2018-06 Village NewsletterAV
Summer's here, and its time to vista
beautiful park in Mcfeth Palm Beach!
Parks are a great place for summer — pg. 1
John D. MacArthur Beach State Park
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2018 July 4th Fireworks event canceled z;
The Village's Annual July 4th Celebration & Fireworks event is canceled `_ "`.'`;s -r;
because of work on the clubhouse & golf course. However, some nearby
communities will still do a show — Page 18
A Message from the Village Manager - Andy Lukasik
Hello Villagers:
With another beautiful South Florida summer upon us, I want to take a moment to update you on what your
Village Council and staff will be working on for the next few months. The primary task at hand is to prepare
our budget for the next fiscal year, which begins October 1 and runs through September 30, 2019.
This is a busy time for all of us. Department heads are working hard to determine what their expenses will be
next year, prioritizing their programs and projects, and meeting with our financial team to make sure their
calculations are on track. Also, I am speaking frequently with Village Council members to make sure that the
projected expenses and services the Village will deliver next year meet their expectations and those of our
community. You can feel confidant that we strive to invest taxpayer dollars wisely, according to the highest
standards in the industry.
Some of the funding needs we are assessing include sidewalk improvements, adding pedestrian and bike
amenities to the bridges on Prosperity Farms Road and U.S. Highway 1, funding to implement the Western
Neighborhood Strategic Plan to address quality-of-life issues, milling and repaving many of our streets,
continuing our effort to rewrite Village codes to encourage private-sector investment, conducting an analysis
of U.S. Highway 1 traffic with the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency, and upgrading the seawall
at Lakeside Park.
Add to all that the ongoing Country Club reconstruction project and the golf course upgrade, and you can see
that important investments in this community are happening daily, ensuring that the quality of life we enjoy
here continues well into the foreseeable future.
And as a reminder, hurricane season began June 1, so this is a good time to review your hurricane plan and
make sure you are stocked with supplies and medicine you might need if services are disrupted. There’s a lot
to think about, so we have some useful resources on the Village website to guide you in the process. Our web
address is www.village-npb.org. If a storm threatens our area, we will post updated information as we work
closely with the state and county emergency management team. We also will post info on Facebook and
Twitter (both are @VillageNPB), and on the Nextdoor private social network.
In the meantime, have a great summer and thank you for all you do to make the Village “The Best Place to
Live Under the Sun.”
Andy Lukasik
Village Manager
Page 2
Manager Message
Page 3
Village Clerk
Deborah Searcy Mark Mullinix David B. Norris Susan Bickel Darryl C. Aubrey
Councilmember Vice Mayor Mayor President Pro Tem Councilmember
The Village of North Palm Beach and Support Our Troops USA Inc. continue
our mission to support our service men and women serving in harm’s way.
You can help by purchasing a care package for a soldier or
donating toward shipping costs. Contributions can be
dropped off in the Clerk’s office at Village Hall, or mailed to:
Support Our Troops USA Inc., P.O. Box 14211, NPB FL 33408
$10.00 Large $5.00 Small
Includes: lip balm, eye drops, gum Includes: lip balm, eye drops, gum
hand sanitizer, beef jerky, protein bar, hand sanitizer, crackers, cookies.
crackers, cookies, powdered drink mix,
ready-to-eat chicken or tuna salad.
Page 4
Congrats to Officer Shane Mize, who was recognized by the North Palm
Beaches Rotary Club recently for his top-notch police work in 2017. In four
separate incidents that year, Officer Mize apprehended four auto burglary
suspects after chasing them on foot. And each was armed with a gun!
Officer Mize was named North Palm Beach Police Officer of the Year for
2017, and his efforts are helping keep Village residents and businesses
SAFETY TIP: Remove valuable items, money and valet keys before leaving a
car at home or anywhere else. And never leave a gun in a parked car, it adds
great danger for officers who respond to car burglary calls!
Congratulations to Village Firefighter/Paramedic Amanda Apfel. She was awarded recently by the Palm Beach
North Chamber of Commerce for her outstanding volunteer work with the Kids Cancer Foundation. Amanda serves
on various fundraising committees, setting up for events, volunteering her time, and working on whatever she can to
help the foundation flourish. She has served the Village of North Palm Beach as a firefighter for 13 years and is a
valued member of the Village staff. The Foundation says, “Our little warriors need big heroes like Amanda!”
