilities.
4. Coordination of the comprehensive plan with: (1) those of adjacent
municipalities; (2) Palm Beach County; (3) Treasure Coast Regional Planning;
and (4) the State Comprehensive Plan.
5. Two planning periods, one covering at least the first 5-year period following
the plan’s adoption and one covering at least a 10-year period.
6. Policy recommendations for the implementation of the various elements of the
comprehensive plan.
7. The following elements: Future Land Use; Transportation; Infrastructure
(Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural
Groundwater Aquifer Recharge); Conservation; Recreation and Open Space;
Housing; Coastal Management; Intergovernmental Coordination including
School Board Coordination; and Capital Improvements.; and Public School
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
Section 163.3177(7) (k) allows a local government to include other pertinent elements to
the comprehensive plan, upon recommendation by the Local Planning Agency.
Further, the following two provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes are emphasized
by the State:
1. North Palm Beach is charged with setting levels of service for public facilities
in the comprehensive plan in accordance with which development must occur
and permits will be issued; and
2. Public facilities and services needed to support development in North Palm
Beach shall be available concurrent with the impacts of such development.
Chapter 9J-5.005, Florida Administrative Code establishes the general requirements for
a Comprehensive Plan.
*****Omitted for Brevity*****
1.12.5 Plan Implementation Requirements
Recognizing that the intent of the Legislature is that comprehensive plans are to be
implemented, sections containing goals, objectives, and policies shall describe how
North Palm Beach’s programs, activities, and land development regulations will be
initiated, modified or continued to implement the comprehensive plan in a consistent
It is not the intent of Chapter 163 9J-5 to require the inclusion of implementing
regulations in the Village’s comprehensive plan, but rather to require the identification of
programs, activities, and land development regulations that will be part of the strategy
for its implementation.
1.2.6 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Monitoring and Evaluation
Pursuant to Section 163.3191, F.S. the Village shall evaluate its Comprehensive Plan
every seven (7) years to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect
changes in state requirements pursuant 163.3177 F.S. and local conditions since the
last update of the comprehensive plan. The Village will notify the state land planning
agency as to its determination. If the Village determines amendments to the
comprehensive plan are necessary, the Village shall prepare and transmit within one (1)
year such plan amendments for review pursuant to 163.3184 F.S.
For the purpose of evaluating and appraising its implementation, the Village’s
comprehensive plan shall contain a section identifying the monitoring, updating and
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
evaluation procedures to be followed in preparing the required periodic evaluation and
appraisal report (EAR). That section shall address:
1. Citizen participation in the process.
2. Updating appropriate baseline data and measurable objectives to be
accomplished in the first five-year period of the plan, and for the long-term
3. Accomplishments in the first five-year period, describing the degree to which
the goals, objectives and policies have been successfully reached.
4. Obstacles or problems which resulted in the underachievement of goals,
objectives, or policies.
5. New or modified goals, objectives, or policies needed to correct discovered
6. A means of ensuring continuous monitoring and evaluation of the plan during
the ensuing five-year period.
1.2.7 Procedural Requirements
The Village’s comprehensive plan shall be adopted and amended pursuant to the
procedural requirements of Sections 163.3161-.3215, Florida Statutes, including but not
limited to the following:
1. The comprehensive plan shall be prepared, and periodically evaluated and
amended in accordance with a schedule adopted by the Florida Department of
Community Affairs.
2. Comprehensive plans shall be prepared in accordance with Section 163.3174
and Subsection 163.3167(4), Florida Statutes, relating to the Local Planning
Agency (LPA). Proposed plans and amendments shall be considered at a public
hearing with due public notice by the LPA prior to making its recommendation to
the governing body.
3. Comprehensive plan amendments shall be considered and adopted in
accordance with the procedures relating to public participation adopted by the
Village and the LPA pursuant to Section 163.3181, Florida Statutes, and Section
9J-5.004, Florida Administrative Code. North Palm Beach shall submit with its
transmittal, pursuant to Subsections 163.3167(2) and 163.3191, Florida Statutes,
a copy of the procedures for public participation that have been adopted by the
4. The comprehensive plan and any amendments shall be transmitted after
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
formal action by the Village in accordance with the provisions of Sections
163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes, and any procedural rules adopted by
the Department of Economic Opportunity Community Affairs pursuant to
Subsection 163.3177(9), Florida Statutes.