Fire Chief JD Armstrong, Firefighter Amanda Apfel, Councilmember Darryl Aubrey and Vice Mayor Mark Mullinix attended a
recent North County Chamber of Commerce event to honor local first responders who have excelled in their public service.
Page 5
By Dr. Scott McFarland
My dad was an avid golfer and he always said there’s only one thing you need to know about
golf: golf is 90% psychological and the rest of it is all in your head! I am an avid emergency
physician and I feel the same way about health: The way you feel is 90% psychological and
the rest is all in your head. Your health is the consequence and not the cause of the way you
feel! Your mind has amazing powers over your body’s physiology. The way you feel is a
complex chemical reaction amongst neurotransmitters in your brain; these chemicals allow
nerves to speak to one another in certain patterns to create certain feelings. Drugs can
increase or decrease the levels of those neurotransmitters but so can certain behaviors over
which you have control! So the beauty of this take-home message is that even though
feelings are byproduct of a chemical reaction you are the chemist!
The three major neurotransmitters are dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Dopamine
influences muscle contractions and may also reflect the Enthusiastic anticipation of joy. Too
little dopamine can cause spasticity and inadvertent tic-like movements. Norepinephrine or
noradrenaline creates the flight or fight response in the body’s reaction to danger. Serotonin
is the neurotransmitter that creates the sensation of well-being; Makes you feel comfortable
and hopeful. It is also the reason psychiatrists prescribe antidepressants which increase
serotonin levels in depressed patients. Diligent exercise can increase dopamine and Noradrenaline levels, but guess
how much exercise it requires to increase serotonin levels which give you the best feelings of all? Absolutely none. All
you have to do is exercise your mind! Studies in praying monks and meditating yogis show a marked increase in
serotonin levels after just 15 minutes of quiet peaceful-concentration. So, you don’t need Lululemon pants or even
work up a sweat, all you need is a concerted committed effort to feel better.
Dr. Scott McFarland has been the Medical Director of Village Fire Rescue since 2007. He went to college at Notre Dame,
Medical School at Alabama, and trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine at the University of Miami. He served
as Medical Director of the Emergency Departments at Wellington Regional and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Centers, and
was the host of the PBS Medical program, "Healthy Body Healthy Mind." Dr. McFarland has been a Board-Certified
Emergency Physician since 1994.
Dr. Scott McFarland, NPB
FD Medical Director
Because of great housing options, local amenities and
excellent educational opportunities, the Village of North
Palm Beach has been rated as one of the 10 Best Cities in
Florida by the website homesnacks.net, which provides
informal commentary about local communities throughout
the country.
The website analyzed 205 Florida cities with populations
greater than 5,000. Data calculated in the ratings include
median home values, median income, unemployment,
education levels, commute times, crime, poverty rates and
population density (with higher being rated as better).
North Palm Beach scored a 9.5 out of a possible 10 points
for “Overall SnackAbility,” meaning the Village is among
“the cream of the crop when it comes to living in The
Sunshine State,” according
to the article which was first
published in December.
HomeSnacks also says that
although they used U.S.
Census Bureau and FBI
Crime Report data, the 10
Best Cities article is “an
opinion based on facts and is meant as infotainment.”
In February, the National Council for Home Safety and
Security also ranked North Palm Beach in a top 10 list
based on the Village’s low crime rate. In that ranking, the
Village was named tenth Safest City in Florida.
North Palm Beach rated as one of 10 best cities in Florida
About 80 residents joined city planners and
consultants on a recent Friday evening to talk about
the future of North Palm Beach, particularly the look
and lifestyle along U.S. Highway 1.
The Village Master plan calls for increased use of
“form-based” codes, meaning the exterior design of
the buildings will be as important as their intended
use in the future.
Planners hope to provide incentives in the Village
ordinances that will encourage business growth and
redevelopment on U.S. Highway 1, as well as on
Northlake Boulevard, and public input is a major
component of the planning process.
At the meeting, there was plenty of dialogue and
group interaction to get ideas flowing. Participants
were given polling keypads to provide real-time
responses to a series of questions, and results were
displayed on a screen to guide discussion.
The Village’s consultant for the code update
recommendation process is Dover, Kohl & Partners,
of Coral Gables. They said the turnout of so many
residents ensures that the final results of the code
update will truly reflect the community’s interests.
Another code Update Workshop will be held in the
fall. Notices will be published in the monthly
newsletter, the Village website and in social media.
More Than 80 Residents Come Out To Code Workshop
North Palm Beach code compliance officers have been issuing
notices for violations of the Village’s boat and recreational
vehicle ordinance, which requires boats and RVs to be screened
from view and properly licensed when stored on residential
The increased enforcement is intended to encourage property
owners to comply with the code and comes after considerable
public discussion and review of community needs.
Sections 18-35 and 18-35.1 of the North Palm Beach Code of
Ordinances list the requirements for parking boats and RVs on
residential properties. Subparagraph (8) of each section lists the
requirement for visual screening: “All such equipment, when
parked on site, shall be visually screened from the view of abutting properties, street rights -of-way, and alleyways.”
Other requirements are listed in the ordinance as well, including height and length limitations for boats and RVs, and
requirements for the vehicles to be kept in “clean, neat and presentable condition.”
The current version of the boat and RV code was adopted by the Village Council in September 2016. Anyone with
questions, concerns or comments is asked to contact the Village by emailing BoatandRVinfo@village-npb.org.
Code officers enforcing boat and RV ordinance
Page 6
Community Development
Half Day Tennis Camp
Week of June 4; June 11; June
18, June 25; July 2 (this week will
be pro-rated due to July 4
holiday); July 9; July 16; July 23;
July 30; & Aug. 6
Half Day Camp: Times/Ages
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 4 to 15 years.
9 to 9:30 a.m. drop off;
9:30 to 11:30 a.m. tennis;
11:30 a.m. lunch & pool;
1 p.m. pick up at tennis
Half Day Camp: Prices
Members $175 prepaid;
Residents $187.50 prepaid;
Non-residents $200 prepaid;
Daily Prices Half Day Camp:
$42.50, $45, & $47.50.
Ages 8-13. Weekly sessions with organized activity from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Community Center, 1200
Prosperity Farms Road. Travel 3 days/week. Fee: $205/$200(RDF)/week.
Session 1: June 4-8 (NPB Pool, Roller Skating, Pirates Day, The Rapids cookout)
Session 2: June 11-15 (Ice Skating, Calypso Bay, 80s Dance, Aquatica)
Session 3: June 18-22 (NPB Pool, Boomers, Magic Show, All American Rodeo)
Session 4: June 25-29 (Ocean Reef Park, Movies & Bowling, Superhero Day, Typhoon Lagoon)
Session 5: July 2 – 6 (NPB Pool, Glow Party, Miami Seaquarium)
Session 6: July 9-13 (Ice Skating, Kids Fitness Festival, Summer Formal, The Rapids cookout)
Session 7: July 16-20 (NPB Pool, Movies & Bowling, Disney Dress-up, Lion Country Safari)
Session 8: July 23-27 (Calypso Bay, Ninja Lounge, Pajama Party, Carlin Park Picnic)
Pre-registration for all camp programs is required. Multiple session discounts apply. Complete schedules and
descriptions are available on the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org or call (561) 841-3386.
Page 7
Call (561) 691-3425 for more information about our Tennis Camp.
Parks & Recreation
Page 8
Enjoy our pool parties at the NPB Pool on Friday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Admission is one dollar.
Dates: July 27, Aug. 10
(NOTE: Pool closed for construction June 4—July 19)
We offer all levels of swim lessons for all ages. Our classes are
taught by Swim with Gills. We offer group lessons, private and semi
-private lessons on weekdays, evenings and weekends! There is no
reason your child should not be able to swim. For a complete
schedule or to register for a class, contact Swim with Gills at
office@swimwithgills.com or (561) 222-4994.
Aug. 25, 5 to 9 p.m.
Anchorage Park
Mark your calendars for the Aug. 11 Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament. This is a fun family event and we
encourage kids’ participation. The tournament is kicked off with a
Friday night Captain’s Meeting. Each captain will receive a bucket
filled with goodies worth as much as the entry fee! The group
receives instructions for the next day as they enjoy food & drink
and challenging each other! Lines in the water at 6 a.m. the
following morning! Weigh-in is at Anchorage Park between noon
and 3 p.m., followed by an awards picnic. Limited to 50 boats. Get
your business logo on every shirt and on the sponsor banner! Call
(561) 841-3386 for more information or visit www.village-npb.org.