5. With the exception of small-scale amendments, which may be submitted at
any time, the comprehensive plan shall not be amended more than two times
during any calendar year except in the case of amendments directly related to a
Development of Regional Impact (DRI) pursuant to Sections 380.05, 380.061,
and 163.3187(1) (c), Florida Statutes or in the case of any emergency pursuant
to Section 163.3187(1) (a), Florida Statutes. The comprehensive plan and
amendments shall be adopted by ordinance and only after the public hearings
required by Section 163.3184(1115) (b), Florida Statutes, have been conducted
after the notice required by Sections 163.3184(15) (b) and (c), Florida Statutes.
Upon adoption, North Palm Beach shall transmit to the Department of Economic
Opportunity Community Affairs a copy of the ordinance and the required notices.
6. The comprehensive plan shall be periodically evaluated and updated as
required by Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida
Administrative Code. A copy of the adopted report required by Section
163.3191, Florida Statutes, shall be transmitted to the Department of Economic
Opportunity prior to the time of transmittal of related amendments pursuant to
Section 163.3191(4), Florida Statutes.
The North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan is structured to meet all of the statutory
and rule requirements as defined in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 above.
1.3.1 Goals, Objectives and Policies
The following sections of this document shall comprise the goals, objectives and
policies component of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan:
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
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ANNEXATION (Optional Element) 123.0
1.3.2 Capital Improvements Implementation
Sections 1.3.5 (below) and 11.4 (Capital Improvement Element) of this document shall
comprise the capital improvements implementation component of the North Palm Beach
Comprehensive Plan.
1.3.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
The intent of this section is to meet that portion of the general requirements regarding
monitoring and evaluation procedures. Specifically, Chapter 9J-5-005(7), Florida
Administrative Code, states: “Each element of the comprehensive plan shall contain
procedures for monitoring, evaluating and appraising implementation of the plan.
Specific measurable objectives shall be included to provide a basis for evaluating
effectiveness as required by Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes.”
Section 163.3161, Florida Statutes requires that the Village’s planning program be a
continuous and ongoing process. In order to institute the ongoing process, Section
163.3161 requires that a formal Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) be prepared
and submitted to the state each seven years.
Requirements of the EAR process include a detailed evaluation and assessment of the
comprehensive plan, including statements to direct the updating process, as well as the
following specifics:
A brief description of the process used to prepare and adopt the EAR.
A discussion of changes in population since the plan was adopted, or last
Identification of the amount and location of vacant land and its suitability for
A discussion of the extent to which the community has been able to meet the
demands of growth on its infrastructure, maintenance of level-of-service
standards, concurrency management, and financial feasibility of the plan.
A discussion of whether development has located where it was anticipated in the
An assessment of the success of coordinating land uses and school facilities
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
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An evaluation of the plan with respect to the Water Management District’s Lower
East Coast Water Supply Facilities Plan.
An assessment of the successes or shortcomings of each element.
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
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1.3.34 Citizen Participation
When the Village begins the adoption or amendment process, it is required by State law
that appropriate public hearings be held. Procedures presented in Chapter 163, Part II,
Florida Statutes are closely followed and adhered to at that time. As particular issues or
matters of an expressed community concern arise, the Local Planning Agency (LPA)
may hold additional public meetings or hearings, to address such concerns. Copies of
public meeting legal notices are published pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes.
Depending upon the detail and need for summaries, the LPA may decide if, and when,
to prepare Executive Summaries of comprehensive plan amendments, elements and/or
support documentation.
1.3.45 Monitoring and Evaluating Capital Improvements
In addition to the general requirements for monitoring and evaluation procedures
identified in Chapter 163 9J-5.005(7), Florida Statutes Administrative Code, it is further
required that the Capital Improvements Element, and particularly the 5-Year Schedule
of Improvements, be reviewed on an annual basis. Therefore, the Village shall review
the Capital Improvements element of the Comprehensive Plan each year to assess the
need for amendments thereto. Each defined capital expenditure and/or project will be
reviewed to determine its current status. Any capital project that has been completed
will be reported as implemented. Those projects that have not been completed or have
been partially accomplished will be reassessed for current applicability. If determined to
be a valid current concern, incomplete or unaccomplished capital improvements will be
re-prioritized and rescheduled. Those projects that are no longer valid Village concerns
will be deleted from the list of projected improvements.
1.3.56 Maps Showing Future Conditions
Required maps showing future conditions are included within the Goal, Objectives and
Policies components of the various elements of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive
1.3.7 Comprehensive Plan Adoption Ordinance
The comprehensive plan adoption ordinance is included herein as Exhibit 1-1. Copies
of legal notices, published pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes are on file with the
North Palm Beach Village Clerk.
The balance of the statutory requirements not specifically cited in Sections 1.3.1
through 1.3.67 shall be considered as support documentation. These requirements are
addressed in the 1989 Village of North Palm Comprehensive Development Plan
document, and updated by the North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report
(EAR), dated May 1996 and 2007, the Water Supply Facilities Plan, dated July 2008,
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Study, dated 2008, the 2009 Support Documentation for
the Capital Improvements Element update, and the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Support
Documentation report. Support documentation that forms the basis for the
Comprehensive Plan should be updated, as necessary, during the preparation of the
annual review and update of the Capital Improvements Element and 5-Year Schedule of
Improvements, the EAR, special studies commissioned by the Village, or as part of the
EAR-based comprehensive plan amendments.
According to Chapter 163 9J-5.005(7), Florida Statutes Administrative Code, the
Village’s comprehensive plan must include at least two planning periods; one for at least
the first five-year period subsequent to the adoption and one for an overall ten-year
period. On this basis, the following two required planning periods are utilized in the
North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan: Short-range – FY 2019-2023 2010 - 2014;
and Long-term – FY 2015 – FY 2020 2024- FY 2029.
The Village is projected to be fully developed, with little to no remaining vacant land,
during the short-range planning period, with the exceptions of future redevelopment or
annexation activities. As a result, buildout impacts upon infrastructure and services, as
projected in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) are fully accounted for in the
short-range planning period in the Comprehensive Plan as required in Section 16.3177
(6)(1), F.S. This conclusion will be reassessed at the time each subsequent Evaluation
and Appraisal Report is prepared, and in the event of any Future Land Use Map
amendments, or annexation activity, or future Comprehensive Plan text changes to
implement the Village’s Master Plan report.
Population projections for North Palm Beach were prepared during the 2006 EAR
process. It was projected that buildout of the Village will occur during the FY 2010 – FY
2014 period. Based upon analysis in the EAR, it is projected that North Palm Beach will
reach its buildout population potential of 13,091 permanent residents and 1,535 peak
seasonal residents during the Short-range planning period (FY 2010 – FY 2014) of this
Comprehensive Plan.
The University of Florida’s 2017 Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR)
population estimates as well as the Palm Beach County 2015 Population Allocation
Model were utilized in the preparation of the Village’s 2018 Evaluation and Appraisal
Report (EAR). Based upon analysis in the EAR and the 2010 Census data, it is
projected that North Palm Beach will reach its approximate build-out population
potential of 14,206 residents based on the 2010 Census housing units and person per
household data, approximate undeveloped acres with residential FLU and assuming an
8% vacancy rate. The 2017 BEBR population estimate was 12,574 residents with the
2015 Palm Beach County Population Allocation Model estimating approximately 1,999
peak seasonal residents. Future population growth will be driven by redevelopment and
Comprehensive Plan map amendments during the short-range planning period (FY
North Palm Beach GRE EAR-Based Amendments
Revised 1/2018 Ord. XXX-18
2019 - FY 2023) of this Comprehensive Plan. The population projections will be revised
at the time of each subsequent Evaluation and Appraisal Report is prepared.
(Adoption Ordinance)
Ordinance will be included herein upon second reading
Planning Horizon - Short: FY 2019 - FY 2023 & Long: FY 2024- FY 2029
Planning Horizon - Short: FY 2019- FY 2023 & Long: FY 2024 - FY 2029
Planning Horizon - Short: FY 2019- FY 2023 & Long: FY 2024 - FY 2029
Planning Horizon - Short: FY 2019- FY 2023 & Long: FY 2024 - FY 2029