This 60-minute dance-aerobics/strength training class is based on Jazz dance movements which incorporates
Pilates principals into every workout. Instructors demonstrate how students can modify the steps to meet their
own fitness needs. Contact Marti Pietro at (561) 574-4341 or go to www.jazzercize.com.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M,W,F,Sat 9 to 10 a.m.
Mon-Thur 6 to 7 p.m.
This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This class
has no pounding, jumping or dancing movements. It class consists
primarily of stretching muscles and limbering the joints. Fee: $10/
$12 per month
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M,W,F 8:45-9:45
Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation
Page 9
Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves
stress/anxiety and strengthens abdominal muscles. It helps
improve flexibility of the spine and all joints. You will learn yoga
postures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation
techniques. This class is for all levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine.
Age/Level Day Time
Adult M 10-11:30 a.m.
Adult T 6-7:30 p.m.
Adult Th 10-11:30 a.m.
Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindfulness. Bring together the forces of mind, body
and spirit to develop a daily practice of self-care, balance and spiritual harmony. Learn useful techniques and
forms in your very first class! Your guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advanced Instructor of Inner Chi Tai Chi
Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 10 years of experience sharing his practice.
Age/Level Day Time
All F 10 to 11 a.m.
Terry Bucciarelli continues on Wednesday evenings with her beginning Country Line Dance classes at Osborne
Park. These classes are for dancers of all ages. You do not need a partner in order to join the class. Pay by the
class; it is ongoing. Stop in on a Wednesday and check it out! Register and pay at the class.
Age/Level Day Time
All W 7 to 9 p.m.
Learn about cutting glass, creating a design, gluing and
grouting. Explore design and technique, all while creating your
own original piece of art. The cost includes all tools and materials.
Llimited to 10 students. The classes are beginner to intermediate
level and will be taught by Debbie Davis Anchorage Park activities
building. Call Debbie at (561) 596-4455.
Saturday, June 9th and July 14th
9:30 am – 12:30 pm.
Cost: $75
Introductory program for kids 2-8 yrs. Meets Saturdays at Anchorage Park. Soccer It’s high energy, fun, and age
appropriate curriculum. Coaches are energetic and enthusiastic, great teachers, and love working with
children. Kids gain skills, work on improving balance, coordination and agility. Soccer Shots also teaches
children teamwork, sharing and respect. $99/$104 for 7 weeks (no registration fees).
June 23rd – Aug. 11 (no class July 21)
2-year-olds at 9 a.m.
3 to 4-year-olds at 9:45 a.m.
5 to 8-year-olds at 10:30 a.m.
Parks & Recreation
Page 10
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation
Page 11
Heritage Festival 2018 — Thanks for being part of the fun!
Community Development
Page 12
Hurricane season is here. Are you ready?
Hurricane season began June 1 and lasts through
November 30. Whether you have lived in South
Florida for a lifetime or you are new here, this is the
time to prepare for hurricane season and to make a
plan in case a storm hits South Florida this year.
To help residents plan, the Village has a web page
for Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery. You’ll
find a link to it in the left column of the Village
website at www.village-npb.org.
On our Hurricane Preparedness page, look for a
link to “PBC Know Your Evacuation Zone Map.”
Use the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Look-up Tool
there to see what Evacuation Zone you live in. You
should know this if an evacuation order is issued.
Evacuation notices affecting Village residents will
be posted on the Village website, as well as on the
Village Facebook and Twitter pages at
@VillageNPB, and on Nextdoor.com.
Our Hurricane Preparedness page also links to Palm
Beach County’s flood zone map. Residents can enter
their name or address to determine if their property is
in a flood zone.
Visit www.village-npb.org and click the link in the left
column to “Hurricane Preparedness.” Spending a little
time now to familiarize yourself with the information
there may help avoid a lot of trouble later on.
Village and state parks are waiting for summer visitors!
Though the Village of North Palm Beach is only 5.8 square miles in area,
there is plenty of room in the beautiful parks here to spend time
outdoors, relax, recreate and make the best of the warm and beautiful
South Florida summer. There are seven Village-run parks, and one state
park, and each is worth a visit:
• Anchorage Park · 603 Anchorage Drive · (561) 841-3386
• Community Center · 1200 Prosperity Farms Road · (561) 841-3389
• Tennis Center · 951 US Highway 1 · (561) 691-3425
• North Palm Beach Pool · 951 U.S. Highway 1 · (561) 691-3427
• Osborne Park · 715 Prosperity Farms Road · (561) 841-3386
• Lakeside Park · 805 Lakeside Drive · (561) 841-3386
• Veterans Memorial Park · 303 Anchorage Drive · (561) 841-3386
• John D. MacArthur Beach State Park · 10900 Jack Nicklaus Drive · (561) 624-6950
NPB Country Club
Page 13
2018 Junior Golf, Tennis, Swim,
& Activities Summer Camps
Campers indulge in 4 days of
instruction with golf and
tennis professionals,
supervised swim in our
Olympic sized pool, and other
games and activities.
• June 11 - 14
• June 18 - 21
• June 25 - 28
• July 9 - 12
• July 16 - 19
• July 23 - 26
Daily Schedule
8:30-9:00 Drop Off
9:00-11:00 Golf
11:00-12:00 Lawn
Games & Activities
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Pool
3:30-5:00 Tennis
5:00-5:30 Pickup
Page 14
Public Works
The Village provides trash collection
services three days a week for household
garbage, two days a week for vegetation,
and once a week for recyclables.
Residents must provide their own trash
cans and place them outside for “side
door service.” Bulk items, vegetation,
and recycling should be placed by the
curb. Everything should be ready for pick
up by 7 a.m. each day, according to type
of items to be picked up.
Vegetation, trash or bulk items that are
generated by a hired contractor, such as
a landscaper or home remodeler, must be
hauled away from the property by the
For more information about trash pickup
services, call (561) 691-3440.
Residential garbage, recycling and vegetation pickup
• Monday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
• Tuesday - Vegetation
• Wednesday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
• Thursday - Vegetation and Recycling
• Friday - Garbage, Trash, and Bulk Items
Collection Schedule
Public Works/Code
Page 15
The Village Council recently approved a $346,680 contract
with Hinterland Group Inc. for construction of a new pump
station on the Earman River. The existing station is critical
to the Village because it provides water for the Country Club
golf course, Osborne Park, Lakeside Park, the Village Hall
complex, and the landscaping on U.S. Highway 1.
Reclaimed water is available for some needs if the Earman
pump fails, however, a reliable supply from the Earman
River is needed to ensure a healthy landscape in some of
the Village’s most visible public areas.
Construction of the new pump station is beginning this
month and will be complete in October. The old pump
station will continue to run until construction is complete,
then it will serve as a backup.
For more information, contact Public Works Director Steven
Hallock at (561) 691-3440 or shallock@village-npb.org.
Pump station to ensure healthy landscaping
Page 16
Mondays & Thursdays
at 9:30 a.m.
with certified yoga instructor Mi
Sun Donahue (60 min.)
Knit & Crochet
Mondays at 11:00 a.m.
Bring a project and knit
or crochet with others
in a friendly library
setting. Basic knitting
and crochet skills are
recommended. (3 hours)
The Lighthouse Camera Club
Tuesday, June12
at 6:30 p.m.
Friendly group of photo
enthusiasts. Skill levels ranging
from beginners to advanced
amateurs, to professionals.
(2 hours)
TreeSearchers Genealogy
for more information
Contact Sue, 841-3383
Genealogy Databases at
the Library! Ancestry,
World Vital Records and
Heritage Quest
Great Courses filmed
lecture series.
The Guide to Essential Italy
Wednesdays, at 12:00 p.m.
Rock Painting
Thursday, June 14
at 11:00 a.m.
with Kelly NPB Rocks
(2 hours)
Camera Club
Learning Program
Wednesday, June 27
at 6:00 p.m.
The Basics • Basic Camera Modes –
Auto, Program, Scene etc. •
Camera Handling and use of tri-
pods • Shutter Speed, Aperture,
ISO and Composition Basics •
Basics of getting the pictures out
of the camera and on the computer
Hearing Loss Support Group
Thursday, June 28
at 11:00 a.m.
Hearing Loss Association of
America, NPB Chapter. A Support
Group for the Hearing Impaired
(2 hours)
Chess Club
Saturday, June 2 & 16
at 9:00 a.m.
Contact: John Dockery,
The Sand Dollar Quilters
Fridays at 10:00 a.m.
This award-winning group
of dedicated quilters has
been meeting and quilting in the
library on individual and group
projects for several years. New
members welcome. Basic sewing
skills are recommended, as this is
not intended as a quilting class.
(4 hours)
Kid/Teen Programs
Sponsored by
Friends of the Library
Little Listeners
Story Time
at 9:30 a.m.
Ages 17 months - age 3
Rising Readers
Story Time
at 10:30 a.m.
Ages 3 - 5
Baby Time for the
Young and Restless
at 11:30 a.m.
Age Birth—17 months
Story Time, Wednesdays at
10:30 a.m. Ages 2-5
at 3:00 p.m.
Kids Share a Story
with Pearl
Limited Space (90 min.)
Teen Programs
Tuesdays, Wednesdays &
Thursdays @ 9:00 a.m.
Gamming, Computers, Crafts, Games
and More
Teen Volunteers
Tuesdays, Wednesdays &
Thursdays at 1:30 p.m.
Mondays at 2:00 p.m.
Starting June 11
Monday-Thursday 9am-7pm
Friday-Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 1-5pm
Rosetta Stone
Learning software
The program is open to young people ages 5-12.
Pick up your reading log, book bag, and activity schedule at the children’s desk downstairs.
All programs are free but some have limited space and follow the first come, first served rule.
Make sure to be on time!
Tuesdays at 2:00
Japanese drumming presented through rhythm games and interactive performances of Japanese
literature. The science of sound will be explored through demonstration and interactive, guided
experimentation in vibration & sound waves, pitch & frequency, and volume (amplitude). An
integration of music and literature for all ages.
This program will show children how chemical reactions are truly magical while explaining the
science behind them. This is a great program to introduce even the youngest students into the world
of chemistry with a show they will never forget.
Children first learn about rocks from our impressive gem and mineral collection. Then each child gets
to search for and keep some gems and minerals, which may include: colored calcites, quartz,
amethyst, peacock copper, pyrite (fool's gold), and Dalmatian jasper.
Children will learn about fossils and get the chance to touch some real and replica fossils of dinosaurs
from millions of years ago! A perfect show for budding paleontologists of all ages.
Participate in games and fun group activities in the air-conditioning!
Enjoy a family-friendly movie on our big screen every Thursday. Check our website
(www.npblibrary.org) each week to see what we will be showing.
Page 17
Stay in touch!
Our Annual July 4th Celebration and Fireworks
event is canceled this year because new grass on
the Country Club golf course needs time to take
root. Fortunately there will be fireworks and
celebrations in nearby communities:
• Roger Dean Stadium — At 9 p.m. (after Palm
Beach Cardinals vs. Daytona Tortugas game)
• 4th on Flagler (West Palm Beach) — On the
waterfront in downtown WPB, 5 to 10 p.m.
• Lake Park — (Friday, June 29) from 6 to 9
p.m. at Lake Park Marina
Page 18
July 4th
Annual July 4th Celebration and Fireworks canceled
Other Palm Beach County venues still offering excitement for patriots
The North Palm Beach Fire Rescue Department reminds
you that fireworks can be dangerous. They say the U.S.
Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 6,500
people were treated in emergency rooms across the
country due to injuries caused by July 4th fireworks.
There were 10,800 firework-related injuries for the year,
an increase of 1,400. The department urges you to use
care with fireworks and follow these important safety tips:
• Only use fireworks outdoors.
• Read and follow all instructions on fireworks.
• Obey all local laws when using fireworks.
• Closely supervise children when fireworks are being
used. Only adults should ignite the fireworks.
• Always have a bucket of water or sand nearby.
• Alcohol and fireworks do not mix.
• Never try to reignite used or faulty fireworks.
Enjoy Independence Day celebrations by using fireworks
safely or consider a safer option: enjoy public displays of
fireworks conducted by trained professionals.
Fire Rescue Department offers fireworks tips for July 4th safety
Page 19
Local Businesses
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am
Team Elite - 8:30-10am
Adult Chess Class - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Team Golf - 1-2:30pm
Tennis RR - 9am
Adult Gentle Yoga - 9:30am
Knit & Crochet - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Men’s Tennis Singles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Women’s Tennis - 9:30am
Children’s Story Times:
Teen Programming - 9am
Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Kids Learning Program-2pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Teen Programming - 9am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Great Courses - 12pm
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Creativity Time - 2pm (5-12yrs)
Share a Story with Pearl - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Teen Programming - 9am
Adult Yoga - 9:30am
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Kids Movies - 2pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Tennis RR - 9am
Adult Gentle Yoga - 9:30am
Knit & Crochet - 11am
Reading Buddies —
Kids & Teens - 2pm
A.M. Tennis Clinic - call for time
Men’s Advanced Singles -
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Women’s Tennis - 9:30am
Children’s Story Times:
Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Kids Learning Program-2pm
Lighthouse Camera Club-
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Teen Programming - 9am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Great Courses - 12pm
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Creativity Time - 2pm (5-12yrs)
Share a Story with Pearl - 3pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Teen Programming - 9am
Adult Yoga - 9:30am
Rock Painting - 1pm
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Kids Movies - 2pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics -11am
Council Meeting - 7:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am
Adult Chess - 9am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Happy Father’s Day!
(17th only)
Tennis RR - 9am
Adult Gentle Yoga - 9:30am
Knit & Crochet - 11am
Reading Buddies —
Kids & Teens - 2pm
A.M. Tennis Clinic - call for time
Men’s Adv. Singles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Women’s Tennis - 9:30am
Children’s Story Times:
Toddler - 9:30am (17mo-3yr)
Preschool - 10:30am (3-5yr)
Baby - 11:30am (birth-17mo)
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Kids Learning Program-2pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Cardio Tennis - 10am
Teen Programming - 9am
Story Time - 10:30am (2-5yr)
Great Courses - 12pm
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Creativity Time - 2pm (5-12yrs)
Share a Story with Pearl - 3pm
Lighthouse Camera Club (30th
only) - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics - 11am
Zumba - 6pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Teen Programming - 9am
Adult Yoga - 9:30am
Hearing Loss Support Group -
(24th only) - 11am
Teen Volunteer Program-1:30pm
Kids Movies - 2pm
Men’s Tennis Doubles - 6:30pm
Water Aerobics -11am
Council Meeting (28th) - 7:30pm
Tennis Clinic - 8:30am
Quilters Group - 10am
Water Aerobics - 11am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Junior Golf Clinic - 10-11am
Driving Range Hours:
Golf Shop Hours:
Restaurant Hours:
Library Hours:
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-7pm
Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pm
Sun. 1pm-5pm
Pool Hours: (closed until mid July)
Mon. - Fri. 10am-4pm
Sat. 10am-6pm
Sun. 12pm-6pm
Members Only Swim
Mon. - Fri. 10am-12pm
Public Use Swim
Mon. - Fri. 12pm-4pm
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Mon. - Thurs. 8am-10pm
Fri. - Sun. 8am-dark
Tennis Office/Retail Shop Hours:
Mon. - Thurs. 8am-7pm
Fri. 8am-5pm
Sat. & Sun. 8am-12pm
Village of North Palm Beach
501 US Hwy 1
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
The North Palm Beach Country Club and Village Tavern
Closed for renovation
951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408, 561-691-3430, www.npbcc.org
Parks & Recreation
• Youth Summer Camp - June 4 - 9 & July 2 - 27, NPB Community Center
• Friday Night Pool Parties - Postponed until July 27 & August 10, NPBCC
• Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament, Saturday, August 12
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage, Trash, & Bulk Items
Tuesdays - Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage, Trash & Bulk Items
Thursdays - Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage, Trash & Bulk Items
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours
Mon-Thur, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Country Club
Membership 691-3438
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Human Resources 882-1155
Library 841-3383
Police and Fire:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Osborne Park 841-3387
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
David B. Norris
Mark Mullinix
Vice Mayor
Susan Bickel
President Pro Tem
Darryl C. Aubrey
Deborah Searcy
Andrew D. Lukasik
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, MMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members may be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355
Regular meetings are held at 7:30 pm the
2nd & 4th Thursday of the month and are
open to the public.
All meetings are held at:
Village Hall Council Chambers
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Council
Boards/Committees Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………………………….. on call
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing ....... 1st Monday, on call
Construction Board of Adjustment ........................................... on call
Golf Advisory Board .................................. 3rd Monday, monthly, 6 p.m.
Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Committee .............................. on call
Library Advisory Board ………………….....… 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
Pension Board - General Employees ......................................... on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire ................................................... on call
Planning Commission ………………..…...1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m.
Recreation Advisory Boar……………………. 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
Waterways Board………………...… next to last Tuesday, monthly, 4 p.m.
Zoning Board of Adjustment .................................................... on call
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, June 14th, 2018, 7:30 pm
Thursday, June 28th, 2018, 7:30 pm
Holiday Garbage Collection Schedule
NOTE: There will be no pick-up of any kind on
Wednesday, July 4.
All other July days will be on the regular schedule.